Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 70

guhehe… ?

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho. corrections are welcome

obligatory text wafu wafu kwuun

Behind the armor is……

kono ore-sama da -dio!!- fuahaha

After a few more general goblins consigned to oblivion by our combined efforts, the cavalry goblin general finally begins to move in its irritation.

Kicking the belly of its mount as a signal, it breaks into a gallop, causing tremors along the way. Using my ice sh.e.l.l here will only be avoided by it. To hinder its charge, I hit the ground with my tekkou and froze the ground on its path.

Go ahead and charge. If you slip and fall down, Regulus will take care of the rest. 《reowrd n rechcek raw. feels like sth mising》

Contrary to my expectation, the frozen ground got shattered into pieces the moment that dragon rider goblin steps on it.

What da heck.

The combined weight from the ma.s.sive frame of the goblin, with its similarly ma.s.sive mount and its full plate armor overwhelmed the strength of my ice.

Without losing much of its speed, the cavalry goblin holds it axe aloft and continue to charge at Regulus. A super heavyweight blow backed by speed and ma.s.s. Regulus rotates his spear overhead, utilizing its momentum to match the impending axe head-on.


Regulus somehow manage to withstand that violent clash.

I really truly wonder about the extent of power hidden in that slender body of his…

However, even Regulus, who has the greatest attacking power on our side couldn"t take down that dragon rider. After it galloped past Regulus, the dragon rider turns around in the distance to charge anew.

This time, its target is Chloe.

At this very moment, she"s up against a lizardman, occupying her attention.

「d.a.m.n. Chloe, dodge it! !」

Reacting to my voice, Chloe who finally notice the rapidly approaching cavalry goblin narrowly escapes the menacing axe by throwing her body onto the ground. The surrounding lizardmen then raises their voice before swooping down on her.

Angered by the sight, I unleash a barrage of ice cone without holding back, poking them full of holes.

I don"t even have the time to be paying more attention on Chloe as the next target of that cavalry goblin is me.

My reflex is even worse than Chloe. I won"t be able to avoid it, so I manifest an ice wall with all the strength I can muster. While I"m at it, I also cover my tekkou with an extra layer of ice. Both doubles down as the maximum defense I can deploy at a moments notice.

The very next moment, a dreadful impact a.s.sails me.

The ice wall, including the ones on my arms are shattered while I got sent tumbling away by the impact. Even the reactive ice field I deployed on my arm activated.

「KKannshi, are you all right de gozaru ka! ?」

「I don"t feel soーーugh……good.」

I took Chloe"s hand as she ran up to me and stood up right away but the arm that she pulled up feels like its been ripped open.

Backlash from my ice being destroyed is intense.

That charge isn"t the kinda attack that can be blocked multiple times. With my reactive ice field gone, in another two or three of those a.s.sault, either I"ll suffer some broken bones in my hands or I"ll run out of mental strength.

「That guy is different from the other generals. Even if its not riding that giant lizard, I"m probably inferior in physical strength. If I"m careless, I will be outmatched.」

With a comment fraught with tension, Regulus joins us.

「This doesn"t look good. If that charge straight into the knights and adventurers, they"ll be trampled.」(kanna)

「Fortunately, its aim is focused on usー ー! Get down!」(reg)

Lowering my head according to the warning, a roaring sound pa.s.ses overhead the next moment.

Regulus offsets another charge from the cavalry goblin. The violent impact of metal on metal at a point-blank distance seems to penetrate my eardrums, causing some modulation in my field of vision.

Chloe is beside me holding down her ears with teary eyes. Being a beastmen with superior senses than mine, that sound must"ve been a terrible ordeal.

Eh, isn"t that the same for [Regulus]?

「How much more can you take?」

「All day long……is what I"d like to say but the [shaft] won"t last much longer.」

Regulus anxiously points out the [shaft] of her spear. The spear she"s currently using is extended by connecting a separate [shaft] to her greatsword. Due to its structure, the integrity of the connecting parts is inferior compared to the rest.

「It"s more or less built with st.u.r.diness in mind but with that level of attack, colliding for another 20 or 30 blows will damage the weaponーーha!」

Another violent clash resounds and I can feel that the connecting part between the greatsword and the shaft is screaming.

