Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 44

Short chapter. Hope u guys enjoy it as much as I did. Conveying the same atmosphere and joke without losing anything is hard de gozaru yo…

Thanks for the comments so far. ? ?

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed

obligatory text raawr

Pardon me from a slimy job

i-its not like im doing this for you. b-baka

She said if we keep making a commotion at the guild entrance, it"ll be a nuisance. And so, we were guided by basan to the upper floor of the guild. It is a room equipped with an office desk and fluffy-looking sofa for guest.

「For the time being, have a seat. Tea will be brought in soon.」

I sat on the sofa as told. Chloe who sat next to me has her shoulder shrunk to make herself look smaller.

「Is basan a famous person?」

「Well, you can say that ne~. I would love nothing more than to retire but the lot of them are all unreliable bunch ne~.」

While laughing, basan sat down on the sofa facing us, rather than at the desk. Was it not a work desk?

「It would be easier to talk face to face.」

Like I said, please don"t read my mind.

「Well, as I said earlier, I have a general understanding of the situation. Good grief, even though she is a young woman of the Black Wolf Clan, one does not decide on a Lord that easily.」

Apparently, basan was on our side, at least emotionally.

「But both of you were lucky ne~. That was a very close call. Had that happened a few steps more, who knows what kind sight I would witness.」

What did you mean, we got lucky? Me and Chloe tilted our heads together.

《aho no futari》

「Have any of you read the guild rules?」

「Well, I officially become an adventurer just today, so…」

「The youngster aside, you miss Black Wolf are already C-rank.」

「Apologies de gozaru……」

Facing basan"s glare, Chloe can only respond dejectedly.

Even her ears falls glumly.


buffer text. do read the translation at tl site

「Let me tell you that the Adventurer"s Guild possess extraterritorial rights within its boundary.」

「Extraterritorial rights?」

Back on earth, its a word that comes side by side with emba.s.sies.

「There are a lot of strong willed individual amongst adventurers, disputes are daily occurrences. Dispute settlements are also common. That"s because, its not only commoners applying to be an adventurer but also the members of aristocracy. If the former and latter were to get into a dispute, in most cases it would end in latter"s victory. Therefore, any trouble occurring inside the guild building will be handled by the guild.」

The Adventurer"s Guild has many base of operation around the world. Each of them in cooperative relationship with the country they reside in but, it is by no means a subordinate organization to any of those countries.

The Guild is, in a manner of speaking, a nation without territory.

「Of course, if there were any appeal from any country, the guild is obligated to respond and mediate the request to the adventurers. However, it comes with no compulsory effect.」

「The guild is surprisingly free huh.」

「Though I say extraterritorial right, it does not detract much from the laws of the resident country. From a humane perspective, I always endeavor to make no mistake in my discretion while also upholding the law. If I don"t perform at least that much, this adventurer"s guild would simply be taken over ne~.」

《notsure. last sentence: じゃなけりゃぁ、とてもじゃないが冒険者ギルドをおかせては貰えないからね》

By the way, it seems the guild cannot be used as an emergency shelter from outside matter. It only addresses problems that occur within the building itself.

「Ah, now I understand why you mentioned we were lucky. We were still inside the guild during the argument with that botchan.」

「If that scene happened outside the guild, no doubt you would have been thrown into jail for all those insults ne~. This is the worse case scenario.」

And so, basan traced her neck with her thumb, from left to right.


Chloe yelped a bit while I felt blood drained from my face.

「For just p.i.s.sing off a n.o.ble? Isn"t that a bit exaggerated.」

I was only prepared to be expelled and exiled.

Responding to my optimism, basan put her hand on my shoulder.

「In this world there exist lunatics who could calmly conduct unimaginable things. Sadly, those kinds of person more often that not, possess authority. Or perhaps, authority itself possess some kind of magical means to transform man into monsters ne~.」

「……This one wonders if it is a good idea to acknowledge the majority of aristocrats as inhuman de gozaru ga.」

「Honest n.o.bles exist, true but they are in the minority.」

Basan said that with a bitter expression. Probably some bad memories.

When the conversation got cut off, a staff entered the room bringing in tea as if antic.i.p.ating our break. I picked up a cup from the table and sipped some tea. Its a popular brand in this world. Out of all I have ever drank, this brand is the best.

