King of the Eternal Night, Chapter 10


Qian Ye felt the existence of a strange s.p.a.ce in his abdomen filled with Force tumbling about, it was like a b.u.t.terfly trying to break free from its cac.o.o.n. But this s.p.a.ce had an invisible wall containing it, only after breaking through the barrier could one light this node, allowing the Force in his body to interact with it.

The methods for breaking through were all different. Most of them were rather gentle, using the method of slowly grinding the barrier down, gradually removing the barrier.

The other method was much fiercer, it was to guide the waves to attack the barrier nonstop. For example, the Bing Yue exercise used the tyrannical strength of the force waves to attack. But the downside was that during the midst of attacking the barrier, one would also injure their organs.

Qian Ye could already create a complete cycle of the force waves, and his goal today was to attempt attacking the node barrier.

Carefully leading his Force, he moved it towards his stomach’s node. The Force waves started going into their positions as they attacked the Node’s barriers.

However, the node’s barriers were like the walls of a dam, blocking the Force waves out.

Qian Ye slowly lost himself in the process, even the strange smell of the Zhu Yan blood was gone. It was as if he had became one with his Force, rising and hitting the barrier forcefully as though it was real waves smashing against a wall, before collapsing into pearl like force droplets.

But as the first one fell, the next wave was bigger and stronger. With every attack, the tremor of the Force would cause Qian Ye’s body to tremble.

As the Force Waves charged at the node in his body, on the outside, force was continuously entering his body to replenish his usage. Just like that, his Force increased in quant.i.ty slowly.

Such a boring exercise was repeated countless times, but suddenly, a wave that had just smashed against the barrier did not disappear, but instead rose again after a short while!

Feeling both shock and joy, Qian Ye hurriedly led this wave to the barrier of the node. And when it smashed the barrier, Qian Ye heard the sound of rushing water at his ear as his body involuntarily shook viciously, moving him from his original position.

This was the first wave of second cycle, it had the power of the first cycle, but it’s damage rivaled the fourth or the fifth wave of the first cycle.

This was the beginning of success. As the amount of Force was increased, the second Force wave was produced, followed by the third and fourth. The number Force Waves created increased along with its power and it’s damage to the Node’s barrier.

It was said that when the third cycle of the Force Tidals was produced, the abdomen’s node would be opened.

At this moment, the bell rung. Qian Ye packed up his things as usual and speedily left the training room. He had reaped a lot of success in breaking through this lesson, and amongst the cultivating children, about a dozen was also elated.

But Qian Ye was still rather sad, despite that his speed was still considered fast, ranking above two thirds of the children in his cla.s.s. Half a year had pa.s.sed since the Bing Yue Exercise was introduced, and it was rumoured that some children in his cla.s.s had already lit up their first Force Node.

The children had gathered as usual on the empty field of the valley, and somehow, Chen Lei had came to stand next to Qian Ye.

As everyone ran towards the training field while be led by the teacher, Chen Lei suddenly moved closer to Qian Ye, speaking darkly, “I have already started practicing my third cycle if the Force Waves. When I’ve lit my first Force Node, you better watch out!”

Qian Ye did not look at him, but instead looked forwards as if he had heard nothing.

It was now battle cla.s.s, while biology cla.s.s was next.

During battle cla.s.s, Qian Ye had fought against a normal child who did not have enmity with him and therefore, the fight ended in a draw, and afterwards, it was time for biology cla.s.s.

However, the teacher this time was different from their usual instructor, this time it was a bald, skinny old man. He had a pair of muddy grey eyes, and when his gaze scanned past Qian Ye, Qian Ye had felt as though he had been seen through inside out, causing him to shudder.

As the old man’s vision scanned past Qian Ye, his eyelids suddenly trembled as he turned to look at Qian Ye one more time.

In front of every student was an experiment table, on top of it was something long with a cloth covering over it.

Clearing his throat, the hoa.r.s.e voice of the old man sounded, “Little fellows! From today onwards, I will be making all of you into real devils! As for my name, I don’t think any of you will want to remember. But in the next half year’s time, this name will accompany you, my name is Shen…….Tu!”

Afterwards, Shen Tu went on to talk about his cla.s.s. It was very simple, they had to complete a task within an amount of time, without vomiting.

“Alright! Now, take off the white cloth in front of you and take this thing!” Shen Tu raised his hand which held a thin hook like item.
Walking forwards, Qian Ye lifted the white cloth on the experiment table and was instantly shocked!

Under the white cloth was a corpse, an ice-cold corpse! But it had a strangely familiar face, a face Qian Ye recognised.

It belonged to a child that had joined the Acheron Camp with Qian Ye!

The corpse before him had gone through careful preservation, and even after half a year, it was still very perfect, without any sign of decaying.

At the corner of the testing table was a tray containing a few strangely shaped equipment. And the hook Shen Tu had shown them was amongst the equipment.

On the podium, there was a corpse as well. Shen Tu inserted the hook into the chest of the corpse and pulled it upwards before using a small knife to open a patch of skin from the corpse’s chest.

