Apparently Ririna completely ignored my warning, and continued trying to get close to Kaburagi. But apparently the uppercla.s.smen girls were like a wall and things didn’t go as she wanted.
Anyway, thanks to that, I lost my composure and spoke to a first year Pivoine girl in Ririna’s cla.s.s.
When I asked her,

“Is Ririna causing you trouble?” she answered, “Not at all,” but expression told a completely different story. So I told her “I’m so sorry. I will speak to her later,” and apologised.
The girl was fl.u.s.tered that I was apologising to her, but I asked her to immediately tell me if Ririna was causing problems. Anyway, if she’s doing crazy stuff where I can’t see her, I need to know.

Once time when I was heading to the salon, she ambushed me and pestered me to take her along. I told her that I couldn’t but she wouldn’t listen. Thankfully, Aira-sama happened to be walking past, and she gently persuaded her.
Later on she called me and asked, “Who was that wonderful person!?”
In the end, I heard from her that her mother was originally a Pivoine member, and as a child she talked to her about it. She claimed that if she lived close to the primary school, she would “Definitely have gotten in!”
But well, even if she told me that, the reality was that she entered as an External from middle school, so she was disqualified from it. The rules are the rules.
Apparently her conceit is coming from the misconception that she’s actually Pivoine as well.
What an idiot.
Later, Tsuruhana-san told me sarcastically, “What a cute cousin you have.” I couldn’t find anything to say.
I think my stress is. .h.i.tting its peak.

And so, I’ve come to a fast food place.
I haven’t entered before out of fear that somebody would see me, but I don’t care anymore.
With all my stress, I have to eat, or else!
I ordered my first fast food since being born in this world with a pounding heart. I asked for a cheeseburger, and a large chips. For my drink, I went with oolong tea.
Just in case, I sat in the corner. And I felt a little out of place too.
I took a bite of my cheeseburger. Uwah, so nostalgic! I remember this taste!
A ketchup covered meat patty, with pickles, onion and cheese! What a cheap taste!
Maybe because I’m always eating good food, I was a little shocked at how it tasted even cheaper than I remembered, but I guess that’s fast food for you.
The chips are so yummyy. There’s heaps of ketchup too.
It felt like the more I filled my stomach, the more the stress melted away. Hahh, I’m so glad I came.
But I wonder what I should do about Ririna.
Thinking about it carefully, she has similar tastes in men to me.
We love Oniisama, but then as a romantic partner, we go for the complete opposites to him, Tomoe-senpai and Kaburagi. We admire Aira-sama as well. Uwahh, I really don’t wanna be similar to her.
But then I used to loiter about Tomoe-senpai as well, didn’t I.
Earlier, I apologised to Aira-sama. She gently consoled me, telling me “You have it rough, don’t you, Reika-chan. If there’s anything I can do to help, just tell me,” but I absolutely couldn’t bring myself to trouble her like that.
As for Kaburagi, I’m so scared that I can’t look him in the eye anymore. Just imagining how angry he must be gives me the shakes. But I guess maybe I really should gather my courage and apologise once?
Aahh~ Why did that girl have to make it into Suiran?
I gulped down the watery tea.

Maybe because of what Aira-sama said, Ririna didn’t try and push her way into the salon anymore.
But she was still following Kaburagi as usual.
Even my group was starting to really frown. This is bad&h.e.l.lip; At this rate, my position is in danger.
When I said “I’m really sorry,” they said “It isn’t your fault, Reika-sama,” but I doubt they’ll be saying that forever.
Lately, my stomach has been hurting often since 1st period.
I can’t go without stomach medicine. It hurts too much now.
Should I just flip out?

One day, Ririna finally angered Kaburagi.
While he was seeing Yurie-sama off, she tried to get close to the two and speak to them.
It’s a rule amongst his followers that they should never approach Kaburagi when he’s with Yurie-sama, and especially not get in his way, but Ririna ignored it.
Kaburagi is fundamentally indifferent to the noisy girls around him. No matter what they do, he pays them no attention. But when it involves Yurie-sama, it’s a different matter.
When it comes to those who interrupt his precious time with Yurie-sama, he takes off the mask of indifference he usually wears, and shows his emotions.
It’s because they know this that the girls around him will never approach him at these times.
But did Ririna not know that? Since the other nuisances weren’t here this time, she ran over to Kaburagi like it was her chance, just as he was trying to get into a car.
And even though Yurie-sama needed to go to prep school, she ignored the atmosphere and tried to hold them back, so Kaburagi snapped.
He shouted “Cut it out! Never come near me again!” and left Ririna standing there, before riding off with Yurie-sama trying to calm him down.
When I heard all this from Ririna on the phone, I felt dizzy. What the heck had she done&h.e.l.lip;
She asked me to do something about it, but what can I possibly do.
The person himself said not to come near him, so I warned her to learn from her mistake and just give up, but apparently she hadn’t given up yet.
Somebody save me.

The rumour that Ririna angered him spread in an instant, and I was having trouble keeping my chest high anymore.
Sometimes there are girls that anger him by kicking up too much of a fuss, and it never becomes too big of a deal though.
Still, the stares from Tsuruhana-san’s group are really uncomfortable.

When I went to the Pivoine, I found Kaburagi and Enjou there, so I braced myself and went to apologise.

“It seems that my cousin caused you problems yesterday. I am truly sorry.”

I said, and bowed.
There were other people in the salon, but it wasn’t the time to worry about how I looked.
After staying quiet for a while, Kaburagi gave a huge sigh and said,

“It’s fine.”


“It’s not really your fault or anything.”

“But she is my cousin.”

“Then do something about it.”

“I have been trying to do something about it, but&h.e.l.lip;”

“You’re pretty useless.”

Kaburagi chuckled at me.
It looks like he’s not angry anymore. Thank goodness.
Feeling relieved, just as I was thinking that I would help myself to some tea, somebody dropped the bombsh.e.l.l,

“Your cousin is here looking for you.”

I headed for the hallway in a panic and found Ririna talking about wanting to directly apologise, and asking me to get him to meet her.
Just how stupid is this girl!?
Anyway, even when I told her to leave, she just dragged things out and kept talking.
After we continued that countless times, the door to the salon opened, and Enjou appeared.

“Hey, you should really cut this out already. If you anger Masaya any more than this, I don’t know what’ll happen to you, okay? I bet you don’t know that your cousin, Kisshouin-san, has been lowering her head to various people for your sake. After all, if you did, you wouldn’t be doing something so shameless, right? The reason that you’re still fine after making so many enemies out of the uppercla.s.smen is because Kisshouin-san has been doing nothing but apologising for your sake. It’s because Masaya knows this that he’s stayed quiet all this time. But even that’s coming to an end.”

Enjou pierced Ririna with a cold gaze.
When a normally gentle person turns angry, it’s really, really scary.
Speaking of which, the manga Enjou got angry like this a few times too, when it came to Kisshouin Reika.
Ririna turned bright red, and then ran off like she was escaping.
At least say goodbye, dammit.

“Umm, I am truly sorry for this. I even bothered you, Enjou-sama.”

“She was bothering us as well. I thought it was about time to do something.”

“Is that so.”

Ririna, you were really on the brink, you know.

“But Kisshouin-san, this means that you owe me one.”


“It can’t be that you thought I was helping you for free? You’re really naïve, huh.”

Enjou gave a sweet smile and before he headed back in, he left me the words,

“I’ll be collecting my debt one day, so don’t forget, okay?”


Because of Reika, I am off to McDonalds at midnight.
– Estelion

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