Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 11 : Red hair (with big breast) enters the stage

//typos at the end please//

//TN: Her chest description uses kyonyuu. That gets used a lot in the series thanks to Kanna’s preferences //

Chapter 11 : Red hair (with big breast) enters the stage

Just how far where you aroused, you idiot. While berating myself, I ran full speed towards the inn… I can’t even joke around with leaving this to another day; so I’m returning ASAP to get my wallet… My head is filled with thoughts of getting back to that place; you better not look down with youthful indiscretions; they are not fragile enough that this amount of seat back is discouraging.

Exactly, it’s not like I’m just going to give up because I forgot my wallet…



I made a full speed run flying drop kick, my objective is; one of the scoundrel guys that was dragging off an unwilling cute girl towards the backalleys. The moment these soles reached the opponent, the guy was blown away flashily by all of that kinetic energy.

I guess the current situation should be easy to understand after that short explanation…

The I who was in the middle of a flying drop kick, noticed that the guy who was sent flying tumbled wonderfully in a back flip; a long noise was heard as he did an amazing landing… This would surely get a 10 out of 10, I guess I should pat me in the back a little.

Let’s review the issue once more?

Right now there are six people other than me here.

One of them is the beauty over there; judging by the face, she is for about the same age as me… Her hair color is easily distinguishable red even in this dim brightness, with a tone that resembles the pa.s.sion of a burning flame. Additionally, the robe that she wears in her body stands tall, the reason being the self a.s.serting buldge that protudes from her chest. While it is indeed lesser compared to Real, it’s still at a level where you are better off not worrying about comparisons; that’s already quite the lethal weapon as it is.

If I was to say something of the remaining four, they are brutish fellows that are closing off the girl’s mouth and holding her hands on her back. One of them was already sent flying away; so he is a little bit separated from where we are standing now.

The 5 people where completely frozen in place awestruck with their mouths hanging by the intruder that barged in without any prior notice.

「Y- you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what do yーーーー」 (punk)

「NOISY!」 (Kanna)

I promptly bury a twisting fist into the face of the guy that was trying to argue with me; the reaction from the backlash tells me that his nose is broken, I retract my arm and the guy with a crumpled nose collapses to his back; it looks like he won’t move anymore.

「W-What, What’s with you, you f.u.c.ker!?」 (other punk)

The guy that was detaining the girl, squeezed out with a withering voice. His 『enjoyment』 was disturbed, and his friend got sent flying without any questions asked; he faces me with an angry expression, it’s the same for the other remaining guy.

And the I who is in the receiving end of these two’s anger.

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds………… Getting in the way of someone climbing the stairways to adulhood…」 (Kanna)

While glaring, I let out as much bloodl.u.s.t as I can to these two, they let out a 「Hii」 scream after receiving my anger.

「It’s not like it’s going to shy away with this! What do I do with these youthful impulsesssssss!!!」 (Kanna)

My fist moves as I scream, I hit the third guy’s jaw from bellow. His feet raise from the ground and gravity causes him to fall into the ground, as a doll that had it’s strings broken.

「s.h.i.t!」 (other punk)

And the last guy, the one that was detaining the girl spat out curses; he thrusts away the slender waist that was caught in his arm, and pulls out a sword from his belt. It is only at this point, that I notice that the other brutish guys also have swords in their belts.

「Y-you, it looks like you don’t know usーー」 (other punk)


On top of that, it’s two weeks in this world.

「Calling yourself a country b.u.mp, or rather; you are just a normal guy– You should’t have any relation with us!!」 (other punk)

「SHARAP! When I was about to do some nyannyan with a big breasted onee-san! (ident.i.ty to be settled); I find the scene of some guys forcing someone else in front of my face! I can’t nyannyan with a clear conscience after this!」 (Kanna)

「That’s just stupid. And you are just venting your…………」 (other punk)


Yep, I’m absolutely venting in anger, though no one who points that out is here.

「………… Now that I look at ya, you don’t carry a blade. Heh, just a hillbilly greenhorn who has a big sense of justice? Right, nothing to make a fuss about」 (other punk)

After going into self monologue, the guy regains his calmness and let outs a smile. To put it bluntly, he is disguisting.

「Maybe, you might be a big shot with a strong arm in the hicks, but that’s just a frog in a small pond. Let me give you some advice as your senior in the big ocean; so, the price for learning is going to be your lifeーーーー」 (other punk) // senior = senpai //


Without any pause I stepping in, I hardened my fist and struck the guy’s belly. I wonder if there is some idiot who will just stay still as an enemy is in front of you running out their mouths with leisure.


「Gehuooo」 (other punk)

This is not the feeling of hitting flesh, and the sound hints that the feeling in my arm is one from clashing with something hard. I’m not in pain, but it’s sudden enough to be surprised…

The man staggered some steps behind, but he did not fall; after he braced himself and regained his footing; he brushed off a part from his own clothes, and bellow it; a roundish wooden thing fell to the floor, making an empty noise… I guess it’s like one of those corsett that n.o.ble ladies wear from time to time, and a type of protection that is meant to be put under one’s clothes… and from the sound of it, it looks like it broke– It splits magnificently from the part where I hit it.

