Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 40

A mistake on NU. Kanna ch37 and up is under v4, not v3. My bad ?

Oh well, onwards to the chapter

100% accuracy not guaranteed, sure ya wanna read?

test text dumbo

Return to the day before yesterday! Wonder who started that.

text testing jet

After paying for the meal, the waitress gave me the horn from the rabbit.

When bringing in magic beast as ingredients, it seems that any body parts that can be processed as materials are returned free of charge.

There are specialist in dismantling magic beasts at the guild but it involves a fee. Even though its only limited for edible magic beast, I think its better to bring those to the diner. While securing inedible materials, there was even the added benefit of eating delicious food.

When I told the waitress I"ll be bringing in more ingredients the next time I visit, she gave a smile in response. Even if it was just a customer service smile, a smile from a girl is a world cla.s.s treasure.

Currently, it should be around 3 pm in the afternoon, earth time. I had a late lunch, but it should be fine if I postpone dinner for a little bit.

I left the restaurant and decided to enter the adventurer"s guild once more before returning to the inn. It was to obtain information on edible E-rank magic beast from the staff. If there is any unusual request, I"ll deal with any formalities today and go for the hunt tomorrow.

As long as the request deadline date are met, there are no obligation to complete requests the same day it was accepted. It was because at higher ranks, there are requests for far away places which takes more than a week at times.

Let"s see if there"s any good request. If not, I can always hunt for more horn rabbits. Now that I"ve tasted steak, next should be stewed horn rabbit. Hunting it first thing in the morning then sending it to the restaurant, and finally enjoying it for dinner. If that"s the case, inviting Chloe for dinner doesn"t sound so bad.

Counting chicken before they hatch, I head to the guild while thinking about the horn rabbit meat.

「That is enough de gozaru yo!」

I heard a loud voice from the entrance hallway. I knew who it was the instant I heard her. From that [de gozaru].

Standing there was Chloe, the big breasted, wolf-eared black haired, gozaru-san.

In front of her was three men. The two sides were glaring at each other. No, that"s wrong. Chloe was the only one with a sharp gaze in her eyes.

As for the men, a young man was holding the other two from behind. Irritation can be seen hidden behind his well featured face. Adorned with lavishly decorated armor that seems easy to move in and two swords with gorgeous handle and scabbard on both sides of his waist.

「Is that so? At the very least, I think we both have mutual interest towards each other.」

「The Lord this one would serve, this one alone should decide de gozaru!」

「That"s what I"m saying, I"ll be your Lord.」

「This one refuses de gozaru! Return to the day before yesterday de gozaru!」

That phrase also exist in this world huh. Chloe"s ears and tail are standing up straight while bristling all the way, a clear proof of her anger. That said, its not the best time to be a mere bystander.

「ou Chloe, have you finished your request?」

「wa fu? Oh, its Kannshi! Good work today de gozaru!」

A complete change from her threatening expression, she greeted me with a smile.

「Thanks. Though, it looks like you were in a heated discussion……」

「Th-that……How should this one explain……」

Before the troubled Chloe could find the words to explain, one of the three men covered her words with his own.

「Who the h.e.l.l are you? Don"t you have any manner? Suddenly cutting into a conversation like that.」

「Well, she is my companion. So I was wondering if she got into a dispute.」

「This is none of your d.a.m.n business.」

A condescending att.i.tude. Then again, no way this is none of my business after saying that she"s my companion.

「Chloe, explain.」

「um, Understood de gozaru.」

「I already said its none of you d.a.m.n businessーー」

Someone was screaming at me but I"ll just let it pa.s.s from my right ear to my left.

text testing. if this can be seen, you are at a pirate site

ーーーーーーーーーー 《flashback. still Kanna POV》

text testing. if this can be seen, you are at a pirate site

The story goes back to right after we part way this morning.

The request Chloe had received yesterday was to escort a certain person. After parting with me, she headed towards the meeting place where her client was waiting.

In addition to Chloe, two more person was added as escort. However, these two person and the client are acquainted.

text testing. if this can be seen, you are at a pirate site

ーーーーーーーーーー 《present》

test text. if this can be seen, its a pirate site

「No need to guess huh.」

「Its that rude person over there de gozaru yo.」

She pointed at the leader of the trio. Being called a rude person without any hesitation at all, the person in question was twitching in the face.

Hmm, have I seen this guy before? Oh well, lets just leave it aside for now.

text testing. if this can be seen, you are pirate. aarr ….parlay?

ーーーーー《flashback continues. Kanna POV》

text testing. if this can be seen, you are at a pirate ship

He lead Chloe and the other two escorts to a rocky area near a town one station away from Draknil.

(What did he wanted to do in this place accompanied by escorts de gozaru?)

