
Chapter 7.1: Feet and Tail (1)

TL: Yeah, "em still filling up my owed chapters. If "em not wrong, it"s still three chapters to go after this one. Please bear (hug) with me. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Well then, just to be clear, "em still planning to release bonus chapter(s?). Good things come to those who wait. Huehue~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chapter 7.1: Feet and Tail (1)

“Very good. Everything is falling according to my plan. All that is left is to wait."

Someone was patiently watching the bubble floating ahead. Inside of this bubble, one can see the image of a mermaid, the Head Maayo, lying down on the huge sh.e.l.l. This someone was very pleased with this picture of sorrow. For a long time, it had wished to end the life of this mermaid being projected in its front. She was the very reason, the wick that ended and depraved its own fate. And finally, this someone can gradually feel the fulfillment of its greatest desire, revenge.

Managat was still feeling distressed, so he fled away again from the palace and now he"s sitting on the rocky area where he previously talked with a mortal girl named Eda. Now that he remembered her, he can"t help smiling. That mortal girl has a unique allure. She has a different kind of beauty compared with the mermaids from their kingdom. He couldn"t explain but he thought that her attractiveness was of a special kind. At that moment, he also wondered if the girl was thinking of him, too.

He smiled again and shook his head. What was he thinking? He couldn"t believe himself. A mortal and a merman like him can never be together. Instead, he reminded himself that their Head Maayo was still presently under a serious illness.

He laid his eyes to the horizon at the place where the sun was setting and unconsciously held the gemstone on the necklace that he was wearing. This was the gift given to him by Sarapay, Maalam"s lover, when Managat was still little. Just like Maalam, his father, she was also a healer and together, they both served the Head Maayo and the merfolks.

She was a good mother, an ever thoughtful and always the understanding one. But she"s often inside the palace; if not, she"d be looking for and gathering materials and ingredients for the cure of various ailments. But though she couldn"t be with him all the time, he was still cared for as if she was his real parent.

However, one day, a tragic news arrived to Maalam"s family. His father was summoned first to the palace and the Head Maayo was the one who delivered the bad news to him. Sarapay was killed.

According to a witness, she was caught through a fisherman’s fishing net. And when the fisherman learned that he caught a mermaid, he deliberately killed her. No one was able to find the body of Sarapay afterwards. Only her fins" remains were found when the rescuers reached the scene. Many believed that she was already devoured by the sharks.

Maalam fell in great misery because of this tragedy and since then, he has been preaching Managat that the mortals were vile and ruthless; that they were all evil creatures and never again will there be peace between the Lawodnons1 and the mortals.

However, Managat thought that there has been misunderstanding towards the mortals as the mortals have towards to his likes.

Once again, the young merman"s fingers ran through the gemstone. Mother, please help me, he called in his mind. I couldn"t stand my second mother to perish, too.

A rustle has interrupted his pondering. He suddenly became nervous. He was about to jump into the water when he heard his name being called.



1Lawodnon - residents of Lalawod (Kingdom of the merfolks)

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