Kokoro Connect

Chapter 4: An Opened Door Cannot Be Closed Again

Chapter 4: An Opened Door Cannot Be Closed Again

Month: O – Day: X – Sunny

Something is definitely strange. The senpais in the club are all strange — even as I say this, and rack my brains trying to think of how they are strange, I draw a complete blank.

What to do… I want them to become the way they were before and do stuff to the best of their abilities…

So I’m trying to understand all of this with them. This time, I’ve certainly tried my very best.

But I still didn’t achieve anything… Whatever, someone like me can’t achieve anything anyway… N-no, I can’t think like that! Negativity is prohibited! Next time, next time I’ll do it for sure.

Anyway, I feel like Chihiro-kun’s been acting a little weird lately… He’s seeming to be pretty strong, or rather, he looks more pretentious… or, as though he’s received from .

Uwa Chihiro’s household — the Uwa household, was a normal family.

The four people of Uwa household were Chihiro, his brother, and their parents, living in a 3LDK [18] separately sold apartment on a 25 year mortgage. His father worked at a firm and earned a pa.s.sable income — although there would never be the chance of getting a promotion, at least he would never be fired, and it was enough to sustain the mortgage and the family’s living expenses. In other words, a normal middle-cla.s.s family.

One morning, Chihiro, his father, and his brother sat around the table stacked with plain salad and simple toast. His mother was in the kitchen preparing bentos for him and his brother. Chihiro b.u.t.tered his toast and chewed it slowly.

There was no special conversation at the table.

His father read the newspaper, sipping his coffee. His brother was half-asleep, moving his jaw; he had probably played games late into the night.

This type of scene had played out for several, dozens, hundreds of times. A morning that never, ever changed.

His father stood and began adjusting his clothing. At the company, Chihiro’s father had transitioned from fresh new member to full steam ahead, and it was nearly time to go to work.

What would I do for a living? — Chihiro sometimes thought. It was likely that he would inevitably walk the same path as his father and finally achieve what someone like him in the world should be able to achieve.

Chihiro wasn’t dissatisfied by that. Although he wasn’t outstanding, if he looked at the average income for the entire j.a.panese population, no doubt he’d be among the leaders, so what was there to be dissatisfied at?

No matter how good you think you are, there’s always going to be someone out there who’s better; Chihiro understood this simple principle. He couldn’t force himself to rise continually, either — Chihiro understood this as well. So Chihiro was neither unsettled nor envious of that which he could not reach. Those who stood above him are undoubtedly fated to do so — sitting on talent, status, or wealth — those who already had an advantage at the starting line.

Those who had and those who hadn’t; it was an immovable truth that this world contained that decisive difference.

For example, the genius in the karate dojo by the name of Kiriyama Yui.

This girl was intrinsically talented. After practice ended every day, she would be all smiles, radiant, like she was celebrating her own good fortune. Although she wasn’t relaxed by any means during practice, but she had never undergone any sort of grueling training; she’d relied on her own talent to obtain enviable scores, and in everything other than this, she was the same as everyone else, enjoying her normal, everyday life. Also, due to her attractive appearance, she was supposedly popular among boys. Like a perfect human being.

Chihiro had never considered the possibility of defeating her — or even, establis.h.i.+ng the true difference between them. He had simply viewed her as an existing on another dimension, viewing her from afar — even though they seemed to be friendly on the surface, that matter hasn’t changed.

But one day, Yui never came to the dojo again.

And another day, Yui appeared at the dojo once more, and Chihiro had transferred to her school.

Fate is a magical thing.

He’d heard that she hadn’t touched karate for many years, and her personality had matured quite a bit. So had she decreased in her abilities? Chihiro thought.

—But she seemed even more brilliant than before.

It was like her very existence should be illegal. In terms of karate, she went through minimal practice and regained her past level.

So-called human life was truly determined and destined at birth.

Because the world is just like this — he deeply understood. So he was completely different from those idiotic people who held idiotic dreams and idiotically failed. He had been walking the right path all along.

—Even as Chihiro firmly believed that—

“I’m leaving.”

His father said towards the kitchen, and walked out the door.

“Okay, have a safe trip~!”

His mother replied.

His brother stood up wordlessly and went for the bathroom. He was probably going to spend time messing with his hair, as usual.

