Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 50

translating is surprisingly hard. takes a lot of time too, if you’re not used to it. editing is its own nitemare as well =_=

suddenly there were 5 different people talking. reading them was no prob, typing em out was hard…..

bijo = beauty/beautiful lady

thanks for the comments

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed

Obligatory text nyaa

Outset of Collapse

hontouni mendou da wa

ーーー Why?

As the second princess of Yulfilia Kingdom, she is the owner of unparalleled beauty.

She is also blessed with a rare talent as a magician.

Despite that, Philias Edel Yulfilia is currently at the height of chaos.

A few days earlier, for the first time after being summoned to this world by the Yulfilia Kingdom, the [3 heroes] stepped out of the capital city. According to the heroes, this is their first otherworldly experience.

The King ordered those under his direct command -the royal guards- to provide protection to the heroes, while also acting as supervisors for their expedition. Aside from being an insurance in the unlikely event of an emergency, they were also a.s.signed the role of escort for a certain personage.

Magic beast encounter were non-existent during their travel towards the sacred mountain. It was thanks to the regular extermination conducted by adventurers and soldiers from the capital. The area surrounding the capital up to a day’s travel were practically wiped clean. These facts were conveyed to the heroes and the party advanced without any particular problem.

However, contrary to the peaceful moments of their travel, there was no moment of rest for the royal guards. It was largely due to the presence of the second princess in this trip.

The area surrounding Sacred Mountain [Serafide] is special. Entering said territory would only be a suicide action without being accompanied by a special magic tool usable only by members of royal blood. Without the second princess tagging along on this trip, even entering the vicinity of Serafide Mountain is plainly impossible.

Although the magic tool was the reason for her presence, the royal guards judged that her main reason was her sense of responsibility for summoning the heroes arbitrarily from other world. In their mind, she is a deeply benevolent and reputable princess.

However, irresponsibly sending just the heroes and the princess to such a dangerous area was not a good idea. Luckily, the princess herself has talent in magic comparable to a court magician, which by the way, has the same level of battle prowess as the royal guards

Fortunately, there was no conspicuously dangerous moments before arriving at the sacred mountain. After travelling by way of carriage for a day and a half, the party arrived at the foot of the sacred mountain before noon.

The moment they set foot into the [domain] of sacred mountain, all of them felt inexplicable [coldness].

It was not due to the environment, cold as it may be.

It was a freezing sensation that emanates from within the depths of their body and soul.

The freezing sensation dissipated after using the magic tool Princess Philias had brought and in its place, a pleasant warmth permeated throughout the body and mind, affecting all the expedition members. Naturally, the three heroes expressed their heartfelt grat.i.tude to the princess.

The heroes who successfully entered the [domain] with the help of the princess experienced their first [actual battle] in this world. True to the royal guards’ initial belief, the heroes were overwhelmed by the magic beast they encountered for the first time in their life. Not to mention, they were also hesitant to kill a living being, even if said creature is a harmful beast.

No matter how much potential they hold as a hero, at the time, they are no different than a freshly recruited soldier. However, that impression was overturned during the second encounter onwards. The heroes seems to have found their resolve, eliminating their previously stiff movements.

The third wave of magic beast the party encountered are a pack of snow wolves, numerously found across the sacred mountain. The beasts numbered around 20. Seeing the heroes overwhelmingly outnumbered, the royal guards prepared to provide aid. Princess Philia, however, thought otherwise as she ordered them to [wait] with a graceful smile.

Misaki took the initiative.

Armed with huge armor-type magic tools capable of producing explosive burst of fire on both her hands and feet, Misaki launched herself forward. Gaining tremendous propulsion as a result, Misaki plunged into the approaching pack of wolves, scattering them in the aftermath. The wolves are a.s.sailed by her kicks which are strengthen by the magic tool effect. She even used the magic tools’ effect to clad her arms in flames and proceeded to pummel the wolves as is.

Following Misaki’s devastating preemptive strike, Yuuzuki also entered the fray.

He aims at the wolves’ vital points precisely using brilliant footwork. With his magnificent handling of the sword, Yuuzuki’s blade is sharp enough to slice through muscle and bone effortlessly. Every member of the royal guards present were astonished by his proficiency. Perhaps, the only person equal to him from among the royal guards is the captain himself, who is currently away on a mission.

