Just Deserts

Chapter 4.

Chapter 4.

Tristan took a deep breath as he struggled to retain his composure. Did she really mean what she was asking for? He knew she was not a child. She was a woman with needs, needs she could define, and it seemed she had clearly identified hers.

He studied her face and saw the embarra.s.sing tint she couldn"t hide. He knew it had probably taken a lot to ask something like that of him. He realized, too, just how difficult things must be for her. He knew horniness was no joke, since he"d been afflicted by it a few times. He"d always figured Dani was a sensual and pa.s.sionate woman, and the last thing she"d needed had been a man who hadn"t delivered, like the a.s.shole she"d married.

Believing that the best relationships started with friendship, he kept his voice steady when he said, "Um, what"s your definition of "lover"?" He needed to make sure they were on the same page and wanted the same thing.

She didn"t say anything for a few moments and then she spoke in a voice that sounded raspy. "A lover is someone you sleep with."

"You just slept with me. Would that make us lovers?"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, for heaven"s sake, Tristan, you know what I mean, so stop playing around and-"

She suddenly found herself tumbled on her back. He loomed over her. "Trust me, Dani, I"m not playing around."

And then he captured her mouth with his. On her startled gasp he curled his tongue around hers and took total control of her mouth as he moved forward into a heated kiss. Immediately pa.s.sion flared as their tongues dueled not for possession but in desperation to appease the hunger both of them felt. It was an expression of need, want and desire all wrapped up in one, and something he thought had taken too long to come. She looped her arms around his neck and he was well aware that this was what he dreamed about every night, what he thought about most of his days. A willing Danielle in his arms, not as his friend, but as his lover.

He knew he had to pull back or he"d have her naked in a heartbeat. On a ragged groan he pulled his mouth from hers and watched how she swiped a tongue over her lips as if she missed the taste of him already.

"You said that you were desperately in need of a lover," he said, trying to get his breathing under control. "I hope that kiss proves you"re not the only one. It"s been quite a while for me and-"

"Why?" she interrupted him by asking. "Why has it been a while? Why haven"t you been seeing anyone?"

Tristan knew that her question was the perfect opening to confess that he hadn"t been seeing anyone because he had fallen in love with her and didn"t want anyone else. A part of him felt that maybe he should be upfront with her and tell her how he felt now. But another part of him wasn"t sure she was ready for anything as deep as that sort of confession. The last thing he wanted to do was make things awkward between them, do something to make her draw away. Right now her concentration was mainly on satisfying her physical needs. The reason she had come to him was she knew he would do anything and everything for her. She had no idea of the emotion that drove him to do so now.

Deciding to answer her question, he said, "I"ve been too busy to date anyone, Dani. You of all people should know that. Besides, too many women have marriage on their minds. They want a ring before the relationship even gets going good. I"m not ready to settle down." He was lying, saying what sounded good coming from a bachelor, even though he would marry her in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself. He knew he had her convinced when she nodded as if what he"d said made sense.

"Like I was saying before you interrupted," he continued, "s.e.x for me is something that"s out of sight, out of mind. I have a very strong s.e.xual appet.i.te and I"m afraid that if I get it back into my system I"ll want it all the time. Could you handle that, Dani? Could you handle me wanting to make love to you all the time?"

He saw how her eyes darkened. He saw how she nervously swiped her bottom lip with her tongue. His gut tightened seeing it. Then she said softly but with strong conviction, "Yes, I could handle it."

He studied her for a moment, felt his body begin to throb. He knew she could handle it, as well, since she"d done a d.a.m.n good job on that kiss a few moments ago. Besides, she was the only woman who could handle him, because she was the only one he wanted.

"We"ve been friends for a long time, Dani, and over the last five years we"ve become the best of friends. Becoming intimate might be awkward for us at first, so I suggest we not rush into anything and just let nature take its course. Just let it happen."


He smiled at the anxiousness he heard in her voice. "We"ll both know when the time is right."

