Chapter 6

The Successor of Black Steel Iska and the Ice Witch of Calamity Alice


The Imperial Capital, Sector 3.

Looking up at the sun stretching up into the sky through a gla.s.s window, Nene brushed away her bangs covered in sweat from her brow with her finger.

"Phew. It’s hooot. It’s already noon too~."

Sweat was dripping down from the tips of her hair like drops of water. Wearing training wear consisting of thin cloth, a set of machines she was using for muscle training was lined up behind her.

"Hey, Jhin-niichan, are Iska-nii and Captain Mismis still not back? Nene’s already tired of the eternal indoor training."

"It’s training to protect yourself. There’s nothing to get tired of."

The one to reply to her was the silver haired sniper sitting on a metal bench. Having finished his personal training a step ahead of her, he was now performing maintenance on his favourite rifle.

"That may be so~, but that’s not what I mean. That’s not what Nene wants to say~."

"That we should all be doing it together?"

"Yeah! That’s it Jhin-niichan, I knew you would get it!"

"It’s fine just for today isn’t it? We know that they went to the Neutral City after all."

"But what for?"

The previous evening, they were suddenly contacted by their captain. Normally, that captain wouldn’t conceal anything when asked ‘What for?’ or ‘Where to?’ but just this time, she was unusually inarticulate. When asked again, it seemed the captain herself did not actually know.

"If it’s something that concerns the squad then he would be meeting them in the Imperial capital. Since that’s not the case, it probably isn’t business that we need to worry about."

"But he’s going with Captain Mismis you know?"


While tightly grasping the sighting device he removed from his rifle, Jhin remained silent for a moment.

"… It’s a fact that Iska’s condition has been slightly off."

After a while, as if carefully selecting his words, he spoke in a quiet tone.

"Slightly off? Not good or bad?"

"It’s like he’s not properly engaged. Like the gears of his spirit and body are slightly off. That guy’s been saying he hasn’t been sleeping well lately right?"

"Un, ever since we went to the Nelka forest."

"That’s where he encountered the Ice Witch of Calamity."

The sniper sat on the bench with one knee up. And while holding his arm up with his own knee…

"And after that, he went to the Neutral City without pause right? If it’s that city, then n.o.body would know if someone from the Empire was meeting someone from the Imperial Household Agency. Iska went there twice, and the third time the Captain is going along huh…"

"Eh? What? What? Jhin-niichan, hey, what are you thinking of!?"

"… No, it’s nothing."

"Liar!? Jhin-niichan, you just looked away from Nene right!?"

"Aah, dammit, keep quiet. Look, the guys around us are looking over like we’re being annoying─"

A mechanical click could be heard at Jhin’s knees. The communication device that he had placed on the bench suddenly began flickering with a red light.

"An emergency call huh. Not only that… Speak of the devil."

"Captain Mismis?"

"If you trust the displayed name that is."

Jhin glared at the liquid display screen, and then brought the receiver to his ear.

"It’s me. I’m together with Nene, we’re in the middle of training. Of course, we’re ready to take action in case anything happens."

Nene closely observed the moment that clever pair of eyes shot open.

"… The Founder Nebulis? Wait, Captain, calm down. What do you mean?"

Jhin stood up. And while gripping the sighting device in his hand…

"… Understood. No, I don’t get at all how it came to this, but I do at least mean to understand what is happening and where."

Jhin shot a glance over to Nene. Just from the tension in his gaze, she could tell that something unusual had happened.

"The Neutral City Ayin. Even if Nene and I hurried over, it’s too far. Who is the one pinning… Iska? Did he say that he would do it on his own?"

Silence. And as a moment pa.s.sed, the sniper who knew that man best made a resolute declaration.

"Then Nene and I won’t be needed. Captain, it’ll be fine if you just find shelter… Ah? The legendary Great Witch? I know that. But it doesn’t matter."

"B-but Jhin-kun?"

"If his opponent is a star mage, Iska won’t lose. If that guy doesn’t do it, who’s gonna stop this useless war?"

And so, Jhin made a declaration with absolute confidence to the female captain on the other side of the line.

"He’s the ‘Successor of Black Steel’ for precisely that reason."


A burned wasteland.

With the Neutral City Ayin under a rain of sparks as a backdrop, he ran up a hill as flames and clouds of sand flew about him.

