Chapter 3

Those Bound by Destiny


With a bright blue brilliance, it was frozen in ice.

Just where in the world that was, his young self did not know. Alongside the greatest swordsman in the Empire, the ‘Man of Black Steel’ Crosswell, he was journeying across the lands of the continent.

‘The Empire is not all there is to the world. Take a good look.’

‘In ten years, or maybe even twenty, this will be a necessary experience for you.’

In the middle of their journey─Iska became separated from his master due to certain circ.u.mstances. Aiming for the light far in the distance that was the Neutral City, he was advancing through the wasteland during the night aboard a train.  And the train that Iska was riding in was a.s.saulted by a crowd of beasts who dominated that land.

He was caught in a dilemma where the small blade in his hand had broken. And the one to save Iska’s life at that time, was a single witch. A shining bright blue wall of ice protected him, and stones of ice shot down the beasts.

… A witch saved me?

… Me from the Empire?

A witch of ice. He couldn’t see the face of the witch as a veil of darkness covered her. She was likely a pa.s.senger on the same train that he was riding.

There was no doubt that the witch did not think that the boy riding the train from a land so far away from the Imperial Capital would be from the Empire. It was also a fact that the beasts were also attacking the witch. She defeated the beasts out of self defence, and it may have been that Iska was protected simply as a result of that.

However, no matter the reason, the fact that he was ‘saved’ remained true.

… Even though I was taught in the Empire that witches were cruel monsters.

… She took action to save me and the people around me?

That was the beginning.

That was the event which repainted Iska’s perception of witches.

Witches… No, star mages, may not be bad people. If it was possible to hold talks with them, they may be able to come to an understanding.

While being a part of the Empire, Iska believed in that hunch even now.

In the Imperial Capital Sector 3 training area.

A murderous heat poured down from above giving off a hot wind that easily surpa.s.sed fifty Celsius.

─Desert Field.

Just as its name implied, it was the training grounds setup to simulate battle in a giant desert. The sand at their feet was extremely fine, making it even more effective at absorbing the heat from the sun, and in this facility, the temperature did not drop below forty degrees even during the winter.

"Haa… Haa.. A-auuuu… W-water…!"

Four people were running around the perimeter of the field. Running at the back of the line, Mismis made a pitiful expression as if the world was ending as she screamed out.


"You can just take a drink can’t you? This is training to rehydrate while travelling after all."

Jhin turned around while running. The rucksacks they were carrying were equipped with a water supply, and it was possible to take a drink through a straw while running.

"Instead of carrying armaments, it’s the rule of this training exercise that you can drink the water you’re carrying instead. Aren’t you carrying a ton of water on your back?"

"I’ve already drank it all~. Jhin-kun, water, even just a sip, share some with me!"

"You’ll get bloated."

"Jhin-kun you bullyyyyyyy!"

While completely exhausted, she seemed energetic enough to let out a scream.

"This training ground is just weird! There’s a sun lamp burning us from above, and a high temperature ventilator is blowing hot wind at our backs… We’re not laundry I’m telling you!"

"They’re both splendid heat weapons. Nene remembers seeing them."

Nene pointed to the jumbo ventilator behind them.

"Since it can reproduce the conditions of a desert, it could be used for our training. And the researchers from Sector 1 are able to use the human testing data from us improve the weapon. It’s a bargain deal!"

"Nene-chan is scary for being able to think that way you know!?"

The female captain was screaming about the use of the phrase human testing.

"Ah, aaah… L-look, Iska-kun… Over there… I see, an oasis… The angels are calling to me to come… Over…?"

"Captain wait! That angel is probably not a good person!"

Mismis ran over in a panic as Iska tried to stop her as she zealously aimed for the land of water.

"Hooray! F-finally, my first victory over the desert field!"

Mismis tossed the luggage on her back as she jumped.

"Captain, it used to be that you called for a stretcher only halfway through too."

"Right, right? I’ve been desperately building up just my stamina in this past year after all!"

Mismis thrust her fist in the air while sweat was pouring down like a waterfall from her brow and the nape of her neck. She gave off the sense that her joy blew away her fatigue.

… But it really is amazing.

… One way or another, Captain Mismis has put in great efforts while we weren’t watching.

Quickly wiping away the sweat dripping from his hair, Iska snuck in a glance at Mismis behind him.

She had a pet.i.te figure and child-like face which could only be seen as around thirteen, maybe fourteen years old at most. Because she had such a child-like appearance, even the younger regular soldiers would look down on her, but Mismis pushed on and put in effort without being disheartened. And that was on full display in the results of their training just now.

"Aaah. Iska-nii, you’re really staring at Captain Mismis."

Nene puffed out her cheeks.

"Iska-nii likes that kind of thing~?"

"… What kind of thing?"

"A s.e.xy lady."

Mismis had taken off her jacket and was lightly dressed. Her exposed upper arms were flushed from the heat due to physical activity and her clothes clung to her body from the large amount of sweat coming out of her, making the lines of her body quite distinct.

