Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 74

start of arc 7: unwanted reunion ??

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho. corrections are welcome

obligatory text tenshi-sama~

The flags are already setーalso, an explanation of the circ.u.mstances

ato jijou no setsumei desu tte?

When I open my eyes, it"s not on the hard battlefield ground, but on a soft bed.

「ara You have awaken?」

After being in a daze for a while, the figure of an onee-san pa.s.s in front of the room with my bed in it and after saying so, the nurse… 『There is a nurse in this world!?』…enters my room.

「…………Where am I?」

「Here is Draknil"s Imperial Hospital. Please excuse me for a while. I"m going to call the doctor.」

The angel in white left the room with a jog.

Dear angel, instead of fetching the doctor, please nurse me with love and affection. Or so my silly thoughts went, as usual. Oh but I"d very much welcome it if an erotic female doctor comes here. However, the one nurse onee-san brought here is a normal ossan…

There"s no fragment of s.e.x appeal to be found…




While I"m dispirited, the doctor briefs me of the situation.

After the battle at the mine ended, I exchanged a few lines with Real but that was my limit. The moment I relaxed, my consciousness flies off due to the backlash of overusing Spirit Art.

Chloe, who was carrying me descended into panic. Real on the other hand, immediately pinpointed the cause. After all, I"d fainted in front of her many times before.

Convinced that I won"t be waking up anytime soon, Real promptly sent me back to Draknil and admitted me to the most prestigious hospital.

「There is no particularly conspicuous external trauma, so no further treatment needed but just in case, I need you to rest for today.」(male doc…)

After a brief examination and inquiry, the doctor leaves. I listened to his explanation while being upright, so I relax myself on the bed when he left. I wonder how long ago since I was last hospitalized. If I"m not wrong, it was that time when I went up against a local yakuza.




The whole incident originated from Yuuzuki"s dispute with a biker gang.

At first it was a name-calling as a pretext for a fight but the situation escalated over time. Eventually, the local yakuza who was backing the gang showed up. It was not only me who suffered damage at the time but also unrelated people.

Enraged, we went to those even further [above] those local yakuza to negotiate.

After eliminating any possible reprisals, we proceeded to [bomb] those local yakuza"s office. There were injuries but I made careful arrangement, so no one died and the incident came to a close somehow.

Of course, the local yakuza who got their office destroyed tried to retaliate but since that incident originated from a quarrel with a biker"s gang and to top it off, their base of operation got completely destroyed by minors, the local yakuza completely lost their face.

Furthermore, it was too late for them to do anything by borrowing the authority of the tiger since we already settled the matter with said tiger. In the end, the local yakuza and the bikers gang were destroyed both physically and reputation-wise.


After all that fiasco, as one would expect, a scout came from the head organization of which the local yakuza affiliated with, to invite me to their midst.

They were quite the manly group, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with honorable moral code but since I didn"t wanna close my path for an honest line of occupation, I respectfully declined them.

『That was the last big incident back during middle school.』

Among the many troubles Yuuzuki started, there was none that can top that incident, both in scale and flashiness.

Back to the topic of hospitalization, my previous case was caused by burns. We bought a lot of fireworks that was on discount from a nearby supermarket and under the supervision of Ayana, I turned those into [bombs].

Well, I got too immersed into it and spout lines like 『This is what you get when you mess with us.』while posing inside the office. And then, I got caught up in the blast because I mistook the amount of gunpowder needed to blow up the place. It was an incident that made me decide to never again make my own homemade bomb.




During my reminiscence of such youthful indiscretion (though I"m still a minor now), a familiar presence draws near.

「You seem to have woken up, Kanna.」

I raise one hand as a response to Real who showed up. She is no longer wearing the pseudo bikini armor, instead it"s the light armor I"m used to seeing. It"s a real pity that the enchanting valley has been hidden from view.

「Yo, is it okay for you to ditch the knights and paperworks?」

I imagine there will be post-processing and written reports to be done. I don"t think she could move freely after merely three days.

「I asked the hospital to contact me as soon as you got up and I left all the detailed paperworks to my adjutant. The processing won"t be delayed.」

Isn"t that just pushing her responsibility to someone else.

「Allow me to thank you again. I heard from those left in charge of security at the encampment. If you hadn"t been there, there would have been considerable damage inflicted to the knights and adventurers alike. It is thanks to you that it didn"t happen. Thank you.」

「I just happen to be there but I expect to be properly compensated for it ‘kay.」

「It is an ex-post-facto approval but I"ll compensate you through the guild, including the [shaft"s] delivery. Rest a.s.sured.」

「I just don"t wanna work for free, y"know.」

「I am aware.」

If this were a tale of a hero, he would say [I only did the right thing to do], but unfortunately, I"m more of a profit-loss person. With that in mind, I"m fully aware that I"m not what they call, a [hero] material. But I can"t sense any hint of disgust from Real at my greedy demands. She must"ve expected this from the beginning.