"Imperial soldier…"

The Founder Nebulis was still floating over ten metres in the air. Her eyes were tightly shut, and she was practically expressionless. And that completely emotionless dark skinned girl threw out her slender hands. It was just as if she was conducting an orchestra.

"Pet dog of the Empire. Just how much have you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds tyrannized the star mages?"

The wings on the girl’s back shined with a light. The light from those l.u.s.trous jet black wings, was crimson.


The sound of the air suddenly combusting rang out. The moment Iska felt heat on his back, he kicked into the earth and leaped into the air.

"… So you avoided it."

"I’m not avoiding it."

The Great Witch knit her brows at having her flames perceived upon activation. However, Iska immediately denied her muttering.

"This is so that I can reach you."

The shockwave from the exploding flame pushed on Iska’s back. Using the strength of his own legs in addition to the lifting power of the air current born of the fire, he soared into the sky. It was far closer to flight than a leap.

"To use the force from the flames to jump, that’s quite some skillful nonsense."

Into the sky where the Founder Nebulis was waiting…

… Jet black wings.

… Right now, when the star spirit’s power activated, those wings definitely shined.

Her wings were the same colour as his black star sword. They held the secret to Nebulis’ power. Relying on that gut feeling on the spot, Iska raised his star sword overhead. And with the intent to sever the wings from the Great Witch’s back─

"If you think your sword will reach me, then freeze together with your fleeting hope."

He could hear the sound of something hard creaking. It was the sound of the moisture in the air between Iska and Nebulis freezing from the star spirit’s power.

"Ice, no way!?"

The number of star spirits that a human could house in their body was limited to one. Just a moment ago, didn’t she just let loose a h.e.l.lfire?

… She’s not manipulating fire?

… That’s strange. A star spirit should only be able to interfere with a single phenomenon.

Just what was the Great Witch’s star spirit? As the wall of ice closed in on Iska and began to fall to the ground like a block of ice intending to crush Iska while he was in the air, Iska could only engross himself at the strange phenomenon before him.


A cry blew away his idle thoughts. The one to trigger that reaction, was none other than Alice who was looking up at him from the ground.


Holding the black star sword in an underhand grip, Iska stabbed it into the wall of ice. Using that as an axis, he planted his feet against the wall. And using the slightest depression on its surface, Iska kicked off the wall and escaped from being crushed into the ground. The wall of ice crashed and shattered into countless fragments. However, Nebulis was not watching the shattered ruins of the ice, but the Imperial swordsman who escaped being crushed by it.

"So you dodged a second time..."

‘Interfere with the memory of the stars.’

‘Connect with the ‘will’ using the second layer. Call forth the surface of the star.’

The Great Witch snapped her finger, the air before her split apart vertically, and as if a tentacle was slithering out of it, ochre sand stretched out of the fissure.

… Last time fire crept out of the fissure.

… It couldn’t be the next one is also?

Stooping down, Iska crossed his two star swords in front of him and took his stance. Was it going to be the exploding fire that burned the wasteland? Or was it going to be the ultra heavy block of ice? Or perhaps both? While antic.i.p.ating the oncoming attack, Iska began building up countermeasures in his mind.

However, the power of the oldest star mage easily surpa.s.sed his a.s.sumptions.

A roar.

The earth split open.

And shooting out of the ground, a lion made of enough earth to form a hill appeared.

"A golem, even a star spirit of earth!?"

"Unfortunately I don’t have the time to keep a puppet company."

Kneeling to the ground, Alice touched the broken earth with her finger.


Without waiting for a reply, Alice muttered a single phrase.

─The Grand Calamity of Ice.

It was the star spell that she used to freeze the Nelka forest. Like a ripple of water flowing across a quiet lake’s surface, cold air came from the star mage feared as the Ice Witch of Calamity, and froze the burning wasteland blue. The ground was frozen in ice as far as the eye could see.

"As expected."

Landing on a slope of ice, the lion golem let out a roar as its figure became a frozen part of the scenery.

"Alice, what is with that Founder’s star spirit?"
"… Even I want to ask that."

Even after overwhelming the golem, the Ice Witch of Calamity’s voice was hoa.r.s.e as she gazed at the Great Witch who was looking down over them calmly.

"Even my mother the Queen did not know the true ident.i.ty of the Founder’s star spirit. I thought I would figure it out upon seeing it myself, but…"

Nebulis’ princess was unable to come to a conclusion just like Iska. This was different from any star mage he had fought before. The star spells one could use was supposed to be limited to the phenomenon related to the star spirit dwelling in them.