Despite her doubts, Chloe obediently follows due to her job request.

At that time, she was already fed up with the strangely over-familiar man. Chloe-san, you really don"t hold back even though the person in question is directly in front of you. Look there, his twitching got worse.

A short while after entering the rocky area, a magic beast appeared from the shadow of a boulder. It was a staple in the rocky area, the [rock-comb lizard].

As the name suggest, it was a lizard with rocky c.o.c.ks...o...b..on its head, usually about 1 meter in length.

There sure are a lot of beasts named after their appearance. By the way, its edible.

When the lizard noticed, it immediately rushed towards the four of them. Chloe was prepared to pull out her sword to fulfill her escort duty but it was none other than her client who stopped her.

「This one is my prey!」

As he declared so, the client unsheathed his two swords, confronted the lizard and instantly cut it down.

Furthermore, he turned toward Chloe while flashing a strangely refreshing smile.

To be clear, rock-comb lizard is considered a beginner magic beast with E rank designation corresponding to beginner E rank adventurers. Having a smug face after subjugating one was rather embarra.s.sing.

The remaining two escorts packed the lizard"s corpse into a guild-issued bag. I had expected the client to be a n.o.ble from the beginning. From the sound of it, the request this time was an amus.e.m.e.nt hunt for the rich.

From then on, the same pattern occurred. Each time a lizard appeared, he subjugated it with pretentious movement while putting on airs. The other escorts had the role of packaging the corpse.

Only when a higher rank magic beast appeared, the escorts, including Chloe properly do their job and defeated the magic beast together. In the rocky area, as long as you keep to the outskirts, the highest level magic beast was only at D rank. They were subjugated without any difficulty.

The hunt ends when the client subjugated a total of four rock-comb lizard. No one was hurt and they returned to the guild safely.

And so, the most surprising -for Chloe- event of the day was when the client submitted the bag containing four rock-comb lizard to the guild receptionist.

What a surprise! The client was in fact, an adventurer.

Furthermore, a double surprise! The bag was for the request of subjugating [four Rock-comb Lizard].

Needless to say, it was a rank E request.

text testing. if this can be seen, you are at a pirate ship. do read at the tl site. rawr. and swim to safety, if ya can

ーーーーーーーーーー 《end flashback》

text testing. if this can be seen, you are at a pirate ship. go to NovelUpdates. grawr but dont jump. sharks abound round ‘ere

「……In short, the obotchama here hired a C rank adventurer to handle an E rank request.」

《botchama=spoiled young master》

「The request for escorts starts from C rank de gozaru. There were many cases of adventurers lacking ability for lower ranks than that, which results in permission denied to post such request under C rank de gozaru.」

Incidentally, the reward for hunting rock-comb lizard was 2 pieces of silver coins. In comparison, reward for the escort request was 1 gold coin and 2 silver coins. What"s more, there are three of them.

Of course, there was no need for comparison……

「Isn"t this definitely in the red!」

「Definitely in the red gozaru na.」

「Is he an idiot?!」

「He is an idiot gozaru na.」

Please forgive me for shouting. It was purely unintentional.

At the edge of my sight, there was an [idiot] trembling with a red face.

E rankers, without any mistake, are definitely newcomer amongst adventurer.

But, no matter how hard it was to make a living as adventurers, the guild would never mediate request with unreasonable content. That also applies for the horn rabbit request I received.

If you have actual ability to become E rank, corresponding level of request shouldn"t be difficult to complete alone as long as you are careful.

Alternatively, you can party up with adventurers of same rank. The rewards are split, but this should be the most correct choice. Maybe I"m wrong but it was not supposed to be too hard a request which required higher ranked escort.

「Furthermore, the idiocy didn"t end there de gozaru yo.」

She murmured in grief. Yep, that was not the only reason Chloe got angry.

Rewinding time again for a bit. It was during receiving request reward. Chloe was so dumbfounded and rendered speechless by his words, it made her stopped listening.

at this point, im just being annoying

ーーーーーーーーーー 《the actual flashback》

but its fun. and im sleepy. 4.30amhere..zzzzzz

She got paid just fine. And since she had no further business with the client, after a light farewell, she tried to return quickly to the inn we were staying at. She got held back by the client.

「This man approached this one with another request offer to become his escort gozaru yo. This one understands the situation so far de gozaru yo. The client aside, the reward was certainly agreeable de gozaru kara na.」

Escort for E rank request huh. The content was moronic but for its work, the reward was exceptional.

Normally, Chloe wouldn"t pay attention to such lukewarm environment. For the still inexperienced Chloe, an adventurer"s request was not only a job but also a method to train herself.

But that was before she was indebted to me. The order of her priorities goes without saying.

