Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 32


Kanna no Kanna 33

How did it turn to this?

Or so you thought I"d say huh!

(Who am I talking to?)

I self-quipped myself.

…………Seems like my head is getting hot in a good way.

“Is this one putting enough power degozaru ka?”

By the time my thoughts were starting to go wild, Chloe talked to me while she rubbed my back with the towel.

“Yeah, it"s just fine.”

“That is good degozaru…………”

Even when she says that it"s good, her words are barely audible. Though she"s the one who started this, she"s embarra.s.sed all the same huh. Of course, I am too.

And that"s why I"m now in the middle of having Chloe-san wash my back degozaru.

Though it"s a talk for later, it"s been decided that Faima will lend Chloe the money she needs in this journey. Being only on the receiving end is frustrating for Chloe. Looking for any way possible to show her grat.i.tude, Chloe saw me going to the bath alone. Having confirmed that I was the only person there, she made up her resolve and invaded the men"s bath. Of course she didn"t forget to leave the 『in preparation』sign in front of the changing room so that no one comes in.

“It is a custom of the people of Hinoizur to wash their backs when entertaining our guests degozaru.”

The similarity of Hinoizur to j.a.pan is terrifying.

“This one doesn"t count this as returning even a part of my favor degozaru. But this one just wanted you to know that this one feels great grat.i.tude towards you degozaru.”

Even I can"t refuse her when she says something like this with that tomato face and those straight eyes. Though I already washed my body before getting in the bath, there is no problem in having her wash my back again.

“The last time I did this was when I washed father"s back as child degozaru. As expected, the back of a man is big degozaru.”

“Mine is on the small side though.”

“Even then, it"s totally different from a woman"s back degozaru yo.”

Probably because I"m not looking at her and that she"s focused on washing my back, I could feel the tension disappearing from Chloe"s voice. Did she also get used to the task? Her hands which were awkward at first were now moving smoothly. My embarra.s.sment disappeared too as I got used to the situation and let her do as she pleased with me.

For a while the only sound that could be heard in the bath was that of Chloe washing my back.

“Kannshi can I ask you something degozaru ka?”

“What is it?”

“At that time in the valley when everyone else thought to put this one at peace out of pity, only Kannshi was thinking about saving this one, why is that?”

“Didn"t you hear from the others? I simply didn"t like the idea of the guy who manipulates others from behind the scene getting his way.”

And it would have been good if you had information about the mastermind.

“…………While this one was unconscious, I heard a『voice』degozaru.”

” Was it the guy who controlled you?”

“That"s wrong degozaru. It was a totally different voice degozatta. That voice said this to me.”

ーーーーSomething like the mastermind"s scenario, I"ll blow it to pieces.

It"s a line I remember having heard somewhere…………

“The moment this one heard that voice coming from the depth of my chest, that hateful voice that was ruling this one disappeared along with my body heat degozaru.”

It was at that time, when Faima removed that crystal from Chloe"s chest. The reason she felt the heat disappearing is because I literally froze her heart.

“This one already heard about the way she was saved degozaru. It surprised me degozaru. This one never though that you would stop my heart while I still lived degozaru. I also heard how the one who got it moving again was Kannshi.”

“It"s not like I did it alone. It was only possible because Faima knew about CPR. That was a bet to say the least, to stop the heart of a living person in a place without proper equipment is not what a sane person would do.”

“Nevertheless, as a result this one is alive right now degozaru.”

“There was no prove that you were going to be saved. Don"t just take the fact that it went well and forget the rest like some embodiment of good will.”

If it was a case where saving Chloe brought me a big risk, I probably wouldn"t have saved her. Our relationship isn"t so great that I"d suffer some sacrifices for her. I didn"t have enough materials to do that much for her out of kindness.

“…………At that time this one was fine with dying degozaru yo.”

“…………What could you mean by that?”

Without realizing it myself, my voice got sharper. It was fine to die, she says? I felt anger Towards the words that indicate throwing aside that life that I took the trouble of saving.

“Please don"t misunderstand, this one is truly grateful for having saved my life. Since this one got to live, this one will do everything she can to survive until this favor is completely payed back.”

