Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 1 : Sudden escape from the castle -- Soothing on top of a flying dragon & explaining the situation.

//TN : Should probably use some more editting//

Chapter 1 : Sudden escape from the castle -- Soothing on top of a flying dragon & explaining the situation.

Greetings, this is Kamishiro Kanna. 17 years old, coursing through his 2nd year of high school and like any healthy adolecent boy, I would like a girlfriend.

You might consider this sudden, but right now I’m flying across the skies on top of a 『dragon』.

By dragon I mean what j.a.panese would put it as 竜 . Not a codename that some combat planes might get from time to time; but a creature that has sharp tusks, long neck, hard scales and huge wings on it’s back. But what is it that, the pupil of the eyes are charming like that of a cute creature?

「N? What is it?」
It’s certainly too much of a bother to keep numerating things as I would like to drift away from reality, my awareness is brought back by this girl who is sitting in front of me. A beauty who resembles works of art with radiant silver hair which reflects the shining sunlight; with two big blue eyes that could pa.s.s as precious stones, nice orderly features and a gorgeous appearance; she is a beauty which is as if it almost departs from human race; is there waiting.

── Correction, in the first place 『human』 is not applicable in this case. It’s enough to glimpse at the sharp, long ears that extend from her long hair; of course they are not fake as they do tremble from time to time as if to give evidence of their actual autenticity.
「Ah、nah. I was just escaping reality for a while」

「Again? Well, thinking of what you have been through; that might not be strange at all」
To the me who was scratching his own head, this girl directed a smile.
「But more than that, isn’t this guy quite the comfortable ride?」

「If there is no issue with the pain in the a.s.s when sitting; one can enjoying a pleasant scenery」

「Sorry, since it was summoned so suddenly there it was no chance to arrange something to use as saddle. Normally, I prepare proper equipement in advance」

「The first priority was to get away from that situation, right? Then my a.s.s hurting a little is no problem at all. Oh, and the texture is nice to the touch」
While rustling a little I touch the back of the dragon. If one just judges by looking, it would seem as if it’s hard and very hard at that; like any reptile, it can’t possibly be said that it has a smooth skin and the touch feels slippery like that of a snake; but that’s a misunderstanding if one only looks. It’s easy to become absorbed in the sensation transmitted by touching it directly.

Due to feeling me petting it, the dragon lets out a cute 「kyui kyui」 as if it’s the singing voice of a bird like. Just how soothing is this? Quite lovely.
「This guy is a little bit shy to strangers and not counting me it really doesn’t pay much attention to others. It seems it’s attached to you」

「Ever since young, for some reason or the other; animals are quite fond of me」

「That’s a good const.i.tution」

「Once, there it was this one time where a large amount of cats collided with me as if it was the tidal wave of a tsunami」

「That’s……………… Extremely enviable」

Eyes of envy are directed at me, it looks like she is a cat lover. In truth, it’s not all that nice.

「Having your whole self covered and with all of that fur, the body temperature rises a lot」

In winter the heat is nice and all, but in summer it can get hot enough that it wouldn’t be weird to faint.
「ーーBy the way, here cats are small animals that go for like 30 centime………… no, that might not be here. They are for about this big covered in fur, the have ears like this and walk in four legs and they are quite cute life forms, they exit here?」

I draw the size of an average cat with my hands, imitate the shape of the ears on my head. At first glance they look like gestures of me s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around, but this girl puts an earnest face and nods without laughing

「Aa, there is something like that. I don’t think I can give a conclusive opinion without seeing it,、but it’s mainly a small and cute animal, right?」

The reason of why I would enact such weird gestures is because I want to make sure that what I recognize as a 『cat』 and what she recognizes as a 『cat』 are the same exact thing.

Dear audience, you might have long realized it already. Probably from the onset where I brought up the word dragon; or rather, the bit with the beauty with long ears, silver hair, blue eyes might have been decisive.
Yes, I’m currently in another world.

I’m currently in another world; since it’s important, it might as well be said twice.

Oh yeah, this is the Kamishiro Kanna who has been summoned to another world.
Thanks for the chunnibyou? Nah nah, if it was just wild ideas that sprouted from an halluciniation due to chunnibyou, that would be a joyious thing rather. If I try to say that I wouldn’t enjoy any of those chunni like developments, that would be just a huge lie. To be summoned to another world as a hero, travelling while experiencing encounters with your companions for the sake of oppossing the demon lord which would be the basic standard in heroic fantasy. Even at this age, sometimes I think about stuff like that even if it’s just a little.

But when it actually happens, it’s truly some serious trouble. The two dimensions can be entertainment because they stay in the two dimensions; when they actually corrode into the 3D world, it doesn’t become something you can joke around with.

And to fall into that you can joke around with state of affairs; is where I am right now.

………………… Well, it’s quite true that reality and illusion are different. It was to the point were I was summoned as a hero, the template was fulfilled up to there; after that it became heinous thing after heinous thing.

It’s actually because it’s heinous that I’m going to omit a large chunk of it. The bottom line is that I ended up face to face with this beauty of long silver hair, long ears and blue eyes whose name is Real Farbell. As you might have realized, she is not from the human race and I should add that ever since the summoning, she is by far the person who has been the most overflowing with human compa.s.sion and warm heart that I have met; there is no room for discussion here. From the get go it was the very worst, it was by far the worst thing I have experienced in my life.
As expected, is better if I go with a simple explanation of the sequence of events….

