Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 48

kujou dayo~

arc 5 dayo~ its a mini arc btw -daily life of a scenario breaker-

this ch in a nutsh.e.l.l; ano………sono………etto……… and shuーー

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed

Obligatory text grawr

Feels like a man who was discovered cheating

saitei da wa


ーー is not what I"m experiencing.

But I did wake up with a heavy sensation at the back of my head.


Holding my head while sitting on the bed, I realized that not only my upper body but my lower half was also without clothes, though I"m covered with blanket down there.

By the way, the morning phenomenon is occurring splendidly. Sure is energetic huh.


When I look beside me, a woman with black hair and a set of fluffy wolf ears is pleasantly sleeping while hugging her blanket. Looking at her peaceful sleeping face did not bring a smile to my face. Rather, remembering what happened last night made me squirm in embarra.s.sment.

After the duel with botchan was over, I pushed the post-processing to the Ryujin basan and immediately went to the diner next door for a late dinner. At that time, I intended only for a toast in celebration with Chloe for the duel we just won.

ーーーThat was a mistake.

At first, we could afford to enjoy the taste of sake but Chloe"s intoxication gradually worsened. This time"s case must have caused her to pile up a whole bunch of stress.

Her condition escalated with every downed sake. I felt a crisis looming and stopped her from drinking. After quickly paying my tab, I had to drag Chloe back (literally) and somehow, managed to reach the inn where we"re lodging.

By the time I successfully delivered Chloe to her bed, I was also attacked by intense drowsiness coupled by slight intoxication. I was intending to go back to my own room after noticing my own condition when a hand grabbed the hem of my clothes.

Turning my head to look at her, Chloe was looking at me with a combo of moist eyes, flushed cheek and drooping wolf ears.

Did I forgot to mention upturned eyes with all of the above?

「Are you going to leave now?」

(Ah, this is bad. She is completely craving for it.)

Her changed speech pattern was proof enough. Perhaps the stimulation from our fight earlier and her intoxication intertwined and thus, transformed into s.e.xual desire. Excitement caused by a momentary crisis but misunderstood as romantic feelings, or maybe something close to that.

From there, numerous sweet nothings capable producing large amount of sugar were exchanged and the second coming of [wanwan time] occurred.

I would like to refrain from explaining more than this.

I"m terribly ashamed of myself.

But I was drunk, you see!

It was under the influence of sake, you know!?

Don"t underestimate the s.e.xual drive of a high school boy, d.a.m.n it! !

……………I can say with confidence that there exist no healthy b.a.s.t.a.r.d that can willingly reject a woman"s advance.

The two female friends in my memory are looking down at me with a cold gaze as if they"re looking at a dirty pig but I won"t be discouraged by it. Mental strength is one of my strong point after all. And pigs are actually lovely creatures.

I was in agony due to shame for about 3 minutes before I regained my calm.

Even if we were driven by drunken impulse last night, that was not our first time. And although Chloe was quite drunk, she was not intoxicated enough to lose her reasoning. Above all else, the person herself wanted the action.

Its going to be really awkward between us today but I"m sure we"ll go back to normal tomorrow.

But, I never really knew that a female body is full of mysteriousness. Up till now, almost all of the target of my s.e.xual focus was converged on women"s breast but when I take a proper look, I understand that a female body encompa.s.s more than just their breast.

Such as the captivating lines of the hips and the b.u.t.t. The occasional glimpse of the nape hidden behind her hair. That"s why, to me Chloe"s level is far and above beyond the average women. Being able to share a bed with such a beautiful woman is without a doubt one of the top 5 lucky event in my entire life.

She is a beauty after all!

She has the kemofusa trait after all! !

Above all else, she"s a kyonyuu after all! ! !

「…………About time I wear something.」

In R-rated games, this is the scene where the heroine helps defeat the morning phenomenon but I"m not a fiend enough to forcefully awaken the sleeping beauty next to me just for that. Well, last night I was quite a fiend myself but right now, I"m just a sage.

Though its regrettable that I"m in sage mode now…

At any rate, let"s just wear some clothes first.

However, before I even got out of bed, the door was opened by someone.


「hn? The door"s not locked. Even though Draknil"s public order is good, that was really careless.」

A silver-haired beauty on the level of Chloe, albeit on a different tangent was the one who opened that door. A fellow traveler -Real- who just parted with both of us a few days ago, showed up suddenly early in the morning.

「My bad Chloe. There was no answer even after knocking, so I let myself in. Do you know where Kanna is? I went knocking on his door but no one………was………………there…………」

Upon entering the room, Real"s word faltered as soon as she saw the shirtless me on top of the bed. I forgot to mention, but last night after I took Chloe to her room and our wanwan time, I went straight to sleep as is. Because this was a same gender room, she just casually opened the door.