"What’s the possibility she is carrying multiple star spirits?"

"It’s just about unthinkable."

So Alice declared.

"A birthmark appears on humans who have conceived a star spirit, you know this right?"

"The star crest right?"

It was one of the reasons star mages were persecuted. Depending on the star spirit in their body, the birthmark’s shape would differ, and the stronger the star spirit, the larger the birthmark. It was like one was possessed by evil ─ the first ones to see those star crests feared them and confined the star mages.

"When she appeared in the sky, I saw her back. Her wings pierced through and broke her clothes, and I saw a large black star crest there. That is the star spirit within her body. However…"

Squinting her eyes, the Ice Witch of Calamity glared at the Founder.

"When I saw her in the royal palace, she didn’t have those wings. If they manifest when the star spirit of s.p.a.ce and time activates its automated defences, then those aren’t real wings, but may in fact be the star spirit itself."

"As long as we know that much, it’s more than enough."

If those jet black wings were the Great Witch Nebulis’ embodiment of power, then if he severed those wings, it was possible that he could temporarily separate the star spirit from Nebulis.

"If we sever those─"

"──────── Do────── Do you──── Do you think… You────"


"──────────Do you think you can do it?"

The Great Witch laughed. It was far too sudden. The dark skinned girl’s eyelids slowly opened.

"… I remember… This place. The Vuishada wastelands is it?"


"It couldn’t be, star mage, did you wake me for the sake of a mere Imperial soldier? Even if it is such an incomplete awakening, I do not think there was a reason to hastenit."

Her gaze was filled with the light of her ego, and her eyes appeared to carry a strong colour giving sight to her rousing consciousness.

"… However, I see. You have quite the nostalgic swords in your hands there."

The Founder looked down at the star swords in Iska’s hands.

"Do you know about these swords?"

Silence. It wasn’t that she was intentionally keeping information to herself, the Great Witch Nebulis had simply forgotten her words as she silently observed the star swords and Iska.

"Well fine. I do not know how you ended up obtaining the star swords, but there is no way any man other than Crosswell could handle them."


"What about him?"

"… The name you spoke just now, is my master’s name."

The strongest swordsman of all time in the Empire. He was Iska’s master, and the former owner of the star swords.

… But why?

… Why does the Great Witch from a hundred years ago know about Master?

"A b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you, is that man’s?"

With a puzzled look, the Great Witch opened only one of her eyes widely. However immediately following that, her small mouth formed an ominous smile.

"Haa. I suffer to understand that guy. To have entrusted the star swords to some unknown small fry."

"You won’t know such a thing without fighting me."

"It is obvious. There is no future in which you defeat me."

Breaking through the ground Alice had frozen, a boiling crimson splash sprayed upwards. Lava. It was one of the most powerful energies on this planet. Formed in the core of the planet, it was a super heated ‘melted rock.’ Its temperature surpa.s.sed a thousand degrees. Be it city walls or houses, all would melt and burn.

"Can you cross over a blazing sea?"

"I wonder."

As if looming over him, a spray of lava a.s.saulted Iska. Though the intense heat and steam was approaching, Iska threw himself towards the incandescent spray of rocks with no hesitation. Fixing his gaze on the falling ma.s.s of lava, he antic.i.p.ated its trajectory.

He didn’t step back, but forwards. Taking a step, he stooped his body low, and like a spinning top, he rotated and evaded the incessant rain of rocks by a hair’s width. Furthermore, the rocks that he could not avoid were all cut down using only his sword.

"Despite such heat you show no fear and face it do you?"

The dark skinned girl exhaled with a quiet ‘Hooo.’

"However, that choice was a mistake."

The lava in the air constricted itself, and transformed into a snake entirely made of lava. The flame golem that was large enough to have to look up at began wriggling in a strange way. Iska’s left and right flanks were sealed by walls of lava, and dead ahead of him the fire snake stood in his way. Furthermore, a ma.s.s of lava fell down behind him. And he was now fully encircled by lava on all four sides.

"You’ve been caught, Imperial soldier."

"Is it not about time that you stop ignoring me?"

The boiling lava froze over.

"No matter how powerful a flame you manipulate, it is nothing but a weakness of yours to me."

The young woman with blonde hair and a blue chill surrounding her.

─Iska opened the path, and Alice pierced through.

They had never spoken of this to each other. They just naturally moved to enact that.