And the most surprising person for the royal guards was Ayana. They thought of her as the weakest of the three and was not suitable for combat.

While Misaki was rampaging and Yuuzuki performing his sword dance, Ayana was preparing her weapon outside the battlefield. Crouching with one knee on the ground, she props up her weapon horizontally. What she’s holding is a magic tool with a [barrel] as long as her height. The royal guards could barely recognize that weapon as a type of [gun].

Guns exist in this world, but it can scarcely be found in the market. It was due to the difficulty of maintenance and ammunition cost. Even in the Yulfilia Kingdom, gun users are extremely rare. But some of it are bought and kept by collectors in the n.o.ble society. Some of the royal guards had the chance to look upon a gun due to such occurrence.

However, what they saw was something far smaller. At best it was at a length that fits in one hand. It cannot even begin to compare with what Ayana uses as a weapon.

What’s more, Ayana’s gun is a magic tool created through alchemy by using her own attribute magic [Origin]. Aware of her devastating motor skill, Ayana created this weapon in order to survive in this world.

Originally, [guns] are weapons that even amateurs can use to produce results in a short period of time, as long as they know how to load and aim. And after realizing the usefulness of alchemy in this world, Ayana began to develop her weapon alongside Misaki’s armament.

Ayana squeezes the trigger of her [alchemy gun].

When the light of spell formation shines lightly from the tip of the muzzle, there was a slight burst of explosion. After a bit of delay, a wolf’s head in the distance was obliterated.

The expressionless Ayana then calmly continues to pull a handle located on top of the barrel, backwards. When the inner part of the gun got exposed, an empty cartridge was discharged automatically.

Ayana took out another bullet from her waist pouch with a skillful movement, loading it in and primed the gun for another shot. And then she fired a second time with a practiced motion. During the whole process, her eyes never moved from the crosshair.

《lulu’s smoothbore gun comes to mind here. specs r way higher tho. satou made it after all》

A vanguard clad in flames, Misaki.

Supporting her from behind, Yuuzuki.

Accurately sniping the magic beasts from afar, the rear guard Ayana.

As a result of their wonderful teamwork, the pack of wolves was decimated in less than five minutes.

do read at tl site

ーーHow have you been? Its the [narrator] here. From here on out, its my turn. You didn’t ask for me? Complaints can be directed to the creator of this story.


The fighting power of the heroes at the moment, greatly exceeds the average of magic beasts inhabiting this sacred mountain. Without being carried away even after knowing that fact, the heroes fought every magic beasts they encountered carefully. Self-conceit and carelessness are the main reason for defeat, or in their case, death.

That tenet was drilled into them by a certain incompetent young man.

Experiencing no particularly dangerous development during their climb, the party eventually reached a huge cave entrance. Yuuzuki called out to Philias for confirmation.

「Fii, is this where the [Legendary Spear] located?」

「If the legend is true, then yes. The magic spear once used by the hero from 300 years ago should be enshrined here to seal the monstrous devil.」

Philias explains so while looking deep inside the cave.

「A devil and a legendary spear huh…… Sounds similar to an RPG storyline isn’t it.」

Muttered Misaki indifferently. She was not particularly interested in games to begin with, hence the lack of excitement.

「Clichés like these are otaku’s romance. As for me, I’m very thrilled.」

Next to her, Ayana added with a deadpan face. Behind that expressionless face, Misaki could see that her best friend is in a fairly excited state.

「………You are really enjoying this otherworld experience huh. Just look at your gun and my weapon.」

「I’m properly drawing a line between reality and fiction. Though, I also think that finding amus.e.m.e.nt in any situation is the secret to enjoying life.」

Another influence from a certain incompetent young man. In fact, that young man already found his [pleasure] in this world, in the form of food.

「So Fii, our main goal this time is to obtain that legendary spear right?」(Misaki)

「That is true and according to the legend, the spear will only submit and grant its power to those with qualification of a hero. As all of you have been summoned as a hero, obtaining the power of the spear would not be a problem.」

「「Hero, is it.」」

Misaki and Ayana both concentrated on Yuuzuki.

