"He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied."--Isa.

liii. 11.

Rejoice with Jesus Christ to-day, All ye who love His holy sway!

The travail of His soul is past, He shall be satisfied at last.

Rejoice with Him, rejoice indeed!

For He shall see His chosen seed.

But ours the trust, the grand employ, To work out this divinest joy.

Of all His own He loseth none, They shall be gathered one by one; He gathereth the smallest grain, His travail shall not be in vain.

Arise and work! arise and pray That He would haste the dawning day!

And let the silver trumpet sound, Wherever Satan"s slaves are found.

The vanquished foe shall soon be stilled, The conquering Saviour"s joy fulfilled, Fulfilled in us, fulfilled in them, His crown, His royal diadem.

Soon, soon our waiting eyes shall see The Saviour"s mighty Jubilee!

His harvest joy is filling fast, He shall be satisfied at last.

A Happy New Year to You!

New mercies, new blessings, new light on thy way; New courage, new hope, and new strength for each day; New notes of thanksgiving, new chords of delight, New praise in the morning, new songs in the night, New wine in thy chalice, new altars to raise; New fruits for thy Master, new garments of praise; New gifts from His treasures, new smiles from His face; New streams from the Fountain of infinite grace; New stars for thy crown, and new tokens of love; New gleams of the glory that waits thee above; New light of His countenance, full and unpriced; All this be the joy of thy new life in Christ!

Another Year.

Another year is dawning!

Dear Master, let it be In working or in waiting, Another year with Thee.

Another year of leaning Upon Thy loving breast, Of ever-deepening trustfulness, Of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of mercies, Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness In the shining of Thy face.

Another year of progress, Another year of praise; Another year of proving Thy presence "all the days."

Another year of service, Of witness for Thy love; Another year of training For holier work above.

Another year is dawning!

Dear Master, let it be On earth, or else in heaven, Another year for Thee!

New Year"s Wishes.

What shall I wish thee?

Treasures of earth?

Songs in the springtime, Pleasure and mirth?

Flowers on thy pathway, Skies ever clear?

Would this ensure thee A Happy New Year?

What shall I wish thee?

What can be found Bringing thee sunshine All the year round?

Where is the treasure, Lasting and dear, That shall ensure thee A Happy New Year?

Faith that increaseth, Walking in light; Hope that aboundeth, Happy and bright; Love that is perfect, Casting out fear; These shall ensure thee A Happy New Year.

Peace in the Saviour, Rest at His feet, Smile of His countenance Radiant and sweet, Joy in His presence!

Christ ever near!

This will ensure thee A Happy New Year!

"Most Blessed For Ever."

(_Though the date of these lines is uncertain, they are chosen as a closing chord to her songs on earth._)

The prayer of many a day is all fulfilled, Only by full fruition stayed and stilled; You asked for blessing as your Father willed, Now He hath answered: "Most blessed for ever!"

Lost is the daily light of mutual smile, You therefore sorrow now a little while; But floating down life"s dimmed and lonely aisle Comes the clear music: "Most blessed for ever!"

From the great anthems of the Crystal Sea, Through the far vistas of Eternity, Grand echoes of the word peal on for thee, Sweetest and fullest: "Most blessed for ever."

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