Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai

Chapter 1— One Who Hunts Dragons(1)

Chapter 1— One Who Hunts Dragons(1)

A single paved road ran through the academy grounds in a north-south direction.

This road was known as the main street. It was the artery of the academy which connecting the various lecture halls and auditoriums, the eight dormitory buildings, as well as the dining hall together. During lunch break, students would throng up and down it.

It was a clear and sunny Monday. As expected, the streets were crowded with students during today’s lunch break as well.

Rather abruptly, the bustle subsided.

A wave of nervous fear spread through the crowd, the students turning around one after another to look at the source.

Behind them, a lone girl was approaching, her beautiful golden hair fluttering behind her.

She had graceful features, and her body was well-proportioned. She was such a beautiful girl that you could almost see the air around her sparkle, but she had a sour look on her face, which ruined her elfish beauty. A hostile aura was emanating from her, like she was some sort of ferocious beast.

A small dragon, no bigger than a cat, was resting on top of the hat she was wearing.

It couldn’t be called anything other than a dragon. Its head resembled a cross between a lizard and a crocodile, but the expression on its face was more n.o.ble and refined. There were two horns growing on its forehead, and its body structure resembled that of a feline. It had four wings across its back, so rather than saying it resembled a bird’s wings it would be better to say they were similar to a b.u.t.terfly’s. Its whole body was covered in steel-coloured scales.

“It’s like Moses parting the Red Sea.”

The dragon on her hat spoke. It had a surprisingly low voice for its size.

Like the dragon had said, a path in front of the girl was opening up, the sea of people in front of her rapidly splitting neatly into two.

“Everyone’s scared of you.”

“Hmph. That’s what usually happens.”

“What you call usual, is the problem right there. Even if the true ident.i.ty of Cannibal Candy was you, the level of fear people would have of you wouldn’t be as great as the level you are at right now.”

At that moment, a male student fell over in front of her, seemingly having stumbled over something.

Noticing the girl, he began to shake violently.

“Aaa, ah I’m sorry! Don’t kill me, please!”

“… Scram.”


He hurriedly scrambled away. His fleeing visage was much like someone who had ran into a bear. The girl pouted.

“You’re right, it does seem a little unreasonable. How can people be that scared of me?”

“Because you are that scary. You’re the girl who, barely having stepped foot into the academy, sent five seniors to the hospital.”

“I was just punishing them for their insolence. They might have been trying to invite me to join their club or whatever, but since they were a little too touchy-feely for my liking, I felt my body was in danger, and so…”

“Then there was that time when you shoved your room mate out of the window.”

“That was force majeure. That girl tried to sneak into the bathroom, so because that irked me— I mean, to protect a maiden’s secrets, I had to do it.”

“Would you also call the destruction of the anatomy laboratory room because you didn’t want to touch a frog force majeure as well? The professor cried over losing so many valuable specimens, you know.”


“And how about that time where you panicked because of a wasp, and ended up setting fire to the whole garden?”

“Quiet, Sigmund. If you don’t shut up now, I’ll change your chicken to chickpeas.”

“I’m not a bird, Charl. Chickpeas alone will not sustain my body.”

The blonde girl— Charl made no effort to hide her irritation as she strode on with large steps.

However, the dragon didn’t give up, and continued on.

“How about making some friends? I think the reaction from people around you would change as well.”

“Everyone here in the academy is an enemy. They’re all hindrances in the way of the Wiseman’s throne. I have no intention of becoming familiar with anyone of them.”

“That sort of att.i.tude will cause you to remain alone. You’ll never get a boyfriend at this rate. Are you fine with being unpopular for the rest of your life?”

“Who’re you calling unpopular? There’s no way all the men in the world can resist such a cute girl like me. Even now they approach me in droves. Much like common houseflies swarming over a rafflesia flower.”

“While a rafflesia is a perfect name for you—it means someone who people hold their noses and flee from—I have serious doubts over boys flocking to you. Doing whatever you feel like doing, there’s no way a stubborn donkey like you could ever— Oh, I stand corrected. It looks like you have drawn in a fly after all. Although it looks like he has someone tagging along with him already.”

Raising a forelimb, the dragon pointed ahead. Charl looked over, and standing right in the middle of the opened path was a strange pair.

One of them was a youth. He was wearing what look liked a military issue harness on top of his uniform, which was worn out of shape. The harness seemed to act as a replacement for a holster, being packed full of magic tools like magic stones and amulets, as well as a knife and a torchlight. He had a sharp glint in his eye, and his body shape was sharp and angular.

The other was a girl. She wasn’t wearing a school uniform. Instead, she was wearing a splendid attire, probably a kimono. She had seen it before in one of those weird paintings, called an Ukiyoe or something. She was short and had a small face, like she was a doll— no, Charl was ninety-nine percent sure she was an automaton.

