King of Gods

Chapter 1521 – The Divine Punishment G.o.d Eye

Chapter 1521 – The Divine Punishment G.o.d Eye

“Zhao Feng, we meet again. This time, once you return to the Divine Kingdom, don’t even think about leaving!” The Protector turned to Zhao Feng and gave a frightening smile.

Twilight Valley and Xin Wuheng felt their hearts tremble. The Protector’s goal was to capture only Zhao Feng. As for everyone else, they would probably be killed.

As the Protector came over, even Zhao Feng began to panic. If this was an ordinary G.o.d King, he might have been able to fight back if he unleashed all his reserves, but the Protector was no ordinary G.o.d King, and he even had a Pseudo Ancestral Artifact. A single casual strike would be enough to obliterate everyone.

“Zhao Feng, I’ll make a deal with you. If you are willing to cooperate in handing over the Ninth G.o.d Eye, I can spare the others.” At this moment, the Protector chuckled and made a proposal.

The faces of Zhao Feng’s group went stiff. No one had expected for the Protector to make such a proposal at this time.

The Heaven’s Legacy Race Protector is truly a crafty fox! Zhao Feng inwardly cursed. He truly found it difficult to make a choice.

“Oh, I forgot to say, the Heaven Lord has ordered me to first cripple your cultivation. You had better think carefully….” the Protector added, flas.h.i.+ng an evil smile.

The Protector was obviously implying that if Zhao Feng agreed to the proposal, he would not have to have his cultivation crippled.

At the G.o.d Lord level, one could be considered a ruling expert of the Ancient Desolate Realm of G.o.ds. Having one’s cultivation destroyed and being forced to start from the beginning was a fate cruder than death. In addition, Zhao Feng had been thinking that, even if he was captured again, he could use Thought Teleportation to leave, but if his cultivation was destroyed, his success would not be guaranteed.

But these matters were for later. Zhao Feng was still faced with a difficult choice.

Suddenly, another heavy energy descended upon the world.

“None of you can touch him!” a deep and resounding voice boomed, causing even s.p.a.ce itself to tremble.

The dark clouds scattered, and the flames were extinguished. The energies exuded by the two G.o.d Kings were instantly suppressed by this mysterious newcomer.

“This energy… could it be him?” The Protector’s face darkened, his eyes becoming uncertain.

In the distance, G.o.d King Charflame and his forces were also extremely gloomy.

“Could… could this be a G.o.d?” G.o.d King Charflame’s eyes went wide as he scanned the area. The Heaven’s Legacy Race Protector had few enemies among the G.o.d King level. Only the G.o.ds could outmatch this expert of the Heaven Defying Faction.

“What’s going on?” Zhao Feng was also startled. Had an even more formidable expert appeared to seize the Ninth G.o.d Eye?


Suddenly a straight-backed and imposing man wearing robes of gold and white appeared in the sky. His body radiated dazzling white lightning, imbuing him with an aura of boundless divinity. When anyone met his gaze, their minds were instantly struck by an invisible attack. Past crimes and evil deeds emerged in their hearts, causing them to become ashamed and timid.

The world fell silent as if all things were bowing in submission to this man.

Is this the Divine Punishment power of the Divine Punishment G.o.d Eye? The Protector inwardly sighed.

Under the power of Divine Punishment, no evil in the world could hide. Everyone had committed wrongs in their life; thus, everyone was affected to a certain extent by the Divine Punishment G.o.d Eye.

“I didn’t think it would be the Divine Punishment G.o.d!” G.o.d King Charflame bowed low, his mind reeling in shock. He never would’ve imagined that today’s events would attract one of the Eight Great G.o.d Eyes.

“G.o.d Eye!” Zhao Feng felt an incredibly familiar energy from this middle-aged man.

But G.o.d Eye Deities already had G.o.d Eyes. What did they need the Ninth G.o.d Eye for?

