Kanna no Kanna

Chapter 83


【author-san said: what a terrible t.i.tle】

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

100% accuracy and grammatically correct not guaranteed. revisions, corrections and edits are periodically done. only on my site tho. corrections are welcome




We made several turns from the street currently in an uproar and stopped when we were far enough.

「This far should be fine. You okay, Faima?」


In contrast with me who’s just a bit flushed, Faima is panting heavily with her hands on her knees and her shoulders heaving.

「………You still have no stamina. We ran just for a bit, right?」

「L-Leave me be. Unlike you, I’m not built for manual labor. I’m an indoor person.」

「Nope, you’re just lacking in exercise.」

That doesn’t mean I excel in stamina. Since I came to this world, I’ve been encountering rough situations here and there, so I naturally gained stamina.

I’m waiting for Faima’s breathing to stabilize and before long, her panting slows down to a comfortable rhythm. She takes a deep breath and raises her face.

「Once again. It has been a long time, Kanna. Thank you for back then. Thanks to you, I’m saved.………Although, I would like to refrain from mentioning the method.」

「No need for thanks. After all, when we were running, I enjoyed plenty of [milk shakes] from the side.」

Her insufficient exercise must be because of her carrying such a large ma.s.s. You must be tired.

「………I wonder if I was really rescued, I’m starting to harbor some doubt.」

「No worries. I’ll only ma.s.sage it when I properly have your consent.」

Unfortunately, there are few kyonyuu-san who would agree to it to begin with.

「………Still the same, aren’t you.」

Yay. Got myself a beautiful girl’s scornful eyes. Thank you very much.

「But the fact remains that you really helped me. The man I was entangled with moments ago was really persistent. Even if I wanted to forcibly silence him using magic, I would incur damage to the surroundings and the people around me. Running away was not an option either since I have no stamina to speak of. I would only be captured immediately. Another option I was considering was to reveal myself as a fellow [n.o.ble] but if I dealt with it that way, my future action will be restricted in one form or another.」

Faima is dressed in a magician-style robe that covers her whole body, just as she did when we separated after our contract concluded a month ago. Aside from her refined look and the mountain range protruding from her chest, her appearance is plain.

It’s an appropriate appearance for an ojou-sama to go around incognito. Conversely, it’s not one appropriate for a n.o.ble at a first glance. The combination of her refined look and the status of a commoner would seem like a suitable [bait] for a foolish n.o.ble kid like that gaudy.

「Hey you, where’s your escorts?」

When she came to this country, she had three other exclusive attendants beside me and Real who were hired escorts. If anyone out of those three had been guarding her, they would’ve quickly neutralized the situation without me intervening. It would be a different story if it was the other woman, Kiska but if she was with the other two, she wouldn’t have been the target of a pick up.

When I point it out, Faima quickly averts her eyes.

This time it’s my turn to send a reproachful eyes at such an easy to understand reaction.

「………Did you run away again?」

「I-I did not run away. Look, if you stick to me around the clock, your shoulders will be stiff, no? The other ought to take a brief respite. For the most part, I’m being concerned………」

「Far from them needing the time to unwind, I imagine this time it’s you who’s suffocated.」

When I first met her, she was surrounded by a few a.s.sholes and was about to be dragged into a back alley.

She’s a girl who won’t reflect on her mistake huh.


「Ouch! Hey, what are you doing all of a sudden!?」

I chop Faima’s head.

Because I’m wearing tekkou, it’ll hurt even without putting in the effort. Faima is holding her head while protesting tearfully but I face her with a stern expression.

「Just a little bit of punishment for a selfish ojou-sama who won’t reflect on her mistake.」

「uu………Even though I’m older…」

「If that’s the case, act your age and don’t trouble Rand anymore. That guy Agatt must be fl.u.s.tered to the point of having a hole in his stomach right about now.」

Faima seems to understand that she’s completely in the wrong as she nods obediently without opposing. Sure she’s selfish but the good point of Faima is that she can honestly accept a reasonable argument.

「Well, that’s all I need to say. Faima, do you have plans after this? If you don’t have anything, why don’t we take a walk?」

「eh? You are not returning me to them?」

「If you’re going to be scolded anyway, wouldn’t it be better to be scolded after taking a breather to the max?」

「A scolding is definitely going to happen………」

「You should’ve been prepare for that much when you sneaked away.」


Apparently, she slipped out without thinking about the repercussion.