In any case, both had faces which she had never seen before.

While her eye was turned by the intricate craftsmanship of the automaton, the youth had brazenly spoken.

“Lady Charlotte Belew, I presume.”

He spoke his lines like he was acting in a play, and had an arrogant smile on his face. To label him as handsome outright… would be difficult, but from his overall looks, there was no denying he had an oriental charm to him.

“Soph.o.m.ore year in the academy; a member of the Rounds, who comprise the top thirteen people in the Night Party. London bookmakers have you at three-to-one on winning it, which means you’re one of the leading candidates for the Wiseman’s throne.”

He smoothly recited Charl’s profile.

“Registration Code Tyrant Rex. I guess you really are like a fearsome dragon.”

He finished in a mocking tone of voice. However the look in his eyes was sharp in contrast, staring at Charl’s hand— or more precisely, his gaze was fixed on her glove. Made of silk, it shimmered under the light; the words [Tyrant Rex] had been woven into the pearl-white glove with gold thread. This glove was special, only partic.i.p.ants in the Night Party were issued one.

Just who is this rude, ill-mannered boy?

Charl frowned petulantly, staring at the youth.

“Since you know that much, just what are you planning? What do you want with me?”

“Hand over your entry qualification.”

She was dumbfounded by this statement. For a brief moment, she couldn’t comprehend what he had just said.

“… Are you challenging me to battle?”

“No. Consider this more of an advance notice.”

Charl sighed deeply.

“Are you an idiot? Or perhaps— you must really want to die.”

She radiated a killing aura, cold as ice.

Instilling fear in the surrounding people, the students hurriedly retreated from the scene.

Thus, rather abruptly, the lunch break on campus turned into a battleground.


Two days prior.

It was evening, and in the dim hallway of the central auditorium, Raishin was trembling all over.

“Out of a thousand two hundred and thirty six people, I placed a thousand two hundred and thirty fifth…?”

Inside his clenched fist, was his so called test result.

Upon entering the academy, he had been rushed off to do a special test to gauge his academic ability. The examiner’s response to him had been chilly ever since the middle of the test, but seeing his ability reduced to simple numbers made it hard to bear.

“Please don’t feel so down.”

Yaya was consoling him with a gentle smile on her face.

“Yaya knows all about the h.e.l.lish training that Raishin has gone through. Leaving aside written and oral examinations, there’s no way Raishin will lose in actual battle. Am I not right?”

However, Raishin became all the more depressed, hanging his head even further.

“… Sorry, Yaya.”

“Why are you apologising?”

“Here you are, one of the top cla.s.s automata of the Karyuusai brand, easily worth as much as a battleship. And yet for your handler’s grades to be such a failure, I’m such a pathetic—“

“Don’t say that! All Yaya needs is to be together with Raishin…”

“How can I show my face to Shouko!?”

There was a weird sound as Yaya stiffened suddenly.

“… Huh, Yaya? What’s with that upset expression on your face— wai, hold on, at least tell me why!”

“Shouko, Shouko, Shouko… It’s always nothing but Shouko…!”

Yaya was half in tears as she throttled Raishin by his neck.

“At least now you know your place, Samurai Boy.”

Suddenly, a voice cut in from the side. A surprised Yaya released her hold on Raishin, causing him to fall down.

Coughing violently, Raishin looked up to see a tall, beautiful woman standing in front of him.

Her red hair was swept up, and intelligence could be seen inside her blue eyes. She was wearing the uniform of an educational staff, and a pair of had been hung from her chest.

Her cold beauty was familiar to him. She had been the test officer in charge of Raishin.

“I’m Professor Kimberly, in charge of Machine Physics. Unfortunately for the both of us, you’ve been a.s.signed to me.”

“Where are my manners? It’s nice to meet you. I’m in your care then, Professor Kimberly.”

Raishin did his greeting quickly. Yaya fl.u.s.teredly bowed in greeting as well.

Kimberly continued on without even giving a smile.

“I congratulate you on making that long trip all the way from a backwater village in the Far East, but your grades are the harsh reality. If you wish to graduate, I suggest getting those credits, even if it kills you. I especially recommend my lectures. You can get 6 credits in a normal year. Of course, that’s a.s.suming an Oriental like you can even understand my lectures in the first place.”

“Isn’t that a little racist?”

“I’m a philanthropist. Whites, Blacks, Indians, Jews— they all equally bore me. The only measure of a man is in his knowledge. I hate idiots, and that’s all there is.”

“I find it hard to believe you can actually call yourself a philanthropist with a straight face.”

‘You’ll be staying in the tortoise dormitory. It’s the place where all the students who can’t keep up with their go to, the worst of the worst. Swing by whenever you’re free, and secure a room for yourself. — That’s all I wanted to say.”

