Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 76


chloe kawaii 《baba=hag》

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho. corrections are welcome

obligatory text f.u.kkatsu

It’s a four-stage surprise exclamation, babsamaーーA story of reward and promotion


Viva the next day.

After a last examination to confirm my health, I’m finally discharged from the hospital.

An imperial establishmentーIn other words, an operation under the direct management of the state. The scale is different from a clinic run by a town doctor.

When I exit the hospital, I take a good look at the building. Its grandeur is magnificent. If I didn’t know beforehand that it’s a hospital, I might’ve mistaken it as a [castle]. Though there is an even bigger [castle] in its vicinity, so I doubt that’ll happen.

What I wanted to say was, the bigger one is the center of Draknil and the heart of the Diagal Empire, the Imperial Palace. It’s not surprising for an imperial establishment to be built near the palace because royalties might use it for some unforeseen circ.u.mstance.

It’s the biggest building within the capital and I’ve seen it multiple times from a distance but never at this point blank range. Just looking up at the highest [spire] makes my neck hurt.

ーーーHow did they construct such a tall structure?

It’s probably built with the help of some convenient magic or some such. It seems likely that earth attribute magic plays a major role in its construction.

「Kannshi! Congratulations on your discharge de gozaru!」

「Am I a yakuza now?」

Chloe is the first to welcome me out of the hospital. Real is occupied and I got no other close friends of my age in this city, so there’s no helping it.

eh Am I actually a loner?

「Where are you heading now de gozaru ka?」

「For the time being, I’m going to show my face at the guild. I wanna ask Lydeal basan about my reward and various other things.」

「Then, this one would like to accompany you de gozaru.」

「………Too much free time?」

「That’s awful de gozaru! It’s just that it would be somewhat lonely going to the guild alone de gozaru yo! This one also have to go through the formalities for the previous request de gozaru!」

While teasing Chloe along the way, we head towards the guild. And then, after talking to Cindy-san at the reception counter, she guides us to basan’s office, as usual.

「G-G-G-G-G-Guild M-M-Masterーーー!!?」

「Chloe, you’re exaggerating.」

I guess it’s because Real already told me the truth.

As soon as she’s seated, basan reveals her ident.i.ty to Chloe.

「Guild Master de gozaru yo! Guild’s Master de gozaru! A Master of the Guild de gozaru yo! Because it’s The Guild Master de gozaru yo! ?」

It’s all literally just a literal interpretation but with a weird 4-stage inflection. Also, the latter two doesn’t make any sense at all.

「Moreover a former S-rank! ? As far as adventurers are concerned, S-rankers are luminaries from the heavens de gozaru zo! How is it that Kannshi is unperturbed de gozaru ka! ?」

「Actually, I was pretty surprised when Real told me about it.」

「Why did you not tell this one yesterday de gozaru ka! ! ?」

「I forgot.」

「As if this is trivial de gozaruuuuuuuu! !」

Seeing the shrieking Chloe at her wits end, the aforementioned guild master is roaring with laughter while holding her stomach as if she’s unrelated to the topic. Speaking of someone unrelated, Cindy-san by her side shakes her head, seemingly troubled.

After finishing her laughing fit, basan wipes off tears from the corners of her eyes.

「I meant no harm by hiding it. I just wanted to see your surprised face so I unintentionally hid the fact. Do forgive me.」

「P-P-Please pay us no heed de gozaru! This much is not enough to warrant an apology from Guild Master-dono de gozaru.」

「So she says, Chloe. You don’t need to stand on ceremony with the likes of this basan. Rather, you should claim reparation for her perjury.」

「………As for you, you’re too indifferent to this.」

「My deepest apologies baba………pardon, babsama. Nevertheless, I’d like to claim reparation for your perjury, baba」

「Certainly both of you don’t have to be all formal with me but in your case, you should be a little more reserved! Or rather, there’s no point in your rephrasing! You even reverted back at the end!」

「………Seeing you like that, this one thinks Kannshi is actually amazing de gozaru.」

That’s because my astonishment ran out yesterday. A little revenge won’t net me a punishment.

「Good grief, you sure are a petty man. Well, that’s fine. Shall we begin anew with self introduction? I am Lydeal, the Guild Master of Draknil’s branch of Adventurer’s Guild. In my youth, I’m known as [Thousand Blades], the alias I received when I was still S-rank. While that may be true, I won’t mind if you interact with me no differently than before.」

Chloe who is nervous in the face of the luminary releases her tension when said luminary gave her express approval.

「Is this okay?」

So I ask while glancing at Cindy-san. She just nod with a wry smile in response.

「Now then. I a.s.sume that much is enough for an introduction. It’s a bit sudden but let us get to the point, shall we? First of all, regarding the youngster’s remuneration.」

I didn’t get Real’s signature but it seems that she personally reported to basan yesterday. I submit the request certificate as is.

「First and foremost, great work out there. Real already filled me in about the circ.u.mstances. It seems that you played an active role in this incident.」

「Good grief, wasn’t that just a delivery errand? I got worked to the bone y’know.」

「I have nothing to say except it was an oversight of mine. This time’s raid request wasn’t at the level that should be entrusted to C-rankers.」

Although rank magic beast didn’t appear, judging by the scale of the outbreak, the raid team should’ve been organized around B-rankers at the core, with at least one rank adventurer accompanying them.

Too late for that though.

「Real said it as well. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, the adventurers and knights would have suffered considerable casualties. As the guild master, you have my grat.i.tude.」

「d.a.m.n right I did. I can expect additional reward, right?」

「There’s not even an ounce of humility ne. How very much like you, youngster.」

Following the eye signal from basan, Cindy-san put my reward in the form of a pouch on the table.

