Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 4 : Reconfirming the reality of this world.

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Chapter 4 : Reconfirming the reality of this world.

「…………Looks like several stuff happened」

Canine creatures whose fur is between white and grey move around walking in four legs; that stare which focuses on us with their bloodshot eyes doesn’t show any signs of a warm welcome.

「『Snow Wolf』 is a wolf shaped magic beast frequently found in cold regions. They tend to band in groups and normally they habitate more hinterland locations… it looks like a group of them ended up climbing down the mountain」

Real calmly pulled out her sword from the sheath and prepared herself as I was provided with an explanation. She keeps great composure in front of the surrounding murderous air– unlike me whose legs are about to give out.


「I will absolutely not leave your side, so no worries!」

I shout at full lung that miserable statement; pitable isn’t it? Well, it beats some lame attempt at acting tough and ending up as the dinner of a pack of wolves!

「I see. Then………… they are already close」

Real has a bitter smile as she proceeds to leash out sharp slices; with a strong voice she matched the charge of the group of wolves.


Momentarily, a surge of intense spirit could be felt as the great sword drew a long angle; the ashen wolf that who lunged forward and had his ready to bite jaw wholy open got blown away with it’s head bisected vertically.


Wolves that approach from the side with the intention of using their nails or wolves that approached in grouped straight on with their fangs; all of them where crushed by Real’s giant sword.


As each sword swing turned a wolf in a slump of flesh; the constant splashes of blood turned the pure white of the snowy ground crimson.

I held down the sound of my nausea as the blood and pieces of flesh where splattered everywhere.

Even if your opponent is a monster that attacks people; there is no mistake that those are still living organisms. Without minding that Real surfaced no hesitation nor didn’t gave signs of any strong feelings as the bloodbath kept increasing… her eyes completely focused on the opponent and her hands accurately commanded the sword movement…

It doesn’t matter how much fiction this world seems to me; for the people residing here 『this is」 reality… For every living creature that has possess the gift of life there is -without any exception- another creature that has no choice but to kill others for the sake of keep on living. There is not any sin in this… and if I don’t want to end up dying; I need to act just like Real has just done.

And for that reason; make the choice of burying the enemies in front of you.

Right now I’m but a baggage carrier that has absolutely no strength on his own… for the sake of triumphing over this type of dangerous situations; she has deemed necesary power. That’s why; it doesn’t matter how much you clown with your words or how easily your legs give away; I need to imprint this scene in my eyes.

…. I have still not answered the question she once gave me…

“What will you do from now on, Kanna?“, was it?

The answer is the tragic event in front of me.

It’s obviously not a clear answer; but there is at least one reality that was reconfirmed now.

I have to make absolutely sure that I can survive in this another world.

The extermination of these magic beast took roughly 10 minutes; the immediate area has been filled with stashes of corpses from these grey wolves that now smear the snow surface red. At the center of this mess stands Real; cooly using her blue eyes to check her great sword. In contrast I am here; even though no enemies remain, my heart still races…

A minute was spent as she was making sure that no surrounding enemies were approaching and only after that; Real allowed herself to breathe in relief. Even I who was on his toes, strongly lushed out the air acc.u.mulated in my lungs after the battle was over.

「By all means; we are done with that」

Returning the sword to her back, I noticed that Real’s breaths were not disturbed in the least… I was shown that type of intense huge battle and are you telling me that you didn’t experience physical agitation in the least? Just what type and just how much of an intense training was drilled into you as to reach that level? I who was merely watching the performance from the side, am showing signs of fatige in my shoulders…

Rather than being submerged in awe’s embrace; I need to regain my composure.

Our goal for coming to this mountain is not subjugation of beasts nor the collection of medicinal herbs…

At least I have to check the corpses.

「Oioi oyeoye; wasn’t this the place the village girl was supposed have pa.s.sed?」

It’s not truly certain that these wolves encountered that daughter at thee time she was picking up herbs… however, the possibility is undoubtedly there.

It might even be that…………。

「…………We should also consider even the worst case sceneario」

To the me who couldn’t but be drawn back a little by this much blood; Real responded to with a calm behaviour. Her voice was slightly stiff; meaning the idea we had was the same…

A bad image of a young girl sinking in a sea of blood came to my mind; I couldn’t help but to be still in my own place… Bitting my own teeths; I forcibly move those clinged legs with strong steps.

「Screw it! Oi Real! In any event let’s just keep looking!」

「I agree」

We split and circled around inside the area were the pile of corpses laid; continuing the search… One after another I kept b.u.mping into sight of death wolves… Maybe the the next body I find; would be a human one? Without being able to push away the dismay in my chest; I desperately continued to search.

「Just please be safe」

She is someone who I don’t know the looks nor the name; yet I am wholeheartedly praying for her well being. Truth be told; I’m not the type that prays much to G.o.ds… However; if it’s for the sake of someone else being saved— whether it’s a G.o.d or a devil; I’ll gladly pray as much as I can…

Suddenly, as I was concentrating on looking for the young girl; I was a.s.sailed by a huge gust of wind– The great wind took advantage of me being focused in something brought negligence towards my feet; I was sweeped at until my balance was lost…

As a bonus; bad luck dictated that the place where my feet had to fail; was the place where a descending slope was forming–



Real made swift response to my shriek; but even faster than her, I proceeded to roll down the slope. As my field of vision continued rotating I could only feel panic and curl my body to reduce the shock.

After a few seconds of rotation; my body was struck by a floating sensation…. It couldn’t be; was I seriously flung off from the cliff? –Despair proceeded to rule my heart; but the next moment I felt a strong impact in coming from below as everything became white.

At this time my train of thought returned completely to normal; it looks like something stopped my body… I touch myself thinking of the after effects of the crash; I ended up stopping in a face up position.

Keeping my position I look at the slope I fell off from; it looks like due to the fortune of the snow cushion being here is that I didn’t proceed further down…

「Are you ok, Kanna!?ッ」

There are two declining edges on the cliff that I fell from; Real slides here in a hurry through the other pathway. Without standing up, I made hand gestures to show that I’m safe. While breathing a huge relief, Real grabs my hand and helps me stand up.

「Seriously; try not to surprise me like that anymore. I though my heart would stop」

「I’m really sorry; I was too distracted」

As I was slapping off the snow out of my clothes; I directed my eyes to the place I thumbled down from… It can’t be possibly seen from the area where the herbs grow due to a blindspot; but a cave happens to be there.

Real who was lured by my sight, also became aware of the cave’s existence.

Additionally; there is in that place a bag that without a doubt belongs to a person.

… Quickly opening the bag disclosed that the contents were a bunch of medical herbs which grow on the upper part from here… This can only be -without a doubt- property of the village girl we are looking for.

「Probably, while running away from the wolves; she fell here」

「So, that means–」

「It might be wishful thinking; but at least the prospects are there」

After strongly nodding at each other; we took steps into the cave.

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