“Wait a minute, Professor Kimberly. It might be a little quick, but there’s something I want to consult you on.”


“How do I get into the Night Party?”

Kimberly was already walking away, but at his question she unconsciously stopped.

“There’s no way you don’t know this, right? The only ones who qualify to enter the Night Party are those with the best grades, and even from amongst them, only the top hundred qualify. As you are now, you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum; so it’s useless to even talk about it.”

“Plus the Night Party is about to commence shortly, so there’s only one round of entry tests left— I guess it’s really hopeless then?”

Raishin gave a self-deprecating laugh as he mocked himself.

Kimberly gave a glance over in his direction.

“ … The Night Party isn’t some kind of elegant ball dance. It’s a place where Machinart clash, until there is only one person left standing. If you go at it with a half-a.s.sed att.i.tude your life will be easily forfeit.”

“So all I have to do is be the last one standing, right?”

Kimberly looked surprised. Her eyes narrowing into slits, she looked at Raishin from head to toe like she was appraising his value.

“Why are you so fixated on the Night Party? Isn’t graduating from here, and getting the prestige this academy confers that will get you ahead of others in life more than enough?”

“I made up my mind long ago. Since my goal was to become the Wiseman.”

“What do you desire? Riches? Fame? Knowledge? Power?”

“That question has no meaning. If you become the Wiseman, you’ll obtain all of the above.”

“That’s true. Being the Wiseman means that you’re not bounded by the International Charter on Magic Arts and the code of ethics that all mages must follow— in short, ‘nothing’s off limits’. You could read prohibited books, use forbidden arts, or even perform research on immortality or genetic modification. You would receive a reception on par with a general in any military army of any country in the world.”

“Heh, that was a rather lively talk.”

“… Your objective isn’t riches. It doesn’t look like you’re after fame either. You don’t seem smart enough to be seeking knowledge and wisdom. So, what then, are you after?”

Raishin didn’t answer. He just stared back at Kimberly, his eyes never wavering for even a second.

The silence grew unbearable. After a while,

“… Let me tell you the general consensus. The sole aim of the Night Party is to select the premier puppeteer of his generation. Truly, we live in such a thoroughly meritocratic world. Therefore, in the unlikely event that someone who has an entry qualification was to, say, be defeated in Machinart battle against someone who doesn’t have one—“

Like she was hinting at some sort of secret, Kimberly continued on in a low voice.

“I think there’s a need for the Night Party Executive Committee to change the way it selects its partic.i.p.ants, don’t you?”

“… Thank you for your instruction.”

“Work hard. I look forward to see splendid results, Mr Second Last.”

Traces of a grin left on her face, Kimberly turned and vanished down the hallway.

“… Somehow, I think she’s a little scary.”

Yaya reservedly offered her impression of the professor.

“Yeah. But I don’t think she’s a bad person.”

Although she had called Raishin an idiot, she hadn’t shot him down completely without listening to him speak. Concerning entry into the Night Party, she could have just told him that there was absolutely no way to enter; there was no need to discuss hypotheticals with him.

“On the contrary, I think she might be a fine woman.”

“Raishin… so you really do prefer older women…!”

Ignoring a sobbing Yaya, he reflected over Kimberly’s words in his head.

He was second last. In order to place within the top hundred, he would have to surpa.s.s over a thousand people, the cream of the crop who were gathered from all over the world—or he would have to eliminate them.

(This probably isn’t something worth bragging about, but my knowledge is roughly on the same level as a novice, in terms of both puppetry and magic arts.)

The possibility of him using his grades to rally into contention was zero.

In that case.

Worrying about Raishin, who had sunk into silence, Yaya drew her face closer to Raishin.

“Shall we discuss this with Shouko?”

“I’m not going to turn to the military for advice. There’s only one option for us anyway.”

Raishin laughed wryly. Even for him, it was a rather amusing way of doing things.

“We’ll have to take part in the Night Party. That’s the quickest way to killing him.”

“But how— Have you thought of something?”

“Professor Kimberly said it. If I want an entry qualification, I have to become like Momotaro.”

“Are you going exchange millet dumplings with someone?”

He shook his head. Pursing his lips tightly, Raishin announced his plan.

“I’m going to rob a bunch of demons.”


“Hey, you gotta see this! A foreign student challenged the T-Rex to a fight!”

“What!? Where’s he from? What kind of idiots do they raise there?”

“j.a.pan. He’s an idiot from j.a.pan.”

“j.a.pan? Is it the Izanagi style’s princess?”

“No, he’s a new guy that just arrived here two days ago.”

“What’s a new guy doing with the T-rex? Is she spoiling for a fight?”

“No, it seems the one who started it was the new guy. Apparently he wants her entry qualification.”