「The original request reward, 5 silver coins with an additional remuneration of 20 gold coins.」

In j.a.panese Yen, it would amount to 2.5 million yen. An amount far and above what I antic.i.p.ated.

「Two ogres and a large number of lizardman. That and including your pivotal contribution in avoiding the worst case scenario, this amount is reasonable.」

「It’s amazing de gozaru yo, Kannshi! Earning more than 10 gold coins from a request is not possible unless you are a B-ranker de gozaru!」

「In other words, you’ve accomplished a feat comparable to that of a first cla.s.s adventurer.」

It’s a justified recompense but I’m a little bit daunted by the amount. I thought it’d be about 5 gold coins at most.

Subsequently, Chloe also receives her reward from the raid. Four additional gold coins are added to her original reward of 2 gold coins. One of the reasons for her high valuation was her accomplishment in which she subjugated several general goblins.

「While we’re on the occasion, since her strength has proven to be true, black wolf girl is permitted to take B-rank promotion exam.」

「I did it de gozaru yo, Kannshi!」

I stroke Chloe’s head, who’s wholeheartedly rejoicing.


Chloe leaks that out with a slovenly smile.

Are you sure you’re a wolf?

「Now now, it’s too early to be rejoicing. That should be saved after being promoted to B-rank. Well, I have nothing more to say concerning your ability. If you don’t screw up the interview afterwards, you’ll have no problem pa.s.sing the exam.」(baba)

Promotion to C-rank onwards requires not only strength but also a certain degree of refinement.

「There would be no trouble if the commissioner is a well-mannered n.o.ble but there are also trash-like n.o.ble who don’t even know [c] from courtesy coming to the guild with a commission. It is indispensable for high-ranking adventurer to be able to deal with such an occasion.」(baba)

「Uuuuuu……… This one is full of anxiety regarding that de gozaru…」

「If you’re worried, you should join the [Aristocratic Measures Negotiating Course] held by the guild for those preparing for the promotion test. If you undergo that diligently, you’ll almost certainly be promoted.」

「Fair enough de gozaru.」

As one goes higher in rank, the ratio of [n.o.ble] clients will increase. That is because commissioning a request for those ranks exceed the capacity of commoners. Hence, the necessity for the ability to deal with n.o.bility.

Since I’m gonna take it easy as a D-rank, it doesn’t matter to me. For the time being, I guess I’ll put it off until I conquered all [delicious magic beast] requests that can be received at Draknil’s branch. After all, I only became an adventurer to earn living expenses and to pa.s.s time before I return to the [real world]. I got almost no desire for a promotion.

「Why are you looking like it’s someone else’s affair, youngster?」

Basan, who was explaining the course to Chloe turns to me.

「Frankly speaking, it is though.」

「What foolishness are you spouting. I’m telling you now, aside from black wolf girl here, you will also undertake the C-rank promotion test.」


……………………………Whadja say?

Basan continues with a sigh, seeing that I kinda look like a dove that just got shot by a peashooter.

「It’s not only Real who reported the extent of your rampage at the mine but also the other adventurers who accepted the request. They’ve already grasped that your ability does not correspond to your D-rank at all. Those guys are flooding the receptionists with inquiries such as [who the heck was that white-haired young man?!]. I’m having trouble dealing with it, you know.」


I completely forgot.

It was not only Chloe and Real fighting there, but also all those adventurers and knights. I made ice fall down like a rain, launched away ice sh.e.l.ls and brandished an ice axe. Even when I jumped into the battlefield, I blasted an ice sh.e.l.l with all that I had.

Not noticing me would be strange indeed.

「As expected of Kannshi! To pile up achievements enough for a promotion to C-rank within less than a month after being promoted to D-rank!」

Chloe is complimenting me with sparkling eyes but nonononono…

「Good grief, if you wanted to hide your abilities, you should have put a little more effort to do so. But well, in that situation, I think that there’s no helping it.」

Hearing the words of basan containing both rebuke and exasperation makes me want to curse my own carelessness.

「Besides, before you went on a rampage at the mine, you already crushed two ogres at the encampment. Even at that point, you were judged as having C-rank level of ability. This is based on the testimony from the knights who fought with you at the encampment.」

The more I listen, the more the chance of snaking out of this feels slithering further away from me. Still, I open my mouth to wring out what’s left of my resistance.

「………I’m not particularly aiming for the [top].」

「In your case, I’m very much aware that being an adventurer is no more than your method of earning living expenses. But I must inform you that, for better or worse, the Adventurer’s Guild upholds the principle of fairness. We have to be upright regarding adventurer’s [ability] and [reward]. And if we let an obviously capable person at the level of a higher rank to roam about as a lower rank, the guild’s face will be besmirched.」

It’s a different story if I’m exposed only to basan personally but this time, my abilities are well-known to quite the number. I mean, there are connections between adventurers and rumors must’ve spread from those who accepted the raid request.

「………If I refuse?」

「Do you think you can?」

At the same time she uttered those words, an skin piercing pressure permeates the whole room.

Chloe, who’s sitting beside me lets out a frightened [hii……] with her ears lowered. Even Cindy-san breaks out in a cold sweat and furrows her brows so as not to be overwhelmed.

In front of me is no longer the sociable basan but the out of standard presence of one who reached the lofty height of an S-rank.

「………A threat?」

「Who knows. Take it as you will. Still, you’re good. In the face of my [intimidation], you didn’t even flinch. A normal C-ranker should have faint right about now. Your guts isn’t half-baked at all ne. You look more and more promising by the minute.」

Looking at the intimidating smile of the apex adventurer, I realize -though it is too late- that I have no right to refuse.

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