"… A refined chill. You carry a good star spirit, and control it well."

"I am honoured by your praise."

The frozen earth surged forth, and went on to encase the entire golem made of flames and lava. Seeing that scene below her, the Great Witch clicked her tongue upon realizing Alice’s skill.

"Child. Your turn has already been decided to come after this Imperial soldier."

"Oh my? Are you being kind to a fellow star mage?"

"The opposite."

The Founder looked down at her comrade. Her gaze contained an indescribable cruelty within it.

"Star mage who consorts with the Empire… Know that such an offence, will not be forgiven even if you cry and scream."

"Just how I’d have it. I also cannot forgive you!"

Nebulis’ princess returned the Founder’s gaze.

"Despite being a star mage, you calmly harm one of your comrades. Even Rin agrees. You are no longer, a hero or anything else to the Imperial Household Agency!"

"A hero? Such a pretty word cannot save this world."

The dark skinned girl shoulders began shaking. And she made a smile filled with pity, as if telling them she found it far too humorous.

"I’ve known for a hundred years. There are no heroes or saviours in this world full of pain. That’s why I became a witch and annihilated the Empire. That’s all there is to it."

A hollow sneer.

Bottomless despair.

A confession of undeniable grief.

"I am a witch, and you are my enemies."

A gust of wind.

A whirlwind formed between Iska and Alice with enough force to send a human flying. Furthermore, even the frozen earth at their feet began to peel as the gale reached its maximum strength.

"My star spirit, is the oldest one born at the centre of this star. It remembers all the phenomena of the star, and calls it forth from beyond the horizon of s.p.a.ce and time. ─ You’re both eyesores, vanish into the end of time."



With the violent gale striking at her side, Alice let out a small scream.

A storm that could treat a human like a sc.r.a.p of paper.

As her body was on the verge of being carried away by the raging winds, Iska grabbed her hand. And with his left hand, he thrust his sword into the ground as an anchor. Digging deep into the earth to hold his ground, he pulled in Alice’s body while exposed to the storm

─A bright red spray.

Tearing into Iska’s right arm that was holding on to Alice’s hand, fresh blood sprayed out at that moment.



"… Even using wind blades however she likes huh."

The phenomenon known as a wind blade. It’s true form, was that of small pebbles accelerated by the terrifying gale to the point where it could harm the human body, a supernatural phenomenon.

"Let go of my hand!"

While pushed by the wind, the Ice Witch of Calamity screamed. Iska’s arm had been lacerated by the wind blades, and the wound grew larger as it extended up to his shoulder.

"What are you doing? Let go of my hand now, your arm will be torn off!"

The star mage tried to free her hand from his grip. However, the young man would not allow that.

"… I can’t hear."


"Because of all this wind, I’m saying I can’t hear what Alice is saying! I can’t hear anything about letting go!"


The young woman’s face twisted.

"… Why?"

Like jewels, her eyes glistened as she covered them.

"… I’m a witch. I’m not someone you should hold out your hand to like that to the point where you get injured."

While biting her lips, Alice spoke self-deprecating words. Even if she called herself a ‘star mage,’ she was called a witch by people that she did not know, she was feared, and shunned… It couldn’t be helped that it was painful. Those were the true feelings of Alice, the one called the Ice Witch of Calamity. And gazing into her eyes…


The young Imperial swordsman spoke in an easygoing manner.

"Don’t you think we get along?"

"… Eh?"

"Getting furious at that guy. Rin was injured for Alice. And even I, seeing the tyranny of such a star mage, can’t even think of peace talks."

"So what about it?"

"Where we are now is neither the Empire nor the Imperial Household Agency. It’s the Neutral City. Our goals are the same, that’s all the matters."

And that was the trigger that started it all. Seeing the opera in the Neutral City Ayin. Ordering the same meal at the same restaurant. Getting excited over talking about their hobbies at an artist’s exhibition─

"I’m the same. I don’t want to lose against her. That’s why, I won’t let go of this hand."


Alice opened her mouth as if to say something. But changing her mind, she averted her gaze… At a loss, she bit down on her lips many times over.

"… Can I believe you? You from the Empire?"

The Ice Witch of Calamity spoke in an anxious voice as her eyes swayed. In the middle of the surging gale, something was building up in Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX’s hand.

"Ice Calamity, the infinite icy lights"

Crystal ice began to shine. A light spread out at Alice’s feet, and the entire wasteland turned into a scene of snow and ice. Truly infinite ─ in other words, ‘an uncountable and impossible to understand number’ of ice crystals surrounded them by the power of the ice calamity star spirit.

