Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 2131: The Final Lesson

Chapter 2131: The Final Lesson

Shang Hongyu stared at him. Her beautiful eyes were full of playful protest. “Hmph, keep dreaming. It’s enough if I just act a bit to fool him.”

Zu An had a weird look on his face. “You even know how to act out this type of thing?”

To be honest, this type of thing wasn’t quite the same as others. It wasn’t as easy to fool the shrewd individuals.

Shang Hongyu’s face reddened. “Don’t you have that weird healing skill? Just help me out and make me... feel the mood. I should be able to perform it then. You’re not allowed to laugh at me though!”

Zu An: “???”

Is there something wrong with this woman’s brain? The thing she is actually worried about is actually whether or not people will laugh at her?

He immediately refused. “No, that’s playing with fire. You won’t be able to handle it.”

“Hmph, I believe in my own rationality. Could it be that you forgot that our Mermaid race is the most loyal and dependable of all the Ocean races?” Shang Hongyu’s expression was extremely firm.

Zu An was speechless.

Ka Qier’s urging voice sounded outside. “Your majesty, how is the queen? Has she taken the drug that I found for you? Should I have the imperial physician bring some more?”

“There’s no need, I’ve already had her ingest it,” Zu An could only answer him.

Now that they exchanged the code that only the two of them understood, Ka Qier felt more relieved. “That’s good. This drug is quite effective and will activate the desired effect soon. The queen will definitely find this moment hard to forget for the rest of her life.”

Shang Hongyu’s face reddened. She obviously knew what was going on! She silently cursed, “All of you are shameless and disgusting.”

Zu An was speechless.

He felt like he was being shot while just lying on the ground.

But Shang Hongyu quickly sorted out her emotions. She held Zu An’s hand and led him to the white jade bed. “We should start. Otherwise, the longer we take, the more people will become suspicious.”

Zu An hesitated for a moment, but he couldn"t think of any other solution either, so he could only say, “Then I’ll be wronging you. If you can’t take it, just tell me and I’ll stop.”

“Alright.” Shang Hongyu took a deep breath. She sat down on the bed cross-legged, and at the same time, she made her mental preparations.

It’s just treatment, I can definitely take it.

The Mermaid race has always been a loyal and dependable bloodline. Even though I did have a bit of intimacy with him before, all of it was to get revenge for my husband, for the safety of the Ocean races.

Furthermore, strictly speaking, even though the two of them were very close, she had always guarded that final bottom line. Now that they were only treating her injuries, there would definitely be no problem.

Zu An sat down behind her.

This Dragon Palace really is extravagant, using such a top-rate piece of spiritual jade for a bed. Who knows how much richer the natural ki is here than in other places, so just sleeping here will allow for cultivation on its own. You’ll be able to cultivate several times faster than other people.

He collected his thoughts and pointed one finger against the middle of Shang Hongyu’s back. He wanted to use this chance to heal her injuries for good.

She felt a wave of warm energy enter her body. Shang Hongyu subconsciously groaned.

“Tell me to stop as soon as you feel any discomfort.” After giving this warning, he began to use the Primordial Origin Sutra to help her treat her injuries.

At first, Shang Hongyu was really nervous. However, apart from being a bit warm, the ki that she was receiving wasn’t all that strange.

It seems like it was because I was caught off guard last time.

At the same time, she was a bit worried. In her current state, it would be hard for her to express enough emotions. Even though she could just put on a performance, it’d be hard to make it real. Whose fault was it that she was from the loyal and dependable Mermaid race?

While she let her imagination run wild, her expression suddenly changed.

As that warm ki flowed throughout her body, she began to feel different too.

Her snow-white skin was quickly dyed in a layer of red. At first, she was tightly biting her red lips, scared that she might make some noise.

But she quickly realized her current situation. This was exactly the result she wanted, so how could she suppress it?

Her red lips opened slightly. Her emotions that she was struggling to hold back were about to come out of her throat when she clenched her teeth and swallowed them back down.

“You’re not allowed to laugh at me.”

Zu An was speechless.

“You’re not allowed to let your imagination run wild either.”


When she heard his promise, Shang Hongyu finally let her inhibitions go. A slight moan sounded.

Zu An was really stirred up. He suddenly recalled the time when he helped her block her aura when she went swimming, how her singing was... one of the most beautiful sounds.

He had heard Shang Liuyu sing before. It was also beautiful, but their styles were entirely different.

Shang Liuyu’s voice was more free-spirited and refined, while Shang Hongyu’s voice was sweet and gentle.

And right now, Shang Hongyu’s voice was even more pleasant and attractive than before.

Shang Hongyu was soaked in sweat, drenching her light muslin clothes so that they were sticking to her skin. The entire room was full of a penetrating fragrance.

