Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 7 : 「Kanna」 learns the reason

// TN : comment typos, please //

// ‘Kanna‘ can actually have several meanings, the chapter t.i.tle actually references this (it could be taken more literally, it should be something like “the reason for being ‘Kanna"”), I’ll talk more about this at the end.//

Chapter 7 : 「Kanna」 learns the reason

「Nee, oni-san」

A familiar voice warms my heart.

In a spur of the moment, I turned towards the owner of the voice.. and standing there was the young girl we came to rescue– But there it was something different; her hair was different, the hair that was light brown so far, was now transparent blue in color.

「What is it, little girl?」

「Are? I thought you’d be more surprised by this situation.」

The girl said surprised as she touched her own hair… It’s true that I’m a little bit surprised; I can’t argue that– she should have been right next to Real, just how did she get here?

「But, you don’t give off a bad feeling…」

「Why? It’s because of me, that oni-san got into this mess, you know?」

This situation is quite pressing, however I felt like continuing the talk with this little girlーー with this woman.

「It’s not like you did it with bad intentions, right?」

However a doubt raised from this exchange…

「But, it’s really your fault?」

「It is」

She confirmed it without any shyness.

「All of what oni-san has been through in this place; in the end, I’m the cause. It has all been a consequence of what I have done.」

「Ah!? Just what could a little loli like you do?…………」

While I’m laughing up to my nose, on the inside I’m trying to bury an ominious conviction…

This womanーー or rather, this 『something』 that has the shape of a woman; has to be the source of origin of the current course of events.

If I look to the side, I can tell that both the golem that is close by or Real who is far away; are not moving an inch. It’s as if their time has been stopped.

「Right now I’m accelerating oni-san’s spirit several hundred times more than normal; you can relax.」

Don’t say it straight like that; it’s not like I can relax now… This is like one of those near death slow motion last minutes, right? The moment things start to move again, at that point I’m sure to be killed.

「True, at this rate you are sure to die」

Don’t add a cute face to that straightforward commentary!

While I’m on the verge of being cut down, the woman whispers.

「………… Don’t you want 『power』 like mine?」

After saying such, she gave one step to the side…

What was revealed behind her was that shining silver spear. So that’s what I collided with when I was sent rolling…

「OiOi, are you telling me that this really is a legendary weapon?」

「As if I know. This is something that the 『humans』 arbitrarily used as a 『chain』… But, it’s true that from human perspective, this might fit the description of legendary weapon.」

「OiOi, would you please give me a break with those jokes, loli girl? I’ll say it straight, but I’m just this poor 17th year old guy who is known for having no competency, no talent and no results, you know?」

It’s miserable to say such self depreciating things, but it’s a fact.

It’s to the extent that you can say that kami-sama disliked me.

It doesn’t matter what it is, I just don’t have an ounce of talent when trying it.

As a baby, it took a long time for me to be able to stand in two legs. I needed for about twice as much time than everyone else when learning to speak. When running, I am slow; and my body is actually relatively frail. It doesn’t matter in which area I give it a try, I always fall behind everyone else.

And that did not change at all after I got summoned to this world.

It’s the main reason of why I ran away from that wicked princess.

I touched this one before, but in this world 『magic』 is a popular art; and it doesn’t matter where you look in this world, 『all things in nature』 have 『magic power』.

The me who was summoned to this world to become a hero, at the end even then there it was no exception. It’s worse as others had the expectation that the one summoned would possess a tremendous amount of magic.

And that’s where it was, when the court magician at the castle was asked to measure my magic power; everyone was atonished because the quant.i.ty was 『zero』 ーー in my case I understood reality quickly ーー … Even the ordinary populace tend to have 10 or 20 in size, it doesn’t matter where you look, you won’t find someone with 『zero』.

ーーーー That’s why, they had no use for me.

「-Really, you called me at your own b.l.o.o.d.y convenience; and when you realized that I didn’t had the talent, you selfishly tried to cut me off, just what sort of tyrant is that? Just what do you think people are? Some worms crawling down there?」

I was amazed by the tremendous discharge of words I had saved. After all, I really need to have that wicked princess regret what she has done (while am at it, her followers too!).

「Do you feel indignation?」

「That’s a given! I’ll never let go of this grudge! Absolutely get retribution for your grudges, happens to be my principle!」

I don’t care if the opponent is royalty or n.o.bility. I have been like this from long ago, and I’ll be like this in the future as well.

Get twice as much worth for your resentment, that’s the basics of the basics; you know?

「That’s true. It’s because you are like this that you are my chosen one」

And thus, the woman grabbed my hand and led me somewhere…

「It doesn’t matter which sort of humilliation you are smeared with, stains will never touch your soul. It doesn’t matter who it is, you’ll never be broken. You are completely devoid of any colors.」

「O, oi…………?」

「You who were never loved by G.o.d, became an abhorrence outside the scope of G.o.d’s children. No one can shackle you in this world; you are a solitary king」

By her guidance, my hand would touch the silver spear.

「Now, Children of 『kanna』, grab this spear」

//TN : it’s implied here that she is reading Kanna was read as  神無 , so she is basically calling him “child without a G.o.d” or “child forgotten by G.o.d”//


「What’s next is up to you, do your best; oni-san♪」

At the end, the face of this girl finally had a bright smile.