"Star spirit of ice, shoot her down!"

A blue flash. The moment the crystals of ice rose from the ground, they sparkled in the air and left behind an afterimage as they shot up like lights into the sky. The freezing meteors of ice drew an arc in the air, and broke through the gale towards Nebulis.

"Icy lights? To think it broke through this gale… Child, is this your d.a.m.ned secret art?"

The Founder’s voice became excited. As she thrust out her arms, the atmosphere in the air condensed and became a shield. The barrier which prided itself on matchless strength exceeding that of a steel wall while also being pliable, and met the flashes of light rising to the sky─


She retreated. The small girl feared as the Great Witch discarded her defence and took evasive action. One hundred years ago, it was a scene that Imperial soldiers had never seen even once.

"Of all things…"

A red droplet went along her dark cheek. The meteors of ice which broke through Nebulis’ shield of air, though just barely, grazed her cheek.

"To think it even broke through the bulwark of air."

"Not yet. Because these icy lights, will keep going until all the crystallized ice in the air has vanished!"

The dark skinned girl rotated in the air. Just as she appeared to be flying higher, she rotated on the spot. After another rotation, she descended towards the earth, and came to a sudden stop. Using a complicated course of flight, she evaded Alice’s icy lights.

However, that was only a few hundred at most. Cornered by the barrage which approached an infinite number of projectiles, Nebulis once more stopped her movements in midair. And as if responding to that, the gale that had been a.s.saulting Iska and Alice subsided as it were all a lie.

"I’ve cornered you, Founder."

She won. Alice was confident of this.

"Fall to─"

"So aves cal pile." (Come, celestial staff)

‘Interfere with the nucleus of the star.’

‘Connect with mine self. Call it forth from beyond s.p.a.ce and time.’

The Great Witch looked into the skies. And overhead, it became dark as if the sky was cloudy. An ominous black whirlpool blocked out the sunlight.

"… My star spell!?"

The black whirlpool moved and manifested as a shield before Nebulis. Alice’s icy lights rushed in at it ─ but, the ice that managed to pierce the bulwark of air, upon touching the black whirlpool, was sent flying away leaving behind only a blue sparkle.

"What? What is that? What is that black whirlpool!?"

Alice yelled herself hoa.r.s.e as she looked into the sky. The black whirlpool coiled up and formed a long pole in the oldest star mage’s hand which matched her height in length.

"It took some time to form huh. Both myself and my star spirit have yet to awaken fully I see.."

A winding black staff.

The Great Witch ─ she held it up exactly as a witch would wield a magic staff.

"Come to know of death."

She threw her staff from far overhead. And witnessing that, Iska was suddenly a.s.saulted by intense dizziness.

… s.p.a.ce is twisting!?

… What… What is that creepy staff!?

Celestial staff.

As it approached the earth, Iska could feel with his skin that it was something tremendously dangerous.

"Ku… Oh star, shoot down that staff!"

A single staff falling from the sky.

From the ground, infinite ice from the icy star spirit. And the two collided head on in the skies. And before Iska could perceive it, the tip of the celestial staff fired down by Nebulis flickered.

─Destruction of s.p.a.ce.

The atmosphere screamed. And with a roar, the earth split, and the icy lights which could be said to be infinite vanished into the horizon of nothingness without leaving a single one behind.

By the time he realized what was going on ─ Iska was blown high into the sky by an invisible shockwave.

"… Uu… kaa, ha…?

The frozen earth collapsed, and he tumbled down a hill.

He could sense the stench of blood in his mouth. He likely cut the interior of his mouth when he hit the ground, but he couldn’t tell exactly when that was. He couldn’t even perceive when the shockwave had hit him.

"… Al… ice…!?"

No response came.

Lying face down, Nebulis’ princess didn’t even raise her head. He could tell that she was still breathing from the slight movement of her back, but on top of being hit by the shockwave, her entire body should have been struck by the frozen earth. Even if she was conscious, she was likely not in a state where she could move.

"Even the Celestial Staff only has this much destructive force is it? As I thought, my power still has not come back."

The black staff remained in midair. All the icy lights Alice had fired were annihilated, and even with enough energy to smash the earth to pieces, the Great Witch scoffed with a dissatisfied expression.

"… What do you mean, only his much, destructive force…?"