Zu An was alarmed. Could this also be another talent of the Mermaid race?

But he remembered that grey amber was made from sperm whales, so it made sense for the mermaids to have some special fragrance too?

“Should I stop for a bit?” Zu An asked out of concern, worried that Shang Hongyu might not be able to take it.

After all, even the cold as ice Yan Xuehen who already reached the highest emotionless state of the Unshakable Daoist Manual couldn’t handle this special ki that combined both the Primordial Origin Sutra and the Gold Phoenix ability.

But Shang Hongyu instead grabbed his hand that was about to pull back and shook her head. “I can still hold on. That guy outside hasn’t left yet. We can’t let it all fail here.”

She was the queen of the Ocean races, so her cultivation was definitely not low. She could obviously sense that Ka Qier was still outside.

“Alright then.” Zu An had to admit that even though this woman looked delicate on the outside, she was quite tough on the inside. Her voice was clearly already shaking, yet she still insisted on continuing.

Just like that, more time pa.s.sed. Shang Hongyu’s entire body trembled, and then she could no longer remain seated. She jumped straight into Zu An’s arms, and her body was shaking continuously.

“Stop... hurry and stop...” Shang Hongyu’s face looked like it was on fire. Her beautiful eyes were already half-closed. It was as if a layer of transparent ocean was flowing through them.

Zu An quickly stopped his technique. He actually only used about thirty percent of its force from the start precisely because he was scared that this might lead to something dangerous.

With Yan Xuehen and others being the first to experience it, he knew that this woman couldn"t stop the power of the Gold Phoenix.

Sure enough, a while later, Shang Hongyu couldn"t take it anymore.

Her entire body was lying in Zu An’s arms. Her incredible figure was clearly visible through her thin dress.

Shang Hongyu could also clearly sense the changes happening to Zu An. But since they slept next to each other often, this wasn’t the first time she experienced this type of situation at all.

Even so, the feeling this time was entirely different from before.

While she was embarra.s.sed, she also felt quite proud.

It seems like I still have a bit of charm after all.

As soon as this thought emerged in her head, her cheeks heated up.

Just what kind of a situation am I in already? Yet I’m still thinking about these random things.

The two suddenly locked eyes. A strange atmosphere gradually rose in this place.

Just then, Ka Qier’s confused voice sounded. “Is your highness’ body unwell? Do I need to invite the imperial physician over to check it?”

Shang Hongyu"s expression changed. She could hear the suspicion in his voice. She finally realized what was going on. “You... you never made a sound all this time?”

Zu An also realized this problem, but he quickly said with a headache, “How am I supposed to make sounds in this type of situation?”

The two of them were mature men and women. Apart from the woman’s voice, there were also a lot of other missing movements.

“What do we do now?” Zu An had a huge headache. He really had the urge to just kill that Ka Qier.

“How would I know?!” Shang Hongyu was embarra.s.sed and panicking. She sacrificed too much just now, yet in the end, it was all useless.

Zu An said in a serious tone, “Apart from some maids, there is only Ka Qier and a few guards. We’ll move at the same time, You eliminate those guards, while I’ll eliminate Ka Qier. The maids can be taken care of later. As long as we coordinate well, we can complete all of this without alerting anyone else.”

Shang Hongyu was also tempted, but after thinking for a bit, she still rejected this idea. “Since you said that Ka Qier is hiding his cultivation, that he might have other unknown abilities that he’s holding back, then it’s too risky. After all, we’re not fully prepared like we were the time on the island.”

Zu An knew that what she said made sense. Previously, they set up all types of formations and waited for the fake Dragon King to jump into their trap. They had the help of various formations and the special environment, so that was why they ended up producing such excellent results.

However, this current situation carried too many variables, and he knew practically nothing about Ka Qier.

“But we don’t have any other solutions,” Zu An said with a grave voice.

Shang Hongyu bit her lip. She was clearly carrying out an intense mental struggle right now. A while later, she seemed to have made up her mind. She said, “There is!”

“What?” Zu An was stunned.

Shang Hongyu didn’t reply to him and instead picked up that bottle. Under his shocked and confused gaze, she raised her head and drained the liquid in one gulp.

He could see that bottle’s liquid pa.s.sing into her long and slender neck.

Zu An quickly took the bottle from her. “Are you mad?!”

Shang Hongyu’s face heated up. Her eyes were already covered in a layer of ambiguous mist. “This is the simplest and most effective method. You know it, and so do I. It"s’ just that we both tacitly chose to avoid this choice.”

Zu An became silent. He didn’t know how to respond.

Just then, Shang Hongyu suddenly moved closer and took the initiative to kiss him.

Zu An’s entire body went rigid. His hands hesitated, but they still gently held her body in the end.

