Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 61

bit of ruks and some build up

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho

obligatory text furagu

I still don"t know about the various flags I"ve raised

odoroita wa

I successfully rehabilitated(?) a young man.

I throw the hunting bag to my back and turn my feet to the forest exit. I got what I came here for, so I got no more business in this place.

「mh, b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you running away?」

「………eh whaddya mean?」

But when I started doing so, Ruks unsheathes his two swords and points one at me. I don"t feel any hint of killing intent so I don"t put myself on guard but I can"t swallow the situation.

「I told you. I will make you repent. That said, I challenge you for a duel to clear away my humiliation!」

「…………Is this the scene where you vow for a rematch?」

「As if I can suffer underneath you b.a.s.t.a.r.d even a minute or a second longer! Before I return your money, I will pay you back for the duel!」

…………Even though the fatally distorted part got corrected, it seems that the arrogant part hasn"t been completely corrected as well.

Or is it that, humans are not so simple that everything can be resolved in a short period of time?

Anyhow, this is troubling. I"m not in the mood at all. I want to eat an egg dish as soon as possible. There"s no way I"ll follow his lead.

Nevertheless, be relieved.

One of the few signature move that I have lies in subterfuge. I"ll make full use of my eloquence and trickery-filled brain to snake my way out of this troublesome situation.

「Uh, look. You"re still E-rank.」

「mh, That is true but…」

「And I"m D-rank.」

「………Do you want to be cut down b.a.s.t.a.r.d?」

I placate the indignant Ruks with my hands.

「No, I don"t mean to put on airs for that. But if we proceed to a duel as it is, it"s a little unfair.」

「Even if I"m a little inferior in ability…」

「Well, it"s not about us but rather the public view on this matter. Supposing if I win by any chance, there is a possibility of me unjustly getting labeled as [a D-rank guy gloating after bullying a newcomer]. If you win on the other hand, it"ll be [the newcomer put a c.o.c.ky D-rank in his place.] Even from this point of view, I"ll be disparaged. That is kinda unfair, isn"t it?」

「………hmm. There is not any difference in my position whether I win or lose…」

The key to it is in using [if] and [by any chance] to lower the likelihood of me winning. Flatter the opponent naturally and diminish their spirit at the same time. The order isn"t wrong because the point to be struck will gradually lower.

Just one more push.

「But this won"t happen if you and I are both in D-rank. It"ll then become a fair and square duel on equal footing. No one will complain if it comes to that.」

「………That makes sense.」

Nodding his head in agreement, Ruks finally lower his swords and sheaths both.

「Fine. Certainly, it is hard to say that we have an equal footing, as you have just said. Though I have been exiled from the Duke"s household, I still possess my pride.」

Hou~ It seems that we will not be dueling here after all.

「But remember this. I will be promoted to D-rank in the near future, without fail. Then, our position will no longer be unequal. At that time, wash your neck and wait for me!」

………Blimey. I set up a strange rival flag. It even came out as a different dialect.

Of course, my [subterfuge] was only an excuse to escape the situation. I didn"t even think about the aftermath. Isn"t it obvious that things will develop in that direction based on how the situation unfolded. In the end, it was nothing but a postponement of the problem.




While feeling slightly depressed, I return to the capital to mitigate it by enjoying egg dish for the first time in a long while.

When we arrived, Ruks ran off with a parting remark.

「Observe me properly! I"ll make you regret helping me!」

His destination is probably a gem dealer. He"ll immediately cash out my [lent out] gem and repay all off his debts. The rest is up to him. It"ll be troublesome but when we are of the same rank, it might be a good idea to accept his challenge.

I head straight to the guild and hand over the eggs of Crimsongwing Birds to complete my request. With six of them safely delivered, my next destination is the diner next door with the remaining two.

Tamagoyaki or sunny-side-up?

There are two of these and two of that. But, I"m also kinda looking forward to seeing what"ll come out of chef"s recommendation.




I"m walking out of the guild while thinking about that when I see a familiar figure in the first floor hall. Lydeal basan is looking around restlessly.

Except for two occasions, I"d only met basan in her office. So, I"m surprised to find her in the first floor hall, which is the most visited place in the guild.

For some reason, most of the adventurers who also noticed basan stiffens up and quickly move away from her surroundings. Was it because she said that her position inside the guild is [as it suits the occasion], and they would be troubled if she zeroed in on them?