Her two b.r.e.a.s.t.s poked out at her shirt and she had charming lines at the hip. Her voluptuous body that was dripping with sweat created a gap with her childish figure and face, and was sensational enough to make one aware that she was in fact an ‘adult.’

"… How nice~. Captain, despite being short, the places that stick out really stick out huh?"

With an envious look in her eyes, Nene frowned.

"Eh? What places Nene-chan?"

"So you say~. Iska-nii is also looking at the Captain with a fishy… Muguu?"

"I am definitely not!"

Sealing Nene’s mouth in a fl.u.s.ter, Iska shook his head to the sides with all his strength as he replied.

"It’s a misunderstanding I’m telling you, Nene."

"… Really?"

"Really. I was just─"

Just as Iska was about to continue speaking, the wind roaring out of the high temperature ventilator changed. The hot wind they were being exposed to that could render a raw egg cooked all on its own took a complete turn and became a pleasant, cool and gentle wind.

"… Oh my. How refreshing. It’s as refreshing as an electric fan."

Mismis tilted her head to the side in curiosity.

"A malfunction?"

"There’s no way it would I’m telling you~. I switched it over to cooling mode just for Mismis’ sake."


The one to grab the shoulders of the captain sitting down on the bench, was another woman.

"Wh-what, so it was Lyshia-chan?"

"Yaaaho! Iska-chi, Nene-tan, Jhin-jhin, it’s been about a year huh? Do ya remember me?"

The girl that Mismis referred to as Lyshia-chan gave an exaggerated bow. She was a woman who had clever looking and graceful features which matched her intellectual black rim well. Coupled with her tall figure, even when she wore combat garments, she looked good. This woman with an exceptional appearance was someone Iska knew well.

"Do you even need to ask? There aren’t any soldiers who don’t know any of the Holy Apostles in active service."

"Iska-chi was a colleague until a year ago after all huh?"

Lyshia winked through the lens of her

Lyshia Ean Empire─

To describe her in a single phrase, she was an unparalleled ‘omnipotent genius’ boasted of by the Empire. Academics, martial arts, shooting skill, survival skills and even strategic command. Having demonstrated talent in every field, she graduated at the top of the military academy. Attaining victory in the harsh compet.i.tive exam, she climbed up from a commanding officer to a Holy Apostle in the blink of an eye.

"Now… You’re a special guest of the defensive force headquarters right? It’s amazing."

"It’s not all that much I’m telling ya. Iska-chi was also a Holy Apostle just up until last year."

Lyshia laughed it off lightly. And behind her…

"Even if he was the youngest to rise to the status of a Holy Apostle, Iska was the lowest seat. You who hold the fifth seat, are so to speak, one of the right hands of the Emperor. Even among the Holy Apostles, you are on a different level."

Jhin, who had been cooling off in the shade of a tree, stood up with a tiresome expression.

"So, what kind of troublesome role did you come to push on us?"

"It’s just a tiny request. And that’s how it is, so Mismis."

Sticking her tongue out playfully, Lyshia then thrust her finger at Mismis.

"For your next mission, it ended up that Mismis’ squad will be working under me. And so, though it is after the fact, good to meet ya!"


"Oya, dissatisfied?"

"But you know, Lyshia-chan is too smart, so I wonder if I can properly understand your strategies is all~."

"It’s oooookay. Its me and Mismis after all."

Mismis looked at Lyshia with a frown. As for Lyshia, she started rubbing her former cla.s.smate’s head.

"I’ll get a pamphlet made of the strategies just for Mismis’ use. You can’t lose it you hear?"

"Really!? Then it’s okay!"

"So that’s how it is, I’ll leave the creation of the strategic pamphlet to you, okay Jhin?"

"I’m making it?"

"I didn’t say I was gonna make it myself. In any case, I came here today just to greet everyone. Everyone here except for the captain are all elites after all."

"… Lyshia-chan?"

"Ahahah, it’s a joke, just a joke. Mismis is also splendid. I’m the one saying it so there’s no mistaking it!"

Mismis puffed out her cheeks as Lyshia rubbed her head. Was it because they were friendly cla.s.smates? A Holy Apostle under the direct command of the Emperor acting in such a way with a single squad captain likely wasn’t something that could be seen so frequently.

─A strict doctrine of skill supremacy.

To a young captain like Mismis, a Holy Apostle was said to be a ‘formidable target to knock down one day.’ To a Holy Apostle, someone at the level of a captain was said to be ‘someone they already knocked down that was below them.’

… The reason Lyshia-san and Captain Mismis get along so well.

… Is because our Captain has a character that is unrelated to knocking people down or any kind of compet.i.tion.

She had come by the squad aimlessly in the past as well, but at those times, without discussing any strategy, he recalled that they would get heated up talking about things like shopping. It also came down to Lyshia’s self confidence. Precisely because she had unwavering confidence in her own talent and skill, she could get away with such an easygoing att.i.tude.