His brother’s plate was left with tomatoes, which had been ignored as usual. His mother should have noticed that his brother doesn’t like tomatoes, so she should have left them out of his plate.

The Uwa household was a normal, unchanging scene.

But, there actually had been intensive changes.

Helped by , Chihiro’s world was no longer the same. He himself had changed.

Chihiro actually hadn’t accepted his fate. Even though he himself said that he’d already seen through the truth of the world, he hadn’t given up after all.

What is going to happen, what is going happen out of the blue to me — Chihiro had been praying deep down in his heart.

He, who refuses to mix with the uncouth.

He, the one with the right to become extraordinary.

He, who would have more worth than others.

Today, his wishes can truly be realized.

“Have you heard? Some cla.s.ses have already begun practicing for their events in the Sports Festival.”

s.h.i.+mono was saying at the end of their period in the portable cla.s.sroom, on the way back to homeroom.

“Oh, really? They’re all second and third years anyway.”

This school really is pa.s.sionate about some meaningless things. — Chihiro thought as he replied.

“No, it’s like the first years are influenced by the second and third years, and they’re doing it too.”

“Ehhh, how’s that possible—?”

Tada repeated Chihiro’s words, turned and grabbed Chihiro’s shoulders, twisting his wrists.

“We’re gonna lose anyway — but it’s really hot right now—”

“Get your mitts off if you’re hot. I’m already hot.”

Chihiro calmly shook Tada off. s.h.i.+mono suddenly pointed towards the field.

“Hey, look over there!”

“On the field, there were seven or eight students practicing pa.s.sing sticks for relay races, without changing from their school uniforms.

“Tsk tsk, there’s still three weeks, these guys really wanna win.”

s.h.i.+mono said.

“Yeah. If it were up to me, we’d be practicing two or three days before, at most.”

Chihiro nodded in agreement as Tada quipped:

“Isn’t our cla.s.s supposed to wait until a day before?”

“Probably not… If our cla.s.s… If a miracle happens we should be able to wait until a day before… Ah, it’s impossible.”

“So a miracle is also impossible!”

s.h.i.+mono and Tada grinned tacitly. Their smiles felt like they had been squeezed out to relieve stress.

— Enjouji s.h.i.+no thought as she watched the field from afar. She hugged her textbooks and notebooks, her soft tea-colored hair blowing about in the wind.

Without noticing — and truly without noticing, Chihiro slowed his pace, increasing the distance between him and s.h.i.+mono and Tada, and stood there, waiting for Enjouji to reach him.

“What are you looking at, Enjouji?”

“Ah, um… Chi, Chi… No! Uwa-kun!”

“The half ‘Chihiro-kun’ that you said sounded a lot like the name that Nagase-senpai usually calls me…”

Is she calling me “Chichi” in a roundabout way?

“S-sorry… I wasn’t careful, it’s force of habit…”

Looking at Enjouji’s lowered head and timid appearance, Chihiro sighed.

“Really. It’s fine to call me ‘Chihiro-kun’ in the cla.s.sroom. You can’t correct yourself anyway.”

“Mm, I’m sorry, I’ll definitely remember next time, and before I talk to you next time I’ll take a deep breath and prepare to talk to Uwa-kun… Eh? I can call you Chihiro-kun?!”

“So you’re not doing it on purpose…”

Something similar had happened the last time he talked to her, was she bearing a burden from last time?

“I’m s-sorry… I really didn’t do it on purpose… Uh, um, umm. I… What was I looking at again…?”

“At least remember what you look at, Enjouji.”

Although her processor wasn’t fast by any means, at least she wasn’t to the degree of being dumb.

“Over there, look…”

Enjouji turned towards the field again.

“Iori-senpai is with Taichi-senpai and they’re — Uwa!”

Enjouji raised her hand to point at them and her books and pencil bag clattered onto the ground.

… Correction. She isn’t very bright after all.

Chihiro also looked towards the field. Sure enough, Taichi and Iori were among a group of four boys and four girls. Iori was holding a relay baton.

They were gathered together, chatting. Someone was probably saying something interesting; a few were roaring with laughter. Although he was out of earshot, Chihiro felt like he could hear their laughter.

His chest itched for some reason.

“Those two… They’re from Cla.s.s 2B.”

“I always feel like… They’re really amazing.”

