The dragon nodded and took a bite of the roast bird. The aroma spread across his mouth, making him want to cry from joy.

There was a commotion in the woods; the man had returned witha blood-stained sword.

“Do me a favor."

The dragon ran over to take a look and saw that there was a dead wild boar next to the man. It had been killed with amazing skill. The wound wasn"t big, and there hadn"t been much bleeding.

The fine, beautiful sword in the man"s hand was still slowly dripping with blood, but he just leaned quietly against a tree trunk. His gaze was extremely calm, his expression as cold and beautiful as ever, almost as though he was a perfect statue made of stone.

Um… How handsome.

The dragon looked at the man and couldn"t help thinking: If… If he had once been a man, he had probably been just as amazing, right?

The dragon was well-behaved and cleverly dragged the boar towards the rack.

"Rekindle the fire." The man spoke as he rearranged the wood in for the fire. "There are two countries nearby, and two palaces. Which one do you want to go to?"

The dragon thought about it, then asked, “Which palace has a princess?"

The man silent for half a beat, then opened his mouth to say:

"They both do, but the princess of Xilan Kingdom is better looking."

The dragon nodded, “Mm, then I"ll go to Xilan Kingdom."

A beautiful princess would stir up a bigger fuss, and there would be more knights who would come to save the princess, which meant he wouldn"t be bored.

The man said, “Xilan Kingdom is very close by. If you"re flying, it only takes half an hour. Just head west, and when you see a lake, turn north and you"ll be there."

As a dragon who had lost his memories, he frowned, "Where is "west", and what is "north"?"

The man looked at the dragon and seemed to be able to tell what he was hung up on at a glance. He replied, "The place where the sun comes out from is the west."

“Thank you.” The dragon thanked him very sincerely.

The man no longer raised his head and spoke indifferently, "Go after you"ve eaten the roasted wild boar. I"ll share some more common sense with you while you"re here."

The corners of the dragon"s eyes were damp.

Ever since he became a dragon, he would occasionally meet some human beings while catching birds and picking fruits, but all of them were afraid of him. Some would crouch on the ground and wrap their arms around their head in fear, while others would throw stones at him before running away.

This was the first time that someone.

Was being so kind to him.

“You"re really a good man.” The dragon emotionally spoke from his heart.

The man"s movements stopped for a moment, and he remained silent.

The dragon continued to ask, “Oh, right! What"s your name? If there"s a chance, I"ll repay you in the future!!"

“Shiloh.” The man"s tone was bland.

Shiloh sprinkled the spices evenly over the roasting meat, then asked the dragon, "… What about you? What"s your name?"

The dragon scratched his head and laughed somewhat awkwardly, "I seem to have forgotten my original name."

Shiloh"s eyes were hooded, “Then, do you have a new name?"

The dragon was uncertain as he said, "I haven"t thought about it. What do you think of the name Tammy?"

Shiloh, who was in the process of putting the condiments away, seemed to hesitate before nodding, "… It sounds good."

The dragon"s eyes turned into slits from his smile, "Yes, I also feel that it sounds great."

Shiloh told Tammy: When flying at a certain alt.i.tude, maintain a constant pace and don"t worry about falling. When spraying fire, he needed to keep the intensity light and long. He shouldn"t let give others a chance to hit his eyes or the back of his neck, but everywhere else wasn"t a big deal. Those two places were his only fatal points.

"To tell you the truth, I really suspect that you were originally a dragon. How could you know so much?"

Shiloh heard him, but said nothing. He only tore off the wild boar"s leg and handed it to Tammy.

Tammy looked at Shiloh and thought: Ah, he"s really such a handsome and fierce and gentle man. If I had once been a person, I probably looked like that too.

After finishing the roast meat, Tammy told Shiloh, “I"m going to go s.n.a.t.c.h a princess now."

"Mm." Shiloh made a sound of acknowledgement.

Tammy hesitated for a moment, then looked at him and said, "This is my first time going to catch a princess… Could you maybe… come with me?"

Shiloh shook his head, “I have my own matters to attend to."

Tammy sighed and was somewhat disappointed as he went forth.

Nngh, the dragon had to go s.n.a.t.c.h a princess by himself.

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