"But you sure are moving fast aren’t you?"

Facing off against someone who held a much higher position than him, Jhin spoke with a bold smile in a way that could be called defiant.

"Seventeen hours after Iska’s release, we made an expedition to the Nelka forest. In the past year, that would be the only mission any of us took part in. Despite that, I’m surprised you made such a snap judgment to pull us under your command. If I were you, I’d let us swim around a little longer."

"Is this about getting a little bit of a better a.s.sessment of your abilities? Hmmmm, of course I have that intention. But I think I already have a rough grasp of you guys anyways."

Behind those, the eyes of the Holy Apostle contracted like a crescent moon.

"The battle report from the Nelka forest was well written wasn’t it? Accurate and brief. Of course there wasn’t a single typo or omission. Jhin’s the one who wrote it right?"

"Of course."

"Just from reading that, I can tell your senses haven’t dulled at all."

Leaving them a wink, Lyshia turned around and faced Iska.

"By the way Iska-chi, can I interview you a little?"


"How’s your condition? I’ve heard about it from Mis-chi you see? After the expedition to the Nelka forest, you haven’t been sleeping well right?"

"… Just a little."

It was the duty of a soldier to report to one’s captain. As long as it was something pa.s.sed on to Mismis, as a Holy Apostle, Lyshia would be able to confirm it. However, Iska himself didn’t know why he was unable to sleep well lately either.

The Ice Witch of Calamity Alice.

For some reason, her face would cross his mind and he would be unable to sleep.

"Well that’s quite the imperfect answer you gave huh. I heard from Mis-chi that you went to see an opera, but did the change of pace from the other day not fix your mood or something?"

"It was enjoyable. Ummm, it was also a while since I’ve been to the Neutral City."

Iska greatly shook his head.

… Saying that I met Alice in the Neutral City.

… Is really something I can’t say here huh.

"Ah, that’s right. Captain Mismis, thank you very much. The opera was very interesting."

"Wasn’t it? Wasn’t it~? That kind of blighted love is nice once in a while too right? It’s painful for the heart, but it feels kind of fulfilling right?"

Mismis put her hand to her heart delightedly.

"Lyshia-chan said it was boring though."

"I’m the kinda person who doesn’t get that artsy stuff. When it comes to Iska-chi, he had an appreciation for music and painting since the beginning after all."

"Yeah. But Lyshia-san, did I ever talk to you about my hobbies?"

"That kinda intelligence gathering is my hobby. The love life and gossip of my subordinates are my favourite meals."

Lyshia then put her finger into her chest pocket.

"Iska-chi, do you know Vibran Salil?"

"He was a court painter for the Empire right? From here it would be… about one hundred and fifty years ago, he was an oil painter who was active before the hundred years war."

"As expected. Then it sounds like you’ll take these off me."

His superior officer was making an impish smile. And what she took out from her chest pocket, was a single small ticket.

"Seems there’ll be an exhibition."

"… Of Vibran’s paintings? In the Neutral City?"

"Yup yup. I hoisted it from a subordinate during some gambling, but it seems Vibran would enjoy it more if Iska went to see it instead of me."

"But I only just got a day off the other day…"

"I’ll make you work in proportion to how much you rested, so it’s fine. Iska-chi is important in the next mission after all."

Lishia rubbed Mismis’ head, and contrary to expectations, she stopped and turned around on the spot.

"That’s how it is, so Mismis’ squad is now happily working under me. We’ll a.s.semble next week, and being joint training next month. So it’s fine for you to keep training until then, or just like Iska-chi, it’s fine for Jhin-jhin and Nene-tan to take a break too."

"What about me? Can I take a break too?"

"Mismis is an officer so no can do~. You have strategy meetings with me."


Mismis puffed her cheeks out like a child as Lishia teased her cheerfully. And setting the two of them aside…

"Back to Ayin huh…"

What came to Iska’s mind, was his reunion just two days ago. As one would expect, another such coincidence would not happen again. This time he was going to the solo exhibition for the Imperial artist Vibran. It was also later in the day. There was no reason for him to meet her again in such a place.

… In the end, Alice still has my handkerchief.

… Wait, what am I thinking about?

As if to blow away such idle thoughts from his head, Iska shook his head greatly.


The Nebulis Royal Palace.

It was the castle positioned in the deepest part of the Imperial Household Agency founded by star mages. The castle was divided into three sharp spires, and each and every spire was open to the public all year round. In other words, the populace could inspect the entire castle. That was the established faith between the royal family and the citizens.

─There was nothing to hide.

─We are all comrades fighting the Empire.

However, there was a place within the royal palace that was not open to the public. It was a region that was restricted to even those of the palace unless they had the express permission of royalt.

"Sorry I’m late, Rin. Did you wait long?"

"No. I have also just arrived."

As Rin stood in the darkness lit by candlelight, Alice came jogging over.

