King of Gods

Chapter 855: Summoning of the Evil G.o.d

Chapter 855: Summoning of the Evil G.o.d

Translator: Thunder07 Editor: adeadaxe

Chapter 855 – Summoning of the Evil G.o.d

In the air, the bright sword-light that was the Little Sword Saintsuddenly started to dim, and the laws of the Sword Dao started to spin.

“Little Sword Saint!”

The Little Sword Saint had a smile as his flesh started to becometransparent. The smile on his face was still casual and nonchalant.

He first glanced at those from Sky Sword Pavilion, then the otherswithin the Building of Refinement. Amongst that second group, the LittleSword Saint’s gaze landed on Zhao Feng, and he nodded his head towardthe latter.

“His understanding of the Sword Dao has reached an unfathomablelevel, and he has given up on life….” Zhao Feng was filled with respect.

Zhao Feng sensed that the Little Sword Saint’s understanding of theSword Dao had reached the level of a peak Emperor, or perhaps even thelevel of a Mystic Light Realm Sacred Lord.

However, the Mystic Light Realm was different from the Void G.o.dRealm. It wasn’t just a simple change in the soul; it also placed greatimportance on the physical aspects. This meant that, even if one’s soulreached the requirements to advance, it wouldn’t be easy to breakthrough to the Mystic Light Realm if they didn’t have the correspondingphysical ability.

Now, Zhao Feng couldn’t even see the level of the Little SwordSaint’s Sword Dao comprehension. One thing was for sure though – theLittle Sword Saint’s understanding and mastery of the Sword Dao hadexceeded all the experts that Zhao Feng had ever seen, including theSword Dao Emperors from the True Martial Sacred Land.

The Little Sword Saint’s flesh started to become fainter like melting snow.

“You… what did you say to Senior Sword Saint?” The black-robed girland company looked at Zhao Feng with enmity and dissatisfaction.

The Little Sword Saint hadn’t reached the end of his life yet, butZhao Feng said something, and the Little Sword Saint’s lifeforcesuddenly started to fade faster.

“So unfortunate. Your life and soul reached their limit at the lastmoment, otherwise you would just need to take over another body andre-cultivate. Breaking through to the Mystic Light Realm wouldn’t havebeen a problem in the future,” Zhao Feng said regretfully.

It was hard for someone to take over another body with just Intent or a Partial Thought.

Intent and Partial Thoughts were made from mental energy andunderstanding of laws. They didn’t have anything to do with the soul ontheir own. The lowest requirement to take over a body was a Partial Soulsince that contained a piece of the actual soul.

Before DemiG.o.d Kun Yun was reborn through blood, he had imprinted theaura of his soul into the flesh of his Immortal Sacred Body with aspecial technique when he was still alive. It was because of this thatKun Yun only needed one drop of blood and a Partial Thought to revive.

However, the little saint’s life and soul reached their limit afterthey were ignited, which was basically the equivalent of complete death.His life and soul were what was fueling his Sword Intent.

“I die with no regrets after surpa.s.sing my previous understanding ofthe sword.” The Little Sword Saint revealed a satisfied smile before hedied.

Weng~ Jiang!

The next instant, a spiritual sword phantom from which the LittleSword Saint’s aura could be sensed merged into the rusty bronze sword.


The tattered Ancient G.o.d sword started to shake, and a wave of coldgreen sword-light with unrivalled power forced everyone back.

However, despite the tattered Ancient G.o.d sword’s powerful, it didn’t harm anyone.

“Senior Sword Saint!”

The black-robed girl from Sky Sword Pavilion had a surprised expression as she now held a green tattered sword in her hand.

At this moment, everyone’s gaze landed on the black-robed girl.

“She got the Ancient G.o.d weapon!”

“That Mo Dongyao is a prodigy of Sky Sword Pavilion. Looking at thepast several thousand years, her talent in the Sword Dao is only belowthat of the Little Sword Saint’s.”

Everyone’s gaze locked onto the black-robed Mo Dongyao, the prodigyof Sky Sword Pavilion’s young generation. She just fought with ZhaoYufei a moment ago and lost.

However, after the Little Sword Saint died, everyone was unable tohide the greed in their eyes as they looked at Mo Dongyao. What kind ofeffect would an Ancient G.o.d weapon bring to the entire lord dynasty?Even if it was some tattered piece of c.r.a.p, it was still a weapon fromthe domain of G.o.ds and related to the Heavenly Divine Realm.

That said, normal forces wouldn’t be able to hold onto it even ifthey managed to steal it. The only forces present with the ability to doso were the imperials and Sky Suspension Palace.

“Ancient G.o.d weapon… probably even we don’t have one.” The ThirteenthPrince’s eyes were fiery hot. If he was able to take an Ancient G.o.dweapon back to the imperial family, such a feat would greatly increasehis chances of winning the compet.i.tion to be the Sacred Emperor.

“Let’s go,” Zhao Feng suddenly said, and he walked toward the exit with Nan Gongsheng.

He wasn’t interested in an Ancient G.o.d weapon too much. At least, notright now. Putting aside an Ancient G.o.d weapon, even substandard G.o.dweapons would bring a huge amount of trouble to a Void G.o.d Realm. Forcesthat weren’t at least three-star level wouldn’t be able to protect thetattered Ancient G.o.d sword.

Zhao Feng and Nan Gongsheng turning around was the exact moment the Thirteenth Prince decided to take action.

Weng~ Jiang!

