Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 70 - I Am Certain Yi Jie Would Not Mind

Chapter 70 - I Am Certain Yi Jie Would Not Mind

Since w.a.n.g Hualing a.s.sumed she had successfully changed Li Guang"s point of view, now she directed her attention towards Li Luxian. She squeezed some tears out of her eyes. "Brother Li, I could not meet you yesterday. Forgive me I came unannounced." She said before attempting to stand up.

But she ended up falling down with a soft cry. 

"Are you alright?" Li Guang asked with concern. 

It was true Li Guang was disappointed at the violence w.a.n.g Hualing displayed the day Li Luxian had brought Chen Yi home the first time, but w.a.n.g Hualing had been close to their family since she was little. Connections can"t be served on the basis of little incidents.

As long as w.a.n.g Hualing did not do something overboard, she was welcomed at the Li family.

Despite that, his father Li Fu Tong still held the w.a.n.g family in high regard. There had been a crack in their trust but they had yet to fall apart. So it was only fair if Li Guang treated w.a.n.g Hualing well.

"I-I think I sprained my leg. I can"t get up on my own." w.a.n.g Hualing said. Then she glanced at Li Luxian with the same pitiful eyes as if expecting him to come to her and help her get up. He was the one standing closer to her than Li Guang.

Li Luxian lips cured up as he perceived her intentions.

w.a.n.g Hualing"s heart thumped loudly. She had never seen Li Luxian smile, let alone smile at her. Could it be her method was working? w.a.n.g Hualing grew more excited.

Chen Yi observed excitement sparkling in w.a.n.g Hualing"s eyes. She frowned and glanced back at Li Luxian. In an instant, she realized everything.

Li Luxian was obviously sneering...

Could w.a.n.g Hualing not see that?

A second later, Li Luxian walked forward soundlessly. When w.a.n.g Hualing saw him approaching her, she secretly sent a triumphant sneer in Chen Yi"s direction. In her mind, she laughed at Chen Yi. 

"What was this Chen Yi so arrogant for? Li Luxian would not even stand up for her. It is apparent their relationship is nothing more than that of strangers. If I was in such a situation as her as his wife, he would have surely stood up for me."

"After this, I am certain this Chen Yi would realize my offer was the best in her regards. Li Luxian certainly doesn"t see her as anything. She should better take those ten Million and back off like a wh.o.r.e she is! Instead, I would lower this price to half after this. After being ignored by Li Luxian, she would see her worth and agree readily!"

"Brother Li..." w.a.n.g Hualing stretched her arm to let Li Luxian help her with a wide smile on her face. However, her smile froze when she saw Li Luxian stopping five steps away from her, by Chen Yi side.

"Brother Li... I can"t reach you that far. Please come closer." She said, still oblivious that Li Luxian had no intentions to help her out, not understanding why he would stop several steps away from her.

"It is better you can"t reach me." Li Luxian sneer slowly disappeared. Cold expressions now covered his face, making him appear like a Demon straight from the lowest level of h.e.l.l. "I am a married man. No other woman can touch me than my wife." His tone was firm; every word came from his heart. He was loyal to those whom he loved. Only his precious wife had the right on her. He would never let another woman near her.

Wasn"t w.a.n.g Hualing already being absurd to be expecting his help? w.a.n.g Hualing was a hundred percent aware that Li Luxian treated women as viruses. He had never let her or anyone else touch him before his marriage. Why would he voluntarily approach her now? 

w.a.n.g Hualing"s eyes widened in shock. 

"No other woman can touch me than my wife..."

She could have believed it if he said "no woman could touch him". But once Li Luxian gave the liberty to touch him to Chen Yi, w.a.n.g Hualing could not accept this.

She could not believe what she heard. She glanced at Li Luxian expressions. He appeared to be totally serious and certain of his words.

"Brother Li, it won"t matter that much. I can"t get up because of my sprained leg. Why else would I bother you? We treat each other like family. You can surely help me out a little?" Still, in a state of denial that Li Luxian rejected her approach and sided with Chen Yi, w.a.n.g Hualing continued her pathetic attempt to reason with Li Luxian with pitiful expressions, 

"That does not concern me. My family is only my wife." His tone was cold when he answered w.a.n.g Hualing"s words, a fine contrast to how he talked with Chen Yi. 

His words were akin to another slap across her face.

Now, w.a.n.g Hualing"s arm hung in mid-air as she stared at him in shock. 

Did he really consider her as his family? Was their relationship genuine?

Doubts started to enshroud w.a.n.g Hualing"s heart. Anxiety crept into her chest.

No! Li Luxian must be faking it!

w.a.n.g Hualing was definitely not going to withdraw and give that sc.u.m Chen Yi the satisfaction of winning! w.a.n.g Hualing could neither extend her arm to touch Li Luxian nor she could pull back. She was caught in an awkward position.

She gnashed her teeth in anger! Dammnit! That wench Chen Yi!

"Brother Li, we have known each other since we were little. I am certain Yi Jie would not mind if you helped me out this time." w.a.n.g Hualing threw her words acutely putting Chen Yi in the position of decision making.

Now if Chen Yi said she minded, she would only appear petty and spiteful in Li Guang eyes. If she said she didn"t mind, Chen Yi would lose to w.a.n.g Hualing.

Chen Yi had no choice but to allow Li Luxian.

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