Since I was also expecting that kinda reply from her all along, a smile naturally adorns my face. It"s mysterious how this unreserved and outspoken exchange can make me feel at ease.




ーーーIt might be a good time to ask.

「Say, Real. Isn"t it about time you tell me. About your position in this country.」

「………Yes, I came here today with that intention as well. It"s also getting harder for me to keep on hiding the fact.」

The knight leader of the Genryuu (Phantom Dragon) Knight OrderーThe [Ryuuken], Regulus. I already knew her true ident.i.ty but I wanted to hear it from the person herself.

「 I am the leader of the Imperial Army Special a.s.sault Unit [Genryuu Knights], Real Farbell.」

「a.s.sault Unit?」

「A unit without a fixed roleーーIn other words, a unit for [anything and everything] in the army. We are a.s.signed to subjugation missions such as the one before or sent to a.s.sist other short-handed units.」

「Oh~……… Also, what"s with that strange cosplay of yours?」

「I don"t get what you mean by cosupuray but by [strange], it"s that armor, right? From my standpoint, revealing my ident.i.ty would be detrimental in various aspects. When I"m leading my unit, I"m always in that figure to pa.s.s externally as a [man]. My subordinates and most of the upper bra.s.s are aware of my true ident.i.ty though.」

The Diagal Empire"s military is a meritocracy and there is no discrimination so long as one has the merit. In fact, female soldiers are also subjected to that evaluation. Nevertheless, a unit led by a woman is a rare thing and stands out conspicuously. It is easier for her to be conspicuous in terms of appearance compared to standing out due to her gender.

That was how the [Regulus] clad in a full body armor came to be. In addition to the defense it provides, the armor is also enchanted with spells that converts her voice into that of a man and obfuscates her characteristic long ears. Thanks to that, those who were oblivious to the circ.u.mstances thought of her as a [male].

「Oh right, I heard that the top of the Genryuu Knights was a former adventurer. …………Did you hide your ident.i.ty even then?」

「Well, yes… but that was due to another reason. Until four years ago, I was an active adventurer.」

I didn"t pursue Real"s evasive words. It must"ve been a troublesome topic, separate from this one.

「hmm What about [Ryuuken]?」

「When an adventurer reaches rank, they are bestowed an [alias]. It"s a name derived from the spell you witnessed, the [Dragonic Rage] and my favored greatsword.」

Indeed. After activating [Dragonic Rage], Real"s presence became overwhelming to the point of being soul-shaking. I haven"t met any real [dragon] yet but that display of hers was more than enough to portray the existence of a dragon.

ーーーThat dragon of hers that I haven"t seen for quite a while is a soothing-type, it doesn"t count.

「Given that we are both involved with Lydeal-sama, I will tell you. She was my mentor back when I was an adventurer. Even now we are still in touch with each other. It"s embarra.s.sing but I"m very much indebted to her.」

「That hag………」

I know they"re acquainted but this is beyond what I expected. Knowing that basan, she must be amusing herself by imagining my reaction when I know the truth.

「You"re the only person in this country to address her [that way]. Even the emperor pays his respect towards [master].」

………Please wait for a bit.

A mentor of the former rank adventurer?

Looking at my face becoming stiff at the realization, Real sigh while smiling wryly, as if to say [you"re really incorrigible].

「Lydeal-sama is a former S-rank adventurer with the alias [Thousand Blades] and she is currently the guild master of Draknil"s branch of Adventurers Guild.」

「Whaaaat!? S-rank!!?」

Far from being just an executive, she"s the top of it! (although a branch).

Moreover, an S-rank!

Isn"t that the rank of those surpa.s.sing even the transcendent rankers!? I can accept Real"s former rank status but basan‘s S-rank blindsided me.

Oh c.r.a.p.

Thinking back on it, I was quite rude to the former S-rank adventurer.

My words, especially. I"m breaking out in cold sweat at this late hour.

「Haa……… Master won"t care about such trifle things. In the first place, if you were really rude in her eyes, she won"t keep you company time and again. Rather, that is proof the she took quite a liking to you.」

「………That in itself is disagreeable too.」

「I know what you"re trying to say but give up.」

Apparently, she"s speaking from experience concerning basan"s mischievous side. Real"s sympathy makes me feel complicated.

From the start, Real"s reason in registering as an adventurer was in order to receive tutelage from the former S-rank. After gaining some experience and reaching rank, which was her target in the first place, she retired from adventuring. It seems that her objective was to enroll into the army all along.

As a certified former rank adventurer that was endorsed by a S-rank, she quickly rose to prominence within the army and eventually appointed as a knight to lead a unit.

While I"m at it, her deputy -Dyne- who was also in a similar full body armor, is actually Becht, whom I"ve met back at the inn. As expected. His disposition towards aristocracy aside, he is a very excellent aide, capable of serving both as a military officer and a civil servant.