「Well, if its a spear then Yuuzuki-kun is an appropriate person for it. As you know, my physical ability is very low. As for Misaki-sanーー」

「A spear doesn’t suit my battle style. Besides, it doesn’t matter if its a spear, a bow or a sword, Yuuzuki will be able to use it. 」

「………I wonder why I feel like a troublesome matter is being pushed over to me.」

「「Its your imagination (ne)」」

Hearing their words, the hetare Yuuzuki couldn’t refute anymore. His ability is no doubt the highest among the three but his position is at the very bottom.

「I also believe that leaving it to Yuuzuki-san would be the best choice. Huge amount of magic power will be required to unleash the full power of the magic spear. That being the case, Yuuzuki-san who has the highest amount of mana should be able to achieve it.」

「Thanks Fii. I’ll do my best!」

Encouraged by the princess, hetare’s motivation skyrocketed. Same as always, a gullible man.

《choro otoko》

If this situation continues, he will obtain the [choro-in] position in the near future. Unfortunately, he’s a man, so he cannot fulfill the [ in ] part.


「Nevertheless, please exercise caution. To deter any intruders trying to enter the inner sanctum, a [guardian] awaits as the last obstacle. Unless it is defeated, you will not be able to claim the magic spear as your own.」

「Boss-type enemy makes an appearance huh. How strong is it compared to the magic beasts we took down so far? Though we were able to defeat the small fries up till now, its a common story for the boss to be a lot stronger.」

Princess Philias answered Misaki’s tension-free question.

「The legend states that one with hero’s power will definitely subdue it.」

「………no no no, I’m asking for a more concrete comparison, not a [if there’s a will there’s a way] kind of answer.」

Towards the statement the princess said full off confidence, Misaki put in a tsukkomi. However, Filias only tilted her head in response. One can almost see the question mark on top of her head. Misaki can’t help but to hold her head after seeing that reaction.

「What wrong you two? Fii already said it’ll be fine, right? So its gonna be fine! After all, we are all summoned as heーー」


「That hurts! Can you not hit me without warning when I’m still talking? Misaki-san’s tekkou hurts a lot, you know.」

「………I finally understand Kanna’s hardship.」

Ignoring a teary-eyed Yuuzuki, Misaki thought about Kanna and was really impressed with how he dealt with Yuuzuki’s antics on a day-to-day basis.

「As long as the [guardian] continues to guard the [legendary spear], we won’t be able to measure its ability. I think its better if we consider a temporary withdrawal.」

「Ayana sure is p.r.o.ne to woーー」



「However, its not like we can always run away each time we encounter a stronger enemy. For our future growth, I think it is also necessary to undergo a somewhat unreasonable situation. Let’s challenge it head-on first. We will withdraw if there is nothing we can do. Fortunately, there is a village at the foot of this mountain. From there, we can reorganize and plan our next offensive in a relatively safety environment.」

Ayana calmly voice out her opinion while silencing Yuuzuki by placing the muzzle of her gun in front of his face.

At the foot of the sacred mountain on the opposite direction from Yulfilia Kingdom, there exist a small village. The distance between the village and this cave doesn’t seem to be too far. Therefore, choosing it as a rendezvous point is appropriate.

「Fii-san, I’ll ask this just in case. Is there a trap set up at the guardian’s room that will prevent us from retreating? Anything related to it in the legend? If there is, just like I said earlier, I’d like to relocate first to the village in order to recover our strength. I want all of us to be in perfect condition before facing the guardian.」

「As far as I’m aware of………there is none.」

「Is that so. Then, when we arrive near the room of the guardian, please check again for the presence of a magical trap. I have no doubt about what the legend says but it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious.」

「………I understand.」

After the conversation, the three heroes accompanied by the princess proceeded into the cave. The royal guards also followed along.

Unlike the outside, there was no wind inside the cave, so its a bit less colder than the outside. But that was only because of Philias’ special magic tool. Without it, in less than a few minutes, their body and mind would have been frozen, in the truest sense of the word. It doesn’t matter how big the fire they burn up, or how much they can warm up by dressing in winter gear, they will simply die without the magic tool.

ーーAn incompetent young man and a silver-haired half-elf managed to endure it though. The former mainly by guts and the latter just endured it normally as one would against cold weather, of course with some help from magic. Needless to say, both of them are exception among exceptions.

With dusk steadily approaching, sunlight was also steadily receding from the cave entrance. The party carefully move forward by using a light emitting lantern-type magic tool. No magic beast appeared but they still maintain a moderate state of alertness.