Then my thoughts became divided–

In an instant, intense pain was transmitted through the hand that had touched the spear.

「No……………… Gah…………」

In time, it was just but a moment; however, it was as if the core of my body was broken through by a huge impact; it was a sensation of having my thoughts stretched over many folds. As if last minute cramming for the mid-term exams for every subject was squeezed into my brain and then repeating that many times in my head.

As I was thinking that my blood vessels would rupture, but even before that; the shock was enough to stop my heartbeat

「That loli girl, she did as she pleased for the sake of advancing her story」

My field of vision swayed, the same as if I had suffered from anemia– I bear with it somehow…

The moment I grasped that silver spear, I understood that something flowed inside me. I have no other words to describe that something other than 『something』that I feel as if it’s being poured inside my head. An overwhelming amount of information is forcefully transfered in.

The conversation I had with that female shaped life form, I somehow remember it; but I feel that I’m missing the last bit…

「Just how did it end up as a solitary king thing?」

But other than that it’s ambiguous, I feel that it was something really important…

「…………Erm, Eh?」

A shade is covering my field of vision… That means there is something big on top of me, right?

A little bit outside from that point of vision, the ice giant was there slicing with his great sword.
「Ah, this is bad」

Right after I gave a mutter as if the current situation did not concern me; a giant ice sword was almost touching me.

In front of this premonition of death, I heard the muttering of a voice.

「You should understand how it’s used」

A voice then was trying to guide me ーーwrong; the voice purposely pointed me towards the conclusion…

You can, said such intuition.


At the same time the tip of the ice blade was to touch my forehead, it was suddenly stopped from moving. It’s not like if the giant himself stopped the blade, it was I who stopped it; that’s for certain.

To phrase it better, every joint in the body of this giant is now 『frozen』; in the first place this guy is mainly made of ice… thanks to that, to the 『current me』 he no longer is a big deal.

I proceeded to take off the heavy clothes I had been wearing until now, those clothes meant to block the cold are already of no use for me. The air around me is completelly chill, however that doesn’t bother me anymore.

Before falling into doubts, I moved according to my feelings.

… Even with the joints completely hardened, the giant still tries to move…

If that’s the case, then I just need to take it out.

The large ice sword that’s in between my eyebrows, I take off my gloves and touch it.

Usually, just touching something at this temperature would end in frostbite; I stretch my hands nonetheless.

「I’ll be taking this, UOORYAA!」

With just some effort, the handle of the sword was broken. It’s not like super human strength was used, it was just a process where the bind of water molecules mantaining the ice was weakened.

The great bulk of the blade is in my hands, merely using it as it is would be hard.

Let’s focus the image…

「Something like an axe, would be fine?」

With a cracking noise, the large part of the blade changes shape, becoming a large axe in my hands. It’s size is great, the handle alone is for about as tall as I am; the blade part is as big as my upper body.

Althrough the ice giant can not move, perhaps wanting a new weapon, he is now extendending a bulk of ice from the handle that’s in his hands… as if to replace the blade that was lost.

Well, before that happens….

「Smash into pieces!」

I jump ahead, there is no technique to this; I merely give a large swing with all of my power, the axe sinks easily into the middle of the head of this golem. Instead of screams, the sound of collapsing gla.s.s resounded all over the place.

「Erm, What the h.e.l.l isss thisssss!??」

After the event, I was surprised by the axe that was in my hands. Oi, what was I doing just now? How was that the golem ended up pulverized? Rather, what’s with this Ice Axe?


While I was confused, Real approached.

「Oi, are you safe?」

「If asked if I’m safe, I’m safe, but…」

「I see, I was wondering what was going to happen for a second.」

After breathing in relief, Real glanced at the destroyed golem.

「Even so, I was surprised; to think you’ll make use of spells. You said you couldn’t use magic, where you hiding it?」

「———— No, it’s different.」

I instinctively denied that this was what’s called 『magic』.

「This is not magic, it’s something that’s fundamentally different in nature」

I can’t remember the exact words; is it because I don’t have knowledge about this world? I don’t have a proper understanding of what the concept of magic is about, but there is a strange intuition that leads me to say this.

「To borrow human words, the name should be something like 『Spirit Magic』?」

The voice of a third party; turning around, a beautiful woman with long blue hair was there where the spear 『was』 supposed to. The sight of a feminine softness came into view… it’s a disproportionate appearance for this extremely cold place.

Intuitively, I understood that she was that girl.

At the same time, I also knew that she is not a human being.

「…………Her presence can’t be felt at all?」

While gulping, Real noticed something strange; I asked a question to the blue haired beauty instead…

「Just how much of this was planned before hand?」

「Ara? Some unexpected opening words…. Have you perhaps piled up pent up resentment?」

「That’s not wrong, but more than that I want to clarify what were you responsible of」

‘Interesting child‘, her greeting had a ring which sounded as if it was spelling those words…

TN : You probably already noticed, the chapter t.i.tle can be taken in several ways, but the most proper one is probably what blue girl said, which is that he learns that he has been forsaken by G.o.d. That sounds important, specially since we don’t know if he actually remember it from the talk in accelerated consciousness.

 This interpretation could also be applied to the t.i.tle, we could end up with weird ideas like, that implies that Kanna ignores the G.o.ds or the other way around.

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