Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 54

a mixture of feelings

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed

obligatory text gomen na

Ambiguous relationship

aimai no omoi ga~

As mentioned previously, the young lady"s house is a clothing and accessory store.

She said that we got wet because of her and to return the favor, she wants to provide us with new clothing. At first, me and Real were reluctant but we relented in face of her relentless and earnest pleading.

Its not a mistake to say that I feel like its regrettable to just part ways with Real as it is.

「ah My introduction is overdue. My name is Raz Bitis.」

「………Bitis you say? By any chance, are you from that Bitis Boutique?」

「Yes, its probably the Bitis you had in mind and I"m the heiress of it.」

Real stared in amazement after she heard her name. Knowing more details about it got me surprised too. I discovered later that her home is an ultra high end clothing store that ranks among top level shops in Draknil.

「So, is it that famous a place?」

「Famous is an understatement for it. Even royalty counts among their patrons, not to mention other n.o.bles.」


That thug who got dragged away sure was fearless. Luckily for him, it only ended with an attempt. Well, the blame was not entirely on him.

Although, the young lady"s appearance is stylish, she doesn"t exude the atmosphere of a resplendent n.o.ble lady. Judging her status only by appearance may prove difficult for most people.

If the situation had gone further south, the three of them at the very least, would"ve received severe punishment from powerful n.o.bles.

The young lady -Raz- guided us to an ultra luxurious building……………is what I wanted to say but its a kinda humble-looking shop.

But its situated between two luxurious store which are easily recognizable even from a glance. The humble-looking shop has a mannequin on display at the storefront which looks uncannily similar to the ones on earth. The mannequin was also equipped with a gorgeous high-cla.s.s dress comparable to dresses tailored back on earth.

tl here; i revise, edit and update my chapters after posting…

ーーAs a supplementary explanation, gla.s.ses and mirrors are luxury good in this world but not to the point of being extremely rare. That was because the existence of high-level attribute [Origin]. Those blessed with the attribute are able to manipulate materials at will and some of them creates gla.s.s and mirror in their spare time or even as an odd-job.

ーーHowever, most of the magicians with origin attribute are of the scholarly type, with very little interest in business. Gla.s.ses and mirrors made by them are sometimes sold to merchants in order to earn research funds but only a scarce few decided to focus entirely on producing those item. Consequently, customer demand vastly outnumber production output.

ーーIf its only to the degree of a small article such as a hand mirror, the general public can still afford it. But when it involves a huge gla.s.s panel in lieu of a wall, owning such an item is undeniably a proof of a high-cla.s.s establishment.

tl; …but only at my site tho. be advised

「I"m home~」

While I"m feeling a bit daunted by the shop"s modest look and yet somehow also br.i.m.m.i.n.g with elegance, Raz opened its door and entered in a familiar manner. Real followed along while being her usual self. And lastly was me, hurriedly entering after them.

「ara Raz, you"re quite late even though its just a simple errand.」

「Mom, I"m back.」

The person who responded is a middle age woman with a relaxed atmosphere. She was in the middle of adjusting clothes on display near the entrance when we came in. From Raz"s words, it was clear that this person is her mother.

「ara ara The two behind you, who might they be? Are they customers?… ………but they"re dripping wet though.」

「um I wonder where I should start……」

Raz was in the middle of hesitating on where to start explaining about this situation when…

「Kwooooorrraaa Raz! Just how long did you take!? Its not your first errand, you know!」

Me and Raz trembled after hearing that yell from the back of the store. The mother and Real are completely nonchalant though. Eh? Real being nonchalant is normal to me but I can"t figure out the reasoning for Raz"s mother.

An irate short man equipped with numerous tools lined all over his clothes came out from the back of the store. He is a slender man whose height only reached around my chest. However, in contrast to his appearance, his whole body oozes an aura peculiar to those with much experience under their belt.

「I was in a hurry when I made you run that errand but its pointless now.」

「Hiiii……… I-I-I"m sorry!」

Despite being taller, Raz is cowering behind her mother.

「Now now dear. Please don"t be so angry. We are in front of customers, you know.」

「mu You"re right. Pardon my rudeness.」

When the short man noticed our existence, he withdrew his anger.