After a while advancing through a straight path, a bright s.p.a.ce was seen in the distance. Right before stepping into the bright s.p.a.ce, Ayana called out to Philias.

「Fii-san, any sign of magical traps?」

「………No, I don’t see anything in particular.」

「Is that so. Well then, I will place some extra precaution, just in case.」

Ayana took out a fist-sized rectangular object from her slightly large waist pouch. Its’ surface is engraved with a logo that looks like English.

「…………ne Ayansan. That looks awfully similar to a C4 from earth, doesn’t it?」

「Its not a C4 but its definitely a bomb I made using alchemy.」

「Wh-a bomb? Eh, you made that?」

「The theory behind the alchemy gun is simple. I merely amplify the bullet fired through use of gunpowder with a magical formation. Isn’t it natural that I’m able to make a bomb too?」

「Even if you say that… …didn’t you consider the Sword and Gun Law?!」

「Yuuzuki-kun is also carrying an extraordinarily sharp sword. What are you even saying at this point.」

「ah, um That’s true.」

Though he is a hero now, occasionally Yuuzuki views this world using the common sense of earth.

Or maybe Ayana herself is too much of an abnormality, seeing how easily she broke through the common sense of earth.

Misaki who understood both sides, declined to provide a commentary.

「Ayansan, what is the bomb for?」(Fii)

「Even if there is no magical trap, same can’t be said for physical ones. In the unlikely event that the entrance got blocked by physical means, I’ll blow it all way to secure our escape route. Well, I didn’t exactly prepare this for this kind of situation.」

《i know. cave-in hazard, rite. rather, go complain to author》

Even while answering Fii’s question, Ayana briskly set up three bombs. Ayana is highly dexterous despite her athletic ability being the lowest. Otherwise, she couldn’t have created her own gun and Misaki’s equipment by herself, even if she was blessed with the [Origin] attribute.

As Ayana continued setting up more bombs, Misaki spoke to Yuuzuki, who was swinging his sword to suppress his impatience.

「Yuuzuki, start preparing for [Overdrive].」

「The battle hasn’t started yet though?」

「This is not a mock battle but an actual combat. The enemy won’t wait obediently for you to finish preparing, you know. Up till now, you never ended your mock battles with the first blow right.」

Yuuzuki’s [Overdrive] is a spell that multiplies his physical abilities several times its original with no side effect to his body afterwards but…

【It takes some time from evoking the spell and the actual activation.】

There is a drawback.

At least one minute is needed to prepare. In a battle, it increases even further.

「But that’s cowardly………」

「You a moron? I won’t help you if you want to die while fighting fair and square, you know. To begin with, we don’t even know the strength of this [guardian]. How are we supposed to win if we don’t use everything we have from the start. …At the very least, that’s what Kanna would say, if he was here.」

「Kan-chan………that’s true.」

Hearing the name of his childhood friend whom he can’t argue against, Yuuzuki who’s no longer hesitating, nodded in a.s.sent. As instructed by Misaki, Yuuzuki began to circulate his mana to evoke the spell of light attribute magic [Overdrive.]

ーーIt should be noted that, when Misaki mentioned Kanna, she said it in a very faint voice. The only ones who heard her was the three heroes alone.

Incidentally, during their conversation, the princess and her royal guards did not utter a single word at all. They were surprised by the lack of weakness nor any gap in conversation shown by the female heroes which also borders on the realm of fear. Despite being so young with actual battle experience less than ten times altogether, the female heroes are calm and collected. A normal person would have been nervous in this situation.

By the time Ayana completed her task, Yuuzuki was only one step away from evoking his [Overdrive]. He can’t maintain the condition for long periods of time, only for about five minutes.

「Once Overdrive is activated, I’ll be able to keep up with Misaki-san. Ayansan should fire only after we land our first blow.」

「Got it. I leave it to both of you.」

「Counting on you to guard my back Ayana.」

「Please leave it to me」

「Okay, let’s go.」

With all the preliminary arrangement ready, all the heroes have to do now is to defeat the guardian with all their might. Nodding their heads together as a signal, the heroes step forth into the bright open s.p.a.ce.




「Arara, what brings you to this place?」



For some reason, in the center of the wide open s.p.a.ce, there was a tea party ongoing.

On one side, there was a blue-haired little girl. On the other, a beautiful woman wearing a kimono with the same blue hair.


