Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 67

short chapter(?) compared to what? iunno anymore ?

its regulus pov btw

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho

obligatory text yabai desu yo

As soon as the [guy] appears, all seriousness breaks loose

dai pinch nano desu

Not a single member of this expedition have any semblance of experience in engaging a group of over 200 lizardman.

However, each and every one of them possess the ability of a C-rank adventurer at a minimum and those of the Genryuu Knights are equivalent to a B-rank, in terms of antipersonnel combat.

They were initially overwhelmed by the sudden surge of numbers but gradually regained their morale with every pa.s.sing moment. For the knights, being in combat against humankind or in this case [lizardman] would be easier compared to goblins.

Rather than goblins who merely possess the minimal amount of intelligence to use a tool and only using it with brute force at that, the knights would find it easier to demonstrate the result of their daily training by exploiting the gaps between the lizardman"s stance, who are more intelligent and proficient in using their weapons.

Furthermore, magic users will be deploying spells that they did not demonstrate while subjugating goblins.

As a general rule, soldiers of the Genryuu Knight Order, even those who excels in using magic are [obligated] to use melee weapons. That is in order to increase their chance of survival, even by a slight margin, when the most powerful weapon on the battlefield -their man is depleted.

Consequently, magicians affiliated with Genryuu Knights has the ability to kill goblins effortlessly, even in close combat. That being the case, if their opponent changed to that of lizardmen, there is no reason to withhold their magic.

The magicians invoke their spells and bombard the lizardman with magics of various attributes.

The adventurers does not fall behind either.

Due to the nature of their occupation, there are numerous among them standing out conspicuously. Nonetheless, they give minimum attention to their nearest neighbor and spread out so as not to interfere with each other.

Some of them group up composedly and launch collaborative spells in an impromptu decision.

In such a situation, a spearman -Barlhardt- actively displays the ferocity of a starving lion.

The sharp thrusts launched from his robust physique reaps a life each time it pierces a vital point. Even if it does not, his blow causes a sharp decrease in combat capability.

Lizardman fighting against him tried to defend themselves with weapons and armors but his spear accurately weave its way into every gap shown. It is a piercing dance performed under the collaboration of skill and pure force.

「fuu Dealing with this number is a bit of a pain in the a.s.s.」

Unleashing three thrusts in one breath, he punched a hole in the body of three lizardman before circling around to pull back.

From his front, a lizard rushes over with sword brandished overhead but it got caught up in Barlhardt"s rotating spear tip, changing its trajectory. During that gap, he pierce its head, ending its life.

An unmistakable level of ability can be felt from his flowing movement, with a mixture of soft and hard elements.

With the exception of B-rankers, this spear-wielding man is probably the strongest amongst C-rankers, or maybe a close second.

ーーーIncidentally, the adventurer able to compete with him with that spot is currently out of commission.

Outshining even his particularly exceptional display of spearmanship is the knight leader of the Genryuu Knight Order, a renowned former rank adventurer, Regulus.

「………Is he really human? If they say he"s mixed blood of an ogre, I"ll definitely buy it.」

His rude whispering is not without reason.

If Barlhardt"s spear technique is a combination of [fluidity and strength], then Regulus" sword embodies the [extremity of strength].

In their case, Regulus" way of fighting looks no different than that of goblins, mowing away all the approaching lizardman without exception, weapons and armors alike.

It is an extremely outrageous execution that does not give quarter to any sort of defensive stance as it will [end when it hits]. Frighteningly, though the greatsword was swung at full force, there is no indication of straining nor rigidity on Regulus" part as they single-mindedly keep swinging it at the fastest possible speed.

What is the most astonishing aspect of it?

The physical strength exhibited in wielding that greatsword?

Or the extraordinary stamina supporting that continuous onslaught?

Or is it the mastery of skills that does not allow for any stagnation to occur.

The correct answer is all of the above.

In spite of that however, the person themself is ama.s.sing dissatisfaction.

「Like I thought, against a large horde, I"d like to have [that].」

The perfect [equipment] for the current situation was lost in the [event] a few months ago. Regulus could not find the time to commission a new one as they were too busy lately to pay attention to anything else.

Despite regretting a missed opportunity at this late hour, the harmful effect of not having it is merely to the extent of expending somewhat more effort on their part.

「Commander, from the cave.」

Turning their line of sight as directed by their subordinate, Regulus can see a huge magic beast, more than twice the size of a lizardman, coming out of the cave.

The body itself looks like a goblin variant but with an even bigger size. The difference is, this goblin is equipped with full plate armor reminiscent of a heavily armored soldier and its armed with a huge axe that could easily pulverize a human"s body. Its exposed head is covered with the usual goblin-like green skin but its presence is by far, more sinister and fiendish.

It is the superior variant of the goblins, a Goblin General.

Although it belongs to goblin species, it is a magic beast that surpa.s.ses an ogre in every possible aspect.

Additionally, the goblin general is straddled on the back of another magic beast, just like a cavalry. To support the ma.s.sive goblin general, this particular magic beast also boasts a giant body, which in turn is supported by highly developed hind legs.

It is a bipedal type, same as the lizardman but the forefoot is smaller than the hind legs while its body leans forward slightly.

A [dinosaur] from earth would be the closest comparison.

「I see. That giant lizard is the Lizardman"s superior variant, is it?」

It finally made sense to Regulus. Otherwise, there would be no reason for a goblin superior to lead lizardman, a different species of magic beast.