「I won"t take any interest and there is no deadline, so just take your time to repay me.」

「As one who is being spoiled by such kindness, if this one does not repay the debt even a day sooner, it will weigh heavily on this one"s conscience de gozaru.」

《these two speech text are also flashback》

And so, Chloe began to consider the n.o.bleman"s proposition. The client himself was a creepy idiot but the request content and reward are attractive.

Not that it matters but Chloe"s treatment of the idiot (n.o.bleman) gradually gets worse.

Me? I"m operating as usual from the start.

Chloe and the idiot planned on going to the diner next door to discuss more on details of the contract. However, just before leaving the guild, the situation turned south when Chloe inadvertently talked about her [debt].

「This man here believes he can attain loyalty in exchange for shouldering this one"s debt de gozaru yo. For the Black Wolf Clan, relationship between a Lord and va.s.sal is more valued than parent-child relationship de gozaru. No matter how deep in trouble oneself is, being tied to a Lord due to debt will never happen de gozaru!」

Perhaps that sort of thinking would apply as common sense in Hinoizur but not in other countries. Chloe, having some experience as an adventurer was able to make such distinction. Holding back her irritation, Chloe taught the idiot about the concept of Lord-va.s.sal relationship of her clan.

Unfortunately, the next words that came out of his (idiot) mouth infuriated Chloe.

「I am aware of the Black Wolf custom. In fact, for that very reason, I think it would be better for you to serve a n.o.ble like me?」

Like so.

「This foolish idiot of a man still claims he knew the custom of the Black Wolf clan after listening to this one"s explanation de gozaru yo.」

From there, we return to from when I heard Chloe shouted out loud.

Speaking of which, I forgot about the foolish idiot of a man in question. When I looked at him, anger and some other emotion got jumbled together, resulting in an amazing expression.

「B-b.a.s.t.a.r.d… You kept on blabbering away as I kept silent………」

That ikemen face distorted in anger. It was a well featured face in the first place, so the effect was incredible.

Speaking of which, I feel like I had seen his face quite recently……

「Nope, you guys weren"t silent at all. ……I just ignored you.」

There were intermittent background noise such as 「oi」 and 「b.a.s.t.a.r.d」 but since listening to Chloe has priority, I just ignore them all.

「Did you hear me? The likes of you plebeian dares to ignore a n.o.bleman like meーー」

I shut down my ears halfway.

「So, what will Chloe do now?」

「This one does not harbor even the tiniest bit of desire to become a va.s.sal for this shameless idiotic fool of a man de gozaru. Return to the yesteryear de gozaru!」

Ho~ The expression got upgraded. Which means, it really rubbed her the wrong way.

「Besides, isn"t he hopeless, this highly esteemed n.o.ble?」

《yep.notsure 脈なしだぜ、高貴な貴族様?」》

「Y-you……keep making a fool out of me……!」

Oh, it appears he"s too angry too speak properly.

「To begin with, how long do you b.a.s.t.a.r.d plan on intruding in my conversation with that woman! This doesn"t concern an outsider like you!」

「As I was saying for while now, I am involved with her. Can you hear me? Did you clean your ears properly? Are you sure its not clogged?」

「Silence! In the first place, you plebeian has no right to refuse an order from a n.o.ble such as myself! Don"t get full of yourself just because I"m behaving modestly!」

「……That"s what he said Chloe-san.」

「Return to your ancestor de gozaru!!」

It keeps leveling up. Maybe she will say antiquity at the next level.

「Rather, this one wants to ask when and where did you behave modestly de gozaru?」

「Oh come on. Give the man a break, Chloe. Can"t you see how [pitiable] he is, judging by the way he doesn"t understand the meaning of [humble]. That is sign of a thoroughly spoiled young master (obotchama). Most probably, he never got scolded or reprimanded for anything all his life.」

「I see. He does appear to be at that age where he still refers his parents as [papa] and [mama] gozaru na. It was my mistake de gozaru.」

「Now now, botchama. Isn"t it about time for you to sleep? If you don"t go home soon, [papa] and [mama] will be worried, you know?」

「He is after all a personage who cannot handle E rank request without guardians de gozaru kara na. This one can only imagine the worries of a parent at this moment, anxious to the point of being unable to eat de gozarou. Hurrying home is the best course of action to be taken now de gozaru yo.」

「What"s wrong, botchama? You"re looking downwards with shoulders shaking. Are you angry(a child)? ne, Are you a child(angry)?」

《author wordplay. angry=ikari, okoru. oko=child》

「Isn"t he trembling in rage(like a drama queen) de gozaru?」

《another wordplay. 激怒=rage 1st kanji=geki=intense or drama 2nd=okoru, queen=tl choice of word》

「That was briliant Chloe.」

「Kannshi too.」

With a yay, I exchanged high five with Chloe.

snap. Somehow I feel like I heard something snapping.