"Every time I look at this place, it’s quite eerie isn’t it?"

It was an underground pa.s.sage that made use of a natural limestone cave. The air was damp and lukewarm. A wind that came from somewhere or other circulated around the limestone cave and gently brushed Alice’s nape as it went by. Every time it did, she couldn’t help but feel it was the chill of some kind of curse.

"… Rin, save me."

"Alice-sama, please to not glue yourself to me so timidly. You are not a child after all."

"B-but, what do I do if a ghost comes out…?"

"Alice-sama’s star spirit is likely far more powerful than a ghost. Besides─"

As Rin walked next to her, she continued speaking as if implying ‘why after all this time?’

"The ones who is sleeping here, is not yet dead."

"… I know that."

As they progressed in silence down the uneven path, a dim golden light came into sight.

─The Golden Altar.

A crimson carpet was spread on the rock’s surface, and sitting atop a treasure stand was a seven p.r.o.nged bra.s.s candlestick, scriptures written in ancient words, and many holy urns put in place of people whose names Alice did not know.

"I have arrived late, mother."

"You are just on time."

The woman wearing orchid royal garments turned around. Her hair that was illuminated by the candlelight was golden with a tinge of brown. Her ruby coloured eyes showed both kindness and strictness, as well as her n.o.ble pride.

This was Mirabelle Lou Nebulis XIII ─ Alice’s mother and the current queen of Nebulis.

However, it was strange for her mother to call her somewhere other than the audience chamber.

"Alice, about the other day, you said that you fought with a swordsman of the Empire did you not? Though he was not a Holy Apostle, he held strength that approached that of a Holy Apostle correct?"


It was about Iska. Alice had made that report about the battle that day in the Nelka forest. Alice’s mother Mirabelle was also a star mage with long military service. She had experience fighting against the Holy Apostles, and she was very familiar with the organization of the Imperial army. If it was her, it was possible that she knew of his ident.i.ty. However. Even her mother did not seem to be sure of who the swordsman known as Iska was.

"… Is that so?"

"Mother? Is something the matter?"

The queen moved behind the altar.

"Please come here, both of you."

"This is… The esteemed Founder’s bindings….!?"

Within the limestone cave, Rin’s voice which approached a scream echoed out repeatedly. Looking at the black pillar standing before her, the young attendant stepped back as if in fear.

─The Founder Nebulis.

The black pillar upon which that great witch was crucified was right there.

Her tanned skin and wavy pearl grey hair was impressive. As the founder of the star mages’ paradise, the Nebulis Imperial Household Agency, she was an ancient star mage endowed with the ultimate star spirit. Her outward appearance appeared no older than a woman in her thirties or forties.

"One hundred years ago, our dear Founder stood against an Imperial army numbering in the tens of thousands all on her own. And even now, she is still alive."

The current queen of Nebulis spoke with a meek tone.

"The Founder had a twin sister. That was Nebulis the First. Including myself and Alice, she was the beginning of the royal bloodline. The Empire did not know that the Founder that they feared as the ‘Great Witch’ had a little sister. That is why, when Nebulis the First was lost, the Empire rejoiced that the Great Witch had vanished."

The Great Witch Nebulis was alive. This was a fact that was only known by the royal family, and Rin’s lineage which had served the royal family since time immemorial. The younger twin sister served as the queen of the Imperial Household Agency, had a child, and was later called Nebulis the First.

However, the elder sister was different. The Founder who held the star spirit that was said to be the oldest in the world was even able to isolate herself from the flow of time with her power. And even now, she was waiting for the opportunity to enact vengeance on the Empire.

"Alice-sama, the esteemed Founder’s binding have been damaged!"

What was supporting the sleeping woman’s body in the air, were latches in the shape of chains tied to the pillar. And they were somewhat chipped.

"The change in our dear Founder, Alice, happened at the same time that you fought with the Imperial swordsman in the Nelka forest."

"… What does this mean?"

"Star spirits react to danger that threatens their host. For example, when the Imperial Army previously reached the Imperial Household Agency, it is said that many star spirits all reacted at once. This is the same for the Founder’s star spirit."

Nebulis’ queen drew closer to the black pillar. It reached all the way to the ceiling of the limestone cave, and the woman known as the Founder was in a crucified position well above ten metres in the air.

"It is like an omen of her awakening. Do you not think so?"

Hearing the queen’s words, Alice and Rin exchanged glances in silence. This phenomenon had not have occurred all the times that she had fought on the Imperial stage. However, the Founder only reacted when she fought with Iska?

"Even now we have not determined the conditions for the Founder’s star spirit to react."

The queen shook her head to the sides.

"Though, it is said that star spirits resonate with other star spirits. Because the star spirit in Alice’s body is powerful, it is in question whether the Founder’s star spirit is influenced when that power is manifested ─ that is the hypothesis of the researchers at the Star Spirit Inst.i.tute."