If you ask me, I"m more afraid of Regulus who declared that he can counter that kinda violent charge for another 20 or 30 times.

「If I were to use the [sword] instead, I"ll be overwhelmed.」

「B-But if that general grows impatient from not being able to strike ourselves down, eventually it would target our allies de gozaru ga, we have to do something quickly.」

The remaining general goblins are slowly decreasing in number as the knights and adventurers coordinate together to take them down.

But if we don"t defeat the cavalry goblin, they will face certain annihilation. They did come here with the resolve and preparation for any eventuality but there"s no mistake that they"re doing their utmost to achieve victory without any sacrifice.

「Kannemon, do you not have anymore hands to play de gozaru ka! ?」

「This isn"t the best time to be making a metremark though, this mutt! ?」

Don"t lump me together with a short-footed blue cat robot with a pocket full of convenient goods!

「Th-this one is not a dog de gozaran yo! This one is of the proud Black Wolf Clan de gozaru yo!」

「Noisy, you"re splitting hair. That is not the problem here, miss gozaru.」

「No, this is an important matter de gozaru yo! This one will not budge! By no means, in any way possible, this one is most definitely not a dog de gozaru kara shi te!」

Chloe vehemently protest my words but the girl herself is going [wafu wafu] right at this moment. Beyond any shadow of doubt that"s definitely dog-like. Even on the bed she goes wanwan wafuwafu and kwuun but we don"t have any leeway for that sorta pink reminiscence so I won"t go there.

「………You guys sure are relaxed while I"m working hard here.」

Repelling yet another charge on the side, Regulus chillingly comments on our carefree att.i.tude. The second chill up our spine pulled ourselves together.

You"re plenty relaxed yourself……

……is what I wanted to say to him.

Okay, serious mode now.

It"s true that we don"t have much time left.

And it"s not only limited to that cavalry goblin.

I noticed it earlier than anyone else on this battlefield.

「tch [That] is also here huh」

I glare at a big hole on the side of the mountainーthe cave. The reason is because of a strong unpleasant presence emanating from it.

The same summoning spell as the one back at the camp, combined with a battlefield full of lizardman and over ten general goblins. From that two information alone, even an amateur can deduce what"ll happen after this.

「Having come this far, this won"t come off as a surprise but it looks like we"re in a tight spot.」

Regulus sensed the gravity of the situation from my expression. I continue on grimly despite trying not to.

「………There"s a possibility of enemy reinforcement coming in not too long from now.」

「Wh-what! Is that the truth de gozaru ka! ?」

I have no choice but to nod at Chloe"s exclamation. I briefly explain to them what happened back in the camp.

From the depths of the cave, I could sense the same presence of a summoning magical formation drawn back at the encampment.

[Their] mana presence as well.

I"m not clear whether the summoning had been invoked or going to be invoked from now on but I"m certain that the end result won"t change either way. The result in which enemy reinforcement will appear on this battlefield in the near future.

No matter how peerless Regulus is as a former rank adventurer, his physical strength isn"t limitless. Same goes for the other adventurers and knights. If they continue to suppress and subdue B-rank magic beasts, they will eventually run out of gas.

The time to think has come to pa.s.s. I"ve decided.

「Regulus, Chloe. From now on, it"s a race against time. I"ll take on that leader general. In the meantime, both of you rush into that cave and eradicate the [ringleader].」

「Wh-what are you talking about de gozaru ka, K-Kannshi? Even if it"s you, contending with [(that) general goblin] alone would be much too unreasonable de gozaru. This one believes it would be better to cooperate and defeat it first de gozaru.」

「I told you, we"re out of time! If we take our time on this guy, it"d be a matter of time before magic beasts we can"t handle appears! Before that happens, we need to destroy the using our greatest war potential.」

Even the time used to argue about this is precious.

At this point, I can"t afford to think about future plans. With the superma.s.sive ice sledgehammer, I should be able to smash that cavalry goblin along with its mount at the same time. I"m fully prepared to use spirit art to the point of losing consciousness.