ーーーI"ll learn all about this later on. Although retired from active duty, Lydeal"s exploits still shines among adventurers and is attracting a great deal of reverence from them. To find themselves in the presence of the former S-rank who is said to be a living legend is awe-inspiring. However, at this stage, I"m still not aware of that information.



「Yo, basan. Playing hooky?」

「Oh, it"s you youngster. Rude kid aren"t you. I"m on my break you know.」

I call out to basan casually but for some reason, the surroundings become noisy.

「Hey hey that young man. What was he thinking?」

「He just called Lydeal-sama as [basan]. ………Does he have a death wish?」

The whole area got me as the center of attention. And not only the adventurers who got all stiff but also all the guild staff.

Ah, except for one person. Cindy-san is releasing a very big sigh there.

Is that because of me? Or because of basan?

When I"m looking around at the strange atmosphere around me, a tremendous amount of [pressure] suddenly overflows from my front. It appears as an illusion of a monster that can suddenly kickstart your survival instinct.

Just like when it got noisy all of a sudden, the surrounding became as still as the graveyard in that instant. In my fl.u.s.ter, I cast my line of sight to the front, only to find Lydeal basan there. She"s donning her usual arrogant smile.

I"m probably showing the face of a [person who just got deceived by a fox] right now.

「Okay, nothing more to see here you bunch of chicks. Go on, scatter about! Guild staffs too, gather your wits and quickly get back to work!」

Basan claps her hands and said that. Returning to their senses after hearing her words, those who were rigid begins to thaw and move about in a hurry. After a while, the inside of this adventurer"s guild goes back to the usual hustle and bustle.

…………eh? What just happened?

「Good grief. Days when I sometime go out always results in this. It makes me feel embarra.s.sed for all my youthful indiscretion ne~」

Basan bitterly laughs.

「Now then, youngster. This is also the strings of fate at work. I"ll ask you first, are you rushing for a request right now?」

「N-no. I just submitted my request earlier and I"m currently free.」

「I see I see. Then, this old woman would like to ask you for a bit of an errand, okay?」


「There"s a trifling [item] I want you to deliver to an acquaintance of mine, you see. I"ll tell you more about it in my office.」

After saying so, basan starts walking back to her office with me following behind. And behind us, some commotion occurs again, though not as noisy as the one before.




「Is it normal for a single adventurer entering the executive"s office so often?」

「It"s doesn"t mean favoritism on my part, so there"s no problem. Your D-rank promotion was undeniably a show of your own ability. But to have my eyes on you, in that sense, it may have been a form of favoritism ne~」

「………Isn"t that the source of my trouble.」

Getting abnormal success speed by gaining favoritism is the most important reason on why a junior at work a.s.sociates with a senior.

Now I regret calling out to basan at that time. I think a lot of those who were in the first floor hall is gonna remember my face.

White hair with red eyes stands out considerably after all.

「I didn"t think you would be the sort worrying about it to that degree.」

「I"m used to slander but that doesn"t mean I want to gather unnecessary attention.」

「Is that so? I see.」

Basan who replies vaguely whether she understood my meaning or not opens the door while chuckling. As soon as she goes into the room, she heads to a corner.

There was over a meter long [something] wrapped over and over again in cloth set against the wall. Basan picks up that something that may even be comparable to her height.

「You know that a team of raid party is heading for the Imperial Army for a joint operation, right?」

「Of course. Since I was there when basan recommended Chloe for it.」

「Actually, the commanding officer dispatched from the Imperial Army is my acquaintance, you see. This is something that I wanted to hand over to them. Originally, I wanted to ask someone from the raid party to deliver it but the finishing touch took quite some time to finish. And it was finished just a while ago.」

「In other words, the errand is to deliver [that] to basan"s acquaintance, right?」

「Of course, as a [request]. I"ll even reward you for this.」

The reward is 5 pieces of silver coins. It"s an exceptional price for just an errand.

「This thing is a tool for war, you see. It may not be necessary for the goblin superior variant but it would be rea.s.suring backup nonetheless.」

「It doesn"t have to be me right? Shouldn"t it be better to stick it on the bulletin board in the form of an urgent request?」

「[This] took quite a lot of money to make, you see. It will sell for a reasonable amount of money. That is why I wanted to entrust it to someone trustworthy. Unfortunately, the more notable ones are all out on other requests. I was looking for someone else for this errand in the hall earlier when you called out to me.」

「Did you think I wouldn"t run away with it?」

「My long life isn"t for show, you know. I know how to distinct those who can or cannot be trusted. I judged you as somebody or other who won"t do anything dishonest.」

Somebody or other, da heck. Though it feels like someone else told me the same thing.