The heroes was fully prepared to plunge into a battle.

But what awaits them was a carefree atmosphere.

The situation overwhelmed not only the heroes but also the princess and her royal guards.

「Would all of you partake as well? Though it is a tad cold and crispy.」

The beautiful woman dressed in kimono offered cookies to her dear visitors, but none of them had the right mind to just accept her offer.

ーーIncidentally, the cookies are all homemade by a housewife who lives in the village at the foot of this mountain.

The little girl continued on munching while looking at the visitors.

「etto……………Who might you be?」

Surprisingly, the first to recover was Yuuzuki. It was really surprising to see Yuuzuki recover first. It had to said twice, because its important.

「Let’s see now, how about bijo-sama?」

(That is not an answer!) In that moment, all the visitors became united in their response.

「………Ara? Surprisingly, there is a familiar presence.」

The calm and collected bijo eyed her visitors and furrowed a bit when she saw Yuuzuki. Despite detecting no hostility nor murderous intent, Yuuzuki was inundated by a bone-freezing cold sensation from her glare alone.

「Hmm………I see. I wonder if that boy over there is the [present generation] hero?」

Hearing her words, it was not Yuuzuki who gasped but the princess behind him. The fact that they performed a hero summoning is a state secret. It was not known even to their citizens, let alone someone from outside the kingdom. The secret was only shared between selected members in the upper caste of the castle. Somehow, the fact was known to this blue-haired beauty, making the princess wary of her.

「First the [unwanted child] came by, and now the [beloved child] suddenly appeared ne~. But even after witnessing my visage, you did not attack me. It seems that the memory from the previous hero was not inherited. Ara, if I take a closer look, those two girls there are also rather familiar. They do not appear to have inherited any memories of me as well.」

《not sure if memory mentioned is inherent inside their power or through legends》

After pondering something for a while, the beauty addressed the little girl by his side.

「I’m sorry dear but would you mind stepping out for a bit? In the unlikely event of something scary happening, you see.」

「un Got it, take care.」

Swallowing the cookie left in her mouth, the little girl nodded and said so. And then, as if she was an illusion, she began dispersing like a mist.

Yuuzuki managed to reorganize his words and started afresh with the beauty who unilaterally advanced their conversation earlier. He was worried about the girl who suddenly disappeared but seeing the lack of reaction from the beauty, it seems that there was no particular problem with it.

「………I’ll ask once more, who are you?」

「Let’s see………Well, I do think that [for now], a mysterious bijo-sama will suffice, no? Conversely, what purpose brings you, the current [yuushsama] to such a remote and dreary location?」

「W-we’ve come looking for the legendary spear that was sealed inside this cave.」

「………ah, That one. That is true, is it not. Usually, when a hero comes to this place, [that] is their purpose. I have completely overlooked that part.」

While being unusually awkward, the beauty took a sidelong glance at [that]. The whole visitor party followed her line of sight and eventually [that] came into their view.

A silver-colored spear.

Two parts of equal length to be exact.



The whole area was so silent as if being frozen in time.

Seeing that situation made Ayana exclaiming in her mind, this is [Za Warudo!]

「ano By any chance, is that the………」

「Most probably, the [legendary spear] you sought to claim.」





「……………Is it broken?」(hetare)

「……………It seems to be broken.」(bijo)

The beauty recalled she had the same exchange just a few days ago.

「……………………It can’t be true.」

It was the words of the dumbfounded princess who broke the frozen mood. Starting from that muttering, her pent up emotion gushed forth.

「Its a lie Its a lie Its a lie Its a lie! That can’t be true! There must be a magic spear that sealed an devil in this place! It should have been here! ! !」(craz-fii)

「The spear is there, is it not? Although it was broken in half, it is still usable as a slightly st.u.r.dier common spear, no?」

The beauty tried to pacify the shrieking princess, but she snaps back while pressing for answer from the blue-haired woman.

「Please stop joking around! To begin with, this place cannot be entered without magic tool handed down in the royal family! And even if one managed to reach this s.p.a.ce, there was supposed to be a guardian protecting the spear! Furthermore, a magic spear capable of sealing a powerful devil was not supposed to be that susceptible to breakdown! !」(hyster–Fii)

「F-Fii, calm down a bit!」

This time, Misaki puts her hand on the shoulder of the agitated princess to calm her down. But it didn’t work out as intended.