The question is how to hit that highly agile ma.s.sive chunk of ma.s.s. I guess there"s no choice but to draw it in to the last second before manifesting a surprise hammer.

「………Then it should be me doing it, not you.」

Right when I"m about to manifest a superma.s.sive sledgehammer, Regulus holds me back.

For some reason, the [shaft] was removed and his weapon turned back to a [greatsword].

「That guyーーI"ll finish it.」

As soon as he spoke those words, a tremendous amount of mana overflows from the knight in full body armor. Even though it didn"t cause any phenomenon other than causing the air to vibrate, Chloe and I had our breath taken away by the sheer amount of mana.

「Wh-what are you going to do Ryuuken-dono?」

Regulus begins to construct a magical formation under his feet as a reply.

Even an amateur can detect the abnormal amount of mana contained within that magical formation. Chloe, who is more knowledgeable than me regarding spells starts to explain the true ident.i.ty of the spell about to be unleashed by Regulus.

「This isーーa support spell. Furthermore, a strengthening type de gozaru ka?」

「Unfortunately, the active duration is very short and it comes with a terrible recoil. I didn"t get to activate it earlier but it looks like this is the right timing for it. All the more reason not to hesitate to use it.」

Just as he finish saying that, he stabs the ground with his sword. It"s as if that action serves as a trigger as particles of light burst forth from the magical formation and got sucked into Regulus"s body.

「[Dragonic Rage]ーーactivate!」

Regulus" mana presence suddenly jumps up exponentially, accompanied by a shockwave.

Visually, there"s no change from before the spell was invoked but his presence, not unlike that of a giant feels overwhelming. The kind of presence you don"t wanna get close at all unless they"re an ally.

Annoyed by its inability to trample down Regulus -us included- the cavalry goblin kicks the large lizard"s belly with all it have for another charge with both of them raising war cries.

Their fastest speed yet.

In contrast to them, Regulus moves deliberately. He"s setting up a stance with his sword pointing to the back, projecting an air full of composure.

《seems like waki-gamae》

And then, he [slowly] takes a step forward to welcome the fast approaching cavalry goblin.


That was from a single step. Just by taking that small step, the ground got imprinted with the shape of his foot.

Rather than saying Regulus gained some weight, it"s the [power] put forth into his stance that caused it.

With the distance between them quickly shrinking, the general goblin unleashes its axe alongside a roar. Regulus is up against an intense blow backed by speed and ma.s.s.

「Fly forth.」

ーーーbaagoooooooooooooooon! ! !

After that indifferent murmur, what happens the very next instant is an explosive sound at point-blank range, the loudest yet ever since I came to this battlefield.

When I noticed, the superior lizardman had already parted with its head and its rider is in the opposite direction of their chargeーーin other words, the general goblin was blown off backwards.

The headless lizard continues its charge for a bit farther but eventually falls to the ground tumbling.

I"ll be honest.

I really don"t know what had happened.

When I come to, the lizard"s head was already falling down and the general goblin was blown off from its back.

I could only perceive as much.

「It"s still difficult to adjust [Dragonic Rage]"s power. Just now I wanted to kill both of them. I wish I could but my aim was slightly off.」

Hearing his voice, I finally collected myself to see Regulus" figure swinging down his sword. The slash he performed far exceeded the limits of my kinetic vision.


The sound of something hard cracking enters my ears.

Pinpointing the source of the sound, I can see cracks running all over the full body armor of Regulus. It wasn"t able to withstand the force capable of blowing that general goblin away, isn"t it?

「This one is also just as I thought. Good grief, it"s not a cheap price to pay at all due to its custom-made enhancement. I"m going to be told-off again huh.」

He disconnected the shaft because he determined that it couldn"t withstand the backlash as well I guess.

The blown away general goblin is still alive.

Just how high is its vitality?

But its not unscathed.

The giant axe in its hand lost more than half its blade while the armor its wearing is severely distorted. With blood flowing from its mouth and ears, it"s the picture perfect scene of having wounds all over its body.

The general goblin is dragging its dying body, desperately struggling to escape back into the cave in one way or another. It seems that its survival instinct as a living creature had won over its destructive impulse as a magic beast.