“And of all people to challenge, he chose the T-rex… is he suicidal or something?”

“I don’t think so. Look at him, he looks confident.”

“Is he that strong? What rank is he?”

Naturally, the students’ attention became focused on him.

Raishin was feeling uneasy on the inside, but he wore a relaxed look on his face, ignoring the looks that others were giving him, which were a mix of oddness, contempt and even unhappiness.

“They always increase in number whenever spring rolls around.”

Charl spat out those words as the dragon perched itself on her arm.

“The number of idiots who don’t know their place, that is.”

“I may be an idiot, but at least I know my place.”

“Oh, really? What do you think it is then?

“I’m in the 1235th place.”

Laughter broke out from all around him. An embarra.s.sed-looking Yaya stared at the offenders, but Raishin’s face was still relaxed, not responding to the laughter.

On the other hand, Charl was dumbstruck. With her mouth agape,

“I’m shocked. You’re a real idiot. The idiot of idiots. An idiot that towers over all other idiots. Your idiocy shines like a beacon. You said you were placed 1235th? How can you hope to win me with a grade like that…”

She stopped.

Raishin’s expression was still as calm as ever in the face of her derision.

“Go ahead and laugh. Quite honestly, my puppetry skills are third-rate at best. If you compared me to the mob surrounding us, I’m sure you’ll find that I possess less knowledge and less talent. However, there is one thing that sets me apart from them.”

“… And that is?”

“I haven’t given up before I’ve started.”

The laughter died.

Charl looked around, and everyone was averting their eyes with a sour taste in their mouth.

He was right— Most of them couldn’t partic.i.p.ate in the Night Party.

And yet, all they did was silently watch on.

All these losers who admitted defeat before a battle, that is.

“… Hmph, I’ll at least praise your admirable determination. Or perhaps, are you just very slow on the uptake?”

“You must be joking. I’m very delicate when it comes to picking up on feelings.”

“You really are slow then. A dullard. I bet you’re the slow and easily-tired type.”

“Do you even understand the meaning of what you’ve just said?! A lady of your age shouldn’t be saying something so thoughtless!”

“That’s right! If anything, Raishin is a quick finisher!”

“You be quiet! How the h.e.l.l could you even know something like that anyway!?”

Raishin hurriedly silenced Yaya. However it was too late, as Charl had conspicuously brought her eyebrows together in a frown.

“Not only are you an idiot, but you’re a pervert that fools around with his doll? You’re the worst kind of deviant, you lewd freak!”

The coldness in her eyes bordered on absolute zero as she gave him a look of disgust. It was as if she was staring at a c.o.c.kroach.

Raishin felt an immense depression coming on. All he wanted to do was to curl up in the corner of a dark room and hug his knees. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in any position to do so at the moment.

“I don’t go easy on perverts. Let’s smash him with all our might, Sigmund.”


In that instant, the dragon (who appeared to be named Sigmund) let out a roar.

Although his figure was that of a small creature, it began to transform before Raishin’s eyes. A black mist— like some sort of darkness belonging to its true body— began to envelop Sigmund; limbs, claws and wings beginning to form from it.

Finally the mist dissipated, revealing the form of a giant dragon.

A giant dragon that was three metres in height and eight metres in length.

It hadn’t simply grown in size. As it grew, its strength also grew in proportion. It was like watching a baby dragon mature into a full-fledged adult.

(It’s ma.s.s increased as well…?)

Raishin stared in amazement. He had seen automata that could transform before, but this was the first time he was seeing an automaton that could increase in size. He wondered where the extra ma.s.s was stored normally when the dragon was in his regular form. Perhaps it was down to some sort of magic circuit running inside him? Many thoughts ran through Raishin’s head.

A ray of light could be seen flickering inside the dragon’s jaw, much like a tongue.

Sigmund roared, and the atmosphere itself trembled, causing gusts of violent wind to blow. Charl had yet to activate a magic circuit, and yet Sigmund’s own body was already displaying a tremendous amount of power.

It was an overwhelming force. His instincts told him this was a strong opponent.

However, that was something he had already known. Raishin grinned slightly, focusing his magic energy.

“Alright, let’s show them what we got as well, Yaya. Suimei Nijuuyon—“


Even without her warning, he had already noticed. In an instant, he threw himself out of the way, dodging to one side. Yaya leapt in the opposite direction, evading the incoming object.

A large iron ball pa.s.sed through the spot where the both of them were standing just moments earlier.

It was about a metre in diameter. Sharp spikes covered its entire surface, giving it a very vicious form.

The iron ball continued on its trajectory, charging straight towards Charl and Sigmund.

Obviously, the both of them weren’t going to just sit there and quietly take the attack. Sigmund used his wing to swat the ball away… however, that mystery person’s attack didn’t stop there.