"Certainly, it was the first time that Alice-sama manifested her power to that level."

Nebulis XIII and Rin exchanged words. While listening to their conversation, Alice looked up at the star mage known as the Founder.

… Reacting to my power?

… There’s no way that’s true. I mean…

To ascertain the limits of her star spirit, Alice secretly repeated experiments at an abandoned arena on the outskirts of the Imperial Household Agency. Naturally, she also unleashed power at the level that she did in the fight against Iska.

But, at that time, the Founder did not react. In other words, she only reacted when Alice fought with Iska. That was the only thing she could think of.

"… Iska, just who is he?"

"Did you say something Alice?"

"N-no! Nothing!"

She tried to pa.s.s off the fact that she was seriously thinking about the fight with Iska.

… I definitely, can’t say it can I.

… That I just met him again the other day in the Neutral City.

Not only that, she ended up being seen wailing in appreciation of an opera, and even shared a meal at the same table. It could only be thought of as a prank by destiny… It would be better to forget it. She had to forget it. But even so, why was it that the more she thought she had to forget it, the more his face came to mind?

"At any rate."

Nebulis VIII folded her arms.

"There are many points that are still unknown to us about the Founder’s star spirit. While the researchers at the Star Spirit Inst.i.tute hurry with their investigations, Alice, you will refrain yourself from standing on the battlefield. At least until the ident.i.ty of the Imperial swordsman is discovered."

"Yes. Then please excuse me here."

─Let’s go, Rin.

Conveying that with her eyes, she turned her back to the Founder Nebulis.

The Great Witch who was crucified on the black pillar imitating an enormous sword. It was as if, a single black sword was piercing into the ground.


‘Those spells that were isolated by the black star sword, are released by the white star sword.’

"… ‘Awaken’, was it?"

She suddenly turned around. The black pillar upon which the Founder was sleeping, was just like a sword piercing the earth. Was it just a coincidence the the colour of the stone resembled that of Iska’s sword?

The sleeping Founder.

The words that Iska spoke when he unleashed that power, ‘Awaken.’

And if her mother’s words were correct, at the same time that she was fighting Iska, the Founder Nebulis’ star spirit reacted, and tried to break the bindings that held her.

"Alice-sama, is something the matter?"

"…! U-uun."

Stop. Alice erased the picture she had been drawing in her head that was no longer a conjecture, but just wild imagination. For now, she should just forget everything about meeting him that day. Because of him, she had been unable to sleep well recently. She had to stuff her head with thoughts of other matters.

"If I remember right, there was a solo exhibition for art going on right?"

"Alice-sama, it couldn’t be that you plan on going to the Neutral City…?"

As Rin heard Alice’s mutter, she made an exasperated expression.

"If by any chance, something like the other day were to occur…"

"That was just a coincidence. Just in case, I’ll avoid the opera. The other day didn’t end up being much in terms of a diversion, so this time I should enjoy my leisure time as much as I can."

Alice whispered in a way so that her mother behind her could not hear. And while walking up the path in the limestone cave back up to the surface…

"In the Neutral City Ayin, it just so happens that there is an exhibition going on for the impressionist painter Vibran."
"… No, just talking to myself."

If she mentioned that he was an Imperial court painter, Rin would definitely object. Even if the Empire was her enemy, it was an unmistakable truth that they had a profound influence on the world of fine arts and music. Especially the court painter Vibran’s gentle and delicate use of colours─

"Rin, wait here in the palace. It’s just in the nearby city, so I’ll be fine on my own."

It was time for her to appreciate paintings to her heart’s content during a time of rest. While getting excited at such a prospect, Alice left the sanctuary of the sleeping Founder behind.

"Yes. This should definitely make the hesitation in my heart vanish."


The next day.


In a plaza of the Neutral City Ayin─

Pointing at the young man that she spotted by coincidence, Alice shrieked with all her might.


"… Alice!? Why are you here!?"

At the same time, his movements came to a complete stop as if he were frozen. Furthermore, within his hand, he was holding a ticket to the exact exhibition that Alice was headed towards.

"For even your destination to be the same… Wh-what’s the meaning of this!? Why is an Imperial soldier like you coming to the Neutral City so frequently? What happened to your duty of protecting the Empire!?"

"If you’re going to say that, Vibran is an Imperial impressionist painter. It isn’t so strange for me to come see this. On the other hand, is it fine for you to go see the paintings of an Imperial painter?"

"The fine arts have no borders."

"Even I came here because it’s a painter that I like."

And like that, the two of them scowled at each other, without even noticing that those pa.s.sing through the plaza were starting to stare at them.

"To think that Alice would come see paintings from an Imperial painter."

"I-isn’t it fine!? The city in the evening mist and in the morning glow that Vibran draws, even if I don’t paint myself, I like looking at them. Is that bad!?"


"… What is it?"

"I was just thinking that it was the same for me."

Iska looked down at the ticket in his hand, and then pointed out to the main street going out of the plaza.