「So, what can we do for you?」

「Please let me explain.」

It was the daughter who answered her mother"s question. Raz starts to explain the sequence of events beginning from her entanglement with the three men during her shopping errand. Continuing on where we entered the scene to help her out of her predicament and lastly, she explains our soaked condition was caused by the patrol-guards" misunderstanding.

The short man who was crossing his arm during the whole explanation turns towards us.

「It seems that my daughter was in your care. Allow me to express my grat.i.tude. Thank you.」

「I am grateful as well. Thank you very much for helping our daughter.」

Instead of being happy at receiving their grat.i.tude conveyed with bowing, I feel strangely embarra.s.sed. Abusive language doesn"t bother me at all but in face of an honest grat.i.tude on the other hand, I"m definitely not used to it.

The short man is from the dwarf clan. His name is Smith Bitis. To my surprise, he is the father of Raz. Dwarves are generally small in stature and youthful in appearance, so its rather difficult to determine their age by physical outlook. But Smith is the legitimate father of the young lady. His wife is Luz Bitis. She is of the human clan, and she looks her age.

Although this couple is mishmash of height, I can sense that they have a very amiable relationship. Raz, who was born between those two is a half. According to Faimsensei"s lesson, among the existing humanoid race, having an offspring born from inter-racial relationship is possible. However, the maternal race greatly affects birth rate.

「Because of that you see, I suggested for them to use the store"s clothes until theirs are dry. Is it fine, dad?」

「Why not. They got soaked because of your circ.u.mstances after all.」

Smith seems willing to accept his daughter"s proposition but I got cold feet hearing that.

「Hold up. This is a high cla.s.s clothing store right? Having me wear that sort of high cla.s.s item is… how should I say…… its beyond my standing.」

「To clothe the benefactor of my daughter with shabby clothes will tarnish the name of Bitis Boutique. Besides, I won"t mind if it gets dirty or ripped while you"re wearing it and I"m not going to charge for money nor claim compensation for my clothes.」

The shop owner lets out a boisterous laughter contrary to his small stature. I turn to Real for her input.

「Say, Real-san. What kind of clothes would you prefer?」

「I"m terribly sorry but my fashion sense is nonexistent. I don"t even know what kind of clothes suits me. I don"t have that many clothes to begin with.」

「What nonsense are you saying young lady! Though you have a beautiful face, you have to polish yourself more! Come here then, I"ll make sure to coordinate your clothes well!」

「Eh? Waiー Luz-dono? Even if you don"t pull my arm………」

「ah Wait mom! I"m coming too!」

Where did her initial warm and relaxed atmosphere go?

Luz forcefully pulled the strength-confident Real to the back of this store through some unknown zeal. Raz also went after those two.

「My wife is rather fussy when it comes to dressing up a woman, you see. She couldn"t endure seeing that sort of pretty girl being indifferent to herself, hence her meddlesome nature.」

Its like she was born to be the wife of a clothing shop owner, or so Smith boastfully claims.

Since Real was kidnapped away, should I just listen to him silently?

If I look real carefully at the price tags in this store, its quite expensive but its not an amount I couldn"t fork out from my savings. Even if I purchase one or two articles from this shop, I can still afford the somewhat luxurious spending. In the event of the lent out clothes getting dirty, I"ll be able to buy em.

「What about you lad?」

「………Please lend me the most simple clothes you have.」

「Sure, leave it to me. I"ll tailor you up handsomely.」

I"m led to different area from Real by Smith. Its a corner of the store with part.i.tioned room, similar to the ones on earth.

First things first, I fully strip and throw it all into the prepared basket. Even down to my thoroughly wet underwear. Just as I got fully naked, Smith comes in with a towel and a new outfit. After wiping off any extra moisture remaining with the towel, I put on the new outfit.

When I grab it, I realize right away the excellence of its fabric. The texture feels completely different. What got transmitted from my hands, I can only describe it as being sucked into it and yet, it doesn"t cling to my skin more than necessary. As expected of a high-cla.s.s clothing store. Amazing right up from the material.

Incidentally, while I was changing, loud voices rang out from the back of the store.