「Geho, geho; I wore that one just in case. Too bad, isn’t?」 (other punk)

I take a glance to the wooden corsett that is broken, while it looks like some damage pa.s.sed; without a doubt most of it was nullified.

If it would have been Misaki, she would have gotten the ribs along with destroying the corsett.

The guy seems to be holding on the pain, and holds his sword in a different way from before, without gaps.

「No more carelessness, I’m going to kill the s.h.i.t out of ya fer sure」 (other punk)

Exactly as he says, you can’t feel negligence anymore from his stance; additionally– like this man pointed out, I don’t have in me any sort of protective gear… the armor purchased during the day, was all left in the inn. This is certainly a small failure, from now on; every time I go out, I’ll carry something with me.

It is indeed so; right now I have absolutely no armor at hand, and then there is the opponent, even if it’s just a human, he has a sword in hand… There is no way he is as strong as Real, but he should at least know a thing or two; going against him barehanded is a little bit too much after all.

「DIEE!」 (other punk)

A vigoroous swing filled with killing intent was heading my way; in the case of trying to block this with just my arms, those arms would be slashed through along with my body…

Well, there is no way that I can forget it…

Those 『Secret arts』 that were pa.s.sed down to me by the great ice spirit.


The echo from a metallic hardness spreads through the night town.

The man open his eyes wide…

I guess he was quite sure that his slashing attack was going to get through me, arms and all; that’s exactly why I used something 『transparent without a color』 in my right arm to stop his slice.

Nice, it looks like density won’t be an issue with this

「Chi, d.a.m.nn!」 (other punk)

Leaving behind his confusion, he quickly discerns that his attack was stopped and speedely retracts his blade; he lunges forward with a swipping side attack as a follow up… With this reaction, you can tell that he did not only learn to fight in the backalleys; it shows that it’s someone who has experiences from different places, however; the same hard sound was heard again, since another object of the same quality of the right arm materialized in my left; stopping the swing in the same way.

The man who had his strikes stopped twice looks at me as if he was seeing some sort of monster…

「Y- you, are you a magician!?」 (other punk)

「Nah, it’s something else」 (Kanna)

I pushed back a little the sword with the transparent material in my left armーー It looks like there is no scratch in the ice arm protectors made by spirit magic.

After shaking off the sword with the blocking arm, I made sure to make some distance between the guy and I– then, with a large step forward; I put great speed and body weight as I trust my right hand forward. The guy makes a quick reaction and puts his sword horizontally so that it acts as a shield…


Of course, just like the left hand; the right one was completely covered with the ice protector. That single blow breaks the covering sword right down the middle, and just like before I dive my first into the guy’s abdomen; blowing away the guy horizontally for about 4 meters. He rolled a little in the floor and then stopped moving.

「ーーーー Fuh, I feel seriously refreshed」 (Kanna)

I check around to confirm that the hoodlums really stopped moving, and then I relax my stance. Driven by the mood, I struck together the two fists that are protected by ice.

It looks like the techniques that were taught by the spirit baa-san are firmly engraved in my body; even if the opponent comes forth with killing intent, I can perform for about the same as I did in those training rounds with Real. During that week spent at the village on the foot of the sacred mountain, I somehow managed to learn the basic techniques required to survive in this world.

I lightly relax my arms, and release the ice that has been covering them; said ice makes a gla.s.s shattering like sound as it touches the ground, fluttering as it crumbles.

And now, I better head towards the girl that was thrusted away by the last guy… while I have been delaying it, it would be a problem if she got injured then.

… I don’t think I can take her to my place to make sure if she is alright. As a result of the scuffle with these guys, the excitement of my lower half has subsided… It’s regrettable to let go of that adult stairway; but let’s obediently give up on that now.

「In any event, if injuredーー」 (Kanna)

I put my eyes where the girl is supposed to be…

… And I find that a beautiful face is staring at me from a point blank distance.

「ーーOoohhhh?」 (robed b.r.e.a.s.t.s)

It’s obviously not the guy from just now; I took some steps back, but the girl doesn’t mind that at all and totally stares at my face, stares at my arms (probably), and then sees the place laying around my feetーー She totally stares at the ice wreckage.
She squats down, and grabs with her hands one of the ice pieces… That gaze is completely serious, and strong enough to emit a feeling that she absolutely wouldn’t let slip even the slightest detail.

「ーーーーet it」 (robed b.r.e.a.s.t.s)

After muttering something, she got up with great vigor.

… For some reason, she grasped my collar.

ーー This is obviously the first time I experience having a girl grab my lapels on our first meeting.

「Nee, can I ask you something?」 (robed b.r.e.a.s.t.s)

Whatever is fine. We are already in a point blank range face to face confrontation… The two amazing peaches she is a possesor of are touching my chest; those adolecent impulses are surely going to surge forth once again; it’s a tender yet intense feeling.