"The art gallery is probably down this road. You coming?"

"Yes… Wait, no!"

Even if it was the Neutral City, if the princess of the Nebulis Imperial Household Agency was found to be accompanying an Imperial swordsman, it would become a huge uproar.

… Even the Nebulis royal family isn’t a monolith.

… If I caused a problem, it would cause problems for my mother the queen.

In the past, the Nebulis royal family had confronted each other over the seat of the queen many times over. Even if they were relatives, to gain the seat of the queen, it was an everyday occurrence to fabricate threats and manipulate information by spreading false rumours. Alice herself had received undeserved scorn a countless number of times already. And that was even from her three sisters.

… In truth, I was troubled because I didn’t know where the art gallery is though.

… Uun. But I can’t. Show your willpower Alice!

Rin wasn’t with her at the moment. If someone saw her together with Iska, it was possible they would spread imaginary rumours of a clandestine meeting between a princess and swordsman from enemy nations.

"You go down that main street. I will… U-use this path here!"

Leaving it to her vigour, Alice pointed down a path that she just happened to spot.

"You’re going to use this narrow path?"

"Th-that’s right."

"No matter how you look at it, it’s a path that only leads to back-alleys, if you go down there I think you’ll end up getting lost though."

"I won’t get lost. Wait and see!"

"Ah, wait, Alice─"

Without waiting for Iska’s response, she turned around. She could tell that he was yelling something from behind her, but Alice simply continued walking without listening to him and headed towards a narrow pa.s.sage that was perpendicular to the main street that Iska pointed to. And several minutes after walking down that path…

"… Where, is this…?"

Alice quickly felt like giving up. It was dark. Even though it was supposed to be the time of day when the sun shined down brightly, rather than a narrow pa.s.sageway, this was more of a gap between buildings. Because the sunlight was blocked by the buildings, it was as dark as nighttime.

"Not only that, what’s with all this dirt. There’s garbage all over the place and it hasn’t ever been cleaned, and it stinks…"

There were ominous looking substances alongside the walls. What looked to be faded bloodstains was likely the result of a fight between drunkards or something.

"I can’t believe it. If I was the princess of this country, I would command all the citizens to do a major cleanup… Geez, just because it’s the city of the fine arts, it doesn’t mean it’s okay to only keep the main street pretty."

Alice continued to walk down the alley uneasily. She didn’t know where she currently was, and she was trusting her intuition completely to guide her to the art gallery. And another ten minutes later…

"… Rin, please save me."

Alice had gotten completely lost. As a result of going down the constantly splitting dark path filled with garbage, she even lost sight of the path that went back to where she b.u.mped into Iska.

"Even though I asked the way to the art gallery partway…"

She didn’t know whether she had asked poorly or whether the other party had misheard her, but she ended up at a completely different plaza where the art gallery was not located.

"Wh-what’s with this city…? Make your streets so that they’re friendlier to tourists will you…?"

With a fountain to her back, Alice found a bench and plopped down on it. Let alone finding the art gallery, just from having walked through that filthy alleyway, her feet had completely gotten weighed down with fatigue.

Before she noticed, it was already approaching the evening. As a grey curtain descended over the horizon, the tourists that had gathered in the plaza gradually returned to their lodgings.


The splashes from the fountain reflected the setting sun and glittered with an amber sparkle. Further in the plaza, two children were running about hand in hand having fun.

"… I’m not lonely or anything…"

Alice spoke to herself in a worn out voice.

"If I return to the castle, Rin will be there, even if I spend just one day like today…"


And just at that time, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Just as I thought, it’s Alice."

"Eh? Who would you… Or not, Iska!?"

As she saw the figure of the young man standing behind her, Alice screamed and she jumped to her feet. Because she raised her voice so suddenly, the shock of it all made her heartbeat speed up to the point where it hurt.

"Why are you here? What happened to the art gallery?"

"I went to see it briefly. But because I didn’t see Alice there, I thought maybe you ended up getting lost or something. That narrow pa.s.sageway you walked down went in the opposite direction of the art gallery after all."


Seeing that he guessed correctly, she had no way of objecting.

"Want me to guide you?"


"It’s already evening. The art gallery will close soon if you don’t hurry."

Iska asked her in a casual tone.

"B-but, like I thought, I can’t. We’re enemies aren’t we!? I’m a princess from the Nebulis Imperial Household Agency, and you’re a swordsman from the Empire aren’t you!?"

"You’re a princess?"


Having revealed her own ident.i.ty, Alice stiffened up on the spot. She did remember naming herself as one who had the right to inherit the throne, but she never informed him of her exact social status. And just now, she let on to the fact that she was the daughter of the current queen, Nebulis VIII.

"Well, I expected that."

"… Right!? There’s no need to hide it from you after all this time."

Alice took off the hat that she was wearing down over her eyes, and her face was revealed by the evening sun.

"We are enemies, it’s obvious that we can’t go to something like an art gallery together."