At fist, I was just attending cla.s.ses in school.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by light and summoned to another world.

There it was obviously no prior notice while I was entertaining the thought of what to dine today to combat the boredom of being in cla.s.s; that’s too cruel.

After being summoned to another world, in front of me who had reached the absolute peak of confussion; at such juncture stood the one who for me 『at that time』 became the number one beauty that I have ever seen in my life.
Be as it may, as expected the 「Hero, please save this world!」 line popped up. Naturally, if a girl who looks that pretty pledges you with teary eyes; the average guy will let out an immediate 「leave it to me!」 response. Even I at first was about to let out something like 「I’ll do something about saving this world!」 out of my mouth….

It might be something mysterious, but that line was stopped by that very same beauty even before the words could let my throat as I took a second glance at her. A strong, cold chill ran through my back, a tremendous shiver with an intensity as if liquid nitrogen was poured on me, right away cold sweat started running through my back.

Exactly because I saw that beauty more calmly.
And then I realized.
That dreadful something 『black』 that laid in the back of her eyes.
And after that, well; several things started from there.

Eventually, somehow or the other I was certain that I had to escape from the castle where I was summoned, losing my way in the dungeon; I released Real who I found was imprisioned there. Deciding to break out together, we somehow managed to leave the castle and it was at that point that Real summoned a Dragon for us to ride, putting a safe end to our escapade.

In a way, I could be described as someone with a 「quite the good intuition』. When betting on poker or stuff like mahjong, I think I’m strong, and I believe I’m someone sharp towards human sensibilities. But, this time it was too much of a large portion, I had never had a sweat as cold as that one.

According to what the story went, Real was captured by that beauty and arbitrarily framed. It doesn’t matter how innoncent she seems at first glance, in the end she was just wicked.

Probably, is exactly because she is wicked that she is pretending to be completely innoncent, and if that’s so then her level of darkness can only be described as ‘completely died’; a level of wickedness where she decides to make use even of her own beauty and that just shows how she is too dark in too many ways.
「Well, what will you do now, Kanna? Do you have any objectives?」

「Rather than asking me I would like to hear the opposite; just who can tell me what am I supposed to do from now on?」

「No, well if I’m asked what I would do now……………………………。In my case, my current purpose is returning to my hometown」

For the time being, I could only care about getting away from that super wicked black princess (she might even have been a true princess after all); so I could not spare any leasure on thinking what to do after escaping. It’s just that, if I had stayed in the castle; there is no doubt that it would have turned into something horrible. A hero, a brave; without a doubt a storm full of drama has been unleashed already and it was a storm full of drama huge enough that they had to call a hero to deal with it.

「Really, whether you are someone who acts after deep consideration, or if you are someone who haphazardly pushes on, I don’t really get which of those you are in the end」

「I get told that a lot」

「You get told that a lot!?」

But it’s true that I get said that a lot.

In case if there is any doubt, Real tone of expression is somewhat male like and it’s not like she is putting on airs of being a man, but that she comes out as a 『knight』; as if it’s a natural consequence of a girl having being raised in an all-male household.

Originally when I saw her in jail, she was in thin underwear only and with her hands restrained through a wodden tablet. The moment I saw her, my internal beautiful girl ranking was completely overturned and gained a new first place. The wicked princess? For that one, even when factoring her appearance; since the contents which are an absolute worst are considered, that sends her to the indisputed last place; that’s obvious.
Changing the subject, Real’s appearance is now a light armor that emphasizes mobility and protects only the vital points; she also has a great sword which is for about as tall as she is. Those two items were taken away at the time of her arrest, but fortunately were inside the castle and it was possible to recover them. At that time, there it was this chance where I actually had to hold her sword, and just as it looks it’s incredibly heavy.

「In any event, it’s not like they can officially organize a pursue party; the two of us don’t have any evidence of residence in this country and they can’t afford to reveal that we were there」

「Ah, so to say; you sound really certain of that, why is that?」

「If in this current time of 『peace』, the large powers get to hear that a 『hero』 was called for; that would be the same as telling them 「prepare for war」. Surely the ritual was made in secrecy and behind closed doors, they probably have already thought ahead on were to dispatch you. And at that time, you’ll likely be told lies in the lines of 「the enemy are invaders」 to get you to act」

「Scary. I am a man whose inclination is towards pacifism」

「…………………… Would a man who gives a flying kick to a guard without any moment of doubt, ever be described as a pacifist?」

「Pacifism and non-combatant doctrines are actually different things」
You should earn your own peace, that’s my motto.
「In my case I have my own circ.u.mstances, there is really plenty to consider. Probably, I was being kept to use as a 『trump card』 for 『diplomacy』… I don’t like to be reminded of it, but I do hold that much value. Additionally, they also surely had wanted to use me as a deal under the table. This goes without a doubt for this land that has already earned a lot of antipathy from the surrounding countries」

「Now that I hear it; this is probably a country overflowing with strong ambition. Is it noticeable?」

Once again I realize that I was really glad that I managed to escape.

TN : Kanna’s mottos or self imposed rules are all are awesome, you better start making notes about them.

TN notes : There is a bunch of lines that I had some small trouble with and are probably wrong (maybe I’ll make a list for each chapter?). There is also probably typos there, just add them to comments if possible.

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