Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 36

TL : sairennohebi

kanna no kanna 27

a day has pa.s.sed since the goblins and a.s.sa.s.sins’ ambush,we kept our guard up as we left the valley

“mu?” (Real)

“what’s the matter Real-san is it magic beasts again?” (Faima)

since we got attacked twice after the first ambush, just like Faima I  totally a.s.sumed it’s another attack

“no,this is…”(Real)

Real denies Faima’s guess as she puts her hands on her ears and closes her eyes


just a few seconds after that the clear sound of something cracking could  be heard but it was already late by then

just when i thought i heard some ‘bakintto’ dangerous sound  the carriage we were sitting on tilted the side i was on became down and the other side up

being on the down side I and kiska were only surprised, the big breasted former a.s.sa.s.sin was fine too since she was laying down

on the other side Real and Agat immediately grabbed some part of the carriage and since the  weapons were well stored the luggage was safe


only Faima who was setting right in front of me got thrown towards me, it must have been due to her, a magician having the worst physical ability in this party

I hurried to catch her

“watto mugoo !!??”(Kanna)

hrn,  a weird scream you say? un, it is mostly the kind of development everyone is thinking. for now I managed to catch her but the position was a little bad

I was still sitting down but for some reason Faima flew in my direction in a banzai pose in a  Y → y kind of way as my face was welcomed into her b.r.e.a.s.t.s when I caught her

now let’s not forget that Faima has two melons that rival Real’s mountains hence it’s only natural I can’t see anything along with my mouth and nose getting blocked

a soft yet elastic sensation, seeming about to fall off yet having an unignorable presence the two soft lumps embrace my face.

it was the first time since coming to this world that I  thought from the bottom of my heart “it’s fine to die right here and now” though only for a second.

no really, I seriously believed that but, when it comes to it as expected death by breast suffocation isn’t funny.

both my mouth and nose were totally locked in Faima’s melons. unable to take in fresh air I am starting to fall into breathing difficulty.

to make matters worse probably due getting confused Faima is firmly holding my head between her  b.r.e.a.s.t.s with both hands.

leading to further lack of oxygen. I stroke her arms with the hope she will let go but it ends in vain.

maybe her confusion is accelerating she actually put more strength in her arms.Eh, Faimsan. at this rate it  will really be death by b.r.e.a.s.t.s suffocation for me

not simply strangling but to go as far as being mortal eh

(TN:here is the actual line” 絞殺ならぬ乳殺か。”)

“Faimjō. I’d say it’s best if you release Kanna now….”(Real)


“bu ha~a!”(Kanna)

having been liberated I immediately inhaled in search of oxygen. looks like I somehow managed to escape the suffocation death. for the first time I learned how much of a weapon those valleys can be, in so many ways

“a,a,are you fine “(Faima)

Faima asks me in  a worried tone

“………I’m fine, so for now please move aside”(Kanna)

I was happy she’s worrying about me but the position we’re in is a little no good

with my words she finally realizes she’s sticking to my body and so she flails away as her face gets red.

not that I never had skin ship with girls before but, I get the feeling that was more of an exchange of fists,while feeling refreshed from the soft skin of a woman completely different from my experience, as expected I didn’t put my thoughts to  my mouth.

an awkward mood drifts between me and Faima. my face too was probably red enough not to lose to her. just as I am wondering whether to say something or not.

“you! what kind of things are you doing to milady”(Agat)

“no no no, it’s a complete accident! I was becoming a step away from suffocation ne!”

“shut your mouth!you d.a.m.ned scoundrel defiling an unmarried maiden!”

“this is not such a serious story, oi”

“stop piling excuses. in  a woman’s ch…..ch……… chest your face ……….ei you fool”

“stubborn and pure and now your it’s inverse blowing up eh”

having my collar grabbed by Agat whose face is flushing red from anger and shame my neck stats tightening. this is the protagonist’s feeling when he experiences lucky-sukebe

(TN:lucky-sukebe: f.u.kakoryoku )

I’m released right away thanks to Faima’s intervention


“and, what’s wrong with you?”


I was looked at with white eyes by Real but when I ask her about it she diverts her face. as a woman was she angry at the the accidental s.e.xual hara.s.s.e.m.e.nt towards Faima? no normally she would just say something like ‘you can’t be helped’ and that’s all. how strange

“keep it at that you guys. right now it’s important to grasp the situation”

KIska who was the most calm says so,and then Rand who was sitting on the driver seat showed his face

“captain Rand how was it?”