「………Well, I get 5 silver coins just for a delivery, so there isn"t an objection there. It"s not like I"ve been commissioned for a subjugation request, right?」

「I"m not asking you to go that far. But if you don"t mind, I"ll allow you to partic.i.p.ate the raid request.」

「And that is exactly what I meant by favoritism. Besides, hordes of delicious magic beasts aside, how can I even be motivated by green goblins. Once I pa.s.s on the item, I"ll go straight back.」

「………In your mind, what do you think of adventurers?」

「As a way for me to procure supplies to satisfy my appet.i.te.」




While receiving a familiar amazed expression as my reply, I also express my acceptance. Then I received the long item covered in layers of cloth from basan.

「whoa This is quite heavy.」

The item itself is a bit lower than my height, with a weight suitable for its appearance. I place one end on the floor and let it lean against my shoulder. Carrying it around seems difficult unless strapped to my back.

「tte Basan. You"re unexpectedly strong aint cha.」

When basan picked it up earlier, she handled it lightly.

「Even though I may appear this way, I am a former adventurer ne~ I still have much more in me before I can lose to young"uns.」

「geez You should"ve gone personally then.」

「Don"t be stupid. I"m always busy in one way or another unlike you adventurers who can freely take requests at your whims. I can"t carelessly leave the guild empty for a day or two.」

The outbreak of goblins are about half a day from Draknil by way of train. Even a return trip takes a whole day.

「Even if you board a train heading there now, it"ll be night by the time you reach the station nearest to the encampment made there. Therefore, you"ll be staying overnight at the station before heading to the camp the morning after. Then you"ll arrive there by noon.」

「It doesn"t have to be delivered by today?」

「[This] was intended as a surprise, so I didn"t tell the commander about it. I just somehow felt like preparing it.」

[This] feels like a safety net, for caution"s sake.

「There will be guards at the encampment. If you show them my signature, it should grant you pa.s.sage. And maybe you"ll arrive during the operation, so I want you to wait in the camp until the commander returns. After you"ve delivered the item, please obtain the commander"s signature as proof. When finally you submit the signed doc.u.ment to me or Cindy, only then will the request be completed. Do you have any questions?」

「None in particular. Oh, just in case. This acquaintance of yours, basan, what is the name of this knight leader?」

「It"s [Regulus]. The person is carrying a huge sword on top of wearing full plate armor complete with a helmet, so you"ll know right away.」

「eh? I"ll know right away even with their face hidden?」

「The deputy of that army also wears the same armor but only Regulus carries that large sword. Such an eccentric figure, I wonder who they took it from.」

………Is it okay for the knights to be led by two eccentric men of unknown appearance?

「They do look suspicious but their ability is the real deal. Although they are small in numbers, the knight order boasts the foremost fighting power in the empire. In particular is Regulus, who is the singular top cla.s.s powerhouse, domestically speaking. The adjutant is also reputed as a sharp and able person.」

After completing the explanation, basan gives me a piece of paper that was on her office desk.

「Here, the request certificate. I"ll deal with any fine details later so hurry along and depart.」

Once I got the doc.u.ment from basan, I head to the next door diner with the eggs. I told the waitress that I received a request, so I requested for a dish that I"ll be able to eat even tomorrow with the eggs I brought. She a.s.sured me with a [please wait a moment] before disappearing into the kitchen.

After 20 minutes, she came out of the kitchen carrying a basket bag. The surprise inside is egg sandwiches of crimsonwing birds.

「With this menu, I believe you can even snack on it along the way.」

「Thank you very much. But wasn"t this a ha.s.sle?」

「It"s a special service for our frequent customer. ah but please understand that the price is not subjected to special service.」

Confronted with a lovely, albeit cunning smile like that, I had no choice but to pay the bill with a smile of my own.

In the end, I get to eat delicious food, so no complain whatsoever is gonna come outta my mouth.

With a long [delivery item] strapped to my back and a basketful of sandwiches in my hand, I head to Draknil"s station.

hajimete no otsukai ne~

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