Enjouji murmured.

“…How are they amazing?”

“Yeah, how?”

Enjouji tilted her head, smiling warmly. There was an expression of secrecy on her face, sending the message ‘Think about it, you should be able to understand”.

He felt slightly dissatisfied.

“Don’t you feel that they’re really amazing?”

“In what way?”

He understood that she was merely playing dumb and felt slightly embarra.s.sed.

Chihiro looked towards the field again. Nagase held her hands out in front of her as everyone else stood in a line. Taichi seemed to say something stupid; a tall girl was laughing so hard that her shoulders quaked.


Enjouji seemed overly bold, causing her outburst to go slightly wrong…

“What is it?”

Chihiro glanced at Enjouji, who was staring at him. Having the other person strangely think of you as a companion is very distracting.


Enjouji closed her lips with a melancholy expression. Seeing her pitifully creased eyebrows and wet eyes that reflected her air of being abandoned, Chihiro became slightly annoyed.

Talking with Enjouji — and gazing at Taichi and the others — was there any reason to it? Was there any value to it? Was there any meaning to it?

The side that Taichi and the others are on and the side that Enjouji and the others are on — he, was an existence that crossed this limit.

I should get back to homeroom, Chihiro thought. He crossed the courtyard and walked away.

“Ah, wait, Chihiro-kun~!”

Chihiro kept silent. He didn’t stop, either.

Coincidentally, he saw Kiriyama Yui and Aoki Yos.h.i.+fumi. They seemed not to notice him.

Chihiro slowed his pace, perked up his ears, and watched the two from a distance. As long as they didn’t turn around, they wouldn’t notice him.

“You broke your promise yesterday.”

Yui spoke fiercely in a voice dripping with rage. There was no one around, so Chihiro heard every word clearly.

“Huh? Promise?”

“You’re still playing dumb…! You jer… Forget it.”

Yui left those words and spun around to leave.

“Wait! I really don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Aoki shouted, but Yui completely ignored him.

“Yui, didn’t you… You’re suddenly stopping it now… I don’t know anything about that order that you gave me!”

“Order? What the h.e.l.l are you talking about?!”

Just then, Yui noticed Chihiro’s gaze and turned around. Their eyes met, and Chihiro nodded in acknowledgement as Aoki also noticed.

Yui raised her hand slightly with a terrible expression and left. Aoki waved as well and walked off in a different direction.

It seems like the seed he planted had raised something else somewhere he didn’t know.

Chihiro’s heart was soaked in a complicated tangle of fear and excitement.

Chihiro was using his own body to personally experience his own .

“— Hey, Chihiro-kun.”

This voice seemed to seize Chihiro, freezing his heart in an instant.

It was only Enjouji’s voice, but its clear sound, free of any impurities, gave the impression that she had seen through everything.

Chihiro turned toward Enjouji with a poker face.

“Don’t you feel… that the senpais have been strange lately?”

Enjouji carefully watched Chihiro’s eyes, seemingly reading something from within.

“In what way?’

“I just feel like… they’re unnatural…”

“Who knows. Maybe it’s because the Sports Festival is beginning soon, so they’re just in high spirits.”

“Re…ally? It doesn’t seem like that at all… Um, maybe, it’s because…”

Enjouji lowered her head as though she was showing her hair to Chihiro.

To break this hesitant situation, just as Chihiro was about to leave without her, Enjouji raised her face. Chihiro met Enjouji’s gaze; within Enjouji’s eyes, sparks and embers were burning.

“It’s just my personal guess, but…”

Chihiro’s brain sent out an instinctive warning. She must not continue her words.

“So? What exactly are you trying to do?”

Send a preemptive strike before being questioned and use a question to dodge this temporary danger.

“Uh… Wha…at?”

Enjouji’s words stuck together.

Although he didn’t know what was going on, this was an opportunity. Seize and floor the accelerator, misleading her train of thought.

“Yeah. What are you trying to do? You.”

“I… Um… I…”

The glow from her burning eyes dissipated and became a patch of black. Enjouji suddenly looked like she wanted to cry, but it was clear that she hadn’t noticed a thing.

“Let’s go, back to homeroom.”


After that, Enjouji didn’t come with him.

That night, Chihiro crashed onto his bed and thought.