Hitari, and the arms of Chloe touched my back. i felt a warmth that"s not mine and the emotions that surged within me calmed down.

(TL: Hitari? What"s this guy talking about?)

“Honestly speaking, this one could have fought against the『voice』. If it didn"t sit with me to be manipulated, this one should have ended her life. That I didn"t was simply because I felt that my life was too precious and chose obedience over death.”

I"m not so much of a proud human that I would criticize that. I would never tell her to die for her pride.

“But only that time was different degozaru. At that time When this one was embraced by that refreshing cold, I truly believed it fine to die while feeling all the thoughts that tied me disappear degozaru. I thought it fine to meet my end at the hand of that gentle frost degozaru.”

It sounds like she desired her own death. But I didn"t feel the anger that I felt before. The voice of Chloe as she recited her thoughts was calm enough that it even sounded peaceful.

“It is most likely that if you had just saved my life, I would have continued to fear that『voice』as long as I live. But now as long as I remember that peaceful feeling, this one won"t fall under that『voice』"s rule ever again. That"s why, this one wanted to thank you again.”

For some reason, I was sure those words came from the bottom of her heart.

“…………By the way, don"t you think that"s enough washing my back?”

“Eh? Ah, that"s right degozaru na.”

“No well, I"ll be troubled if you don"t retort me there.”

“Hyauu?!Eh, ah, no, wait a little.”

What happened? Did her serious air from before disappear? Chloe was getting fl.u.s.tered behind me.

“…………Guts degozaru.…………An is guts is what Mother…………This is also how Mother…………Father.”

Suddenly, Chloe started muttering something. I felt something helplessness in her voice. Coming this far, did she find the situation to be embarra.s.sing?

Frankly speaking, my heart has been maintaining a state of calm and serenity since the moment Chloe entered. The one behind me, despite being a gozaru girl, is no doubt the owner of a voluptuous and magnificent body. The moment I think about it, my『son』down there will be fast awake. Please continue your sleep. I"ll wake you up later.

“Ka, Kannshi!”

“Hoeh?! Eh, ah, what?”

surprised by Chloe"s loud voice that came when I was putting my son to sleep, I let out a weird voice.

“Excuse me degozaru…!”

If you take her words literally, she finished her act of grat.i.tude which she came for and couldn"t bear with this situation any longer. Hence, she"s leaving the bath. I also thought so when I heard her.

ーーーーMunyuri, until I felt those soft lumps on my back, that is.

(TL: Munyuri. What"s a munyuri? is it delicious?)

Of all things, let alone leaving the bath, Chloe hugged me from behind.

“Eh, hey Chloe-san, what are you doing?!”

“Hu, hugging you degozaru.”

“That"s totally not what I"m asking though—!!!”

Putting her arms around my chest, Chloe was sticking her body to mine. This sensation on my back no doubt belongs to the two fruits dangling from Chloe"s chest. And in the middle of that softness I felt a hard sensation. She"s sticking so close even her decolletage is touching me. Don"t tell me she took off her towel? She"s in her birthday suit?!!

She took it off herself?!!

“Stop this Chloe, This position is simply bad.”

“Don"t worry degozaru. It"s pretty bad for this one too degozaru.”

“Go look up the meaning of bad in a dictionary! That"s not what I want to say!”

“Please don"t move much degozaru. That…………They"re rubbing and making this one feel weird degozaru.”

“Then let go!”

With every little movement I make, *munyumunyu* the soft protrusions on her chest, Chloe"s melons *kuikuri* rub against my back.

“Just what"s gotten into you?!! As I thought you were a s.l.u.t huh?!!”

“What do you mean as you thought degozaru ka?!! The women of Hinoizur are well know for being yamatonadeshiko degozaru zo!!”

(TL: For those who don"t know, yamatonadeshiko is the google it)

“A yamatonadeshiko doesn"t enter the men"s bath and start hugging guys!”

“This one was told that this one"s Mother sealed the deal with my stubborn Father in this same way.”

“She"s a rather aggressive one, your mom!”

Is that even a talk you should be telling your daughter who"s come of age.

