Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 121 - Twisted Ear

Chapter 121 - Twisted Ear

A tender hand rested against Li Luxian"s face, the delicate skin making contact with his face, his heart erupting with a sensation of warmth.

He waited. If she put even a bit of resistance, he would let her go.

But the hand had never intended to push him off.

Instead, those fingers traced the contours of his face, teasing him, provoking him as if begging him to be rougher.

Li Luxian was a man, how could he endure such blatant provocation? Especially when the woman was the one his heart desired the most...

His hand grabbed onto that wilful hand, pushing it against the wall above her head, his lips pushed into hers deepening the kiss as a response to her provocation. 

He was not going to hold back at anything.

Days of acc.u.mulated frustration was finally given a chance to vent. He would tell her exactly how much he wanted her. He would tell her no matter what, he was not going to let her go. No matter how many times she tried to ignore him... he was going to punish her for all the times she misbehaved.

Chen Yi was not given a chance to breathe. She was left at the mercy of his ardent desire. Subsequently, her legs weakened.

When she was no longer able to support her, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pushing her against a muscular body. The hand climbed up her back, touching and feeling her back all the way to the back of her neck, sinking into her silky hair, prompting Chen Yi to let out a soft sigh.

After a long time when Li Luxian parted from lips, he found that alluring face. Her eyes were closed, her eyelids quivering. Her lips had been kissed to the point of being swollen. The pitiful image of the woman in front of him was another striking provocation.

Practicing a great deal of self restrain, Li Luxian breathed in deeply dissipating the arousal that had stiffened in his lower half.

His hand never letting go of her as he rested his forehead against her forehead. Her body warmth permeated Li Luxian"s skin into his soul bringing him an indescribable sense of completeness...

...the sense of completeness no accomplishment in business had ever brought him.

"You say it was all a pretense but..." His voice was soft but had an undertone of danger. The danger that indicated one wrong move and she would be thrown onto the bed. "The way you responded to my kiss, you still dare claim it was all a pretense?"

Trembling wetness trickled down his cheek, Li Luxian"s eyes opened at once.

It wasn"t him who had cried.

His heart stopped for a second for what he saw.

Li Luxian could never have expected that there was something in this world that was capable of bringing him so much pain. So much pain that made him physically sick.

But today he learned such a thing existed.

And that was watch tears in the eyes of this woman.

"Yi"er..." His thumb brushed past her cheeks, wiping away the tears. But soon, they were replaced with fresh ones. "Why are you crying. I didn"t mean to..." 

How many dangerous situations had he not encountered? How many life-threatening ordeals had he not survived? Not once had he felt so...helpless.

"I didn"t mean to hurt you. I was....just frustrated why did you keep...denying..."

When  Li Luxian brought his hand close to her face, Chen Yi"s face turned away, avoiding his touch. Her misty eyes sparkled in the dimly lit room. 

Tears after tears plummeted down her fair cheeks, her feet pushing her against the wall. It was as if she was trying her best to get away from him. She refused to even look him in the eye.

This view was the last straw. Li Luxian could not bear to stay in the room any longer, he felt suffocated.

His feet staggered back, his hand raking through his hair. 

He glanced at her one last time before picking up his coat and leaving the room.


Li Yuan rubbed his bruised ear, the pitiful thing had been twisted to the point of being blackened by his beloved Mother, his glistening eyes nearing the point of tearing. 

But he sucked it up. A man should never cry.

"Mom, please listen to me—"

"Listen to you—you still dare say that? Did I not listen to you? And what was the outcome?" If Li Shanguaan had been panicked before, now she was scared.

Just a few moments ago Li Luxian had sprinted out of his room. Throwing an offhand excuse that there was some emergency at the company, he had left. Just like that. Not even stopping to explain properly to his Mother. 

"Mom, you know how elder brother is towards Father and grandfather. It might have been—"

"Stop making such weak excuses! You know well he can be sarcastic towards them but he has always been polite towards me." Now Li Shanguaan was certain there was something wrong between the two. "This is it. I am going to knock sense into these two kids. And you, Mister, are not going to stop me from having a one on one talk with them."

"Mom, stop, you can"t!" Li Yuan sprang to his feet as if someone had poked his b.u.t.tock with a hot needle. 

He clung to his mother"s feet to stop her.

While bearing his mother"s beatings, Li Yuan sighed, cursing the moment he decided it was a good idea to be a spy and profit from gathering intelligence on sister-in-law and big brother relationship. 

That business idea was such a failure. If anything went awry, wouldn"t he go bankrupt in a blink of an eye? The risk was too much for all the investments.

"What happened today was necessary! You don"t understand. Today, they fight. The next day, they make up. That"s how the couple dynamics go. That"s the beauty of life; the color of relationships; the charm of pure love. You fight, you make up, you fight, you make up..." Li Yuan continued to blabber in a pathetic attempt at explanation.

Li Shanguaan was not having any of it.

"Alright Mom, see it from your and father"s perspective. How many times have you both fought?" A bulb lightened up atop his head, his eyes brightening.

He finally found a good way to get it across his mother"s mind.

Li Shanguaan pondered over it. "A lot of times actually when your father is being unreasonable."

Right, it"s always Father"s fault. Never, your fault, Mother! We all agree with that. We all agree with that or offer our for a beating too!

Li Yuan coughed and enthusiastically said. "Yes, yes, Father is always being unreasonable and excessive!" He felt no shame in defaming his Father to achieve his goal. "So, whenever Father comes to his senses and apologizes to you, don"t you two end up being closer than before? If Uncle and Aunt ever intervene in your two fights, doesn"t it always get worse?"

Li Shanguaan thought about it and could not find a counter-argument. "It actually...does get worse."

"Absolutely!" Li Yuan grinned. "See? I might act foolishly but I am a person of deep insight. So Mother, let"s not intervene in their matters. It will only make it worse. The best we can do is to reduce the distance between them and have them sort it out themselves!" Li Yuan chirped. "And for that objective, I have another great scheme!"

Li Shanguaan was totally duped by her youngest son.

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