Faima is still the same as ever. When she’s concentrating on things in front of her, she’ll lose track of her surroundings.

Looking at Faima who’s no different from a month ago brought about within me a feeling similar to having a peace of mind.

At first I was going for a walk to have a change of pace from thinking about a new Spirit Art technique, but then, having reunited with Faima by chance, my purpose shifted to sightseeing Draknil with her.

Well, making advancement in Spirit Art won’t happen anytime soon, so it’d be more worthwhile to date Faima than to spend time brainstorming to no avail.

At least, I’m super happy just to walk alongside a kyonyuu.

Furthermore, a kyonyuu nee-san.

Though it’s just for a walk, she goes boing boing y’know.

A magnificent sight for sore eyes.

「Is it my imagination or are you thinking of something improper?」

「zattsu raito.」

「………Well, I’m used to that deplorable part of you, so that’s fine.」

Oh, so it’s okay.

『I’m surprised my [zattsu raito] got through.』

All right. In that case, I’ll upgrade it inーー

「Do it in moderation, would you?」

「uh okay. I’m sorry.」

I sense the mana surrounding her stirring so I put the lid on my deplorable thoughts. I am a gentleman who will not cause women any discomfort.

「Yes yes. You are a gentlemen, a true gentlemen. How admirable.」

「Quite the noncommittal comment there.」

「If I seriously go along with your jokes, it will only exhaust me.」

She’s shaking her head alongside a [good grief], but there’s almost no sign of displeasure. She seems to be enjoying our conversation in her own way.

While continuing the conversation mixed with jokes, we proceed along the streets of Draknil. The unrestrained conversation I’m having with Faima is not only because it’s been a month. It’s also because I felt as if I’m conversing with someone from the same generation and the strange cozy feeling coming from it.

「Speaking of which, Faima, if I remember correctly, you came here to Draknil to [study], right? How’s your progress?」

She hired escorts and traveled to the distant Diagal Empire in order to study the country’s uniquely developed magical formation. For the sake of getting permission to leave her home country, she accepted the [marriage interview] arranged by her father’s house which she had been adamantly refusing up until then.

Faima’s expression, which had been cheerful becomes slightly cloudy.

「Was that tactless?」

「Nothing of that sort. Anyway, I’m worn out from walking while talking. Shall we sit down somewhere? It is by coincidence that we came to this area but I happen to know a café nearby that serves delicious tea.」

By following her lead, we arrive at the café where I previously went with Real.

「Do you come here often?」

「Approximately once a week. Of course, I’m accompanied by someone from my attendants.」

When I open the café’s door, one of the employee immediately responded.

「Welcome. Dear customers are only a party of two?」


「Understood. This way pleaseーoya, you are?」

He was bowing politely but when he saw my face, he reacted. I remember him. He was the same employee who waited upon us when I visited this café with Real. Like me, he seems to remember my face.

「……Excuse me?」(faima)

「M-My apologies. Well then, dear customers, please follow me.」

After he guided us to a vacant table, I ordered the tea I had before and Faima asked for a different brand from mine.

After the employee who received our order left, Faima suddenly says…

「I thought you would prefer a livelier shop than a stylish café such as this.」

「I’ve been here with Real before. Apparently she’s a regular here.」

「Ara, is that so. On that subject, how is Real-san?」

She’s lively enough to go into peerless mode against lizardman and general goblins. Real being Regulus is more or less a secret so I couldn’t give any details on that but I can at least tell Faima she’s in good health.

While I’m at it, when I told her about Chloe in the middle of her B-rank promotion exam, Faima entrusted me with a message to her.…

「Do send my best wishes to her.」

In the meantime, the tea we ordered arrived, so we took a break.

After moisturizing her throat with her usual delicious tea, Faima broach a new topic.

「I’m at a loss as to where to begin. However, since there are things that cannot be disclosed to people unrelated, the story might be jumbled. Are you still fine with this?」

「As long as Faima is fine with it.」

「Right………Thank you.」

She begins narrating about her one month after we went our separate ways.

tayun tayun tari nai yo

《in case dear readers still at a loss on what tayun means, its boing》

《faima speaks ojousama tongue. my english is still inadequate to reflect her ojousamness in my sentences ?》

《is it just me or does kanna feels closer to her than the other two? hmm… …….! chloe! finish your test quickly! 》

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