Mother did a sigh.

"Whatever," she said.

After that, she gave me another hug. And she closed my door.

I jumped up and opened it again.

"Yeah, only I think I will sleep with the door opened tonight," I said. "You know ... just in case I start screaming my head off in the middle of the night because there"s a witch in here."

Mother said, "I give up." "I give up."

I give up means the same as means the same as whatever whatever, I believe.

After that, she kissed me one more time.

And she left my room.

The next morning, I woke up very relieved.

Because guess what?

I made it through the night! That"s what!

I hugged myself real happy.

Then, all of a sudden, I remembered about the fairy. And my heart started to pound and pound. "Cause maybe there was money under my pillow right that very minute!

I took a big breath.

Then, very careful, I reached under there. And I felt all around.

And bingo!

My fingers touched something!

I grabbed ahold of it and pulled it out.

Then I sat up straight in bed.

And I laughed and laughed.

"Cause good news! Ha!


I zoomed to the kitchen and skipped around the table.

"CASH! CASH! I GOT CASH!" I hollered real thrilled.


I looked all around the kitchen.

Then I stopped skipping.

Because no one was actually in there.

I zoomed back down the hall.


Mother stuck her head out of Ollie"s room. "We"re in here, honey!" she called.

I skipped into Ollie"s room and showed them my money.

"Look, people! I got cash! I got cash!" I said. "Only I don"t know how much it adds up to. But it is a bundle, I bet!"

Daddy"s eyes got big and wide at my money.

"Whoa! The tooth fairy must have been feeling very generous last night," he said.

"I know it," I said. "I love that fairy, Daddy. She left me money. And she didn"t even pinch my cheeks!"

Ollie was sitting in his crib. He smiled out the bars at me.

I looked surprised at him.

"What"s wrong with Ollie, Mother?" I asked. "Why is he smiling? Is he sick or something?"

Mother laughed. "No, silly," she said. "When I came in this morning, he was playing in his crib ... happy as can be."

I scratched my head. "Really? Ollie"s happy?" happy?" I said. "That"s odd." I said. "That"s odd."

Daddy picked him up.

"Well, actually Ollie had a little surprise for us this morning, too," he said.

He sat down with Ollie on the floor. Then, very gentle, he took my finger. And he rubbed it against Ollie"s gums.

"Hey!" I said. "It"s ridgedy!" ridgedy!"

Daddy grinned. "It sure is," he said. "That"s Ollie"s first tooth, Junie B."

My whole mouth came open at that good news!

"A tooth?" tooth?" I said. "Ollie got a tooth?" I said. "Ollie got a tooth?"

I felt the ridges some more.

"Wowie wow wow! Last night was a good tooth night for both both of us!" I said. of us!" I said.

"Yes, it was," said Daddy. "What a neat coincidence, huh? Ollie got his first tooth on the very same night that the fairy came to get yours."

Mother ruffled my hair. "It"s almost like Ollie was waiting for the tooth fairy to come, too, Junie B. Just like you."

I smiled at the thought of that.

Then, all of a sudden, I stood real still. And goose b.u.mps came on my arms.

"Wait a minute," I said real soft. "What "What did you just say, Mother?" did you just say, Mother?"

Mother looked at me kind of strange. "I said it"s almost like Ollie was waiting for the tooth fairy to come, too."

Just then, I did a loud gasp.

"That"s it it!" I said. "That"s it it! That"s it it!"

I springed way high in the air. Then I twirled all around. And I hugged Mother real tight.

"Ollie did did wait for the fairy!" I said. "He waited for the fairy, just like me!" wait for the fairy!" I said. "He waited for the fairy, just like me!"

Mother and Daddy raised their eyebrows very curious.

I skipped all around them in a circle.

"Don"t you get get it?" I said. "The fairy it?" I said. "The fairy recycled recycled! She recycled recycled my baby tooth! And she gave it to Ollie!" my baby tooth! And she gave it to Ollie!"

My feet started to dance.

"It"s perfect!" I said. "It"s just like Dan, Dan the Soda Can! The fairy took my tooth! And she made it all shiny and new! And then she gave it to my very own baby brother!"

I quick bent down and felt Ollie"s gum again.

"Yes-sir-ee-bob! That"s my tooth, all right! I"d know that tooth anywhere!" I said.

Daddy scratched his head.

"Well, I"ll be," he said.

Mother laughed. "What a great idea."

"It is is, Mother!" I said. "It is is a great idea! Plus also, it is a big relief. "Cause the tooth fairy doesn"t just throw teeth in the garbage. Now I know that for a great idea! Plus also, it is a big relief. "Cause the tooth fairy doesn"t just throw teeth in the garbage. Now I know that for sure." sure."

I looked at my money again.

"It"s just like Miss Chris told us!" I said real squealy. "Recycling makes cents! cents! Get it, Mother? Get it, Daddy? Get it, Mother? Get it, Daddy? Cents Cents sounds like sounds like sense sense! Ha! That"s a good one, right?"

After that, I zoomed to my room to get dressed for school.


I put on my favorite pants and sweater.

Then I quick ran back to Ollie. And I felt his tooth some more.

He smiled at me again.

I smiled back at him.

"Cause what do you know?

I think I might like that boy after all!

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