Tammy felt that dragons might have been born to do bad things. Nngh, he wasn"t good at making fire, was no good at roasting meat, and his sense of direction was horrible, but it had been a breeze for him to s.n.a.t.c.h the princess. Other than getting scratched in the ear by an arrow, he was basically unharmed everywhere else.

“Let me go! Otherwise, a lot of knights will come to kill you!" The princess shouted fiercely at Tammy.

Tammy threw a roasted boar leg to the princess. Although it was somewhat scorched, it was still the best part of the large wild boar he had caught and roasted. Even if he was a big dragon, he couldn"t just go and bully a girl.

The princess sat in the corner and lightly tore off a small piece of meat from the charred pork leg with her fingertips. Her expression seemed a little disgusted, but she didn"t give voice to it.

Tammy asked, “Are you afraid of me?"

The princess replied, “Is there anyone in the world who isn"t afraid of you?"

"Yes." --Shiloh was one such person.

The princess seemed to have noticed something and suddenly stood up excitedly, shouting from the mouth of the cave, "Knight! Quickly come and save me."

Tammy followed her gaze.

Only to see a red figure.

Tall and broad, his expression cold.

It was Shiloh.

Tammy was stunned.

So Shiloh was a knight; no wonder he was so amazing.

The princess stood there, looked at Stood, then laughed happily, "Knight, kill the dragon and bring me back."

Kill the dragon?

Oh, right.

The dragon captures the princess, the knight kills the dragon, and then, the princess and the knight lived happily ever after together.

Tammy felt a little sad.

He had originally thought, the knight would just be a man, not somebody with incredible powers. They wouldn"t be able to spit fire; how could they kill him with just a sword?! He had originally planned to play with these knights for a while and then put the princess back when he was tired of playing.

But he hadn"t realized that Shiloh would be the knight who came to save the princess.

Shiloh, ah!

He was so strong…

Shiloh could kill wild boars in the blink of an eye. He knew that the dragon"s eyes and neck were his weaknesses, and he even knew how dragons fly and how they spat fire. So… so it would definitely be a very easy thing for him to kill a dragon.

"Knight Shiloh! This dragon abused me! He made me sleep on the ground and forced me to eat that kind of thing that"s so charred it could kill people!!" The princess complained and cried exaggeratedly.

Tammy huffed angrily and tried to explain to Shiloh, "I didn"t!"

He clearly… clearly let the princess sleep on the cleanest straw here and gave her the best part of the roasted boar"s meat!

Shiloh glanced around the cave indifferently.

The princess suddenly showed an extremely pained expression. Her eyelashes fluttered twice and she fainted on the ground.

Tammy saw that the princess" face was pale and wan. That pitiful look must be because she fainted from hunger due to refusing to eat, but she made it seem as though he had really abused her.

Step by step, Shiloh came closer.

Tammy hung his head uneasily, “I"m sorry."

In fact, he didn"t feel like he"d done anything that wrong, but he was afraid that if he didn"t say anything, Shiloh might ignore him in the future.

Shiloh crouched down, picked up the princess who was lying on the straw and walked to the cave entrance.

Tammy watched as Shiloh walked away; there was nothing he could do.

What else could he do?

He couldn"t bear to spit fire at Shiloh.

He was the only one who had given him meat to eat, the only person who had been good to him.

But Tammy"s heart was still very sad. He lifted his head and looked at Shiloh"s back. He shouted, “Shiloh, even if you save her, I"ll just go and s.n.a.t.c.h her again!"

Shiloh placed the princess on the ground near the cave entrance, then turned around and made his way towards Tammy.

He said, “Are you hungry?"

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