“People of the Heaven’s Legacy Race, leave,” the Divine Punishment G.o.d calmly spoke, stating an order that had to be carried out.

“I did not think that the Divine Punishment G.o.d would personally come. Since that’s the case, let us leave.” The Protector sighed, his att.i.tude rather calm.

“What?” Beiming Hui was stunned, discontent and gloom sweeping through his mind. He never would’ve imagined that they would still be unable to obtain the Ninth G.o.d Eye.

But since a G.o.d Eye Deity had intervened, there was nothing to be done.

Those known as G.o.ds were the strongest experts of the Ancient Desolate Realm of G.o.ds, far above the G.o.d Kings.

G.o.ds were basically immortal. Not since ancient times had there even been word of a G.o.d dying. From this, one could see just how powerful G.o.ds were. Thus, the moment the Divine Punishment G.o.d appeared, even someone as strong as the Protector immediately chose to leave.

“Go!” With this order, the Protector led the members of the Heaven Defying Faction away.

Even with the Pseudo Ancestral Artifact, he was still some distance away from a true G.o.d.

And the Divine Punishment G.o.d had always carried out to the end his decisions. There was no meaning in them staying there.

Zhao Feng’s group felt their hearts sink even more as they watched the Heaven’s Legacy Race group leave. A G.o.d Eye Deity was definitely a more powerful existence than the Protector’s group.

You lot, come with me.” Once the Heaven Defying Faction had gone, the Divine Punishment G.o.d turned to Zhao Feng’s group.

“To where?” Zhao Feng asked.

“Back to Yu Tianwu’s place.”

The Divine Punishment G.o.d’s answer left everyone dumbfounded. It turned out that this G.o.d was not an enemy, but someone who had come to save them. Although they didn’t know the reason, just escaping danger was enough for them.

“Let’s go!” With a wave of the Divine Punishment G.o.d’s hand, Zhao Feng’s party vanished.

The only people left were the group from the Purgatory Sacred Land.

“Haaa…” G.o.d King Charflame sorrowfully sighed.

Two major characters had appeared in the Purgatory Sacred Land’s lands that he could not afford to offend. He had truly lost any dignity he had to speak of.

The Qianshan Zone, the secret base of the Sage Faction:


Lightning filled the skies as a group of people suddenly emerged.

They all had looks of pleasant surprise. They initially didn’t believe that the Divine Punishment G.o.d would really bring them back.

The group went to the top floor of that six-sided tower.

“Tianwu, I’ve brought them back,” the Divine Punishment G.o.d casually said.

“I’ve troubled you.” Yu Tianwu smiled.

These two appeared to share a relations.h.i.+p deeper than mere acquaintances.

At this moment, everyone understood that Yu Tianwu had requested the Divine Punishment G.o.d’s help. As it turned out, Yu Tianwu had already prepared for the worst outcome; just when it seemed like they were about to fail, the Divine Punishment G.o.d arrived to save them.

“I owe you a favor after all, but I’ve repaid it now,” the Divine Punishment G.o.d firmly declared.

Everyone in the world had questions, and G.o.ds were no different. He had once asked Yu Tianwu a few questions in exchange for a favor.

“Senior, my utmost grat.i.tude for the rescue!” Zhao Feng, Twilight Valley, and Xin Wuheng immediately said.

They were previously unsure why this G.o.d they didn’t know had saved them. Only now that they knew the reason did they offer their thanks.

“Don’t be in such a rush to repay the favor! I was planning to ask you to help me with something else.” Yu Tianwu suddenly chuckled.

“Is it for the Ninth G.o.d Eye?” The Divine Punishment G.o.d’s gaze settled on Zhao Feng.

At the same time, Zhao Feng was examining the Divine Punishment G.o.d’s G.o.d Eye. This pair of eyes seemed to crackle with endless white lightning, and just looking at them would cause countless feelings of guilt to appear in one’s mind. Moreover, one would take oneself to be triflingly insignificant while this would become a vast and imposing mountain.