From the surrounding crowd, a few shadows dashed into the area together.

An armoured doll that looked like a knight, a barefooted girl, and a six-legged beast— it looked like all were automata.

The armoured doll charged head on, while the other two leapt in from the right and left, trying to close off any escape. However, their target wasn’t Raishin— it was Sigmund!

“Sigmund!”Charl issued out an order. Even though she hadn’t instructed him on what to do, Sigmund seemed to understand her thoughts entirely. Carrying Charl on his back, he flew up into the air.

The armoured doll had barely begun its charge before being smacked away by Sigmund’s forelimbs.

With a sweep of his tail, the two bodies approaching him from the sides were sent flying as well. With such simple movements, all three automata were down for the count, the occasional twitch coming from their lifeless bodies.

(She’s good… The t.i.tle of the Rounds isn’t just for show.)

Basically, an automata under control moved according to the puppeteer’s will. However, an automaton wasn’t just a wooden doll. They were autonomous, which meant they had their own will as well. If the puppeteer didn’t synchronise with the automaton properly, then the automaton’s movements would be dulled, and the excessive magic energy would be needlessly wasted by the puppeteer.

On that point, Charl and Sigmund were in perfect harmony with each other. If the two of them weren’t intimately familiar with each other, there was no way Sigmund could move like that.

However— It was too soon to say that the danger had pa.s.sed.

Raishin’s exceptional kinetic vision allowed him to catch their movements.

Within the crowd, there were a few of them who had hostile intents, and were moving secretly whilst hidden within the students.

He could feel nine, ten presences… or even more. Even if half of them were merely puppeteers, that was still a formidable force. Also, that meant they might have the advantage due to their superior numbers.

Before long, they made their move.

Two monster-like figures flew out. It was an undine and a harpy, automata whose designs were based off mythical creatures of legend. The puppeteers behind them had clearly projected their interests and senses onto their automata with such designs.

The first to attack was the undine type automaton with the semi-transparent body, which launched a spear-like high pressure jet of water straight at Sigmund.

Sigmund easily dodged, but as he did so, a snow spirit— Jack Frost— approached from the side and unleashed an attack. Sigmund barely managed to dodge the ice-cold magic art that was aimed at him. Although he emerged unscathed, the icy blast had frozen the water from the undine’s attack, causing the ground to be frozen as well.

On top of that, an attack came from above as well. The harpy type automaton whipped up a fierce gale. Unable to dodge this, Sigmund lost his buoyancy in air, and crashed down onto the frozen ground.

Appearing right there was a new opponent. A giant with looks befitting that of a golem charged in.

His legs could gain no traction on the slippery ground, so Sigmund couldn’t dodge. The golem grabbed onto his wings, robbing him of movement.

The surrounding students began to murmur amongst themselves. Perhaps the time had finally come for the legendary T-Rex?

A horrible sound could be heard as Sigmund’s wings began to creak under the pressure. If things remained like that, he would be in danger. However, Sigmund was unable to shake the golem off. Still atop his back, Charl clicked her tongue, and at that moment, the large iron ball flew through the air with a whoosh.

Br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tremendous destructive force behind it, the iron ball—

—did not collide with Sigmund.

“… What are you playing at?”

Charl asked in a cold voice.

Raishin ignored the question coming from behind him, and spoke to his partner beside him.

“Let’s go, Yaya.”

“If Raishin so desires it, I’ll even go to the ends of the Earth for him.”

Yaya emphatically replied, whilst throwing aside the iron ball she had caught.


Charl was completely baffled as she stared at the back of the person in front of her.

The person was the ill-mannered boy who had challenged her to a fight.

To one side was his automaton who was standing on top on the golem, the one who had caught the iron ball.

It took her a few seconds to realise that the two of them had protected her.

And after she did, she was extremely furious.

“… Step aside.”

“I would have even if you didn’t tell me to. After all, I have to get rid of this lot anyway.”

“Stop s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around. Just what are—“

“What are you doing?”

Someone cut in, finishing the sentence in place of Charl.

An insolent person stepped out arrogantly from amidst the crowd.

Next to him was a female type automaton. The expression on its face didn’t resemble a human’s though, and it was ball jointed. It would be better to say it was doll-like in appearance.

The doll was holding an iron rod. Pointing the tip towards the direction on the iron ball, a thread of light extended forth. A retractable chain of magic energy— it looked like this was some form of a morning star.

(So that iron ball was the head of a morning star…)

Charl didn’t let her guard down, and continued to eye the scene of battle.

Because the field of battle had expanded to accommodate the new arrivals, the students who were watching retreated back. Standing in the widened street were 5 automata: Undine, Jack Frost, Harpy, Golem, and the morning star wielder.

— Actually, that wasn’t all of them.