"That is the difference between you lot and I. Can you not even tell the difference between heaven and earth?"

It was natural that she overwhelmed them.

From the very beginning, they were not a threat to her at all, that’s what her gaze told him. But in reality, the only wound they were able to give her was the single scratch on her cheek from Alice’s attack. Other than that, not even a speck of dust had stuck to her.

This was the Founder. The way she brought about a cataclysm by wielding her black staff could be said to be the perfect image of the power of the one feared as the Great Witch.


"What’s, with that look of yours?"

Leaning against his star sword, Iska stood up. Looking down on him from above, the young Founder raised her voice in discontent.

"Neither running away, nor begging for your life, nor shaking in fear… I do not like it. That impudent manner of scowling at me. Did you mean to strike back at me with that?"


Iska used the star sword in his left hand to support his body like a cane. And the tip of the star sword in his right hand was thrust towards the Great Witch.

"I’ll be striking back, from here on."

"Are you sane?"

Nebulis let out a sigh as if she was saying she could not understand at all.

"The reason you could withstand the Celestial Staff, is because of that child’s star spirit. However, take a look. Fallen to the ground, she cannot even stand. You no longer have a means of withstanding this staff of mine."

"That’s right!"

Letting out a breath mixed with blood, Iska kicked the frozen earth.

"Precisely because Alice could only hold it back once, I won’t let it go to waste here."

Iska tasted the power of the Celestial Staff with his own body. However, even so, his body could move. As if tracing the enormous scar in the earth, Iska raced forth. Onward to the Founder with the sun to her back.

"A mongrel who knows nothing but how to run forward."

The dark skinned girl drew the staff to her hand.

"Crawl on the ground like a worm."

She swung the Celestial Staff. s.p.a.ce roared as if it was choking on tears, the atmosphere twisted, and a strong blade of s.p.a.ce and time took form. An invisible blade sharper than steel. And then─

Iska swung his star sword downwards, and cut apart the incoming blade of s.p.a.ce and time.


"Even if it’s invisible, I can sense that it’s there."

He could sense the twisting wave in s.p.a.ce with his skin, and hear the invisible blade cutting through the air. Even if it was the first time he saw that attack, as long as it was a star spell, the black star sword could isolate it.

… And that training was drilled into me..

… No matter what star mage I stood before, I trained never to waver.

"What sort of joke is this?"

"A joke? I’m always serious!"

Blades of compressed s.p.a.ce came in from every direction.

And in response, Iska chose neither to retreat nor to stand still, he simply sped forward even more. Facing the screaming tears in the atmosphere with his star sword, he warded off the shockwaves from the invisible blades.

Dodging the blades closing in from behind, slipping through the blades closing in from the sides, even as the friction in the air brushed against his cheeks, receiving lacerations on his shoulders ─ Iska didn’t stop. And then…

"… Keep… Running like that!"

Nebulis’ princess once more got up as she was trembling on her knees.

"Rise up."

The frozen earth jut out into the air. A ma.s.s of ice came out like a rising wall, changed shape, and with splendid craftsmanship, it was shaved away, polished, and transformed into an icy staircase before Iska.

It led to the heavens─

Towards the Founder Nebulis, a final glimmering pa.s.sage of ice.

"Here I come."

"I’m telling you you’re being impudent!"

The Great Witch gripped her staff underhanded.

"You who do not know of the long lasting karma between me and the Empire─"

"Have you still not noticed?"

Iska ran up the icy staircase.

"Because you are so caught up in that antagonism, this worthless fighting won’t end!"


The Celestial Staff shot out.

"Even if you hold the star sword, you cannot withstand this strike!"

The intense distortion of the atmosphere and the roar of the wind that accompanied the destruction of s.p.a.ce and time, could not even be repelled using the star sword which could sever any and all star spells.

The moment the tip of his sword touched the tip of the staff, the destruction of s.p.a.ce and time began right at that point. Even if he managed to isolate and sever the Celestial Staff, he would surely be caught in the destruction itself.

"I know. I saw it when it struck Alice’s icy lights."

Letting out a perfectly clear ring, the black star sword fell to the ground. It was something that Iska himself, released from his hand.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what are you!?"

"I know this is the world’s strongest shield."

Iska stuck out his right hand. And within his palm, he gripped the ‘Seed of Ice.’

‘It’s an invincible shield. It can even suppress the large scaled Imperial weapons of destruction.’