You’re not interested in the Ninth G.o.d Eye? He’s also a member of the G.o.d Eyes.” Yu Tianwu grinned.

“A member of the G.o.d Eyes, hm?” The Divine Punishment G.o.d carefully examined Zhao Feng.

Of the Eight Great G.o.d Eyes, only one or two had ever believed in the existence of the Ninth G.o.d Eye. Although the Divine Punishment G.o.d sensed an extremely familiar aura from Zhao Feng, he had another strange feeling….

“Okay! Then I’ll stay with you for a spell,” the Divine Punishment G.o.d suddenly said.

The Divine Punishment G.o.d could guess what sort of a.s.sistance Yu Tianwu desired. It was merely a.s.sisting Zhao Feng in improving his strength and cultivation. As they were both G.o.d Eyes, the Divine Punishment G.o.d could give more to Zhao Feng than he could to others.

The Divine Punishment G.o.d had agreed partially to return his favor to Yu Tianwu, but it was also in part for the sake of the Ninth G.o.d Eye.

As the owner of the Divine Punishment G.o.d Eye, he did not need another G.o.d Eye. But any G.o.d Eye would one day become a G.o.d, and there was no need to elaborate further on the status of a G.o.d in the Ancient Desolate Realm of G.o.ds.

There were Eight Great G.o.d Eyes in the Ancient Desolate Realm of G.o.ds, but they had their fair share of grudges between each other. The Eight Great G.o.d Eyes were currently divided into essentially two camps; on one side was the Life G.o.d Eye, Divine Punishment G.o.d Eye, and s.p.a.cetime G.o.d Eye. On the other side was the Death G.o.d Eye, Samsara G.o.d Eye, and Destruction G.o.d Eye.

The Myriad Forms G.o.d Eye and Destiny G.o.d Eye belonged to neither faction. Both sides had tried to recruit these two G.o.d Eyes, but they were rather difficult to find, particularly the Destiny G.o.d Eye.

If the Divine Punishment G.o.d formed a good relations.h.i.+p with Zhao Feng here and recruited him, then once Zhao Feng became a G.o.d, he would increase the overall strength of his faction.

After a short while, everyone dispersed.

Zhao Feng moved Zhao Yufei out of his Divine Kingdom.

“Brother Feng, are we safe now?”

Zhao Yufei wasn’t very comfortable in the Divine Kingdom. After all, she knew that Zhao Feng and Xin Wuheng were facing some unknown danger outside.

“This place is the base of the Heaven’s Legacy Race’s Sage Faction. We’re extremely safe here,” Zhao Feng said with a smile.

This place was protected by Destiny energy, making it very difficult for the Heaven Defying Faction to find this place. And besides that, the Divine Punishment G.o.d was here as well.

At the same time, the Protector led his party back to the Heaven Defying Faction’s Divine Kingdom.

The Heaven Lord had been waiting at the summit of the central island this entire time.

“Left Protector, I didn’t think that even you would fail!” The Heaven Lord had a look of surprise on his face as he sighed.

It had been a very long time since they had tasted consecutive failures, and this all happened after the appearance of the Ninth G.o.d Eye.

The Heaven Lord did not appear to be blaming the Protector, as he understood just how strong the Protector was. If even the Protector failed, it probably meant that he had run into a G.o.d expert.

The Divine Punishment G.o.d appeared.” The Protector slightly shook his head.

The Eight Great G.o.d Eyes, hm?” The Heaven Lord’s face darkened with anger.

“However, I obtained some of Zhao Feng’s blood. Perhaps it can be useful.” The Protector turned over his hand, revealing a gla.s.s tube with a bead of blood inside.

The Ninth G.o.d Eye imperceptibly altered Zhao Feng’s soul and flesh. Perhaps a secret connected to the Ninth G.o.d Eye lies within….” The Heaven Lord’s eyes flashed with sharp light.

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