With a whirl, the three units that were defeated rose up.

They had been restored. As she looked around for the cause of their revival, she spotted a white robed automaton in the distance waving a staff. Which meant it possessed a restorative magic art.

With that, the enemy numbered nine in total. Restorative magic art, offensive magic art, someone for defence, someone to perform quick raids, a long range attacker; this formation was exactly like a military unit.

While continuing the agonising contest of strength with the golem, Sigmund emotionlessly muttered out.

“I guess you ARE popular, Charl. Those puppeteers over there are nothing but men.”

“… Is this the time and place for that?”

The insolent youth and his gang were clearly targeting Sigmund. She tried to remember if anyone had any sort of grudge against her… and because there were, Charl prepared herself for an uphill battle.

Meanwhile, the insolent youth was continuing his chat with the rude boy.

“Answer me, transfer student. Why are you interfering with us?”

“That thing there is my prey. I will not tolerate someone s.n.a.t.c.hing it away from me.”

Did he just refer to me as that thing!? I’m a prey!? What insolence!

“… In that case, we will hand over Lady Belew’s entry qualifications to you. In exchange, will you not consider working alongside us? Having comrades will prove advantageous to you in the Night Party.”

“I refuse.”

The rude boy swiftly turned down the proposal. He didn’t even stop to consider the terms of the offer being proposed to him.

“… Why? It’s not like there’s any disadvantage to you.”

“I dislike the idea of relying on ten men.”

He held up his hand towards the kimono-clad girl. In response to the magic energy he transmitted, the girl kicked the golem away. The huge body looked like it easily surpa.s.sed three tonnes in weight, but she sent it flying as easily as she had kicked a rubber ball.

Ooooh, went the gallery.

Able to move freely once again, Sigmund spread his large wings, like he was trying to evaluate the current state of his body.

“I’ll gather them over in one spot here. They’re not used to being herded togeth—“

He couldn’t finish his sentence. The roar of an explosion overpowered what he said, and he was engulfed by a huge blast of fire in a flash. A fireball had hit the rude youth from behind.

“Gotcha! Ha! Serves you right for letting your guard down!”

There was a shout of joy. Fl.u.s.teredly turning around, there was a lone student amidst the gallery doing a little jig of triumph. Beside her was a witch automaton. — An ambush party, so to speak.

The fire faded away. What should have been the charred remains of the youth appearing from within the smoke… turned out to be two people standing there completely unharmed.

The girl had covered her master. Special mention had to go to her remarkable resiliency. Other than her kimono being lightly scorched, her skin showed absolutely no trace of being burnt at all!

Without even turning to look in the ambush party’s direction, the youth simply said “Go.” The kimono-clad girl burst forward in a blink of an eye, closing in on the witch.

Appearing directly below her, she planted a fierce kick on the witch’s jaw.

The witch was launched higher than the school building, shattering apart in mid-air.

What explosive energy! Then again, she did manage to send the huge golem flying.

“What is with that guy…” “Could he actually be… strong?” “He’s only the 1235th place, right!?”

The gallery was abuzz. The disturbance in the gallery spread to the insolent person’s party, causing them to be unnerved.

“This guy’s automaton is a top cla.s.s model! Smash the puppeteer instead!”

The master of the morning star’s wielder yelled out. It looked like he was the leader of the gang. The insolent people followed that command, and all started leaping towards the flesh and blood human puppeteer.

The armoured knight thrust his spear, and the golem swung its huge iron fist.


The rude youth lightly jumped away, dodging and landing neatly onto the ground.

“Isn’t aiming for the puppeteer against the rules of the Night Party?”

Even though he said that, it was useless. The insolent gang didn’t let up on their attacks.

“Well, if that’s what they’re going to do, then I supposed I better do something on my end too— Kouen Juuniketsu!”


Receiving the command, the girl’s movements changed. With the force of a raging fire, she violently kicked the golem, causing it to crash into the armoured knight like a bullet, then she dashed into the enemy’s midst.

The scene that unfolded before her eyes was one that was beyond Charl’s wildest imagination.

Going against traditional Machinart wisdom and common sense, it was an unconventional fighting style.

The rude youth followed closely after the girl. Picking up a piece of the broken automaton the girl had smashed earlier, he threw it, the girl performing a feint so that the opponent was. .h.i.t by the rude youth.

With the enemy unbalanced, this caused openings in the opponent’s guard, allowing the girl to deal a devastating kick. The power in the girl’s legs easily crushed the automaton’s body, scattering fragments everywhere.

Those movements were simply the pair moving in formation.

It defied common sense, but it didn’t go against it. As a battle tactic it was sure to be consistent in terms of output, and extremely rational.

Charl clicked her tongue. A third-rate puppeteer? He was lying!

While he himself was moving, his doll’s movements were not dull in the slightest.