「……………A very good morning to you.」

Unable to endure the deafening silence, I barely squeezed out a morning greeting. There was no response from Real but I could see her face gradually blushing harder by the second. A man of marriageable age lying naked on the bed in a woman"s room. Its not difficult for anyone to imagine what happened.

「wafuu…………hn? Is it morning already de gozaru ka?」

As if aiming for this exact timing, Chloe woke up. She raises her upper body while rubbing her sleepy eyes. As a matter of course, the blanket she was hugging earlier fell down to her lap.

Slightly pulled by the falling blanket, her great a.s.sets was exposed while shaking lightly with a [poyoyon] sound effect. While I"m at it, even her enchanting waistline got exposed.

When she finally saw Chloe by my side and both of us naked, Real"s face was dyed red enough to produce a sound effect, [pomf].

「oyo, A visitor this early in the morning de gozaru ka? …………eh? Real-dono!? T-t-t-th-thi-this is…eto, ano……g-good morning!?」

「For the time being, cover your chest first.」


Chloe who finally recognized the existence of Real became extremely fl.u.s.tered. It was not until I pointed it out before she realizes her own condition and hurriedly hid her chest with the blanket earlier. Seeing Chloe acting out a cla.s.sic reaction of a maiden who was being shy after having her love affair witnessed, something [snapped] inside Real.


Ah, this is bad.

Even as I resign myself to my fate, I calmly folded Chloe"s ears with both my hands to protect her.

Oho, This can become a habit of mineーー

「What did both of you doOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ! ! ! !」

A sound which could only be referred to as a thunderous roar came out from Real"s mouth. The excessively loud voice reverberated not only within this inn but I suspect it went as far as three blocks away, definitely awakening anyone who wasn"t awake yet.

Incidentally, due to being exposed to such volume at close range, my hearing faculty was paralyzed for a few minutes. I thought my eardrums would break.

After unleashing her sound bomb and regaining her composure, Real left the room but not before leaving a message [I"ll be waiting downstairs!] with a stiff voice.

Leaving behind Chloe who began writhing in shame, I lightly wore my scattered clothes and went back to my own room after sighing. I took off the clothes soaked in various liquids from last night and put on new set and then finally headed down to the first floor.

The first floor of the inn doesn"t serve food like a diner does but at least, you can still order some non-alcoholic drinks.

Due to its nature of being a guild recommended establishment, the inn is popular among adventurers and many uses the place to hold their briefings and strategy meetings. To accommodate that purpose, large number of tables was placed in the first floor along with appropriate amount of chairs.

I overheard that the reason why alcohol and food didn"t get served here was to prevent brawls between adventurers due to drunken impulses, and potentially damaging the inn.

There was even a notice on the wall directing adventurers to a nearby tavern and some fine restaurant if they are in the mood for horsing around.

As I was approaching her seat, Real who noticed me from the sound of my footsteps turned around and began talking awkwardly.

「Well, um………that, if that was based on mutual consent……um, yeah, I"m not complaining so………as I"ve said just now um, I think that was too careless of you to leave the door u-unlocked so…………um I"m sorry for yelling earlier and uh……yeah…」

Real"s cheek was dyed in vermilion red the whole time she muttered those strange incantation.

「I showed you something unsightly.」

「…………No, I"m the one who should apologize for losing my temper.」

I sat down while offering an apology. Real responded by shaking her head lightly and lowering her head for to apologize as well.

A delicate atmosphere drifted between us.

Even though we"ve not met for only a few days, it felt longer than that. Was it because of the bond we"ve developed over the course of a month? Or was it because the various happenings during the last few days?

Either way, its the first time I"ve had such a difficult time facing Real.

Honestly, the number of times I fell to the alluring charms of Real can"t even be counted with both hands. I admit that various imaginations were stirred up by her seductive body part hidden behind that armor. While it may be true that I had various wild delusions of [doing it] with Real, reality is different.

Real is my benefactor.

If it weren"t for her, that princess would"ve caught me in no time even if I did manage to escape the castle. Just as Real thought of me as her benefactor, I also can"t thank her enough for being mine. I feel terrible self-loathing to even direct my l.u.s.t towards her.

Besides, Real follows the path of a warrior.

Supposing she were to be interested in love, an extremely petty, not to mention cowardly and incompetent man like me can"t even begin to draw her attention.

Without spirit art, I"m just a greenhorn and a normal high school boy. Maiden in distress falling in love with her savior at first sight is limited to those with ikemen trait.


Thinking that far even made me a bit depressed.