"We’re enemies, but…"

With a serious look, Iska tilted his head to the side.

"The fine arts have no borders. Wasn’t Alice the one to say that?"


Alice instinctively kept quiet. To forget all quarrels and enjoy the arts. That was the ideal of the Neutral City. And what Alice came to see, was the paintings of an Imperial court painter. There wasn’t a single thing that was strange of coincidentally being in the presence of tourists from the Empire if she went there.

"… Yes. I did say that didn’t I."

Alice put the hat in her hand back on her head. Not in a way to cover her face, but lightly so it just sat atop her head.

"Please lead the way."

"Then come this way."

Alice followed after Iska as he began walking.

Aah, in the end I have to walk again…

Whether or not he sensed Alice thinking that, Iska’s feet came to a stop.

"We’re here."

"Um, could it be…"

Vibran Exhibition─as Iska pointed out to a billboard which stated this, the two of them looked back at the plaza behind them.

"The plaza I got lost in, was actually right behind the art gallery?"

"Yup. It’s because it was the plaza right behind the art gallery that I found Alice. Setting that aside, let’s hurry. There’s only thirty minutes until it closes."

Iska looked up at the clock put up at the entrance.

"It may be difficult to get a look at everything. Is there something that Alice wanted to see?"

"U-umm… Um… Then ‘The Twilight Coloured City’ would be good. It’s the landscape painting made from the roof of a tall chapel over the Imperial capital during the winter as the day was coming to an end!"

"Then it’s this way."

Iska quickly headed towards the queue of people coming out from the building. In opposition to the flow of tourists they were pa.s.sing, only herself and Iska were headed deeper into the art gallery.

"It’s this right? The painting that Alice wanted to see."

Iska’s feet came to a stop. As the young man turned around, the painting that Alice had seen many times over since she was a child in a photo book came into sight. The genuine article that was many times the size of the one she had seen in the photo book that is.

"… Ah…"

Her voice poured out from the depths of her throat. This was not to express her thoughts, but simply an impulse born from overflowing emotions.

"… I, wanted to see this."

Alice drew one step closer to the large canvas which was just as tall as she was, and then she drew another step closer. A city covered in snow. A single painting which showed that spectacle as a veil of darkness descended over it. It was not vividly coloured, but used a grey tone to bleakly colour itself. However, the warm lights that came from the windows of the buildings was overflowing.

─Neither cold nor warm.

Ever since she was a child, she was fascinated by that marvellous scene. Even though it was a city filled with her hateful enemies. She couldn’t help be feel like all her anger was simple silenced by its power.


"What is it?"

"Why, do you like this painter?"


Right next to her, at just about the same height, he was looking at the canvas right before them. And he pointed at a point on the canvas.

"The colours are slightly piled up here."

"What about it?"

"It may just be my imagination, but when he used the knife to paint the colours here, I feel like just for an instant, he rethought the way he was going to paint it. The moment he thought of the scene that he wanted to paint on the canvas, he thought of a better way of doing it. And right there, he stopped his hand."

"… Yes."

"And here too. A completely different colour was repainted over. The scenery he wanted to paint changed within his head. With a stronger colour, with more pa.s.sion, like that."

As the footsteps of the other tourists leaving rang through the air, Alice could only hear the voice beside her.

"Alice may also be aware of this, but the painter known as Vibran only ever painted landscapes of cities, roads and harbours. Not only that, not a single person would be in his paintings. The main subject of his paintings was always inorganic, and the colour usage was gloomy, but─"

"It’s amazingly pa.s.sionate?"

"Yeah. It’s very calm, but he was likely an extremely pa.s.sionate person on the inside. Just from looking at his paintings, the personality of the painter is pa.s.sed down, that’s probably, what I like about him."

"I get it. I also─"

As she was about to speak, the princess of the Nebulis Imperial Household Agency suddenly noticed. She wasn’t looking at the painting, but at the profile of the face next to her.

She had been taught of the foundations of the painting by an artist from the Imperial Household Agency before, but Alice was unable to understand that painter’s feelings. It was likely because it was about a painter from the Empire. The artist thought that they were better as an artist─so that’s all they spoke about.

It was the first time that she was being told about a painting that she liked with one’s utmost effort.

"Alice, what’s wrong?"

"… It’s nothing."

Alice only quietly replied as such. She had to pretend to be composed─

Because she had a feeling that if she didn’t, something inside her would change.

In the evening.

As the last visitors within the building at the time of closing, Alice and Iska left the art gallery behind. In the plaza behind the art gallery, in front of the bench that Alice had sat down on after getting lost, Alice threw over a gla.s.s bottle to Iska.

"… Here. This is to thank you for guiding me. Your throat must be parched from talking all this time too."

"There’s no need to thank me."

Iska caught the gla.s.s bottle filled with fruit juice in midair. Turning towards him, Alice lifted up the fruit juice that she had bought for herself.