“Mother told me degozaru! If you get naked and hug them like this, men are nothing to fear! Even these b.r.e.a.s.t.s that are always in the way become the mightiest of weapons!”

“Your Mother is absolutely no yamatonadeshiko!”

No matter how you look at it, She belongs in the other side.

“What are you saying degozaru ka?!! Mother is respected by the neighboring ladies as the model of the good woman.”

“You"re telling me to believe that with this flow?”

“……………………That would be hard degozaru na.”

“Hmm? You"re normaly agreeing?!!”

“N, no. The usual Mother is always elegantly following behind Father degozaru yo. Just that…. when it comes to love life she becomes a little….”

A lady at day and a beast at night huh.

…………I might just want such a bride.

(No, I"m telling you to stop thinking stupid stuff.)

Thanks to my idiotic thoughts that kicked in like always, a bit of calm returned to my overheating head. Making use of that, I released calm sounding words, regardless of how I was feeling on the inside.

“Cut it out already!”

I clenched my fist as if to give shape to my words.

“I didn"t save you so that you would do something like this. We"re both not children. Beyond this point can"t be wrapped up as a joke.”

“…………This one too, I wouldn"t do something like this as a simple joke degozaru.”

Gutto, Chloe puts more power in the arms holding me. I could feel her heartbeats growing faster. Yet contrary to her heart, Chloe"s words were becoming rather calm.

“Mere words aren"t enough to express my grat.i.tude degozaru. Even if this one was to line up tens of thousands of treasures, it wouldn"t be enough degozaru.”

My heartbeat was also going so fast, I thought I"d go crazy. The sound of the throbbing is reaching my ears.

“Not just with words or riches, this one was desperately thinking of a way to return the favor degozaru. That"s when this one recalled the story of how Mother and Father got together degozaru.”

At that time she heard me going to the bath huh. And the rest is as I know it.

“At first I was only going to wash your back degozaru. No matter how much grat.i.tude this one was feeling towards you, that is…………I didn"t have the courage for something like yobai.”

This situation counts as yobai?

“But after reconfirming my feelings of grat.i.tude for you, all the hesitation I had had disappeared. This one is really Mother"s daughter.”


“I won"t say something like take responsibility degozaru. I understand that Kannshi is also in the middle of a journey. But if you have the slightest intention of accepting my feelings then…”

Chloe brings her mouth to my ear and whispers.

“…………Tonight, I"ll offer my body to you.”

Something broke inside me.

The final bit of reason in me was about to fly off any time.

I tore off Chloe"s hands that were on my chest and moved away from her.


I turned my body towards Chloe who leaked a sad voice.

I gaze into her pitch black eyes as she gazes into mine. Though her face was red enough, confirming my eyes dyed in l.u.s.t, that redness went up all at once.

i finally looked at her whole wholly naked whole body.

Till now I have seen girls" bodies in magazines and on the net numerous times, I am a man of age after all. I can"t count the number of times I was picturing myself in this kinda situation, going full ero and thinking how I"d do this and that.

But now that I was beholding the real thing, I could only lose my words.

Her pretty face. Her lean waist. Her big round a.s.s. Her smooth limbs. No words came out as I was dominated by a fever in both mind and body.

I somehow control my bursting heart.

The final brake was ironically a certain part of her rich chest.

A scar could be seen On her unblemished skin.

Having noticed my line of sight, Chloe slightly touches the mark with her fingers.

“I asked this town"s healing magician to cure the wound. It doesn"t hurt anymore.”

(TL: Chloe here starts talking in normal keigo(polite tone))

“But a scar remained.”

“I don"t mind. In fact, I shall proudly think of it as the proof of having been released from my constrains. Of having been saved by you.”

(TL: You might not care but when Chloe says you to Kanna she always uses anatsama, which is just a super respectful you.)

I noticed that Chloe"s dialect has changed out of the blue. I was going to ask about it, but then again, it"s not problem. In fact, it only serves to make her more alluring as a『woman』.

“For the last time. It"s really fine, right? You won"t regret it after moving on impulses?”

“…………True enough, what"s moving me now is something momentary. But there will never come a time when I regret this moment.”