Seeing the princess behaving like that was a first to the royal guards, let alone the heroes. She was the epitome of gracefulness and calm demeanor, not known to be distraught by anything.

Yuuzuki and Misaki wasn’t able to respond properly. Even Ayana couldn’t hide her surprise.

「Impossible. This is not possible! This has never happened before! ! I’ve never seen anything like this! ! ! ! !」

Hearing her loudest yet outcry, the beautiful woman smirked with the edge of her lips slightly lifted.

「[Never seen anything like it] ne~. Indeed. That would explain a lot.」

Her smile made the princess irritated and snarled back.

「What’s so funny! !」

「Since I am visited by a couple of people bearing some very interesting [mana reaction], I couldn’t help but to reminisce, you see. I was merely in agreement with your last outburst.」

The gentle smile she had up to that moment disappeared, only to be replaced with a bewitching smile capable of captivating any onlookers.


The beauty snaps her fingers.

In that instant, the table where she rested her elbow upon, as well as all things on top of if including the cookies, were covered in [ice] and disintegrated to nothingness in the next moment.

After she stood up in a relaxed manner, she began to rise ever so gently.

Just as her toes left the ground, a tremendous amount of cold air descended upon the visitors. What they felt was not murderous in nature, but instead it was akin to an overwhelmingly vast presence pressuring down on them.

Finally, the visitors came to a realization. The self-proclaimed bijo-sama is not a member of the humankind.

Yuuzuki activated his spell [Overdrive] without hesitation.

Misaki was on guard with flames emanating from her armaments .

Ayano was already pointing her muzzle straight between the eyebrows of the beauty.

Firias kneaded her mana, preparing to launch an offensive spell.

While the royal guards steeled themselves, with swords at the ready.

「………This cold and oppressive feeling. The spear in a broken state. From that pieces of information, I surmise that you are the once sealed Devil [Serafide], aren’t you?」(Fii)

Towards the battle-ready crowd in front of her, the floating beauty calmly said.

「Rest a.s.sured. I hold no lingering resentment from being sealed. And I profess that I was once a tad too mischievous. Being sealed was just reaping what I sowed, I have come to terms with that fact. Besides, the ones I hold a grudge with, almost all of them are dead by now.」

The beautiful woman -Serafide- admitted that she was the devil that ravaged Yulfilia 300 years ago.

「I have no intention to contend with any of you. Though, it would be a different matter entirely if [that child] were to request anything from me.」(bijo baー)

「…………You, the devil is letting us leave?」(hetare)

「It is not like we have done any harm towards each other, did we not? Besides, the t.i.tle [Devil] is not, in any way related to me, you see. Humankind from 300 years ago selfishly attached that t.i.tle to my name.」

Yuuzuki shoots a glare towards Serafide, a far cry from his usual hetare att.i.tude but the person in question just brushed it off like a simple winter breeze.

「After especially climbing the mountain to reach this cave with great difficulty, it would be a shame to return empty handed, is it not」

The beauty sneered.

「Allow me present you with a little gift of [experience].」

Yuuzuki was utterly shocked hearing her voice right next to him.

He didn’t even blink.

Even with his reflex and kinetic vision strengthened by his spell [Overdrive], Yuuzuki couldn’t even react to Serafide’s approach.

「If only your original power is even a fraction of your current. However, my [power] is in a state without the magic spear acting as my so called [safety device].」



On his cheek.

「[That child] was able to withstand [my existence].」

Serafide’s fingertips.



[Something] which could only be described as an enormous [wave] gushed forth from that contact.

Yuuzuki was attacked by severe pain from the depths of his soul.

Imagine your skin being exposed to extreme cold. Intense pain resulting from it would be as if you were feeling the opposite, a searing hot sensation. However, compared to what Yuuzuki felt, even that kind of pain was lukewarm.

After a briefest fraction of an instant, or what felt like an eternity for Yuuzuki, Serafide withdrew her hand. When he was released from the pain that made him scream uncontrollably, Yuuzuki parted from his consciousness and fell down on the spot.

「………Far for 10 percent, even an influx less than a thousandth from [my existence] resulted in this. I am once again convinced of the abnormally high [mental strength] of [that child]ーーtte That was dangerous.」

An explosive sound was followed by an explosively fast kick an instant later. Serafide evaded Misaki’s flying kick, which if connected, can even pulverize a bedrock with ease.