She had said it was invincible. In that case, he would believe in it. That the shield entrusted to him, could withstand the Celestial Staff.


Hearing the young man’s call, the Ice Witch of Calamity complied with a single word. Though she lay on the ground, she had absolute confidence.

"… Bloom!"

Fragments of ice burst open. A perfectly clear sound rang out in the air. The ‘Seed of Ice’ that Iska gripped in his hand sprout, and what took shape there, was an extremely beautiful mirror shield.

─Ice Flower.

Withstanding the black star sword which could sever any star spell, it was the only exception in the world. Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX’s star spirit, the ‘Star Spirit of the Icy Flower’ manifested its true nature as a star spell in the form of an extremely beautiful flower of ice.

‘… Can I believe you? You from the Empire?’

In that deadly gale, Iska did not let go of her hand. And as that hand grasped hers, Alice herself entrusted him with the seed for her ultimate secret skill, the ‘Flower of Ice.’

─The great flower shield.

Serving as Iska’s shield, the world’s most beautiful flower of ice, took on the Celestial Staff.


Both the Celestial Staff and the Flower of Ice, shattered into pieces with a perfectly clear ringing in the air.

The dark skinned girl who was now defenceless did not move. Even if her power had just awakened, she was shaken that her absolute attack was completely repelled.

With a dumbfounded expression unable to accept the reality before her…

"… Why…?"

"Can you not tell?"

Iska raised the white star sword overhead.

"A hundred years ago, even if there were swordsmen who stood before you, there was never ‘a swordsman and a star mage.’"

Nebulis was the hope of all star mages. If she continued to be the hope for all star mages, the outcome would have likely been different, and Alice would not have entrusted Iska with the Flower of Ice.

─The star spirits decided.

The star mage that would bear the burden of the new age, was not the Great Witch.

"Sleep once more, Nebulis."

Iska swung his sword down, aimed towards where those jet black wing peaking out of the girl’s mantle.

"When you next open your eyes, surely, the world will be somewhat better than it was."

A small scream.

Have the source of her power, the star spirit, severed from her body, the dark skinned girl lost consciousness.

As the Great Witch closed her eyes, she collapsed as if asleep once more, and then, she vanished as she was sucked in by a fissure in s.p.a.ce.


Within this Dark Nightfall

The Imperial capital Yunmerungen.

During sunset.

While the city was dyed by a strong red light, the sound of multiple people clapping reverberated within the a.s.sembly hall that existed five thousand metres underground.


"The fact that the signal of the Great Witch Nebulis’ star spirit has vanished, means that she was suppressed does it not?"

"It is unfortunate that we do not have any combat footage. The Great Witch Nebulis’ star spirit, is the star spirit that was born in the furthest depths of this planet. If we were able to obtain footage, our research regarding star spirits would have likely accelerated rapidly…"

"No. The significance of stopping the Great Witch’s awakening is grand."

"As one would expect of the successor of that man. Dear me, it is just the achievement we had hoped for."

A room without a single light fixture.

Within the eight monitors that formed a circle facing each other, were the silhouettes of eight men and women. Their figures were always indistinct, and it was the utmost limit to just distinguish their rough physical forms. The highest decision making body in the Empire, the ‘Eight Grand Apostles.’

"The Great Witch has once more been silenced. At present, the Ice Witch of Calamity is a slight worry, however…"

"It is the duty of the Successor of Black Steel to bring down the witches. It’s nothing, if it’s him, he will likely get it done. Whether or not he himself desires it."


"The fifth seat of the Holy Apostles ─ Lisha Ein Empire’s ‘experiment’ is progressing smoothly. Now that the Great Witch is asleep, the Nebulis Imperial Household Agency will fall."

"That man, the Man of Black Steel Crosswell continues to hide the secret of the stars even from us. It was somewhat of a miss that his successor had not been told anything about it, but whatever. The prophecy of the citizens of the stars is approaching… It won’t be long."

A smile could be sensed from the voice of a beguiling woman. It was a voice which was bewitching, intellectual, and coldhearted to the point that it would strike fear in the hearts of any who heard it.

"The Successor of Black Steel Iska. Your desire will be granted."

"Yes. We will grant everything to you. If you desire peace, then in the near future, we promise you that we will definitely bring about perpetual peace to the world."

"─By the means of the extermination of all witches and warlocks."

"Because this star so desires it."

And with that, all the monitors turned off at once. As the curtain of silence fell over the Imperial diet, only the faint echo of clapping hands could still be heard.