「This ice, it’s the product of your own magic, right?」 (tender but intense b.r.e.a.s.t.s)

Without any hesitations, she trusts forward the ice piece that she has in her hand.

「It has to be, to be able to create an existence from nothing; it can only be done through magic… But this is a unusal; something created by magic has a very short life sp.a.w.n, thus something that was given birth by magic should be extinguished after it’s magic power supply is cut」 (tender but intense b.r.e.a.s.t.s)

This woman suddenly started explaining with my collar in hold as it is.

It’s exactly as this red head woman says, things created artifically by magic; quickly disappear once the magic is done. For example in the case of flame, if you manage to set something on fire, then that something will continue burning as it is until the combustion materials run out; but for the original flame, once the magic that produces it stops, it will cease to be. That much fits with what I learned from Real and the spirit baa-san…

-Erm, c.r.a.p. Right now I’m noticing my mistake…

「Then why is it, I don’t feel any magic flowing within this ice at all; but it’s a fact that it’s continuing to exit in my hand without losing any shape. Why is that?」 (tender but intense intelectual b.r.e.a.s.t.s)

Trying to conceal as much as possible any internal turmoil I’m in, without modifying my facial expression at all I give the order 「disappear」 to the surrounding ice. Then even the ice that she was holding winthin her hands, the small crusts scattered through the place as they vanished in thin air.

My own spirit magic and magic look like similar phenomena on the surface, but at their core they are quite different; grandma did gave out a warning about that which I had forgotten.

「Ara, it has disappeared; should I say you have quite a precise and finely tuned technique? Even if it was created by magic, it might be proper to say that it’s something which it’s closer to material that exists in reality; as it can keep it’s shape even after magic is no longer supplied…. If that’s the case, then I have even more questions…」 (girl)

To the I who keeps being restrained by my lapels without saying a word, she continues.

「While I’m being this close, as I see it happen first hand; I have absolutely not 『see you』 using any techiques; furthermore, we are speaking about the 『ice』 attribute here… an extra high difficult to perform technique that only a handful of water magicians manage to grasp…. I’m unable to comprehend this at all, I should have been able to understand at least as much of the outline for this…」 (curious girl)

As usual this red haired woman never lets go of my collar, keeping her hand fixed… It looks like she is losing herself in her thoughts as it is, she puts a hand in her chin and kept mumbling stuff; the words 『magic』 and 『technique』 kept popping up… She probably is trying to interpret the spirit magic I used in this place in the terms of attribute magic. Totally speaking her own mind without holding nothing back, but that now only be sumed up with the word 『pointless』; but it’s better not to twist more the story by fessing up now…

Or rather, after going through lengths to help her; the sole reward I get is getting seized by my collar… It’s not like I want to say to her face that she is indebted to me, as expected that would be a little bit too much.

………… Nah, right now in my solar plexus there is this atrociously wonderful sensation brought forth by those twin hills, it’s certainly good enough that it offsets any complain I might have about this.

I can’t feel any sort of malice coming from her… Let’s not speak about decorum and so on; it’s merely that she has nothing but intelectual curiosity in the phenomenom in front of her. I take another look at her clothes, in the upper part she has a robe which fits in the lightweight equipment cathegory, a popular choice for those with a magician’s air– The one thing is, the pattern in her clothes and the lining of the robe seems quite extravagant even to my eyes; is she an well bred lady from somewhere?

ーー As the a.n.a.lysis was prooceding calmly, I noticed the scent of problems ahead. It’s awkward enough to b.u.mp into a possible rape scene head on, but the smell is from a different nature than that… It’s as if I’m reminded of Yuuzuki— this closely resembles those burdens brought by that childhood friend of mine…

Don’t joke around— I already have my hands full with being summoned to another world; I can’t afford to get caught up in even more troublesome things.

「OJOU-SAMA!!」 (voice)

As I was experiecing cold sweats through my back, I could hear the loud voices and step sounds from several people; looking in that direction, three guys that look like adventurers were approaching this place while running– Their line of sight was completely fixated in this woman who has been holding my lapels all along. Eight to nine out of ten, they probably have a relation to her.

This is a chance.

I think it’s a bad thing to do, but I forcefully peel off the red hair’s hand from myself; the redhair who had put her attention to the incoming voice let out an 「Ah」 voice when her hand was shrugged off.

「Cya, from now on you should walk around at night only with one of your guardians」 (Kanna)

After leaving those words, I naturally made a dash in the opposite direction those adventurers where coming from. Midway, I somehow felt I was stepping into something soft and a 「nugoh」 sound reached my hears, there it shouldn’t be any reason for any sounds; let’s sum it up that it’s probably just my imagination; as I leave that place.

//TN : The author points out  the obvious, that red is an heroine. He also adds that all heroines are scheduled to be big. Big is good in this novel.

If you are interested, red uses ‘atashi’, the terms she kept fussing about are majutsu and jutsushiki //

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