「Forgive me but I"m not benevolent enough to overlook you.」

After a short run, Regulus leaps towards the general goblin. He easily covered the distance of about 50 meters in an instant.

What"s amazing is that strength of him that can send the ma.s.sive frame of that general goblin 50 meters away.

Or is it his leg strength that can cover as much distance in one leap?

Did it realize that it couldn"t escape by the sight of Regulus approaching rapidly from above?

In its bid for a last stand, the general goblin holds its damaged axe aloft and raises a roar to parry the incoming Regulus. An intense earthquake occurs for only an instant.

With a downward swing from the airborne Regulus, the general is cut into two halves alongside its axe. His armor is also affected, causing more and more cracks to form.

「Is that………the true ability of a former rank adventurer de gozaru ka?」

For the B-rankers who are considered first cla.s.s themselves, it is the height in which only a handful of talented B-rankers can reach. Having the chance to glimpse at one such example struck Chloe with a great sense of awe.

「I always thought of that guy as a super powerful person but never to this extent.」

Turning his back from the goblin"s corpse, Regulus heads towards us while shaking off blood stains on her greatsword. His gallant figure overlaps with a certain hetare [prodigy] from my memories. Looking at them makes you think of future heroes that will leave their [names] in the annals of history.

「Speaking of which, Kannshi, somehow it seems that you"re acquainted with Ryuuken-dono de gozatta ga but when did you even met that personage de gozaru ka?」

「hn? You still haven"t noticed yet?」

Though I said that, I"m convinced that there"s no helping it.

The voice of [Regulus] is that of a man, and that armor has some magical enchantment applied to it for the purpose of visual falsification.

An expert might be able to identify a person through their movement in the battlefield but Chloe and [Regulus] haven"t been acquainted long enough to reach that point.

Even for me, if it wasn"t for the [perception] I gained since coming to this world, it would"ve taken me a lot longer to recognize her.


I can hear an odd sound. Looking at the source, the cracks on Regulus" armor continues to spread as he steps further in my direction.

Was the blow that ended that general goblin the coup de grâce?

When he finally reach our position, the armor hit the end of its life. When the final creak of death resounds for it, the armor crumbled, exposing [him]ーno, [her].

「Great work out there, [Real].」

「………Like I suspected, you realized. The armor had illusion and voice changing spell incorporated in it though.」

Yep, the true ident.i.ty of Regulus, the knight leader of the Genryuu Knight Order is the silver-haired beauty with elf-ears and endowed with a huge (or explosive) breast, Real-san.

Glancing at Chloe who had weak reaction to this revelation, she"s currently in shock with her mouth agape while looking at Real.

Apparently, the face behind that helmet was too much of an unexpected turn of event for her. Well that"s to be expected. Who would"ve thought the person behind that armor is a woman, much less her own acquaintance.

「……………um On that note.」

The armor had collapsed and lost almost all of its function and appearance as an [armor]. Although there"s a bit of left, her bare skin and undergarments are exposed. Moreover, the part that remains are limited to her private parts and if you change the perspective, that is the spitting image of a [bikini armor].

「I didn"t think the day would come when I would witness a real one instead of a cosplay.」

Because the armor collapsed, her suppressed chest were released, revealing her overwhelming kyonyuu. The places that needs to be covered are hidden well but even so, the deep valley formed by that two soft hills mesmerized the h.e.l.l out of me. If this weren"t a battlefield, I would"ve venerated the majestic sight by clasping my hands together.

「………It would embarra.s.s me if you look that intensely.」

She hides her chest with her free left hand. To be frank, that wouldn"t do jack to hide the majestic sight but if she dislikes it, then it can"t be helped. I push down the feeling of reluctance and regretfully avert my eyes. However, I firmly [recorded] the figure of Real in bikini armor (provisional) in my mind.

The shaking effect is also picture perfect.

Thank you very much.

kanna wa h~

praise be to the kyonyuu ??

hmm voice of a man huh. feels like i need to change the gender neutral p.r.o.nouns but what a pain ?

4 more chapters to go. next chap is slightly longer than this. so iunno, 2days or 3. depends on how hard it is to type out

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