Underneath this Beautiful Starry Sky

The wasteland as dust danced in the air.

After the ice which overruled the sandy soil melted away, the earth gouged open by the Celestial Staff remained in its pitiful state. And within that pitch black fissure─

Little by little, the wind carried sand over. And really only by a small amount, the spectacle of the earth being carried into the cavity in the ground could be witnessed. It was as if the earth was intent on filling in the scar with sand. As if the planet itself had a will.


Setting that scenery aside, Iska slowly ascended up the elevated dune.

"… It’s already this late huh."

With the night wind mixed in with sand brushing against the back of his neck, Iska shivered slightly. He had arrived at the Neutral City Ayin right around noon, but when he realized it, the sun had already completely sunken under the horizon.

He walked across the wasteland.

Walked, and walked, and walked.

Without even holding a light, he kept walking across the uninhabited wasteland.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Atop the dune he had been climbing, a beautiful young woman with blond hair was sitting down while holding her knees. Having finished recuperating a step ahead of him, all on her own, she was waiting atop that dune.

"I think that you know this already, but Rin’s burns will be fine. For now, the burns will remain for a while, but given time it seems they will naturally heal."

"I see."

"Captain Mismis said that Jhin and Nene have been waiting, so she quickly left for the Imperial capital on the evening bus. It’s fine for her to talk about the Founder right?"

"I don’t mind. Because of that Great Witch, we’ve even caused problems for the Neutral City, so it isn’t something for us to hide. It is the Imperial Household Agency’s responsibility after all."

Nebulis’ princess nodded while still holding her knees.

"I have one more thing to say from my side. I’ve thought of it somewhat, and in the end, I think the Great Witch has returned to the underground sanctuary."

"In the Imperial Household Agency?"

"Yes. As you would expect, I can’t really explain it to you in detail. But I will take the sanctuary as my responsibility and put it under my supervision. I’ll have mother hand over the key to the entrance… So that she never awakens on her own again."

While sweeping off the sand on her clothes, Alice stood up. Even though her entire body was thrashed in the fight against the Founder, her standing figure was still n.o.ble, and beautiful. Just like the time in the Nelka forest, when he first met her.

"With that, there is nothing else for us to report to each other right?"


"… I see. Then let’s start. The final battle between just you and I."

A place and time that n.o.body would interfere with.

All the conditions were in place.

The Successor of Black Steel Iska, and the Ice Witch of Calamity Alice ─ it was the time that the heroes born to the Empire and the Imperial Household Agency met, and the time that they had to bring an end to everything.

"Don’t hold back you hear?"


A single step, Alice advanced forward. And as if matching her, Iska also stepped forward.



They each silently looked at their opponent, and drew closer one step after the other.

The five metres between them became three.

Three metres became one.

And by the time they realized, Iska and Alice were close enough to touch each other.

"I have something to say."

"What a coincidence."

Hearing that request from the Imperial swordsman, the girl from the Imperial Household Agency consented. And then…

"… A truce. Today… I’m far too tired…"

"… No objections."

With a thud, Iska and Alice, collapsed onto the wasteland at the same time.

"… It’s just for today you know?"

"I know."

"We, from tomorrow on, we will once by enemies you hear?"

"You’re right."



Face up on the ground, the two of them gazed at the starry sky.

"What a beautiful sky."


The boy and girl were lined up on the ground without moving a muscle. If they were seen from the night sky by a bird, the two of them may have appeared as intimate lovers, or perhaps close siblings.

"The ‘cradle’s seat’ is pretty today isn’t it? It can only be seen at this time, so this may already be the last look at it we can get."

"Which one?"

"That one. Can’t you tell at a single glance?"

As the boy pointed up to look for it, the girl pointed out to the starry sky with her finger as well.

"The city lights are bright in the Imperial capital even at night, so it’s rare to see this kind of starry sky. Is that blue star sparkling straight above the one?"

"Not that one, the one next to it… This time you went too far."

"… This is hard."

"Geez, you dummy."

Even though they were enemies.

Even though they would have to once more fight each other the following day.

─Just for now.

With laughter in the air, the Successor of Black Steel Iska and the Ice Witch of Calamity Alice, continued to look up at the same starry sky. This was─

The story of the battle, between you and I.

Will the next time we meet be our final battlefield? Or will it be the beginning of the world’s Holy War?

That story, begins here.

© 2024