Talented ikemen should just go explode…




「………Now then, let"s wrap it up for my background, shall we?」

Real"s expression turns to a more serious note, scattering the previous peaceful atmosphere. Seems like she didn"t come here only for a visit. I expected it though.

「Please explain what happened back at the mine cave. The cave collapsed you see, making any entry impossible.」

「………um My bad. I did that.」

Feeling guilty about it, I confess while scratching my head but Real accepted it without complaining.

「I understand that there were circ.u.mstances that led to that. I"m not blaming you. But that doesn"t mean it"s a matter that we can ignore as we need to investigate the situation.」

「Okay. First off, this explanation will be from my point of view.」

The things that I witnessed inside the cave. A mysterious magician and a swordswoman armed with six swords. A huge summoning magical formation. And lastly, all of them were clad in that [strange presence]. I also told Real about how I managed to destroy that summoning magical formation and fending off the six-sword woman was the most I could do against her.

「A swordswoman armed with six swords you say………?」

Seemingly enlightened by those words, Real touches her chin.

「You know her?」

「………If I remember correctly, I once heard that a woman who wielded six swords was an rank adventurer with an alias [Heavenly Sword].」

「[Was] as in past tense?」

「She went missing several years ago and at present, she doesn"t seem to be an active adventurer anywhere. However……」


After hesitating for a bit, Real continues with complicated expression.

「………Apparently she was quite a rough person. She seemed to possess ability befitting an S-rank but before reaching it, she caused quite the controversy. She [crushed] the hands of countless prospective adventurers.」

「………Was that physically? Or mentally?」

「Both ways.」

From the bottom of my heart, I"m glad I didn"t took her head-on. In terms of rank, she is equivalent to Real and what"s more, she"s a battle maniac. I"m sure I won"t win if I confront her honestly.

「With the situation as it is, let"s contact the guild for more information about [Heavenly Sword]. Though they are bound by duty of confidentiality, the subject this time may have been involved in a major felony. I presume they won"t be unwilling to cooperate.」

「Will the guild cooperate with my testimony alone?」

「It"ll somehow be fine if I go through Lydeal-sama.」

「Sure is a reliable connection.」

The Guild and the countries it reside in are two separate organizations that doesn"t have political connection.

Will her collusive relationship be okay with this?




ーーーShe didn"t see me properly, did she?

No, nonono. We saw each others face only for an instant. Unlike a certain hetare ikemen, I don"t have any protagonist disposition.

Yup, it"s gonna be ok.

It"s gonna be ok……


I did smack her with a superma.s.sive ice sh.e.l.l after all. Remembering her eyes harboring 100% pure murderous intent that was kept in check by her reasoning, I shook my head to dismiss it.

「In addition to the induced magic beast summoning, there"s also the involvement of the missing [Heavenly Sword]. Moreover, all of them are clad with [their presence]. This is getting more and more suspicious. Good grief, this is quite a headache inducing matter.」

[That presence] can only be felt by my perception. That malicious black princess and that flame magician we encountered at the valley. [Heavenly Sword] and that mysterious magician. All of them are connected but there"s no way to prove it.

「Can"t exactly ask the princess of a kingdom [Are you involved in shady business?]」(kanna)

「Let alone lese majeste, it might even unfold into an international problem.」

「Even I know that much.」

Presently, our hands are tied. In the end, there seems to be no other course other than a plain investigation.




As we were concluding the discussion, a sound of someone vigorously running can be heard from outside the room.

「Please do not run in the hospital!」

Without minding the scolding from a nurse-san, the person continue running right until in front of my room and then they proceed to open the door with enough force to break it.

Just as I thought, the person barging into the room is…

「KKanna shiiiiii」

「Ou Chloe. Morーーguhoo!?」

I dunno if it"s a good morning or not, just wanted to greet her but I got interrupted in the middle of my greeting. Chloe, who was halfway into tears starts to charge while calling my name and embrace me tightly.

She"s not at the level of Real but even so, her voluptuous chest are suppressing my breathing.

hn Somehow, I"m having a sense of deja vu.

「This one, this one was beset with anxiety from the bottom of one"s heart de gozaru yooo! This one is relieved that Kannshi have recovered de gozaruuuuu.」

I"m happy that you"re worried about me but please release me from this breast restraint. I"m tapping her hand that"s wrapping around my head but Chloe who is so overcome with emotion didn"t notice it. The sensation wrapping my head is heavenly but at this rate, I"ll ascend to [heaven] for real.

「………That"s enough, Chloe. Kanna will die if you keep it up.」

Chloe got her awareness back when Real who could no longer unable to let it pa.s.s, forcibly peels her off from me. While being flushed red, she lowers her head to me who"s dizzy from oxygen deficiency.

「Apologies de gozaru………」

「I"d like it if you go easy on me the next time.」

If possible, please use just the right amount of strength so I can properly enjoy the heavenly sensation.

lol kanna

malicious black can also be translated as black bellied. just a tidbit

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