Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 34

Kanna no Kanna 35

Though I"ve never traveled by train in the real world, and only walked or used the carriage to travel in this world, maybe that"s why this time"s train ride felt surprisingly comfortable. Since inside the train is rather safe, I didn"t have to keep my guard up which was quite refreshing for my mind. I even had a meal in one of the cars, though it was nothing fancy like the stuff they have in hotels. Nevertheless, it was comfortable. Even the scenery beyond the window was quite beautiful if only you pretend not to have seen the magic beasts roaming around. Though the escorting job still continues, is it really fine to enjoy ourselves this much?

Having finished our two day long trip, we safely arrived at the capital of Diagal,『Dracunil』. The train station of the capital was gigantic building, it was by far the biggest we"ve seen compared to those of all the towns we stopped at along the way and the border town we departed from. The meeting point of all the train rail in Diagal, it was a size proportional to that. For starters, the number of tall buildings was on a whole different level.

Once you take a step outside the station, the vast streets of the capital come into view. Just from a single glance I understood that this city is bigger than any other I"ve been to before. Though they didn"t reach the level of skysc.r.a.pers, some of them were five or six story tall.

(TL: Wait, what was this story about again?)

“humph, you"re completely like a country b.u.mpkin.”

“I am, completely a country b.u.mpkin, so what?”

Agatt seemed to be saying something, But I swiftly ignored him.

The truth is, I lived in Tokyo in the real world, but here in the fantasy world I"m going with the setting of a country b.u.mpkin from a village lacking in development.  Which isn"t that far from the truth considering my lack of common sense.

Did he not like my reaction? or did he simply not like me? Agatt"s expression turns harsh. This guy really has a short fuse when it comes to me. Even with this, according to Rand he"s a promising future knight captain candidate, I"m quite worried about him.

We went into a cafe next to the station. Faima"s request was completed the moment we stepped in the capital. Hence we"re gonna receive our reward.

Having a.s.sembled around a big table, we ordered some drinks and got straight to the point.

“Kanna, Real-san. Once again thank you for your hard work. Seeing how the request was safely cleared, I"m thinking of handing you you reward.”

Having said that in a formal tone, Faima gave a glance to Rand, who returned a nod before proceeding to pull an inflated sack from his pocket. Judging from the sound it made when it hit the table, I"d say it contains the reward money.

“Twenty gold coins are in there. Please go ahead and check.”

“…………Well, that"s pretty lavish of you.”

That"s worth one million j.a.panese yen. Not to mention that she took care of all our travelling expenses for the whole trip, The total reward should be around three million yen.

“Don"t you think this is a tad too much?”

Real expressed her question whilst checking the contents of the bag. It"s kinda greedy, but it seems like she intended on rejecting whatever amount the other side proposed.

“Not at all. I think it"s right. I"ll be repeating myself but, without you two it would have been impossible to make it this far.”

“This is something I already decided with Rand yesterday. Considering how dangerous the journey was, it"s by no mean a high reward. That"s why, don"t hold back and take it.”

If these two are gonna say that much, I see no reason not to take it. Let"s split this up with Real afterwards.

“If I"m allowed to be selfish though, I"d like for the two of you to become my personal guards. Of course, I won"t be frugal with your pay.”

“Nah, that makes me happy but, I don"t really feel like serving under someone right now.”

“I have a job you see. That"s why I also can"t be hired by an individual.”

Seeing our gentle rejections, a chuckle leaks out of Faima"s mouth.

“I said it antic.i.p.ating failure so you don"t have to be that concerned. But, being with you two was fun enough to make me serious about it. I hope you remember that.”

I enjoy being being with Faima too, Though my first impression of her was bad, that impression has been blown away by this point. The way she speaks intimately with anyone she considers an equal earned her point with me.

“Real-san is one thing, but if you bring along such a country b.u.mpkin your character will be questioned. Please stop with the jokes.” (Bagatt)

“Ara Agatt. Are you possibly questioning his ability?”

“No that is…………I admit that this guy is stronger than your average adventurer but…”

Although reluctant, Agatt highly evaluated my abilities. His pride is as high as always. Despite that,he"s got the honesty to admit something when he has to. Till this point, I"ve sparred with this guy numerous times and though he complains about my unfair fighting style, he doesn"t insult me much. Just when I thought he was a stone-headed brat, he actually had some in him. Matter of factly, the last battle I had with him where anything goes (except for spirit magic) was a tough one. Though I won in the end, he clearly got used to tricky fighters. Looks like things went as Rand wanted them to.

“No, even so, hiring someone unfair like him will lead to milady"s downfall.”