As the price for receiving “Fantasy Projection”, he must make those five people more interesting — this wording made him hesitant and confused. According to , it seemed like as long as giant waves disturbed the emotions among the five, he would feel “interesting” (This was Chihiro’s unproved theory. merely said “About that… If possible, please think about it on your own…”).

If he wanted to shake up the relations.h.i.+ps among the five people, effectively, he’s have o completely destroy their connections. Since noncommittally commented “Ah… That’s not preventable anyway…”, he should be going in the right direction.

Obliterate the pentagonal relations.h.i.+p of the Cultural Research Club and destroy the bond between the five. Destroy and disappear.

He suddenly felt a kind of fear. Was it really acceptable to commit a sin like this?Chihiro questioned of himself deep down in his consciousness.

But the answer to this rhetorical question presented itself easily.

—This couldn’t be helped.

had promised Chihiro that as long as Chihiro brought about sufficient entertainment to the five people, he would extend the effects of Chihiro’s “Fantasy Projection” to people other than those five.

If he could use “Fantasy Projection” on all of humankind, then he would be able to do as he desired.

He wouldn’t be swallowed up by wicked desires, but instead would absorb then and progress beyond. Because he was far from mediocrity.

He must ascend to higher ground. Therefore, they were his stepping stones. His current everyday high school life was nothing worth remembering anyway. Seizing the opportunity to destroy everything and awaken them to reality isn’t a bad idea either.

The next day, at school.

When Chihiro made sure that Inaba was alone.

“[I am the one who Inaba Himeko is most likely to obey.]”

“Oh, Taichi.”

The one who fulfilled this criterion would of course be Taichi. As predicted, without fail.

Inaba approached, grinning. But within her smile, things seemed hazy, probably because she had been stymied on things lately.

“Inaba, can we speak alone for a second?”

Chihiro [Taichi] extended an invitation.

“A-alone… Eh, r-right now?”

Inaba’s face turned crimson and her eyes began to wander. If Inaba is so shy in front of everyone else, then when she is alone with Taichi… Hm, she’s full of that “shy girl feeling”.

Being stared by her like this is very uncomfortable, but if she’s really into him, she’s one h.e.l.l of a cute girlfriend.

“Yeah, right now.”

After a moment of brief hesitation, Inaba nodded.

Chihiro [Taichi] led Inaba to a room in a cla.s.sroom building. This room was about as big as the Cultural Research clubroom; except for a pile of old desks and chairs, there was nothing inside. Almost no one used it and it could be locked from the inside — Chihiro had personally confirmed this.

“There’s actually a room like this…”

Inaba couldn’t help but exclaim. She wore a long-sleeved white s.h.i.+rt and short skirt with beautifully curved legs wrapped in black stockings; from behind she looked pleasantly slender and gave off just a hint of suggestiveness.

Chihiro [Taichi] entered the room behind her, turned around and surrept.i.tiously locked the door.

“So, what’s up, specially bringing me here—”

“Inaba, take off your clothes.”

Chihiro [Taichi] commanded.

Inaba stood still, as though she needed time to process the words, her face reddening instantly.

“Are, are, are we, we, we going to have our in this place…!”

Inaba’s eyes darted around frantically as she wildly waved her hands in the air.

“Um, wait, is this, uhh, does this mean, you can’t wait any longer? Al-although there isthis sort of situation in H-manga…”

Taichi and Inaba seem to be in an exceptionally relations.h.i.+p. Also, an unexpected bonus was Inaba revealing her readers.h.i.+p of ero-manga.

“I want to take a good look at you.”

With a little more emotion, his own speaking tone had changed. d.a.m.n, there was no need for that.

“Even though you suddenly say that you want to… look…”

Anyway, this was really —

“Ah… Ju-just looking, right?! Just looking, right?! We should choose a more appropriate place for our first time, right?!”

— If you want to do it, it’s so easy right now.

“Well… Actually, I’m not completely opposed to something a little more… unique…”

But what the h.e.l.l is she saying.

“I’m just asking you to strip, nothing else.”

“B-but even if you want me to strip, I don’t know…”

“Just please strip down to your underwear.”

Chihiro [Taichi] said, considering the fact that making her strip naked in one go wasn’t realistic.

“U-Underwear?! S-So you’re asking me to strip down to my bra and panties?!”