From the look on her face he wasn"t sure she was fully buying what he said, but he knew that she wouldn"t push the issue. "Now, I think we should get dressed for dinner, don"t you?" he asked.

She eased off the bed and he did likewise. And then he pulled her to him and hugged her tight. "I told you that I would take care of you and I will. Even that that way, Dani." He brushed a kiss across her lips. "And you won"t be disappointed." way, Dani." He brushed a kiss across her lips. "And you won"t be disappointed."

While getting dressed for dinner, Danielle replayed her conversation with Tristan over and over in her mind. She had asked him to be her lover and he had agreed to do so only after making sure she knew what it would entail. If his kiss was anything to go by, she knew he would give her just what she wanted. And if he thought he was scaring her off by telling her about his ferocious s.e.xual appet.i.te, he thought wrong. Someone with a ferocious s.e.xual appet.i.te was exactly what she needed. And just like she said, she could handle him. Evidently he wasn"t fully convinced of that, so she needed to prove him wrong.

Dressed in her bra and a thong, she walked over to the closet and selected the dress she had sent out to get pressed earlier. A black, slinky minidress was just what she needed tonight to feel s.e.xy and to turn the heat up a notch. Tristan had underestimated her.

Smiling, she pulled the dress off the hanger and slipped into it, working the zipper up in the back. The short hemline was meant to show off her shapely legs, and the deep V neckline was meant to show off her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A pair she"d always been proud of because they were full, firm and real.

She had to admit that it seemed strange setting Tristan up for seduction, but she had given fair warning and he had agreed to be her lover. She figured making love with him once or twice ought to take care of things.

Walking back over to the bed, she stepped into the pair of black leather toe-strap sandals that complimented her outfit. She had put on her makeup earlier and just needed to apply her lipstick. She remembered how during her early modeling days she would get pumped up and excited when any photo shoot came her way. Now the only thing she wanted coming her way was Tristan.

She crossed the room to the dresser and picked up a sample packet of Arouse, a new cologne one of her modeling friends had sent her a few weeks ago. She dabbed it on a few places on her body thought of as pa.s.sion points, not actually smelling anything. It was said to work off your body"s chemistry and only a man could pick up the enticing scent from a woman. One whiff was supposed to stir a man"s blood, rob him of his senses and make him think of only one thing-making love.

She heard a door click shut and knew Tristan had come out of his bedroom into the sitting area to wait for her. Things were definitely looking a lot brighter than the gloom she had encountered earlier today while talking to Alex and Renee. She intended to spend the rest of her vacation days putting everything out of her mind and enjoying herself.

After finding out the depth of Marc"s betrayal, she had wondered if she would ever become involved with a man again. She figured if anything, she would be overly cautious when the time came. The only reason she felt at ease now was that the man was Tristan. Alex and Renee thought she and Tristan had something going on, anyway, so they might as well make it real.

Taking one last look at herself, she headed for the door.

Tristan glanced at the clock on the wall as he picked up a magazine from the coffee table. He was a few minutes early, so he sank into the sofa and got comfortable, stretching his long legs out in front of him. He couldn"t get out of his mind the conversation he and Danielle had shared. She had actually come out and asked him to be her lover. He intended to oblige her, but only when he felt the time was right. She was in l.u.s.t. He was in love. There was a big difference and one he wanted her to become aware of. The only thing that concerned him was whether their friendship was up to the test. What if, no matter what, she only wanted friendship from him, friendship and a little b.u.mp-and-grind thrown into the mix every once in a while? What if this thing with Marc had affected her in such a way that she didn"t want to have a serious relationship with a man ever again?

He rubbed his hand down his face, refusing to give in to the what-ifs. He intended to show Danielle that with the right man she could have it all-a bed partner, a best friend, a loyal mate and a man who wanted to give her everything, including the family she desired. But he couldn"t tell her any of that. They were things she needed to find out on her own.