Instead of being fl.u.s.tered, it was more surprising that she was surprised by Misaki’s sudden attack. Even further surprised than Serafide was the flying girl herself, who couldn’t believe her eyes. She didn’t even think someone could evade her full-powered, close-to-max-speed kick, let alone evading at the very last instant.

「Are you kidding me!?」(Misaki)

「But its true. iya That was certainly fastーーto ーー」

A sound of something colliding happened next.

Aiming towards Serafide’s heart after she evaded Misaki, Ayana fired a bullet without hesitation.

The bullet first gained propulsion through gunpowder explosion. That propulsion was further amplified by the spell located at the tip of the muzzle. Combination from the two acceleration effects resulted in enough kinetic force to penetrate even a 1cm steel plate easily.

However, that destructive force was blocked by an [ice wall] conjured up by Serafide in but an instant. Ayana was astonished by the fact that not only the ice wall did not even reach 1cm in thickness but also the fact that, there was not a single scratch on it after deflecting her shot.

「Do calm yourself down. While I’m sure you’re worried for your friend, is this not a tad too violent?」

「Stop bulls.h.i.tting me! What on earth did you do to Yuuzuki?!」

「Depending on your answer, just an apology won’t be enough.」

Large bursts of fire erupted from Misaki’s feet, while Ayana deployed a far bigger spell on her gun.

Although any feeling related to [love] was [nonexistent], it can’t denied that Yuuzuki is an important friend to both of them. Its not possible to suppress their anger after seeing what happened to him.

「It is all right. He only pa.s.sed out because there was too much [information] crammed inside his head during that brief instant. He should be awake after less than an hour.」(bijo babー)

「………Can we trust your word?」(Misaki)

「You do not have to force yourself to but you really ought to believe me. I know not regarding your future self, but with your prowess at this moment, even with your utmost effort, a scratch on me will be your best result. I was not called the [Devil] for no reason, I’ll have you know.」

Misaki and Ayana grind their teeth hearing those words spoken casually without any shred of fighting spirit behind it. Moreover, the feeling of oppression coming from Serafide was of the highest grade known to them. It was clear she was not bluffing around, judging by her capacity to handle both of their consecutive attacks with ease.

Both of them also know that even if Yuuzuki joins in with his [Overdrive] activated, considering Serafide’s lax atmosphere, it would change nothing about their current situation.

Taking her eyes of the girls who was at a loss while still being combat ready, Serafide now looks down upon Philias, who was propping up the unconscious Yuuzuki in her arms. She did not fail to notice the abyss existing and hiding behind seething hatred in the depths of Philias’ eyes.

「Young lady, instead of having a confrontation today, I’m offering you an advice.」

With a provocative tone laced with scorn and pleasure, Serafide said…

「Why don’t you [have a look] once more? Perhaps something of interest might draw your attention.」

「…………Just how much do you know.」

「I have met one with a [similar bearing] as yours before. Half of it was but a conjecture but after hearing your words, I am fairly certain of it.」


Serafide laughs.

「I know not of what you have [seen]. But I am certain that it was already beginning to collapse in various places when [that child] began to move. I’ll be enjoying myself while imagining you being fl.u.s.tered over your plight. And with that as my recompense, I’ll be taking my leave.」

「Stop right there.」(Fii)

「I do wonder if there is someone who would actually comply with those words.」


Leaving behind echoes of her laugh, the feared Devil, a blue-haired beauty dissolved into the air.

The visitors who were left behind were finally released from the pressure crushing down upon them. With Yuuzuki still propped in her arms, Philias…

「………Its broken? That can’t possibly be true. After all, that is………」

Her whispering, muttered in a daze went unnoticed by everyone else.

ーーIncidentally, the laughter was in accordance to Serafide’s role-play. It was a story about the person herself gradually getting immersed playing the role of female officer in an evil organization.

desu machi saikyou. aze ga seichyaku da!

finally found a term the most fitting, imo, to replace

jutsu-shiki = spell. until further notice

ill update the previous chapters, eventually

announcement : this is the last ch in arc 4. technically, there is a character roster next. but i wont do it, at least for now. also, im taking a break b4 entering arc 5. next ch, at the latest will be at 7th oct

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