The n.o.bleman who was no longer trying to put a word in, silently raises his face, which by the way, are deep red from humiliation. Like so, he grabbed the weapons from his waist and tries to step in.

Trying to cut us down? (I won"t let you though). After all, you don"t have any experience brawling.

I had already a.s.sumed he would respond this way when provoking him. Before he even took a step, I have finished preparing my counter. The n.o.bleman steps on the floor frozen by my Spirit Art and as expected, exhibited a magnificent fall.

ーーー gon!


The man who slipped, floats beautifully in the air for a moment then crashed down to the floor head first. After letting out a pathetic voice, he fell silent and stopped moving.

Eh? Didn"t this pattern happen before? 

A well featured face with a gleaming decorative armor. Two swords on his waist. From that bits and pieces, finally I remembered.

「That"s it! He was that disappointing n.o.ble who fell down and forgotten during examination yesterday.」

Looking at the face of the man who fainted, I finally remembered.

「………Come to think of it, this person was there yesterday de gozaru na. Fainting again after yesterday, is he unlucky or just plain careless de gozaru yo.」

……It"s strangely quiet all around. When I looked at the surroundings, most of them were staring at me and kept their mouth shut.

Obviously, after all the commotion we made, it was bound to attract attention. Most of them can be credited to the n.o.bleman sprawled on the floor with his white eyes showing.

Hmm? n.o.ble?

「「Oh, c.r.a.p.」」

At this point, me and Chloe finally came to realization.

「oi oi, this is terrible, right. I got excited and went too far.」

「I-It is this one who should apologize to you Kannshi. Due to this excessively shameless fellow, this one forgot oneself and reacted a little bit too much de gozaru.」

Unconsciously, I was provoking them them as usual but I forgot, this is a different world. Common sense of earth does not apply here. Common sense here is closely intertwined with the existence of [aristocracy].

Normally speaking, it is not a terribly good idea for an ordinary civilian to defy a n.o.ble in public view.

One of his guards was crouching beside him, trying to desperately wake his young master, while the other was emitting killing intent.

Please wait. Its not our fault your master fell, ya know. Look, I even restored the frozen floor. Same as I did yesterday.

「Say, Chloe. Are there any cases where you go into jail if you go against a n.o.ble?」

「In Hinoizur, as long as there is no real harm done, you will not be censured de gozaru. However, being too much of an affront are subjected to punishment de gozaru ga.」

「……I haven"t laid a hand on him but I feel like I"ve affronted him a tad too much.」

「……Shall we perform dogeza de gozarou ka?」

「Before we do that, does this country understand [dogeza]?」

《kanna uses katakana, chloe uses kanji. usually, ppl of isekai dont know katakana》

「This one cannot presume to know that much de gozaru.」

「K-k-kkannshi, what should we do now de gozaru?」

Chloe"s face turned ghastly pale.

「………For the time being, let"s run away.」

「How can we escape de gozaru ka!? This scene where we infuriated this fellow have been witnessed by the surrounding people de gozaru zo! If the situation continues at this pace, we could be expelled from the guild! Even worse, exiled from this country de gozaru yo!?」

「If that"s the case, then I"ll have to say goodbye to Real huh. But wait, I didn"t ask for her contact information. That"s a blunder.」

「Why are you being so calm de gozaru ka?! What about this one"s debt de gozaru! This one had not even paid even a single iron coin yet de gozaru zo! And yet, how should this one strive to obtain money when we are about to be expelled from the guild de gozaru ka!」

「I won"t attach any interest to it, so lighten up a bit. Besides, this is not the only adventurer"s guild. If we cross over to one or two countries nearby, the matters here won"t reach over there.」

「You have already planned the escape!?」

《chloe sometimes loses her cool too much to say gozaru》

I"m calm because I"m used to situation like this. It was at the level of being banned from game center though, not at the level of a country. This is going to be my first experience being exiled.

「This is a pretty amusing situation you"re in ne~, youngster.」

An amused voice suddenly cut into to the scene of carnage and confusion.

「I"ve been watching from halfway but it was getting out of control ne~」

An person came out from the surrounding while chuckling. It was the Ryujin old woman we met yesterday during the crystal test.

this was not meant to be seen. shame on u

do read at tl site, will ya

Not sure these terms are idiom or slang. 1st term is the original. Rest are derivative, I think. All translated literally, adjusted to fit the rest of chapter. I think they meant [i dont want to have anything to do with you] or something along the line. Dunno if I"m correct tho

Return to the day before yesterday 一昨日きやがれ
Return to the yesteryear 一昨年きやがれ
Return to your ancestor 先代からきやがれ

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