“Hey, I already rejected her so you don"t need to be that persistent about it.”

“In the first place, he"s the guy who rejected milady"s offer. There"s no worth in him joining us!”

“This is becoming a pain even though I refused.”

“What did you say?!”

“Yeah yeah Agatt. You should calm down.”

Kiska gently stops Bagatt who seems ready to jump out of his chair anytime.

“Working together with Kannkun is fun for me but, we gotta respect his will. …………Ha~h, just when I thought I found a good husband.”

“You"re just as bad as he is.”

“But a long distance relation might be good on it"s own.”

“You really go at your pace.”

I never expected Kiska to be such a deep character. Just when I thought of her as a straight laced n.o.ble lady, I was forced to recognize her as the funny man of the party, regardless of the fact that she"s the one I spoke to the least.

It would be good to stop this invitation talk around here.

“So, what do you guys plan on doing after this?”

“Since I already sent a letter to the other party, I need to give them my greetings. Because they should already know that I"m in Dracunil, I better show my face fast. What about you guys?”

“The day is still long so I think I"ll go register at the adventurer guild.”

“This one will be accompanying Kannshi.”

“I"ll be going to my work place.”

In short, the moment we leave this cafe, it"s goodbye huh.

Though I"ll be meeting Real later, a reunion with Faima is unlikely. I never intended to make a connection with a n.o.ble in the first place. Being someone not of this world, I"d rather avoid dealing with people with troublesome statuses. Rather I"d like to stay away from the world of n.o.bles where measuring each other"s hand is an everyday occurrence.

“Well you know, all in all it was pretty enjoyable for me too. I probably made the right call by taking this job.”

“It was for me too Kanna. This short period of less than a month that I spend with you guys was wonderful. If you"re ever troubled, you can rely on me, though I don"t know how much I can do.”

” I totally don"t wanna be in situation where I need to be saved by a n.o.ble-sama though.”

That"s right isn"t it? I extended my hand to Faima who laughed while saying that for a farewell handshake.

As we stepped out of the cafe, I and Chloe, Real, Faima and the three knights, left in different directions. It was a refreshing goodbye with no held feelings.

“Now then, shall we head to adventurer guild degozaru ka?”

“Do you know it"s location?”

“The guild"s sign was on the map at the station degozaru yo. The branch here is only second to the Headquarters in Yūfonia degozaru, that"s why we should recognize it once we get closer degozaru yo.”

Her preparations are completed huh. It saves us the trouble of asking someone for directions.

(TL: Some trouble that would have been.)

“Such a reliable sempai.”

Chloe embarra.s.singly fidgets and starts *pikopikowasawasa* swinging her tail and ears around in reaction to my joke. Towards her super obvious reaction, I reflexively extended my hand to Chloe"s head and started patting her. Her bit curly black hair, smoothly pa.s.sed between my fingers.


“Ah, sorry. Before I knew it.”

It felt like playing with a dog.No well, she"s a wolf beastman, not to mention my elder. Was I a little too rude.

“Ah, No…………I, it"s not like I didn"t like it. In fact, more…………”


In fact, more…………What does that mean. I"m really interested here.

“F, for now we should go to this adventurer guild degozaru yo!”

Having changed the subject rather focefully, Chloe started waking towards the guild. The only thing I could confirm from behind was her red face. Feeling an unexplainable sense of embarra.s.sment, I decided to just follow after her.

But she is quite dangerous.  The sensation of that fur on my hands and those ears might just become a habit. I was interested in kemofusa to begin with. Hence my hands can"t help but get active whenever I see those ears and tail. I enjoyed a taste of Chloe"s ears and tail just the other day. Nevertheless it"s pretty addictive. I have to control myself.

Not betraying it"s name as the center of a single nation, the number of people in Dracunil surpa.s.sed that of other cities by far and wide. Moreover their numbers are so too but, the diversity of the races here easily overwhelmed that of Yurifira. From just a glance, the number of beastmen is high, and then there were the elves with their sharp ears and even some seakin like people with fins between their fingers, could be seen. There were even some frail child looking ones but, the majority of them most likely belong to the dwarf race. Why? Because they carried weapons that didn"t suit their small statures. despite their looks, dwarves actually have more strength than humans. But the gap is simply amazing.

While doing some light human observation followed after Chloe who suddenly stopped in front of a big building. Apparently, we"ve reached our destination.

“This place seems to be the guild branch of this city degozaru na. Isn"t there that sign with two crossing wings degozarou? That"s the adventurer guild"s proof degozaru yo.”

“Hee…………Tte, it"s big?!!”