Like the kiss they had shared. There was no way she didn"t know that she could turn him on, that he was attracted to her. It was a fact he could no longer hide. During that kiss they had melded their lips together in a lock so tight, he hadn"t wanted to separate in order to breathe. What he had wanted to do was position his body over hers and become the lover she craved. The one she said she needed. Never had kissing a woman sent his senses spinning the way kissing Danielle had. He had savored the taste of her all the way to his bones.

And she had responded in kind, just like he had wanted her to, like he had dreamed so many times that she would. For that brief moment, she had forgotten all about what she had gone through lately, what Alex and Renee had shared with her, and all the emotions she had bottled up inside of her. She had let herself go. She had allowed herself to feel and get as caught up in the moment as he had.

Moments later he rose to his feet when he heard Danielle"s bedroom door opening. He had made dinner reservations at a restaurant the hotel concierge had recommended. It was supposed to be the city"s best steakhouse, and Tristan was eager to sink his teeth into a juicy T-bone.

He leaned over to place the magazine back on the table when Danielle walked into the room. He glanced up at her and his mouth fell open. It was a wonder that she didn"t hear it when it dropped to the floor. He had to catch his breath as his gaze raked over her, up, down and sideways. He wasn"t sure which was worse, her dress or her shoes. Both had "Go ahead and take me" written all over them. At that moment the steak was forgotten and more than anything he wanted to sink his teeth into her.

Danielle saw the look in Tristan"s eyes and smiled. He"d been taken by surprise, basically caught off guard, and she liked that. Pushing back her hair from her face, she moved across the room to where he stood. "You look nice, Tristan," she said in a voice that had a husky sound to it.

"Thanks. You look nice yourself."

"Thank you."

Tristan looked at her again, taking note of how the material of her short black dress clung softly to her curves and small waist. Earlier he had suggested that they not rush into anything and let nature take its course. From the way his body was responding to her, he could safely say nature was taking its course in a big way.

Then there was the scent of her perfume. There was nothing subtle about the musky fragrance that was doing a number on him, turning up the heat and arousing him a degree higher than he"d ever experienced in his life.

"You ready?"

He met her gaze. "Ready for what?" he asked in a throaty voice.

Her smile widened. "Ready for dinner. What else?"

He stared at her for a moment and then said softly, "You"re enjoying this, aren"t you?"

"Enjoying what?" she asked innocently, trying to keep the twitch from her lips.

"Making me sweat."

She arched a brow. "Are you sweating, Tris? You look rather calm to me."

"Trust me. In this case looks are deceiving. It wouldn"t take much for me to order room service and keep you right here in this room with me."

And to think that he"d thought moving from friends to lovers would be awkward for her. She seemed to be handling it very well. But then, the way she had responded to his kiss earlier should have warned him she didn"t need any additional time to warm up to the idea. He had wanted to make sure she understood the implications of what she had asked for. What he"d told her was basically true. He would want to make love to her all the time. He would want as much of her as he could get, everything she would willingly give.

"Come on, let"s get out of here," he said, taking her hand and leading her toward the door.

"And if we don"t?"

He didn"t slow his pace until he made it to the door. Then he stopped and looked at her and said, "If we don"t, you"re going to find out real quick just how it feels to be taken by a desperate man."

To be taken by a desperate man...

Just the thought sent shivers running down Danielle"s spine as she sat across from Tristan at the restaurant. And knowing that the subtle threat had come from his mouth made getting through dinner difficult. They had shared more meals together than she could count. But never before had they dined together while she wondered how it would feel to make love to him.

She didn"t want to make things uncomfortable for Tristan, though. Opening up and letting him know of her needs had been serious enough. Now he knew what she wanted and she was pretty convinced he would eventually give it to her. However, it was up to her to make sure he didn"t get cold feet or drag things out.

She glanced across the table at him and almost lost her breath when his eyes caught hers in a heart-stopping gaze. It didn"t seem real for her to encounter these types of vibes. The chemistry. Where had it come from? Had it been there all the time but she just never realized it? Or was she noticing it now simply because of her own physical needs?