“Yeah… That’s right.”

Chihiro [Taichi] couldn’t help but laugh at Inaba’s deadpan words.

“Um, uh, if I’m stripping down to my underwear… Then, can you turn around…?”

“Ahh, yeah.”

Chihiro suddenly became nervous. If someone was to open the door from outside, that would be disastrous.

From behind came the shuffling noise of Inaba beginning to take her clothes off. How much had she taken off?

“Ah… Can I keep my shoes on?”


The pure unexpectedness of the question almost made Chihiro [Taichi] laugh.

“Um, ah, yeah, go ahead.”

Then he couldn’t help but wish. This was definitely not his taste. Definitely not.

“But since you’re suddenly ordering me to strip, and since you have such a peculiar fetish for shoes… I’m really the only one who can be your girlfriend, sheesh.”

Gah, what the h.e.l.l is she saying. Chihiro’s mind was slightly calmed by Inaba’s idiotic remarks.

“Ah— yeah, we’re really a match for each other.”

Chihiro [Taichi] reciprocated. To Inaba, these words seem to have been exchanged before, to the point where it’s become a confession that made her go red from ear to ear.

The sound of shuffling clothes stopped.

“… Okay.”

Inaba seemed pretty nervous too; her voice was trembling.

Chihiro swallowed hard; his body seemed to warm up for some reason… Why the h.e.l.l was he so nervous? It’s just a , after all. He had no intention of falling to the level of those idiots with lower-dimensional desires. He was different from those vulgar ones.

Chihiro [Taichi] turned around and instantly sucked in a breath.

The air was filled with the old, rotten smell of the unused room. Inside the closed off s.p.a.ce, hot air stuck to the skin, not letting go. Inside this room, stood a slender, black-haired, female high school student — fully complying with her own desires, becoming like this only for herself — wearing only a black bra, panties and stockings with leather school uniform shoes on her feet. More than four-fifths of her skin was naked, reflecting glossy white. She was clearly wearing normal clothes, but her figure was extremely unusual. Inside a school, within a sealed room. Sunlight shone through the window, gently projecting onto her body, sketching a shadow with shades of light and dark. Within a secret room with no one else but a lonely couple — a secret figure. This was a scene filled with a sense of eternity. Her beautiful silhouette was filled with beauty, and pity.

Inaba kept her hands behind her back and her red face lowered.

Is my sense of reason going to run away like this? Chihiro thought.

Although that was impossible.

“What…What do you think?

“You look very charming.”

Chihiro [Taichi] said half-truthfully.

A girl in her underwear and an adolescent boy in the same room. What a strange s.p.a.ce.

So, this was the between Taichi and Inaba.

The so-called idiotic couple was probably like this.

“Then, can I put my clothes back on…?”

Inaba asked in a small voice, covering her chest with her arms like she was hugging herself.

“No, there’s more.”

“Are, are you saying that I… I should take off my shoes and socks too…?!”

Shut up — Chihiro [Taichi] thought, and went through with his request.

“Let me take a picture.”

He pulled out his phone.

“A p-picture…?”

Inaba immediately looked frightened. Out of all of the things he had done as [Taichi] with her, this was the first time she had displayed such an expression.

Up to now, he had finally uncovered it.

— Despair.

That deep, dark despair given to her by the one she loved.

“Can… Can we forget about a picture…?”

Inaba took a step back, her right hand gripping her s.h.i.+rt that she left on a desk.

She seems extremely unwilling. But I’m doing it because you’ll be unwilling.

“You don’t want to, Inaba? Are you rejecting me? In other words, do you not love me? If you don’t love me, I’m not going to love Inaba-senpai either.”

Chihiro mimicked [Taichi]’s tone, uttering the worst words he could think of.

Inaba’s eyes were increasingly soaked with despair. She was now completely dominated by fear: her entire body trembled lightly as gooseb.u.mps slowly rose on her skin. Chihiro [Taichi] watched it all.

After a brief pause, Inaba let go of the s.h.i.+rt.


Inaba’s hands fell to her sides and she lowered her face.

“Thank you.”

He was now completely in control of Inaba.

Chihiro [Taichi] began to press the shutter. The blinding flash caused Inaba to squint her eyes.

Compared to a moment before, Inaba’s naked body was no longer striking, and under the guidance of this despicable understanding, it gave off a forbidding smell.