Facing a familiar face, Qian Ye felt extremely conflicted and couldn’t find it in himself to follow the steps. Like him, most of the other children were also seemed to be both panicked and confused. However, a small amount of children was able to do the task, some of them even had a cruel mocking smile on their faces.

As they were feeling conflicted, a guard suddenly started counting down from ten loudly.

Every child was shocked instantly, but this was the familiar human timer they were used to hearing! They knew that once the time was up, whoever who failed to follow instructions would be punished harshly. And most likely, Shen Tu would be even harsher than Chang Jing!

Including Qian Ye, everyone started grabbing their equipment in a hurry as they sliced the corpse in accordance to Shen Yu’s instructions.

Just as Qian Ye completed the steps, he suddenly heard a cry from his side. A girl had suddenly started bawling as she squatted down to vomit madly.

Shen Tu signalled for everyone to stop with his hands as he watched the vomiting girl silently. Everyone else present was also watching her. Silence reining the room.

After the girl had stopped vomiting and crying, Shen Tu spoke gently, “Bring her out and take care of her.”

Two fearsome guards walked over and brought the girl away as though they were picking up a small chick while the girl started to cry and struggle.

Afterwards, cla.s.s ensued as the children silently absorbed the knowledge Shen Tu imparted.

There was only the sound of the old man’s horse voice in the room.

A week later, Shen Tu appeared in front of the children again. This was another surgical lesson, the old man had planned on using three lessons to finish explaining the weaknesses of the human body.

When Qian Ye lifted the white cloth, he suddenly took a step back. In front of him on the table, was the corpse of that little girl!

Qian Ye suddenly understood what Shen Tu meant by taking care of. At this moment, he suddenly felt the gaze of Shen Tu on himself.

Qian Ye did not raise his head, not even his hands were shaking, he simply took up tweezers and thin bladed knives as he carried out the customary steps.

In this lesson, Qian Ye could not remember how he endured it. He did not even know how the day pa.s.sed as well, and when he finally came to his senses, it was suddenly night time and he was already on his bed.

The room only had soft sounds of breathing, most of the children were already in dreamland, but somehow Qian Ye just couldn’t fall asleep.

Acheron camp was indeed h.e.l.l, Qian Ye did not know how he managed to last so long, but he knew that if he completed this camp, he would not be the same child he was before.

It had been a while since Qian Ye remembered that blurry silhoutte he had in his mind ever since he was old enough to remember. He thought he would forget it, but now it suddenly appeared in his mind. But he felt that he would lose that memory if he carried on like this.

The second face that appeared was a stiff one trying it’s best to smile, he could even hear a phantom voice next to him, “Come back alive.” Qian Ye felt rather shocked, this voice belonged to that man.

Closing his eyes for a second before opening it, Qian Ye felt extremely refreshed. There was someone waiting for him, someone who promised him. He now understood the meaning of receiving the, ‘Lin’ surname. But before everything, he had to first leave this h.e.l.l.

In this h.e.l.l, there was only once chance that waited for no one, there was no dallying here.

Suddenly jumping off the bed silently, Qian Ye used the sneaking skill he was taught to reach Chen Lei’s bed without being noticed by anyone.

Chen Lei was not sleeping soundly, there was unease on his face, as if he was dreaming of something bad.
Qian Ye slowly reached his hand out to his throat.

At this moment, a child from the side turned his body and opened his eyes, noticing what Qian Ye was doing.

Qian Ye turned to looked back at him, causing that child to shudder before he turned back again to sleep, pretending to know nothing.

Qian Ye’s right hand did not hesitate anymore and moved like lightning, locking onto Chen Lei’s throat as his other hand punched his side at the same time!

A sudden m.u.f.fled sound was heard in the room, shocking most of the children awake, even scaring a few to fall off their bed.

A cacophony of punching sounds rung in the room.

Chen Lei opened his two eyes suddenly, his face already dark purple as his tongue hung outside of his mouth. He tried his best to grab onto his a.s.sailant, but he only grabbed air before he finally slapped Qian Ye’s arm.

But it was like Qian Ye’s arm was made of steel, it did not hesitate at all as if he could not feel pain. His right hand was tilted as constantly landed blows on Chen Lei’s abdomen and ribs.

This sight resembled the sight of Chen Lei and his friends attacking Qian Ye, but the victim’s reactions were different in the two scenarios. Chen Lei was obviously panickstricken without any ability of retaliating, he could only madly struggle.

The strongest few of the cla.s.s looked at Chen Lei’s appearance before shaking their heads, they did not bother to even care about this person.

However, their gaze towards Qian Ye was full of fear.

Qian Ye attacked Chen Lei nonstop without even a change in his breathing or expression. It was like he was doing a normal little task. The sounds of punching resembling the thumping of the children’s hearts.

Finally, Chen Lei could not move anymore and his body could only involuntarily tremble.

Only then did Qian Ye stop his attacks and return to his bed before pulling his blanket over his head to sleep.

After a while, Chen Lei suddenly jumped off his bed and ran to the window, screaming, “Teacher! Teacher! Someone wants to kill me, save me!”

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