"I don’t like making any debts. Especially to you."

"It wasn’t anything major. Even I can at least pay for… Hm?"

As Iska searched his pockets, he stopped moving.

"What’s wrong?"

"… I may have, forgotten my money."

"You forgot your money?"

"No, um… My head was fully occupied with not forgetting the ticket for the art gallery, so…"

"Then how did you get here all the way from the Empire?"

"I have a book of tickets for the regular bus."

"So, you forgot your money because you didn’t need it."

The young man apologetically nodded silently. While looking at the gla.s.s bottle of juice in his hand and at Alice, he opened his mouth in a fl.u.s.ter.

"Ah, but the price of this juice is…"

"You dummy."

Alice made a bittersweet smile. No matter how small it was, this was the first time Alice naturally smiled towards an Imperial soldier.

"I’m saying that I handed it to you as a gift, don’t worry about it."

The fountain was dyed by the evening sun. Without feeling awkward about sitting on the same bench, the two of them sat down near the edge of the fountain.

"… Now that I think about it."

While holding the empty bottle in her hand, Alice looked at the young man beside her.

"How old are you?"

"I’m sixteen. This year I’ll be seventeen."

"… Oh? Then I’m one year older."

She was wondering if they were about the same age. She had a feeling that they were, but she found it slightly strange that he was younger than her.

"So you’re younger than me. Since I am the older one, it is fine for you to show some respect to me you know?"

"I don’t want to be told that by someone older who also got lost."

"Y-you’re wrong! I’m telling you that I was just sightseeing in the Neutral City!"

A frivolous conversation. About painters they liked other than Vibran. A little more on the topic of pasta that came up before. And while they talked of such things, without one or the other bringing an end to the conversation─

She dozed off.

By the time Alice noticed that she had fallen asleep for an instant, the evening sun was just about to vanish into the horizon.

"Wh-wh-what am I…!?"

Even if she was having troubles sleeping lately, falling asleep where an Imperial swordsman could see her was far too foolish. And as she reflexively looked to her side.

"… Iska?"

Sitting near the edge of the fountain, the young man’s body was swaying lightly as he dozed off. His eyes were shut and she could hear the quiet breath of him sleeping.

"Are you asleep?"

He was likely just pretending. And as Alice leaned in to confirm…


The sleeping young man slumped down against her, as if he was burying his face in her chest.


Her body reflexively stiffened up.

"Wh-what are you doing!?"


"… Geez, how can you sleep so soundly? Aren’t you just a child…? Though I also dozed off just a little."

The young man was sleeping far too defencelessly. It may have been, that just like her, he was unable to get any sleep lately. While listening to him quietly breathe in his sleep, she had that feeling.

"We’re enemies you know? Even if this is the Neutral City, don’t you think you’re far too defenceless? If I… If I… felt like it, with how you are now, with a single strike…"

There was no reply. Seeing that figure full of openings, Alice looked up at the sky and let out a deep sigh.

"Dummy. If you fall asleep in a place like this, you’ll catch a cold."

Alice carefully held Iska in her arm and laid him down flat. And once more confirming that he was asleep…

"Excuse me."

Alice hailed a pa.s.senger cab that was travelling down the road in front of her.

"Could you please carry this one over to the Empire? Up to the Imperial capital’s gate is fine."

From the other side of the window, the driver was plainly frowning.

"That’s a bit of a problem little lady. At this time? No matter how fast you go, it’ll take six hours to get to Imperial territory. The Imperial capital’s gates only opens at dawn too. How much do you think it’ll cost you? Not only is it super long distance, its outside of regular hours, it’ll be stupidly expensive you know?"

"I will pay the fare in advance."

"Haa? Pay in advance you say, do you know how much it’ll─"

"Here you are."

Before he could finish speaking, Alice threw over a bundle of paper bills from her bag towards the driver. They were bills that were globally used in all countries. Let alone the fare for a cab, it was probably enough to buy the whole vehicle.

"Please use the change however you like."

"… Thank you for your patronage."

"Please do handle him carefully."


Running over to the fountain at full speed, the driver carried Iska and laid him down in the pa.s.senger seat. Getting in the driver’s seat, the pa.s.senger cab quickly headed towards the city’s exit.

"Do not misunderstand. This is just thanks for guiding me to the art gallery. That’s all it is."

Seeing him off until she could no longer see the car, Alice turned her back to the plaza, and decided to return home.

… But why?

… Up until today, I never felt a.s.saulted by such drowsiness.

Ever since the day she fought against Iska in the Nelka forest, all the way until now. Iska’s face was burned into her mind and she wasn’t able to get a wink of sleep. Rin had said that she was unable to relieve the tension she felt from the fight yet, but if that was the case, there was no way she could doze off when the person in question was right next to her.

"Geez, what’s going on!?"

Rather than disappearing, the haziness in her head just grew thicker, as Alice kicked a pebble on the side of the road as hard as she could.

© 2024