“I got it.”

I extend my hand to Chloe"s cheek and draw her face closer to mine. She shudders for a moment upon my touch, but soon relaxes her body, closing her eyes.

Tilting our necks a little, I overlapped my lips with hers.

Our first kiss was a soft one with our lips merely touching.

Our lips part and Chloe"s face was obviously right in front of me.

Chloe"s crimson cheek and wet eyes, her soft lips that I just took came into view.


Chloe calls my name, in her voice I sensed a clear desire to pile our lips again.

It was then that the reluctance I had felt disappeared completely. Despite our lips having only touched, pleasure that I never tasted before a.s.saulted me.

Once more, we exchanged a kiss in each other"s embrace. Stronger, deeper, longer than the first time. Chloe"s soft double mountain attack a.s.saulted me around the chest. My sanity received clear damage from the combination of Chloe"s sweet lips soft lumps attacks.

(TL: The author actually didn"t say it like that but the meaning doesn"t change so np, right? Tehe)

Having forgotten to breathe through my nose, I release Chloe in search of oxygen. It seems Chloe was the same as she started taking deep breaths the moment our lips parted.

Estimating the timing we regained our breaths, the third kiss. This time it was Chloe who pushed for it. Putting her hand behind my back, she kissed me while thrusting her lips and body into me.

As I opened my eyes in the middle of the kiss, I barely caught Chloe"s dog ears moving pikupiku. Like a cat that found a wild foxtail millet, I curiously extend my hands to the swaying beast ears and touch them.


Chloe"s body suddenly shivers, then she closes her eyes as if enduring something. I take my hands off her ears in a hurry.

“Eh? Ah, I"m sorry. Did that hurt?”

“That"s not it. Apparently, the ears of elfs and beastmen are more sensitive than the other races", so it just surprised me.”

“Is that so? Sorry for touching them out of the blue.”


After fidgeting a little, Chloe embarra.s.singly said

“If possible, I"d like you to continue playing with them.”


While exchanging a kiss, I gently rubbed her beast ears, feeling her wet fur on my fingers. I might get addicted to the sensation of her soft meat. When I started rubbing the tips, bottom and inside of her ears, she began fidgeting around and strengthened the force of her kiss.

Her appearance was so s.e.xy and erotic. Unable to hold myself back, my tongue invaded her mouth.

Confused at the sudden invasion, Chloe tried to separate her body from mine. However, I"m not letting her go anywhere. I proceed to『dominate』Chloe"s mouth with my tongue while not forgetting to move my hand that was caressing her ears behind her head, getting hold of her as I continue patting her ears with the other hand.

Feeling a heat that"s not mine. I move my tongue to absorb Chloe"s scalding heat and saliva. Every motion of my tongue or fingers sends shivers down Chloe"s body.

Enjoying her mouth like that for a while, I noticed that I forgot to breathe once again. This time though, without stopping the kiss, I take the air through my nose. Simultaneously, I trace the inside of Chloe"s mouth with my tongue.


Suddenly, I felt a heat that"s not mine on the tip of my tongue. Chloe"s tongue. Poking my tongue hesitatingly, she stimulated it.

Holding back my desire of dominating her mouth, I lightly lick her tongue back. Despite quivering for a moment, Chloe bites at my tongue. Moving her tongue awkwardly, she was licking my tongue in a desire to perceive my presence.

Though, our movements were quieter than before, only the wet sound of our tongues intertwining reverberated through the bath.


When the movements of our tongues reached the climax, the body of Chloe greatly shook. Making a soundless shout, she lost all strength.

…………That just now was undoubtedly…

I take my tongue out of Chloe"s mouth and release her lips. Before long, the silver line connecting our lips disappears.

She was in quite the disheveled state. Eyes that lost color and lips that were glossy with saliva. As I was gazing into empty s.p.a.ce, Chloe fell on my chest. I gently receive her falling body.

“Wa, wafuu…………”

“Oi, you alright?…………”

“…………A, amari ra iro uru rana ireru…………kuuun”

I couldn"t understand a word she said as her tongue wasn"t functioning properly. After waiting for a minute or two, Seemingly having recovered, Chloe raised her face.