While I was having a relaxing time drinking tea, the staff member who brought in the tea whispered something to basan.

「Hou, that again……」

Basan furrowed her brows after listening to the message. The staff left after basan voiced her grat.i.tude. When its only us left, basan sighed.

「……Is there any problem de gozaru ka?」

「Apparently, the case this time can no longer be simply brushed aside ne~.」

「Was it because of that botchan?」

「That too………but the real problem looms behind that botchan. If he is a member of the middle ranking n.o.bility or lower, it would have been settled with a stern warning.」

「What? Is he that great?」

「His father is the Duke of this country.」

「Is this country going to be okay with such a foolish second son of the Duke?」

《raw said second son》

「This is my first time hearing that sort of remark. You might be a big shot in the future ne~.」

「 K-KKannshi, why are you behaving so calmly de gozaru ka?! Is it not the D-d-d-duke household we offended de gozaru ka?! The second most prestigious status after the King are they not de gozaru zo!」

「Ugh! Wait, Chloe! Don"t strangle me!」

「How can this one be calm in this situation de gozaru ka!」

The agitated Chloe grabbed my collar and shakes me terribly in her panic.

If this continues, the horn rabbit will make an entrance again, in a rather different form.

As Chloe mentioned, [Duke] is the highest rank among the five n.o.bility ranks. A high rank n.o.ble with enough authority and influence to appeal directly to the King. Also, a household with ascension right to the throne, albeit at a lower order than royalty.

I can understand why Chloe got agitated but I wish she would stop shaking me.

「Well, that"s the gist of it. With your opponent having that level of power, only my reprimand is not going to be sufficient to them, as one would expect. ……Its about time you calm down, Black Wolf girl. Its not like they would demand harakiri as apologies.」

「I-is it true de gozaru ka? Will it be fine even if I don"t perform seppuku de gozaru ka?」

Chloe, still in trembling mode, questions so while still being nervous after she stops shaking me.

By the way, I"m also in trembling mode due to the shaking.

Even if I don"t perform seppuku, my insides is in danger of spilling out.

「I can at least guarantee you that much. From here on out, I will wager all the authority I possess to oppose any action that will affect your punishment. But, you both have to be prepared for something less than capital punishment ne~.」

「Anything is better than death de gozaru!」

No no no no, calm down Chloe-san. It"s too early to be relieved.

「If that botchan is a sc.u.m like I imagine him to be, Chloe"s punishment might be a slimy ma.s.seuse pet life.」

「This one does not understand the words but it sounds indecent de gozaru na!」

《 slimy ma.s.seuse pet life its all in katakana》

「Be a.s.sured, I won"t let you be a slimy ma.s.seuse nor enter a pet life.」

Basan seems to understand my words.

「Then I"ll be the slimy ma.s.seur.」

「No, please don"t be silent there. It"s a joke so please stop the silent treatment, I beg of you.」

「Good grief, you youngster really can"t stop being a boke.」

My boke act was crushed!?

「Age and experience, my dear apprentice, age and experience. Mine is not just for show ne~. Now now, our conversation has gotten derailed. I"ll be talking seriously now, so be silent and listen.」

I was going to voice out my complain with Chloe but I lost to basan"s glare and stopped. More than this, then I"m gonna get scolded for real.

「I"ll say it again but I"ll do anything in my power to deal with any unreasonable demands. Besides, I daresay I know what that botchan wants.」

Eh? Was there anything else other than slimy ma.s.seuse that we can do?

Money? As the second son of the Duke household, I expect his pocket to be overflowing with it.

「Since ancient times, once a n.o.ble"s honor is at stake, there is only one method to decide the outcome.」

Basan drank up all her tea and put the tea cup down in a dramatic manner.

「In other words, a [duel] with one"s honor at stake.」


《aho no futari. nidaime》

Our questioning remark overlaps.

pls read at tl site

buffer text here. nyaaaoo

ch t.i.tle and slimy ma.s.seuse refer to the same thing. its a staple in JAV. if dear reader dont understand, its chloe"s wanwan time + lotions. if you need to ask more, pls stop b4 you get corrupted

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