「Kyaa~ Real-san, you"re so big! And such wonderful waistline too!」

「Moreover, its not sagging at all. Despite all that, her body balance as a whole is magnificent ne. Even as a woman myself, I"m in envy………」

「Ano… both of you… I am rather embarra.s.sed if you say all that out loud………」

「ara Please excuse us. But yours are really amazing, you know. I have only chanced upon a few subject of your level up until now.」

「Its the first time for me! Or rather, your oppai are just too enviable~」

「Hyaa! Waiー Where are you touching!?」

「…………uuwaaaa, this tenderness is terrific~ Rather than just being a woman"s weapon, this is already at the level of a lethal weapon.」

「kora kora Where are your manners Raz? Just because we are of the same gender, that doesn"t mean we can indiscriminately grope people"s breast. But I can see why you didn"t have much interest in clothes. One of the reasons must be because there weren"t many choices that can fit the size of your chest.」

「Well, yes… That is certainly one of the reasons.」

「Nevertheless, please be relieved. Even though I may appear this way, I am the wife that supports the owner of this renowned Bitis Boutique. Please wait for a bit while I coordinate a dress that will look good on you and adjust them so you can wear them without difficulty. Raz, a.s.sist your mother!」

「Roger desu!」

…………It seems that the other side will take quite some time to finish even though I took no time at all in changing into new outfit.

Women are those who consume a great deal of time to choose even a single piece of clothing.

Real aside, the escalating tension of the mother-daughter pair of this clothing store is amazing. Their enthusiasm is evident as their lively conversation even reach this far.

「Oh, you"re done. I didn"t intend to pick strange clothes just because this is a clothing store. So, how is it?」

「It feels nice. Rather, its too comfortable to the point I don"t wanna take it off.」

「Hahahaha I"m glad to hear that lad.」

The prepared clothes were not gaudy but it gives off a slight stylish vibe. The feeling of wearing it is extraordinary. It was as if I"m being wrapped in bundles of soft feathers. After this, I might even buy one set of stylish clothes.

Twenty minutes have pa.s.sed since I finished changing my clothes.

「Oh, are you done?」

「Yes dear. Perfectly. ara The oniisan over there is also clothed nicely. As expected of my husband.」

「Stop that. You"ll get me embarra.s.sed.」

Being praised by his wife brought a smile to the eyes of Smith. I also want to get a bride who can create a similar post-marriage atmosphere together with me.

If at all possible, I wish for an kyonyuu nee-san.

「hora Real-san. Please don"t be shy. Kannsan is waiting for you.」

「B-But this appearance………」

「You look absolutely stunning in it! hora Come on.」

Apparently Real has finished dressing up and just like when she was dragged into the store before, she is being pulled by hand. Only this time, it is Raz who"s pulling.


Me and Real lost our words when we look upon each other.

Standing there in front of me is not the usual warrior clad in armor who can freely swing a sword a tall as herself.

Instead, a beautiful woman in a pure white one-piece dress stands in her place. Real"s beauty is even made more prominent thanks to the minimal amount of accessory. I am positively enchanted by the sight of her.

Her breast which are usually hidden behind the safety of her armor are liberated now and I can"t help but to look at her with a hint of s.e.xual desire. Rather, even saying that is being rude. So I"m genuinely marveling her resplendent beauty.

「Hou~ As expected of my wife. Magnificently done.」

「fufufu The feeling is mutual dear.」

We came back to our senses after hearing the couple banter.

「How does she look, Kannsan? Real-san was a very excellent subject. I tried to coordinate her in a way that emphasizes her original beauty rather than focusing on dressing up poorly.」

「………How do I look?」

Raz (estimated B-cup) puffs up her chest in pride while Real on the other hand, is being timid.

「………You look great. Extremely so.」

「I-Is that so? I haven"t worn this kind of dress since I was a little girl. To be honest, I wasn"t confident but I"m relieved after hearing you said so. Even as a flattery.」

「The current Real is a beauty in the truest sense of the word no matter how I slice it. If what I said was a mere flattery, 90% of the world"s women won"t get compliments unless they"re given lip service.」

Real blushed vermillion hearing my sincere praise. I"m probably similarly red. Even though neither of us looks weird, both of us are only one step away from flaring up in embarra.s.sment.

urayamashi ze. bakuhatshu shiro kanna yo

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