He pressed the b.u.t.ton.

Can the camera on the phone perfectly preserve this atmosphere that Inaba has created — before he previewed the effect, he could not determine that.

He pressed the b.u.t.ton.

And pressed.

And pressed.

And pressed.

And pressed.

“Just… Just forget it—!”

Inaba shouted; she seized her clothes and hid her chest behind them.

“Um… Next time, next time I’ll definitely… Um, so, okay? Can you… Can you delete those… pictures you took just now… Please.”

Inaba hid her face in her s.h.i.+rt, her voice mixed with whimpers.

“Um… It’s not that… I don’t trust you… But if you really leak those out… I’m really scared… And, this is really weird!”

Inaba lifted her reddened eyes, pleading with Chihiro [Taichi].

Yes— or No. The right of choice was completely within his grasp.

A line of tears pooled and ran down from Inaba’s eyes.

“… I got it. I’ll delete them, all right?”

Chihiro [Taichi] said. Of course… This was part of the plan.

“Oh, okay. Right… If Taichi says it properly I’ll understand it.”

“Of course.”

Inaba displayed an expression of relief and began to dress.

“See, I’m deleting them. If I press it like this, I can delete everything I took just now.”

Chihiro [Taichi] showed the screen of his phone to Inaba.

“Ahh… Thanks.”

Why are you still saying thanks in this situation? Chihiro thought.

After school, Chihiro spotted Nagase on the way home.

Nagase was walking along a narrow path, completely alone. This was his chance.

Chihiro walked up to Nagase. He had just discovered that even if he appeared in front of the subject before “Fantasy Projection” activated, that memory would be erased for them.

Concentrating his desire, concentrating the antic.i.p.ation of making the situation more interesting, with the confidence that the seed he had planted would see results in one fell swoop, Chihiro made the decision and declared:

“[I am the being that will make Nagase Iori the most confused.]”


Iori opened her mouth slightly. She stopped in her tracks, looking like she wanted to say something but couldn’t.


“Oh, Taichi. What’s up?”

He was now recognized as the one who would make Nagase Iori the most confused, Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi.

Too funny. This is a masterpiece, isn’t it, ?

Now, he can revive the triangular relations.h.i.+p that was supposed to be resolved.

Of course, that was not so easily achieved. But obviously, the triangular relations.h.i.+p between then had not disappeared — a phantom, a phantom of that triangular relations.h.i.+p was floating among them. They could only do their best to keep the danger at a balancing point.

No matter which angle buckled under the pressure, eventually the domino effect would set in and everything would collapse.

With heavy smoke billowing out, the torch of the triangular relations.h.i.+p will burn them all to ash.

It was likely that in a short time, there will be a gigantic avalanche.

Victory was within reach. Currently, they have not noticed at all that they were being invaded from outside. This was the decisive difference between those with power, and those without it.

“Why’re you so quiet? We can’t be meeting here by coincidence.”

Chihiro [Taichi] began to reply to Nagase, who looked tense.

Now, let’s try something decisive.

This was really very interesting.

“I like you. After being in a relations.h.i.+p with Inaba, I finally realize it: the one whom I really like is you.”

[Taichi] confessed his feelings to Nagase.

Nagase’s expression was full of disturbance. Disturbance, destruction.

It seems like she can no longer withstand it.

Nagase’s eyebrows arched, her eyes squinted fiercely, and a corner of her mouth twitched to one side. Intimidation — an expression like pure evil.

Nagase seized Chihiro [Taichi]’s collar and got up close.

“You wanna be freakin’ punched?”

Murderous intent.

Feels like she’s about to kill.

“Are you freakin’ betraying Inaba Himeko?!”

A voice as sharp as daggers.

Hey, what are you doing. Isn’t this going a little too far. Who the h.e.l.l are you, that’s scary. Is she really going to hit me— No, she definitely isn’t just going to hit me. But I can probably shake her off. I’m clearly stronger than she is. But she’s giving off an air of stubborn resistance. d.a.m.n, that’s scary.

— But either way, she’s just a confused little girl. And Nagase’s weak towards others’ advances. I know this. Don’t be scared, don’t run, just charge through with it.

“Even if you do this I can’t help it! It’s just… out of my control!”

