[_WARWICK crosses to R._

If that the soldier strike him (as, I judge, By his blunt bearing, he will keep his word,) Some sudden mischief may arise of it; For I do know Fluellen valiant, And, touch"d with choler, hot as gunpowder, And quickly will return an injury: Follow,

(_GLOSTER crosses to R._)

and see there be no harm between them.--

[_WARWICK and GLOSTER exeunt R.H._

Go you with me, Uncle of Exeter.

[_Exeunt Omnes, L.H._

_Trumpets sound._

[Footnote IV.27: _Or void the field;_] i.e., avoid, withdraw from the field.]

[Footnote IV.28: _----+raught+ me his hand,_] _Raught_ is the old preterite of the verb _to reach_.]

[Footnote IV.29: _----Monmouth caps;_] Monmouth caps were formerly much worn, and Fuller, in his "Worthies of Wales," says the best caps were formerly made at Monmouth.]

[Footnote IV.30: _----great sort,_] High rank.]

[Footnote IV.31: _----quite from the answer of his degree._] A man of such station as is not bound to hazard his person to _answer_ to a challenge from one of the soldier"s _low degree_.]


_Enter GOWER and WILLIAMS, R.H._

_Will._ I warrant it is to knight you, captain.

_Enter FLUELLEN, R.H._

_Flu._ Heaven"s will and pleasure, captain, I peseech you now, come apace to the king: there is more goot toward you peradventure than is in your knowledge to dream of.

_Will._ Sir, know you this glove?

_Flu._ (C.) Know the glove! I know, the glove is a glove.

_Will._ (R.C.) I know this; and thus I challenge it.

[_Strikes him._

_Flu._ "Sblud, an arrant traitor as any"s in the universal "orld, or in France, or in England!

_Gow._ (L.C.) How now, sir! you villain!

_Will._ Do you think I"ll be forsworn?

_Flu._ Stand away, Captain Gower; I will give treason his payment in plows, I warrant you.

_Will._ I am no traitor.

_Flu._ That"s a lie in thy throat.--I charge you in his majesty"s name, apprehend him: he"s a friend of the duke Alencon"s.

_Enter WARWICK and GLOSTER,(P) R.H._

_Glos._ (_crosses to C._) How now, how now! what"s the matter?

_Flu._ My lord of Gloster, here is (praised be Heaven for it!) a most contagious treason come to light, look you, as you shall desire in a summer"s day. Here is his majesty.

_Enter KING HENRY, EXETER, and others, U.E.L.H._

_K. Hen._ (_coming down centre._) How now! what"s the matter?

_Flu._ (L.H.) My liege, here is a villain and a traitor, that, look your grace, has struck the glove which your majesty is take out of the helmet of Alencon.

_Will._ (R.C.) My liege, this was my glove; here is the fellow of it; and he that I gave it to in change promised to wear it in his cap: I promised to strike him, if he did: I met this man with my glove in his cap, and I have been as good as my word.

_Flu._ Your majesty hear now (saving your majesty"s manhood) what an arrant, rascally, beggarly, lowsy knave it is: I hope, your majesty is pear me testimony, and witness, and avouchments, that this is the glove of Alencon, that your majesty is give me, in your conscience, now.

_K. Hen._ Give me thy glove, soldier: Look, here is the fellow of it.

"Twas I, indeed, thou promised"st to strike; and thou hast given me most bitter terms.

[_WILLIAMS falls on his knee._

_Flu._ An please your majesty, let his neck answer for it, if there is any martial law in the "orld.

_K. Hen._ How can"st thou make me satisfaction?

_Will._ All offences, my liege, come from the heart: never came any from mine, that might offend your majesty.

_K. Hen._ It was ourself thou didst abuse.

_Will._ Your majesty came not like yourself: you appeared to me but as a common man; witness the night, your garments, your lowliness; and what your highness suffered under that shape, I beseech you, take it for your own fault, and not mine: for had you been as I took you for, I made no offence; therefore, I beseech your highness, pardon me.

_K. Hen._ Here, uncle Exeter, fill this glove with crowns, And give it to this fellow.-- (_WILLIAMS rises._) Keep it, fellow; And wear it for an honour in thy cap Till I do challenge it.--Give him the crowns:-- And, captain, you must needs be friends with him.

[_The KING goes up the stage with EXETER, BEDFORD, and GLOSTER._

_Flu._ By this day and this light, the fellow has mettle enough in his pelly.--Hold, there is twelve pence for you; and I pray you to serve Heaven, and keep you out of prawls, and prabbles, and quarrels, and dissensions, and, I warrant you, it is the petter for you.

_Will._ I will none of your money.

_Flu._ It is with a goot will; I can tell you, it will serve you to mend your shoes: Come, wherefore should you be so pashful? your shoes is not so goot: "tis a goot silling, I warrant you, or I will change it.

[_Exit WILLIAMS, R.H._

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