“We’ve been training how to impersonate lovers. I’ve already taught you all the details. Today is the final lesson.” Shang Hongyu’s eyes looked like they were about to cry. Her usually dignified face now carried an entirely different type of charm.

During this time, in order to help Zu An better impersonate the Dragon King, Shang Hongyu already explained everything in great detail. There were many areas where she repeated many times.

But for today’s lesson, she didn’t have to say anything.

After finishing what she wanted to say, Shang Hongyu kissed him again.

As he carried her body that was clearly heating up from the Desires Unleashed Dew, Zu An was a bit absentminded.

How did things suddenly develop like this?

But this was reality. It seemed like he didn’t need to think about anything else.

He spent the entire banquet flirting with those Ocean races madams. He had to act like a perverted Dragon King, yet he couldn"t really do anything. He was already filled with frustration.

After hearing Shang Hongyu’s G.o.ddess-like moans, that feeling was already burning up and on the verge of surfacing. It was only because of his firm will that he could barely hold on until now.

But now, Shang Hongyu took the initiative, so if he continued to refuse her, then he wouldn’t be a man. The suppressed volcano finally erupted completely.

At first, Shang Hongyu was still a bit worried.

What if he really refuses me? Then that would really be too humiliating...

If that happens, then I’ll just smash my head in and die. That way, I won’t let the fake Dragon King and the others get their hands on me.

But fortunately, what she worried about didn’t happen.

At first, she was the one who took the initiative, but the situation unknowingly reversed. The other party naturally took over, and she could only allow him to do what he wanted.

When she experienced his technique that was on an entirely different level, tears were about to come out of Shang Hongyu’s eyes.

This guy was still pretending to be pure in front of me, turns out he is actually this good...


Shang Hongyu’s entire body trembled. Then, she held the other party’s head. This was a feeling she had never experienced before!


Meanwhile, Ao Yong was looking at the fine peaches that they bought from the human side for an expensive price. His terrible mood improved a bit.

He had to admit that even though the Ocean races’ products were rich, the continent had a lot of good stuff too. For example, these peaches were big and white, and they even had a faint pink hue. Just the look alone increased his appet.i.te.

The sharp arc that formed in particular was of the highest quality. Once you bit into it, the fragrance would fill your senses and the juices would overflow. The bad feelings from drinking would be considerably reduced.

Ao Yong carefully picked out his outfit and did a few spins in front of the crystal mirror, and then he nodded in satisfaction. Even though he didn’t dare to claim that he was the most handsome, he shouldn’t be any inferior to the Dragon King.

Then, he left his residence and went to the Crystal Palace.

Even though the queen refused him during the banquet, that was probably because she was shy and couldn"t agree under so many people’s watchful eyes.

She still has feelings for me, I can sense it!

Didn’t she intentionally or otherwise tap her wine gla.s.s three times? That was a sign for him to meet with her during the third period of the night.

Ao Yong was a bit confused if he had overthought things, but then he remembered how perverted the Dragon King was acting.

Countless madams and young ladies were whispering sweet things to one another, so he probably already made a lot of plans to visit them. That meant that there was no way he was at the Crystal Palace.

And the queen was going to be all alone in the Crystal Palace!

He had carefully asked around these years. The Dragon King didn’t spend much time in the palace. He was almost always running around skirt-chasing.

When he thought about how the Dragon King actually left the beautiful queen all alone and instead went after those women that were far inferior, he would feel as if this was such a huge waste.

This is simply heaven’s will!

If he didn’t do this, how could he have any chance?

When he thought about how much resentment the queen must’ve acc.u.mulated and how the arrest order must’ve caused her complete grief, that must be why she gave him the signal tonight at the banquet.

His heart was pounding when he thought of this. His joy was visible.

He rushed along and quickly arrived at the queen’s chambers.

Even though there were some guards outside, they couldn"t stop him. He obviously couldn"t alert anyone else about today’s matters.

As such, he sought out a remote corner to sneak in. There was a formation that was a bit worn out and would sometimes fail to activate.

He spent day and night thinking about the queen, using up a ton of energy on this side.

This formation gap was something that he achieved after fooling around with a maid, tricking her into damaging a rune. That was why this was an opening only he knew about.

Over the years, he relied on his looks and wealth to win over some maids and guards. With their help, his task today became much smoother.

But for some reason, all of those maids and guards were switched out not too long ago.

At first, he felt really nervous and was worried that his small tricks were found out. He was scared and on edge, waiting for the Dragon King to punish him. But as time went on, nothing happened at all. The other party only seemed to be looking for the queen, allowing him to sigh in relief.

It really is the heavens helping me!

The guards here seemed to be even fewer than normal. He couldn"t help but feel happy.

The queen must’ve transferred away some people ahead of time to create this chance for me.

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