Although my neck was forcefully grabbed in the process, I managed to shout that out.

Nagase’s murderous vision did not ease.

To escape, I must fight to the death.

“I love you, Nagase! I really, really do!”

Whether it was because this determination had been transmitted over to her or not, Nagase lessened her grip on his collar.

Nagase’s arched brows slowly eased, as liquid welled up in her eyes.

Tears flowing down her cheeks, Nagase lowered her head and forcefully pushed Chihiro [Taichi] away.

“You… With everything as it is… Just stop…”

Leaving these words, Nagase ran from Chihiro [Taichi]’s side.

Ahh, what a relief.

I win.

Nagase has been defeated.

Inaba has been ordered by [Taichi] to perform various inappropriate activities, and even photographed pictures of her almost naked body. From her despaired expression, it was clear that her distrust was approaching the limit.

Although Taichi was still confused by Nagase’s temptation. Seems that it wasn’t strong enough, so next time I’ll use [Inaba] to tell him “I hate you” and reject him, then use [Nagase] to confess to him. That should take care of things.

The collapse of their triangular relations.h.i.+p is within reach. As long as it collapses, then their pentagon will not survive intact either.

The end — shall draw its curtain beginning with those three.

Sunday. Today was the final chapter in the story that he created.

Chihiro utilized “Fantasy Projection” to create separate excuses, arranging Taichi, Iori, and Inaba to meet together at Natural Park. This was the place where he had encountered in Gotou Ryuuzen’s body during the end of April, after the Club Activities Department miraculously decided to hold a marathon with the Track and Field team.

Chihiro stayed in the shadow of a boulder behind the trio’s meeting place (the rest area). Here, he could avoid their eyes and watch them closely.

The end was approaching; it seemed that , who had been observing the situation, had noticed as well. He was probably nearby, too.

Inaba arrived first.

She looked around uneasily. The rest area had a simple awning and benches, but Inaba stood to one side, not wanting to sit down.

Soon, Taichi and Iori arrived.

They were holding hands.

Hey, hey, you’re actually doing it— Chihiro suppressed his laughter. He was only half-joking, yet they’re actually taking it seriously. Those two acted as he wished, and were evidence of his success.

Honestly, Chihiro always felt that the separation between the three today lacked some sparks. But Taichi and the others had such a solid relations.h.i.+p that it was annoying, so it was thanks to Chihiro that there could be some hate among them.

— They deeply trusted each other, and it was therefore that they .

Their actions would become undoubtable truth. To himself, who stirred up things among them in disguise, this was the optimal environment.

And now, the twists and turns that had built up over time will come together.

What kind of show were they going to put on this time? Opposition, conflict, intensity, breakup, revolt, or collapse?

If these three had indeed spoken to each other, they would notice something unnatural about themselves. But because the events created by “Fantasy Projection” had not disappeared, to them, deciding what was real and what was not was another dilemma.

What were they going to do? Declare everything within this time period as a “lie”? This seemed prudent, but in actuality would be the worst possible decision.  As to why — if they approached everything as a “lie”, they would begin to suspect whether the person they faced is actually the real person.

Indeed, that was the real threat of “Fantasy Projection”. Even if one felt like he had realized the truth, there would be no solvency to this h.e.l.l, only unstoppable continuation into darkness.

Whether it was the true person, whether anything was true or false, everything would sink into obscurity, imprisoned within illusions. In that world, many aspects would inevitably head towards collapse, no matter the resilience of spirit.

I’ve heard of them overcoming many challenges hand-in-hand; then, allow me — Uwa Chihiro, to see what you will do.

Taichi and Nagase walked up to Inaba and let go of each other’s hands.

The three of them stood in a perfect triangle.


“““This is weird!”””

The three of them said in unison, pointing at each other.

Their actions mirrored each other perfectly without missing a beat, like their minds were synchronized.

“Because we look exactly the same.” Nagase said.

“I’m starting to suspect if anyone of us is actually anyone of us.” Inaba said.

“Even though we’ve already been affected…” Taichi said.

“““There’s no way you two can say that!”””

Following those words, the three of them looked at each other and roared with laughter.

“But why did you guys come holding hands?”

Inaba demanded.

“Uh, Nagase said that we had to do it…” “Uh, Taichi said that we had to do it…”


Their voices overlapped; Taichi and Nagase began to laugh again.