「S-sorry to have kept you waiting de gozaru.」

Just as I was reaching the point where I can"t endure the atmosphere anymore, Chloe who was dressed finally came down. Her cheeks are still red and she was still stiff from embarra.s.sment but at least, she"s recovered enough.

Nice save Chloe!

Dispelling that mood alone was impossible for me!

「R-R-Real-dono, please pardon my discourtesy!」

「No. The blame is on me. Even if it was the same gender room, entering the room without confirming first was a mistake. You don"t have to worry about it.」

「uuu………Once in a lifetime blunder of this one"s life de gozaru………」

Covering her face with both hands after sitting down, Chloe was about to descend into whirlpool of shame again. And that wasn"t the end. She continued as is and placed her face on the table. She"s gonna need more time to settle down huh.

Luckily, Chloe"s timely arrival chased away the delicate atmosphere earlier. Thanking Chloe in my mind, I turned to Real.

「Real, Didn"t we forget to decide on how to contact each other? How did you find us?」

「Ah, that"s right masー Lydeal-sama told me about it.」

「Lydeal………Oh its that Ryujin basan.」

Since I"ve been calling that grandma as [basan] from the start, I"ve forgotten her name was Lydeal.

「…………tte oi, what happened to my privacy?」

「That"s because I have a personal connection with Lydeal-sama. I told her about our relation to obtain your whereabouts.」

「You"re an acquaintance of that basan huh. Just as I thought the world is wide, its unexpectedly small huh.」

「…………As for me, I was surprised when I heard your name brought out as a topic in our conversation. It looks like you didn"t waste any time in creating troubles at the guild.」

「You"re certainly fast at collecting news.」

If she is an acquaintance of basan, maybe she knows the details from yesterday"s duel. I can only scratch my head in face of Real"s scrutinizing look.

「For that matter, the blame does not fall on Kannshi alone de gozaran yo. Regardless of the particulars, the root of the problem was oneself de gozaru yo.」

Chloe who was finally resurrected from her h.e.l.l of shame, raised her face while adding her piece.

「Its not like Chloe have to apologize for that case too. Besides, Lydeal-sama had already filled me in on the details. Certainly, Kanna"s belligerent att.i.tude may have been a problem but the biggest cause of that conflict was that n.o.ble.」

「…………This one does not deny [that att.i.tude] was one of the cause of that problem de gozaru na.」

「Isn"t it obvious. If Kanna didn"t fan the flame at the time, it wouldn"t have turned into such a big commotion ending with a duel. I"m sure that Kanna noticed that too, right?」

「I let my anger took control. But I have no regrets!」

As a result, I got to smash that sc.u.m botchan"s high pride (and nose). That was really satisfying.

「The person herself said this. [You don"t have to worry about the case anymore]」

「………This one is starting to feel pity for that botchan de gozaru na.」

Chloe wasn"t fully convinced but nodded in a.s.sent for the time being.

Phew………It seems that the awkward atmosphere has gone away completely. Here"s hoping the current mood stays to the end.

「By the way…………」

Maybe she just remembered something, as Real suddenly started talking again.

「Are the two of you going out with each other?」

「hn? Who with whom?」(Kanna)

「Kanna and Chloe」

huh? You"re still hung up on that topic?!

「Th-This one dating Kannshi de gozaru ka!? T-T-T-Th-That is out of the q-question de gozaru yo! !」

「Even though you two just met not too long ago, you both are already in a physical relationship, right?」

「Certainly that is true de gozaru ga! But that is……um……etto……I-Its this one"s way of repaying a favor and it is not something born of r-romantic feeling de gozatte!」

「Oh, is that so?」

「That is so de gozaru yo! This one was beset by an unreasonable demand to serve as an attendant and only Kannshi provided aid during this one"s distress de gozaru! B-By no means we are l-l-lo-lo-lovers! Ah, but………um……if Kannshi is willing…um………this one would very much welcome it de gozatte…………」

「Relax for a bit Chloe.」


I had to knock Chloe"s head to calm her down. What was she even trying to say, this black wolf girl.

「…………Kannshi, it hurts de gozaru yo.」

「Don"t forget that we are in the midst of a morning crowd. 」

「muu………Apologies de gozaru.」

Chloe who became despondent, projects an image of a small cute animal and that made me smile. You"re supposed to be older than me, aren"t you.

Real who was watching our interaction said…

「………Kanna is just a normal man huh.」

「Yup. Just an ordinary man」

「Is that so………」

Wait just a minute Real-san.

What do you mean by those words exactly?

shuraba hontou mendou da wa

kemofusa = fluffy + animal trait

i did say at the latest but nothing bout the other way around ?

unfortunately, the fun doesnt extend to the next ch ?

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