“the two wheels on the left side broke. we can’t repair them with what’s on us”

when I got out the situation was exactly as he said.the side I was sitting on, in short the left side’s wheels were out of place. the axis part was broken in both of them

“just why did both snap together.normally only one of the two snaps in this kind of situation”

“be it one or two there is no changing the fact that the wheels are broken”

“the sound that Real caught on to at first was the wheels breaking eh?”

“she’s an elf after all. even a small sound that we totally can’t hear won’t be missed by her. though in this case  it’s not like you can do anything even if you hear it”

it’s likely that  the axle breaking is due to this valley’s road’s condition.it’s more or less maintained as a road but you can see stones here and there. itmust have reached the limit of it’s endurance

“isn’t there anything like spare parts?”

“there is one spare wheel but that’s all. as expected there’s nothing amateurs can do when the axle broke”

“which means that from here on we have to walk eh”

Rand nods his head at the words of Kiska

“fortunately the horses themselves don’t have a scratch on them. we’ll have milady ride on one and put the heavy luggage on the other while we carry the rest.it’s regrettable but we have to leave the carrier huh”

once it was decided we started taking the luggage out of the broken carrier. for a n.o.ble lady travelling alone (with attendants) the stuff Faima brought was surprisingly few. food problems can be solved through money which she has plenty of but she didn’t have much clothes. if we share between everyone seems like we don’t need to discard anything but the carrier

“what are we going to do about this blackhair?”

I somehow carry the unconscious blackhair and get out of the carriage. ……………..I’ll just say that I certainly didn’t carry her because I wanted to taste the sensation of her voluptuous chest on my back. I mean it. there is no denying the happiness I’m in though! Faima who dind’t know such inner thoughts of mine says.

“she’ll be riding the horse with me. it’s quite tiring to carry an unconscious person after all”

how mysterious is the human body. someone once said it’s the differnce of the center of gravity or whatever.but for her consciousness not to return after a whole day is indeed worrying 

“it seems better to show her to a doctor once we reach the next town”

“I guess, her breathing is stable, and she doesn’t appear to have anything like an injury. just that neither I nor rand and the other two have any deep medical knowledge. it might be that we just don’t know and she’s actually injured”

“I pray that’s doesn’t turn to be the case”

as it is she’s the only lead we have concerning the mastermind behind the attack we took.there’s yesterday’s goblin attack too. I really wish she safely opens her eyes. whether or not she’ll honestly answer our questions is something I don’t know but that comes after this voluptuous blackhair opens her eyes.

“………..tte eh?”

lifting the blackhair having gotten close enough to stick to her I  feel  some discomfort towards this woman. no doubt I’m carrying a human but it feels like something else is there too. I turn behind and take a look at her face it’s unmistakingly a human yet something is weird about it.it feels as if her face is lacking something essential. but before I could take a better look at her.


a flash filled my field of vision.

the shadow smiled due to his streak of luck.

looks like, a problem occurred with the carriage they were riding. the wheels of one side are removed and it’s tilting. now they’re in the middle of moving their Baggage.

with this there’s no longer any worry about them escaping by carriage. though from the beginning there was no intention of letting them flee.

just that making sure not to leave any possibility of failure was his modus operandi

“burn without leaving a single ash”

(TN:the verb used was actually “爆ぜる” meaning “blast” but I thought burn fits better)

a long distance sniping while concealing one’s magic power.

be it a skilled magician or not it’s no easy feat to detect an attack from such a distance. and even if they do detect it, what’s about to be unleashed has enough heat to melt steel within a second

“O steel-flame, run”

the technique activates, a fire ball containing great heat is released from the man’s hand.

the moment it is set free the condensed fire ball erases everything around due to it’s heat and impact.

it is without a doubt the magic technique this man specializes in the most.

it’s only cons would be that it takes some concentration to activate and that it can’t be rapid-fired, in return it has great fire power and amazing firing range. not to mention the time lag between knitting the magic power and firing the attack was a short two seconds.

a half baked technique made instantly can’t hope to deal with it,or so says the experience of the man who’s took down countless enemies before

the one shot kill magic bullet draws closer to the target. then it reaches the boy carrying the ‘beast’ who was standing near the target.

(what?)  [nani?] [omae wa mo shindeiru]

is it my imagination. the man felts like he and the boy just locked eyes

just before he could confirm the truth of the matter, the explosive flames roared

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