The word branch gave the impression that the place is small but, the structure in front of us was pretty big. Based on it"s height which is around that of a school"s gym and the number of windows it has, I"d say it"s five story tall. Compared to the other buildings around it, the guild branch was twice as big. No well,  If it"s only in height or only in size then some of them meet the condition. However, the only one that has both is the guild branch.

(TL: Just what the h.e.l.l am I translating?)

“It"s also this one"s first time seeing a guild branch this big degozaru na. It"s almost the same size as the adventurer guild headquarters degozaru yo.”

“As a reference, how big are the other branches?”

“Normally they have the same size as an eating house degozaru. Sometimes they also serve as inns degozaru na. Being the capital, the number of adventurers and requests are a level above other branches. the place has to be this big or they won"t be able to handle it degozarou.”

As we stood in front the guild, people armed with weapons were coming in and out of the building.

“For now shall we get inside degozarouka?”

“I guess we should.”

Inside the guild was as expected, bustling with adventurers. The interior design was similar to that of the city hall I visited before in the real world.

Chloe called out to the guy that was pa.s.sing by with some doc.u.ments in hand.

“The staff member over there, sorry but could you tell me where to register and where to reissue my card degozaru ka? It"s my first time in this branch degozaru.”

“For that, you should head to the last counter on the left side of the exit, the personnel there will explain the rest.”

“Roger that degozaru. Now Kannshi, it"s this way degozaru yo.”

We go towards the counter that the personnel directed us to. Luckily, compared to the rest of the counters the number of people lined up isn"t much. Our turn came right away and the woman at the counter got to business.

“Welcome to the adventurer guild Dracunil branch. You two are unfamiliar faces, is this your first time in the adventurer guild?”

“We arrived here just a while ago degozaru. This one lost her card so I want to issue a new one, this person wants to register degozaru yo.”

“Understood. You need to pay a single gold coin for the issuing of a new card and one silver coin for the registry, is that alright?”

“Of course degozaru.”

Chloe sent a glance my way (Sorry degozaru) moving her lips she forms such voiceless words. Then she proceeds to take out the money from her pocket.

As you know it"s Chloe that was completely penniless which is why I  ended up lending her some money. The thing is, we just parted with Faima and have no way of contacting her. Chloe had intended to pay her debt made to Faima throughout the trip on her own, but that can prove rather difficult if she can"t even contact said Faima. Hence I payed Faima in Chloe"s place, and Chloe can return the money to me. Since I wasn"t lacking in cash and had just gotten the reward money, it was practically no problem to pay in Chloe"s stead.

“I"ll definitely return this big favor degozaru!!” is what Chloe promised with determined voice. Her favors towards me are kinda piling up. I won"t tell her not to mind it, but my back is ticklish.

“I"m kinda curious but, why is it that reissuing a card costs more than getting your first one?”

I asked the staff lady an honest question.

“Not only is the guild card made of special materials, its"s made so that n.o.body can replicate it. normally it would cost one gold coin but since most of the people who come to register don"t have that much money we have them pay one silver coin now and deduce the rest from their quests" rewards later on. The reason why we demand the whole gold coin when reissuing is so that adventurers always keep their cards safe.”

it"s troubling if they keep losing something that"s worth one gold coin huh.

“Well then, the person who wants to reissue her card, please write your name on this form and I"ll need a drop of your blood here. Do you have a knife?”

“please get me one degozaru.”

“Understood. the man"s side, please right your name on this form.”

“This one is with this person degozaru ga, will it take time for this one"s new card to be ready degozaru ka?”

“Let"s see, using the guild"s network, we"ll a.s.semble your information through your name and the magic power in your blood. I think it will take a while. It will be ready by the time this man finishes his registry.”

“Then, I"d like to get my card after he"s done with his registration degozaru. Is that fine degozaru ka?

“Of course that"s fine. Sometimes there are people like that.”

I wrote my name on the form I was given. Though i"m still learning this world"s language, I made sure to at least be able to write my own name. the fact that I can only deal with basic, simple words and numbers is a problem I need to deal with.

“You came at a good time. The newbie registration test is held three times a day and the second test is about to start. Since we still have leeway in the number of partic.i.p.ants, will you take it?”

“I"ll take it now.”

“Then I"ll make arrangements for that. I think you"ll be getting an explanation on the test from the guild personnel overseeing it but, do you want a simple explanation now?”

“This one did the registration at the Hinoizur branch degozaru ga, is there any noteworthy difference with the test they did there degozaru ka? If not then this one will explain to him degozaru.”

“In that case there is no problem. Please do your best with the test.”

Receiving the guild staff"s lip service, we headed towards the test grounds as she told us to.

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