“What the heck are you two doing? I’m also… Whatever. Let’s adjust first.”

Inaba suggested; the other two immediately responded.

“All right!” “Okay!”

This was too peaceful.

This was too friendly.

This was too normal.

This was too abnormal.

Stunned beyond belief, Chihiro himself began to doubt whether the scene unfolding before his eyes was the truth, and whether he himself had fallen into an illusion. No matter what, they should be beginning to suspect each other, and speak extremely carefully.

Chihiro could confirm that they had definitely been shaken up. He’d seen this up close with his own eyes.

Why? Because the two of them had been alone together; now all three of them were together, so shouldn’t they be suspicious? Or, was this the power of the bond between the three of them — the Cultural Research Club?

The three of them began to confirm their experiences of recent events.

“—So that happened.”

Taichi explained; Nagase exclaimed:

“How could I say that? I wouldn’t tear Inaban and Taichi apart.”

“So Taichi. Recently, at school… You said that you hate me…”

“Eh? How could I hate you! I’m the most… with Inaba…”

“Don’t hesitate on that, Taichi-kun!”

“I-I know so stop knocking me on the head! Um… So… I love you the most.”

“T-Taichi~! ❤”

“Hey, hey, don’t hug me here!”

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

“Nagase don’t stir things up like a primary school student!”

Blood rus.h.i.+ng to his head, Chihiro furiously tore fistfuls of gra.s.s out of the ground.

What the f.u.c.k are they doing?! Is there no sense of danger??!

“So, someone’s been going around disguised as us, right? And we were pushed around by this, right?”

Nagase murmured. Inaba replied:

“An imposter… Then, he could be any one of us three.”

Yes, that’s right. You’ve finally noticed what kind of danger you’re in.

“But we’re all the real thing right now.”

Taichi declared plainly.

“Uh-huh.” “Mm-hm.”

Inaba and Nagase replied, smiling.

He couldn’t collapse them. Each of them was so weak, so gullible, so easily shaken up.

But he had another chance. No matter how many times it took, he could set it up again. Even if they discovered the existence of an imposter, he just needed to fight lies with lies, and push them into…

Inaba, who had clearly cried before, said calmly:

“Even if there is an imposter, the real us definitely haven’t disappeared. We just need to make that clear. No matter when the imposter shows up, as long as we remember that the real us is going to return, we can make it through.”

Nagase added:

“Everything’s gonna be fine! …But I keep messing everyone up, I can’t talk!”

“You know it.”

Inaba teased, and everyone chuckled.

Chihiro pulled up fist after fist of gra.s.s. Crunch, crunch, crunch, he wrenched out handful after handful with the roots. He was drenched in sweat.

Even if he had superhuman intelligence on his side, they were— impenetrable.

Even after the three of them left, Chihiro stuck behind the boulder, staying where he was.

What should he do— If this continued, there was no way to shake them up; it wouldn’t be interesting at all. What on earth was he supposed to do? Any reference to consult now was nowhere to be seen.

Then, suddenly—

Possessing the body of the Yamabos.h.i.+ High School physics teacher Gotou Ryuuzen — appeared.

His heart nearly jumped out of his chest.

“W-Where did you come from…?”

“Even if you ask me that… I just walked here, plain and simple… It’s just that you, Uwa-kun, were staring into s.p.a.ce and didn’t notice me… Ahh… It doesn’t matter.”

Full of nonsense as always. Its bad taste for possessing Gotou’s body hadn’t changed either.

The existence that had twisted him into an abnormal world was in front of him now.

Chihiro was grateful for his newfound power — But this couldn’t change the fact that itself was annoying.

“Um… Ahh, right…”

He looked like he’d waltzed onto stage and forgot his lines.

“It seems that things aren’t going quite as planned.”

Within his slurred speech, there was just a hint of sternness.

Chihiro swallowed hard, and opened his mouth.


“Are you unable to make me happy?”


His blood froze.

“The way I see it; this is boring beyond belief. I advise you to drop the illusion that you can return to the normal world unharmed… What a joke.”

A threat.

Chihiro’s entire body was struck by fear. He was going to be consumed. If he hadn’t been leaning on something, he would have keeled right over.

He had probably opened a door that he absolutely shouldn’t have touched in the first place.

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