And then, a different set of question comes to mind.

『Why did it split up the goblins and lizardmen? Although it"s a goblin, a superior should possess higher intellect than other individuals. In that case, it would"ve been much harder for us to manage both forces at once.』

If that is so, then taking that into consideration…

『………Are the goblins [decoy]?』

If the goblins and lizardmen were discovered as a mixed horde from the beginning, the military upper bra.s.s would have sensed an impending crisis and deployed a far larger force in response.

The Adventurers Guild likewise, would have increased the maximum recruitment limit or even resort to recruiting higher ranking adventurers. Those selected will not only be chosen for their strength but also the ability respond for any irregularity.

In reality, what was actually gathered for the joint expedition today was a force that a.s.sumed the enemies consist of only a thousand goblins and a superior variant.

a.s.suming if the enemies are instead the approximately 200 lizardmen (including the superior variant), the same number of forces would have been deployed from Draknil.

However, the joint expedition has barely enough numbers to deal with both at the same time.

『And in that situation. The last card will be drawn.』

The fear born inside Regulus" mind quickly became a reality.

Several figures walk out of the cave, with exactly the same characteristic as the general goblin on top of the superior lizard. Moreover, it did not stop at merely one or two. Judging from a glance, they exceed 10 in numbers.

Upon witnessing the newly appearing superior variants, unrest spread among the joint expedition forces. As they naturally should be. Several B-rank magic beast appears one after another after all. The only saving grace is that only the first general rides on a superior Lizardman.

「Is that the main force?」

It is the first time Regulus felt a chill along the spine on this battlefield.

Although the lizardmen are lesser in number now, they still number more than a hundred strong. In addition to that, there are over 10 general goblins. Leading the horde is the one riding on that large lizard.

Though the Genryuu Knights and the adventurers are known for their dauntless courage and outstanding achievement respectively, there are too many enemies to deal with.

『If I at least have [that] at hand, I can immediately annihilate the lizardmen』

Regretting their indolent past, Regulus can only gnash their teeth behind closed helmet.

If the expedition party collide with general goblin as it is, a great number of casualty will be inflicted upon them. There is even a possibility of annihilation in the worse case scenario.

The best option would be to [withdraw] but the lizardman"s wall of flesh are still going strong and thus increasing the time needed to break through to escape from this mine. It is obviously faster for the general goblins to devour the expedition forces before a retreat can be completed.

Though there is a sense of pride in their ability to handle unforeseen events to some degree, Regulus could not hide the small anxiety caused by the multiple abnormalities overlapping in this situation.

Indeed, the magic beasts did not fail to overlook the slight gap presented by the expedition members. The vanguard general goblin along with its mount, is the first to raise their battle cry. And they start to rush at breakneck speed with the general raising its axe overhead.

Their aim is the leader"s neck -Regulus-

Perhaps, with its intelligence comparable to a human, it judged that this is an opportunity as the enemy it should be most wary of is showing a gap.

And it was by no means a mistake.

The running speed of the large lizard is comparable to that of a horse. In opposition to it, there are a lot of allies in a defensive position surrounding Regulus.

The commander will not lose in physical strength but the difference between ma.s.s and inertia is completely insurmountable.

If the collision were to occur, Regulus will lose out to the momentum and pushed back, even if they are unharmed by the impact. By then, the general will already have penetrated deep into their line of defense.

At that point, if the rest of the generals and the remaining lizardmen push their advance, instant annihilation of the expedition would be more than likely to happen.

『I can only strengthen my body with support spell and endure it somehow.』

Grinding their teeth at the unbecoming negligence at the battlefield, Regulus instantly kneads their mana.

When invoked, the spell will undoubtedly grant Regulus the ability to match a thousand but it is a double-edged sword that will result in a substantial backlash after a few minutes of activation.

But, annihilation is inevitable if it is not used at this juncture.

Finished kneading the required mana, Regulus begins to construct the magical formation to invoke the spell.

ーーーbaagoooooooooooooon! ! !

…………On the verge of invoking the spell, a awfully thunderous sound reverberates suddenly across the battlefield.

And at the next instant…

ーーーgogaaaaaaaan! !

An [ice sh.e.l.l] that came flying from above collides with the huge frame of the general goblin, sending it off flying from the back of the large lizard.

Noticing that it lost the weight from its back, the lizard stops in a hurry. And when it notice the general far in the distance, it rush over to return.

It is not only Regulus, the knights and the adventurers who stopped moving in their tracks, but even all of the magic beasts present in the area.

Silence pervades.

It stretches over the battlefield, sufficiently deafening to overwrite the intense battle fought until just a moment ago.

As if the battle was but an illusion.

「uuuun………What is that sound de gozaru ka?」

With an exception to one person.

The thunderous sound was so awful that it woke Chloe up. Though with a bit of a carefree atmosphere.

「Ice?………Can it be?」

Regulus turn towards where the ice cannonball came from.

The surrounding people also notice their movement and look up to the sky.

Thereupon, in the middle of the bright blue sky, a surprising figure of a human can be seen.

「Oh c.r.a.p, I didn"t think about landing!」

The screaming of a white-haired red-eyed youth enter Regulus" and Chloe"s ears.

yabe, chakuchi kangae te nakatta~

lol chloe. also lol kanna

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