To control a puppet that well, a strong force— magic energy was needed.

So at the very least, he had undergone a considerable amount of training.

(So the Orientals have this sort of battle style as well…?)

While Charl stared in amazement at the ongoing battle, Sigmund whispered in her ear.


“… I got it.”

Thanks to the rude youth dancing around amongst them, the insolent gang’s attention had been drawn to him.

Charl began to build up magic energy, allowing it to flow into Sigmund’s magic circuits.

Power began to build, and she waited. Once all the enemies were lined up in a row,

“Raster Cannon!”

A blindingly fierce torrent of light shot forth from Sigmund’s jaw.

It resembled a breath of fire from the dragons of legend. A light so bright it scorched the retinas. Along with the violent blast of light, the molecules in the atmosphere were annihilated, causing a strong vacuum effect.

The beam of light extended for twenty metres, before rapidly decaying, losing its effect. However, that was enough. The insolent gang’s automata were caught in the blast, some getting hit on the arm, some on the leg, and some had half their body hit.

The afflicted parts melted away like candy, the cross section of the remaining parts giving off a curiously smooth l.u.s.ter.

The battle had been decided. And they had lost.

The rude youth could also see that they had been defeated, with all ten bodies out of commission. All the insolent gang could do was to retrieve their puppets and scurry away in a panic.

The surrounding students were at a loss for words, standing where they were dumfounded.

“How scary. The rumours were true; you really do possess such a ridiculously strong power. “

The rude youth spoke in jest. He also had an over-familiar smile on his face.

What a vexing person. If only he had been caught in the Raster Canon as well.

“Don’t make the absurd mistake of thinking that I needed help.”

“Yes well, you don’t exactly strike me as the sort that needs saving.”

“The result would still have been the same whether a pervert like you was there or not. That goes for your doll over there too.”

For a moment, Charl silently stared at the pair. Then her mood changed slightly, and in a more subdued tone she spoke.

“… Hmph. In any case, tell me your name.”

The rude boy chuckled, then introduced himself.

“I’m a puppeteer from j.a.pan. Akabane Raishin.”

“Similarly, Yaya.”

“… No, there’s nothing similar about us.”

“In that case, I’m Yaya, his wife.”

“That’s not it either! I didn’t enter you in the family register or anything, ok!?”

Charl laughed contemptuously at the fl.u.s.tered boy— his named seemed to be Raishin.

“Rye? Sheen? That’s a weird name.”

“It’s not like I like it either! Besides, I’ll have you know that in my country it’s written with the characters for ‘thunder’ and ‘truth’!”

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get this over with, seeing as I’m going to crush you in a split second.”

She stretched her hand out towards Sigmund, maintaining the link of magic energy between them.

Raishin didn’t move. He just kept staring intently in their direction. His gaze wasn’t focused on her though, he was staring at Sigmund.

And then.

“… Let’s stop.”

He turned away abruptly. The students began to murmur amongst themselves, them being as surprised as Charl was.

“I’ve lost interest. We’ll pick up where we left off today some other time.”

It was a selfish reason. An indignant Charl trembled with rage.

“Are you messing around…? You’re the one who challenged me, and now you’re just going to run away…”

Not allowing her to finish, something flashed in his left hand. He had taken something circular from the harness around his waist, and now he threw it on the ground.

A tiny explosion gave way to a large volume of smoke pouring out.

The white smoke completely filled the area. It seemed like it was a smoke bomb, a product from j.a.pan, the land of ninjas.

With a flap of his wings, Sigmund cleared the smoke away. By that time though, the pair had already put a considerable amount of distance between them. Easily jumping over the crowd of people, they ran off into the distance.

The only thing that could be concluded was that she had completely and thoroughly let them escape.

“… What a wimp.”

“I wonder, is that really the case?”

Giving off a dazzling light, Sigmund reverted back into his smaller form.

“What do you mean?”

Sigmund lowered his voice till the point where the surrounding people couldn’t hear him, and answered Charl.

“I think he may have noticed my injury.”

He moved a wing to show her.

“— does it hurt?”

“I just need two to three days to recover.”

An injury meant that he couldn’t fly as well as he’d like. If he a.s.sumed his larger form, then that would be an even bigger burden.

Charl hadn’t noticed it, and yet the youth had?

In that case, did he cut in just now because he had sensed that Charl was at a disadvantage…?

“… Then he really is a wimp. Only a naïve chicken wouldn’t have the resolve to attack an enemy’s weak point.”

“The Night Party is a merciless struggle for existence. A place where the person who eliminates all other obstacles in the way will obtain everything. A perverted cowardly idiot like him will be the first to get crushed.”

“I must say, you seem unusually interested in him.”

“Why would you say I’m interested in him?”

