Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Chapter 733: Two Show-Offs!

Chapter 733: Two Show-Offs!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Crunch crunch crunch!

The former was the sound of weapons being swapped, while the latter was a series of light footsteps.

G.o.dV, crouching at the foot of the staircase, quickly came to his senses when he heard the two sounds coming from outside!

He immediately stopped healing himself and then scrambled his way up the staircase.

“Wow! Vic is approaching fast!”

“The main thing is that he was flying with the motorcycle earlier. However, he did not cras.h.!.+ Can you believe that?”

“Throwing grenades and storming buildings, that’s quite the combo.”

“Now, G.o.dV is in danger. His health level is low, and he does not have time to heal himself. I don’t think there’s any chance of him winning this time.”

“Oh! G.o.dV has stopped healing himself and has run up the stairs. Is he planning to block the stairway?”

“No! Wait! He has pulled out a Molotov c.o.c.ktail!”

The commentators yelled in surprise at the scene that was shown on the big screen!

The Molotov c.o.c.ktail flew from G.o.dV’s hand toward the narrow staircase!


The sound of gla.s.s shattering was heard!

Fire burst forth from the broken gla.s.s bottle and the staircase was soon consumed in flames.

G.o.dV’s reason for throwing the Molotov c.o.c.ktail was to block his opponent’s path and to buy himself some time.

He crouched behind the railing after he had thrown the Molotov c.o.c.ktail. Then, he wrapped his wounds with a bandage.

The bandage was preferred over the first aid kit because of its short application time. G.o.dV could recover small chunks of health while keeping an eye on the staircase in case his opponent forced his way up the stairs through the fire.

Nevertheless, even if his opponent forced his way up, G.o.dV had nothing to be afraid about.

The fire on the stairs would damage his opponent.

Moreover, once his opponent made their way up, G.o.dV’s health would have been recovered by the bandages.

With him holding the higher ground at the top end of the staircase, his opponent might not even have an advantage over him.

It has to be mentioned that G.o.dV’s ability to execute a contingency plan under immense pressure was perfectly evident in this situation.

The two Western commentators on the stage heaped praises on G.o.dV’s actions when they saw this.

However, Liu Zilang halted his tracks at the bottom of the staircase.

If the scenario had taken place in an earlier match, he would not have hesitated to rush up the stairs and take out his opponent who had less health.

However, the situation at hand was different.

Not only was Liu Zilang playing for a higher kill count, but he also had to make sure he did not suffer unnecessary risks. Storming a building was already risky; he would have been mad if he ran through a wall of fire.

Looking at the situation upstairs, he thought for a bit and then quickly swapped to a frag grenade.


The safety pin of the grenade was pulled.

G.o.dV was still crouched behind the railing, and he was wrapping himself with a bandage. His heart skipped a beat when he heard the sound of the pin!

‘He’s still after me!’

However, his feet did not move.

The second floor of the grain silo was s.p.a.cious. His hiding spot was a tricky one to throw a grenade at.

G.o.dV decided to take a gamble.


Amid the eardrum-shattering explosion, a ball of fire expanded as black smoke rose into the air. G.o.dV was unharmed behind the railing.

His gamble had paid off!

“Vic might not have expected G.o.dV to be hiding behind the railing. That’s why the grenade went in the other direction.”

“G.o.dV did pick a good spot to hide in after all. Even if Vic knew where he was at, the throw would still be a tricky one.”

“Now, G.o.dV has recovered half of his health. He probably just needs two more bandages and an energy drink.”

“Oh? Wait! G.o.dV has pulled out another Molotov c.o.c.ktail!”

“Tsk tsk, where did he get so many Molotov c.o.c.ktails? It looks like G.o.dV’s tactics are somewhat unorthodox today!”


In the match.

Standing at the bottom of the staircase on the first floor, Liu Zilang was about to try his luck with a second grenade when he suddenly heard a bang next to his ears.

He turned to see the fire on the staircase grow stronger, and the corner of his eyelid twitched.

‘He f*cking refueled the fire?

‘And it’s another bottle too!’

On the second floor staircase.

G.o.dV cackled with glee after his little display of power. He continued to wrap himself with bandages in peace.

He would regain the advantage of defending the silo once he was fully healed.

Furthermore, if the circle refreshed somewhere else, he could simply escape by jumping out of the second-floor window.

In other words, he had options.

However, he suddenly heard footsteps moving away from him.

‘Is he leaving?

‘That can’t be!’

G.o.dV who was upstairs was taken aback as he furrowed his brows. He had guessed that his opponent was Liu Zilang. Knowing his temperament, Liu Zilang was not deterred that easily.

Smelling something fishy, he turned to look at the window.


A black spot flew through the window and into his field of vision.

G.o.dV’s heart skipped a beat!

Then, his entire scalp went numb!

He abruptly sprang from his crouching stance, his movements unlike a two-hundred-pound man.

However, Liu Zilang had cooked the grenade thoroughly.

Melt in your mouth, explode on the ground.

With a thundering boom, G.o.dV had not taken more than two steps before he was sent flying by a shockwave.

His health was back in the red again as he flew toward the staircase.

G.o.dV’x anxiety was just as equally thrown into the air by the shockwave.

Still flying, he took a look at his health level. ‘Even if I fall through the staircase, I won’t die, right?’ he thought.

‘Wait a second!


Upon realizing it, G.o.dV felt like he had been poured a bucket of ice water in the middle of winter. A chill coursed down his spine…


The next moment, his ‘two-hundred-pound’ body landed on the staircase.

Enveloped in the flames which he had just refueled, G.o.dV’s pathetic health level was emptied. The staircase had turned into a crematorium…

“4AM-G.o.dV killed himself with Molotov c.o.c.ktail!”

‘I… killed myself?’

G.o.dV who had been turned into a crate felt like an idiot.

The entire audience was stunned for a full 30 seconds before they came back to their senses. It was as though they had to wake up from a dream in which they saw an incredulous scene.

After he had thrown the grenade, Liu Zilang was speechless when he saw the kill notification that appeared on the top right corner of his screen.

‘Where’s my kill!!!

‘Did my opponent run into the fire to avoid my grenade?’

Liu Zilang would have never imagined G.o.dV’s desperation when he was flung into the pyre…

His heart grew cold when he saw his opponent’s ID…

‘Why is it G.o.dV?’

He recalled the time when he was crushed by the few hundred pounds of his teammates after the first match.

A s.h.i.+ver was sent up Liu Zilang’s spine, and his face grew as pale as a bowl of rice porridge that had been left overnight.

As he looted the crate with pain in his heart, he heard a vehicle being parked at the silo next door.

‘Someone’s here again!?”

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