A sword-light suddenly flashed behind Mo Dongyao’s back, and it gaveoff an immortal Sword Intent that seemed able to slash through Heavenand Earth.


All the Kings that were planning on taking action, such as theThirteenth Prince, felt their minds hurt. Their souls were like candlesblowing in the wind, about to be extinguished at any moment. Fear anddespair overtook their hearts.


A half-transparent sword-light figure formed the outline of the Little Sword Saint.

“Spare me! Senior Sword Saint, please spare me!”

The Kings that were planning on taking action felt like they werefacing the Little Sword Saint when he was at his peak. All the Kingssuddenly felt like their souls were tiny in comparison.

Even Xuanyuan Wen’s soul shook. He was like a small tree in a hurricane.

“A pure soul-type Sword Dao attack… are these the laws of the Soul Sword?” Zhao Feng murmured.

Mo Dongyao held the tattered Ancient G.o.d sword and gave off animmortal and undying Sword Aura. The pressure of an Ancient G.o.d weaponsuppressed everyone present, and the Kings’ hearts jumped. They didn’thave the ability to even think about fighting back.

“How is this possible!? How can Mo Dongyao control the Ancient G.o.dweapon…?” The Thirteenth Prince’s face was white, and he felt unable tobreathe. At this moment, Mo Dongyao could kill him with just a thought.

Even normal Emperors wouldn’t dare to clash with Mo Dongyao head-on right now.

“Mo Dongyao is just the wielder. The true controller of the tatteredAncient G.o.d sword is the Little Sword Saint.” Senior Martial BrotherZhuge took a deep breath.

The Little Sword Saint gained the recognition from the tatteredAncient G.o.d sword, then turned into a soul sword and merged with it.This meant that the Little Sword Saint could decide who got to controlthe Ancient G.o.d weapon. To a certain extent, the Little Sword Saint wasbasically a sword spirit now.

“Little Friend,” an old voice sounded from the half-transparent sword-light figure behind Mo Dongyao’s back.

“Hmm?” Zhao Feng’s footsteps stopped. He turned around and looked toward Mo Dongyao, confirming that the voice was calling him.

“Senior Sword Saint, is there anything you need?” Zhao Feng didn’tdare to be disrespectful. Even thought he had given up his life and nowexisted as a spirit, the Little Sword Saint was countless times strongerthan before in his current state.

“Little Friend.” The old voice gave a sigh. “There’s only twenty daysleft till the Black Serpent Dragon charges into Xie Yang Palace, and noone will be able to survive. I hope you can help everyone resolve thedanger.”

Hearing that, everyone was stunned. The Little Sword Saint placed hishope on one of the Demonic Duo? Not Xuanyuan Wen or the three princes,but a wicked youth that was infamous for stealing?

However, they had to admit that no one here could see through Zhao Feng, and they were full of wariness and caution toward him.

“Me?” Zhao Feng laughed, as if he had heard a joke. His expression was saying, You want a thief to save everyone? Isn’t that a bit childish?

“I don’t know where you come from nor your background, but I canconfirm that, out of everyone here, you’re the most likely one tosucceed. This isn’t justmy instinct; the Ancient G.o.d weapon feels the same,” the old voice said solemnly.

The Ancient G.o.d weapon? Zhao Feng’s heart shook. Could theAncient G.o.d weapon sense the existence of his Ninth G.o.d’s Eye? His lefteye-bloodline came from a deity in the Ancient Era, and the Ancient G.o.dweapon was a weapon of G.o.ds and was related to the domain of theHeavenly Divine Realm.

“If you can take the Sky Sword Pavilion members and escape, I will owe you a favor,” the white sword-light figure promised.

“Deal.” A light flashed through Zhao Feng’s eyes. Although the LittleSword Saint’s life had come to an end, his current state was even moreterrifying than before. Besides, Zhao Feng alone wasn’t enough to dealwith the Black Destruction Serpent Dragon anyway.

A while later, the leaders of all the forces gathered in front of theBuilding of Refinement. This time, Zhao Feng and Nan Gongsheng weren’tacting alone.

“That purple crystal tower is the core of Xie Yang Palace,” Zhao Fengsaid as everyone’s gaze landed on the magnificent purple crystal towerthat shot into the sky.

The tower was at the very center of Xie Yang Palace, and its pressure shook all the Kings’ hearts.

“The key to the Yuan Sealing Divine Chains and the center of theG.o.d’s Forbidden Array are most likely there,” Senior Martial BrotherZhuge said.

Since the danger of the Black Destruction Serpent King was comingcloser, no one had the heart to search for other fortune in Xie YangPalace. Although they might’ve only scouted out one-tenth or evenone-one hundredth of the fortune within Xie Yang Palace, what was thepoint if you couldn’t leave with it alive?

“Let’s go.” The Great Gan Imperials were the first to leave and headin the direction of the purple crystal tower. Those from the SkySuspension Palace, the Duanmu Family, and company then followed.

“Let’s go.” Zhao Feng and Nan Gongsheng also headed toward the purplecrystal tower, and the group from Sky Sword Pavilion followed behindthe Purple-Haired Demonic Duo.

“If it wasn’t for Senior Sword Saint, I wouldn’t follow these twothieves.” Mo Dongyao’s face was cold and unwilling, but they felt calmfor some reason when following the Purple-Haired Demonic Duo.

We’re getting closer to the call of that power…. Thepurple-and-blood-colored symbol on Nan Gongsheng’s forehead started tobecome hotter. It was like a second heart as it thumped on his forehead.

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