“If you really weren’t interested, why did you ask for his name?”

“Well, that’s—“

She stopped. Now that he had mentioned it, it really was strange. It was something that was hard to explain.

In the end, Charl testily finished her sentence.

“Oh, be quiet. Or else I’ll downgrade your lunchtime chicken to corn.”

Squaring her shoulders, she set off towards the cafeteria.

The surrounding students made way for her. Thus, with a lot of unanswered questions, and a little ill feeling left over, the eventful lunch break came to a close.


That night, inside one of the rooms in the tortoise dormitory.

Raishin tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep.

“… Looks like I’m not used to this.”

The scenery from lunch had been burnt into his skull. Parts scattered everywhere, along with shattered automata. The feeling he had at the point of their destruction, and the dull response to it.

Raishin shook his head, chasing away the nausea building up.

“Did you say something?”

While hanging out the laundry, Yaya turned around with a smile on her face.

“— No. Just thinking that this room is so worn out, if you kicked a wall the whole place would fall apart.”

He pointed up at the cracked, filthy ceiling.

The mouldy air filled his lungs, and staring at the sooty walls made him depressed. Although Yaya had washed the sheets clean, the bed creaked noisily, making it hard for him to sleep soundly.

He thought he would get used to it in three days, but that wasn’t the case.

In fact, he noticed the longer he had stayed here the more his dissatisfaction had grown.

“Well, I guess it is s.p.a.cious… and it’s better than just having a bed.”

Why muttering to himself, Raishin tossed and turned in his bed.

The room’s size was 12 jou, and came with a study desk and closet. As it was originally meant for two students, there was another bed on the opposite end.

“That’s right, Raishin. Divine punishment comes to those who do nothing but grumble.”

Yaya grinned happily.

Even if they were alone together, Yaya was unusually happier than normal.

“… You’re glad we don’t have a roommate, aren’t you?”

“Yes <>

Whether it should be labelled obstinancy or tenacity, Yaya was to the odd rampage. Even if he did have a roommate, who knew what devious trick she would pull to eliminate said roommate?

“By the way, what are we doing tomorrow? Are you going to challenge someone again?”

“I’ll think about it tomorrow. For now it’s time to sleep.”

“I understand. Good night, Raishin.”

“Yeah… wait-wait-wait!”

He pushed away the thing creeping into his bed.

“Your bed is over there!”

“But Yaya was hurt in battle today. And I think I got burnt a little too.”

“What does that have to do with anything!?”

“Didn’t you know? We automata function off a puppeteer’s magic energy. When we’re damaged, the closer we are to the puppeteer the faster we’ll recover.”

“… Now that you mention it, I think that was the case…”

Raishin’s displeasure was plainly displayed on his face.

Yaya sat at the foot of his bed, staring at him with puppy dog eyes.

Looking at her, she had no external injuries. However, he had no clue about her internal system. Because she herself had said she was injured, he wondered if that was true.

If she was, then it was Raishin’s responsibility. That battle had been down to his selfishness alone.

“… I guess it can’t be helped then. If that’s the case, then I guess we can sleep together.”

“Ok. <>

“However, you cannot do anything weird.”

“I won’t. I won’t do anything weird.”

“I think I phrased it wrongly. Don’t touch me.”

“… Tch.”

“Did you just click your tongue? Why did you click your tongue?”

“If an automaton comes into direct contact with the puppeteer, they will recover much, much faster.”

“That’s a lie! Get out! I think I’ll sleep alone after all!”

Yaya, who was waiting for an opening, and Raishin, who was maintaining his defence line to the death. Fireworks sparked between them as an uneasy equilibrium was reached.

Thus, Raishin had a sleepless night.


The clear moonlight illuminated the campus at night.

It was one in the morning. All the respectable, decent students were already fast asleep.

It was so quiet you’d have thought everyone had gone extinct, but then a hidden shadow began to move.

At the outskirts of the garden, in a grove of trees hidden from any possible gazes, a pair of eyes shone in the darkness.

The silhouette was vague and indistinct. It was crawling on all fours, devouring something messily.

The thing the shadow was devouring had arms, legs and a head.

Its eyes were open. It’s popped out eyeball told the story of its final scary moments, the death agony it underwent. A large iron ball had been embedded into its crushed legs, and a substance similar to blood was spurting from the area. Face up on the ground, the torso had been cannibalised, making it look like a corpse.

However, this wasn’t a human body.

Underneath its broken skin, countless cords and metal cylinders could be seen.

It was an automaton. The shadow was eating an automaton.

Tearing open the body, it ripped out the internal circuitry. It looked like a man eating demon as it wordlessly devoured the body with great gusto, slurping up the excess oil.

The shadow continued its meal long after the moon had finally set, only finishing once the eastern sky had started to turn white.

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