So many questions with no answers, at least not any that she could provide. She was seeing Tristan through different eyes and couldn"t help wondering when those eyes had opened. And why.

"What are you thinking about, Dani?"

His voice, low and seductive, stirred something inside of her, made heat settle in certain parts of her body. "I was thinking about us, Tristan, and what brought us to this."

He lifted a brow. "To what? Dinner?"

She knew he was teasing her. He fully understood what she was trying to say. "No, what brought us to sitting here, trying to kill time until we get back to our hotel room, and then wondering what will happen when we do."

"I already know what will happen when we do."

She did, too, and the thought sent heat through her body. "What happened to your suggestion about not rushing into anything and letting nature take its course?"

He smiled. It was a nice smile that went from one corner of his lips to the other, making her fully aware of him and his mood. "What happened was that killer dress you"re wearing. I"m looking forward to taking it off you."

Danielle was glad their table was in a secluded spot, far away from others. She would have hated for anyone else to have heard what he"d just said. He was bold and deliberate, and she liked it. "And I"m looking forward to taking your clothes off, as well."

She saw the way his eyes darkened, noted the hand that moved to pick up his winegla.s.s and watched his mouth as he took a sip. Tonight was a night of awareness, responsiveness and total focus. She didn"t intend to miss a thing.

"So, what do you want to talk about other than the two of us getting each other naked when we get back to the room?" he asked in a husky tone.

She smiled, liking the thought of that. "I guess we can talk about what happened to bring us to this point."

He raised a brow. "You asked me to be your lover. I would say that was good starting point."

"Yes, but I really wasn"t sure you would go along with it."

"Why not?"

"Because of our friendship."

He didn"t say anything for a moment. Then, "It"s because of our friendship that I feel comfortable doing it. There"s nothing I wouldn"t do for you, Dani. I think you know that. Besides, I understand the workings of the human body. You"re a grown woman who knows what she wants and what she needs. And I also know what you"ve been going without. I"m glad you turned to me and not someone else."

Her lips curved into a smile. "To be honest, I hadn"t thought of going to anyone. My first inclination was to purchase a...a toy. But then..."

When she hesitated, he inquired, "But then what?"

She waited for the flutters to cease in her stomach before saying, "But then I remembered how deep our relationship goes, and how comfortable we are with each other. Some might see what I"ve asked of you as taking advantage of our friendship, but I know it"s not that at all. Although I wasn"t sure what your response would be, a part of me felt comfortable asking."

Tristan didn"t say anything. Instead, he thought of how many agonizing nights he had lain in his bed after she"d married, knowing he had lost her, yet knowing he had to find it in his heart to want what was best for her. He"d wanted her to be happy, even if that happiness was with another man.

Nothing had changed in that regard. He still wanted her to be happy. If he could take away what she"d had to endure for the past couple of months, he would. There was no way he could undo the past, but what he could do was build on the future. One step at a time. He would give her the time she needed and would be by her side when she finally brought closure to this complicated part of her life. Then he would become a part of her life in the way he"d wanted for a long time.

He knew what his own needs were, but he"d hold them at bay to take care of hers. She didn"t know it, but his went deeper than just the physical. They would never get worked out of his system no matter how many times they made love, simply because it wasn"t just an itch he needed her to scratch. It was something so monumental it was almost overpowering. It was so deep that the bottom seemed endless, and so strong he felt like Samson on one of his better days, before his hair had been cut.

"How would you feel if I suggest we forgo dessert?" he asked, knowing she would get his meaning. He felt the sensual heat of her gaze when it touched his face.

"I was going to get a slice of key lime pie. It"s my favorite."

A smile touched his lips. "I know. But I promise to give you something just as good."

Their gazes held. "Just as good?" she asked as if intrigued by his claim.

"Yes." And at the risk of sounding rather c.o.c.ky, he gave her a level look and said, "Key lime pie has nothing on what I"m prepared to give you."

She smiled and felt the slow stirring of heat between her legs. "You have me convinced. I think we should leave now."

"And I totally agree with you."

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