“I, I showed you something very embarra.s.sing.”

“All we did was merely kiss, you know?”

“Ka, Kannsama"s kisses are so intense! That…………You only used your tongue, yet I…………Wafuu…………”

“No well, sorry. It was much more pleasurable than I thought so I just…”

Though that"s not a lie, the biggest reason was the erotic look on Chloe"s face as she felt the pleasure. A man that won"t  l.u.s.t over that can"t exist.

“Moreover, your movements seemed rather experienced.”

“No no no, this is actually my first time.”

“You"re lying!!…………Eh, really?”

“Really really.”

“……………………You"ll be terrifying in the future degozaru na.”

Ah, she suddenly went back to using gozaru dialect.

It would be horrible if my excitement subsided at this point. I stole Chloe"s lips a bit forcefully to reignite my pa.s.sion.

“Wafuu?!!” Even as she raises a surprised voice, Chloe"s eyes looking my way were rather moist as she accepted my kiss. Chloe unreluctantly pushed out her tongue to me so I went ahead and licked it. Not prolonging the kiss, I broke the connection between our lips.

Though Chloe was disappointed, it won"t do to spend the whole night kissing.

I extend my hands from below and scoop the two fruits crushed between our bodies. But they didn"t fit there and got crushed by the shape of my hands, as expected of melons.


“Does it hurt?”

“I, it doesn"t hurt but…………That surprised me.”

“I see. Then I"ll proceed?”

“Ye, yes…………please have your way with me.”

Having received the go sing, I started rubbing Chloe"s b.o.o.bs without holding back while making sure not to hurt her. Ga.s.shiri with both handsーー

…………Ah, this is amazing.

“Ka, Kannsama?”

…………I could keep rubbing them forever.

“E, erm, does my chest feel that good?”

“Ah, but I am also starting to feel…………”


“Awooo!! Hah hah hah.”


Having the pink fruits at the peak of her b.o.o.bs played with, Chloe moaned. Returning me to my senses.

I was so focused on groping them that I might have reached enlightenment. Although I don"t remember a thing of when I was rubbing them. What remained in my hands was the highest cla.s.s of softness and, contradicting it, the elasticity to push back my fingers. Despite having just put my hands on the big b.r.e.a.s.t.s that I so desired, no words came out. The ability to turn this much emotion and pa.s.sion into words wasn"t something I had.

I"m undeniably in love with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Never did I feel the pride of loving big b.r.e.a.s.t.s as much as I did on this day.

That"s just how much my love for big b.r.e.a.s.t.s went.

Tte oi, Chloe fell down again. She catches her breath on my chest. Eventually returning to normal after a few minutes.

“Are you really fine? Would it be better to stop for today?”

“Whose fault is it?”

That"s right, it is my fault. This is the wrong character. No, it"s on mark.

(Tl: author is doing a play of words with *性* which could mean s.e.x, gender or fault.)

The sullen Chloe fawns over me and comes for another kiss. At this point, even Chloe has gotten used to kisses and even started proactively asking for them.

Now then, having taken her lips and enjoyed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it"s finally time for the real thing. That thing of mine is on the verge of bursting after all. It"s most likely broke a record of intensity and size in my whole life. Not to mention that it"s been blazing hot that it"s a step away from melting down.

Following my sight that"s focused on my son, Chloe turns her eyes in the same direction. Her already red cheek were dyed a stronger shade of crimson. She might have seen the mark of a man when she washed her Father"s back as a child. But it should be her first time seeing one in『this state』.

“Th, this is, inside me…………”

“Are you scared?”

“It"s honestly scary…………But it would be shameful as a woman to pull back here.”

“Hearing that makes me relieved.”

I place Chloe on my tights and strongly hug her. For the sake of feeling her body warmth, her smooth skin, her squashy chest.

“Chloe. I"m gonna eat you up.”

“Yes, Kannsama. I"m now going to be eaten by you♥♥♥.”

We gazed into each other from up close and smiled.

Once again, we added to the count of the kisses we exchanged who knows how many times tonight.

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