Kokoro Connect

Chapter 6 - The Decisive Battle and the Trap

Chapter 6 - The Decisive Battle and the Trap


Taichi was yelled at and stopped in the locker. Taichi looked back.

“Ohh, is it Kimura?”

A first year male student Taichi gave consulted with about romance before.

“Well~, what happened before, really Thank You very much. Thanks to that, things are going alright.”

“That’s great”

“Yes, it’s all thanks to senpai’s advice! I will also advertise to everyone! Seeya!”

“Hey, wait, don’t spread weird rumors…..still not listening I wonder, that guy……”

The aim was unpleasant but there isn’t any direct harm from this phenomenon yet and there are no signs that it will happen. If there’s an indication, then it was decided to withdraw. Taichi and Kiriyama continued their actions using the phenomenon.

The two became actively helping others for two weeks. In Yamabos.h.i.+ High School, a little boom is breaking out.

That name is the Love Boom. (As it is now gone beyond the name, it is love and respect)

The start of the foundation was not particularly Taichi and Kiriyama. Because the cultural festival has ended, the relations of the students have started to deepen in the times like this called September. Couples started to increase.

And coincidentally during then, Taichi and Kiriyama helped with love consultations and exactly fit in. Couples, Taichi and Kiriyama helped with, were established and even more establishments of couples were born.

In the school, everyone has a least one or two kids that they care about. But until it develops into a confession, there are various hurdles. That hurdle is for some reason or another hung down by the mood around.

Particularly the second years, if one receives an authorization from Taichi and Kiriyama (especially Taichi), it will be a success for sure. That sort of superst.i.tion became a rumor. That became the strong push from the back in order to cross that hurdle.

“Ah, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun? It seems that this kid likes this other kid so give some advice to them~” sort of thing. He only talked to this girl from another cla.s.s for about only two or three times and in the hallway she suddenly there was a request settlement.

Until now, he has received various people’s consultation and he couldn’t refuse only specific people.

Listening lightly to the details, he nodded.

“I get it. Only, it doesn’t mean I can give an amazing advice, there is no way I could do that? After, is it ok if it takes a little time?”

Love is a hot topic. The topic of love can not leave the heads of everyone and it became easy to see events related to love in “Dream Perception”.

“That’s fine. After taking time, the answer will seem to be seriously good~. I’m not awkwardly expecting too much so it’s alright. It looks like it’s superst.i.tion as well.”

“Being superst.i.tion and hitting it on the mark is amazing though! Realistically, it seems that you would say “wait for a bit” am I right?”

This way of accepting a consultation is the most troubling when the situation is girl and boy with unrequited love. By no mean “The person you like likes another person” supposedly couldn’t be said. Generally, “Wait for a bit” or “After continuing as friends for a little more” sort of things can be said with confidence and in a way of giving an evasive answer.

“Yeah, I will have a peace of mind for this school trip’s free time.”

“Gah! You were planning on something like that? Well, will happen to the single me?”

“Well, I’ll quickly make a boyfriend.”

“This is bad~. Will I make it on time~? Ah, in that time, I’ll come for consultation, please take care of me Yaegas.h.i.+-kun.”

Seeya~, said the girls and walked away from Taichi.

That sort of positive type of course recently seemed like girls who doesn’t come for direct consultation and their meddling friends selfishly came to say “What do you think about that kid and that kid dating? It probably will work?” so the number of cases of consultation has become fairly high.

“Taichi” said Kiriyama running towards from the front. Her expression looked like it did not surpa.s.s the cloudiness.

“…..Again, have you been asked for a favour? This time who is it?”

“Ummm…..” Taichi talked about the content of what he heard just now.

“Ok. It would be good if I know the person that boy likes in “Dream Perception”.”

“Ahh, I’ll leave it with you.”

After an exchange they were used to, Kiriyama had a dark face and was silent.

“Is something the matter?”

“…..We have made something here into a big thing. Is it alright, I wonder.”

Recently between those two, that topic has occasionally surfaced.

“Whoever someone likes or something like that is private, and we are peeking into that. ……It’s because it’s the phenomenon, it can’t be helped no matter what we do we can see it though. We are also really positively……”

Taichi also has the same trouble inside.

“But it’s not like we have bad intentions using that, we didn’t even spread a rumor even once.”

As if persuading himself, Taichi said.

“That is, it may be the case.”

“It’s alright. It’s because we are making others happy.”

In this way, we are doing a service to other people. For everyone, we will do something so everyone can receive happiness.

Shouldn’t that above all be a priority?

“Happiness…… That’s right. Someone and someone else dating is something extremely happy.”

After whispering, Kiriyama suddenly raised her face looking like she noticed something.

“Dating, Taichi are you happy?”

With the person called Inaba Himeko and the being at the closest distance coming in contact with me.

“Ahh, I’m happy.”

Because Kiriyama did not have any signs of joking, he could honestly say a word that was embarra.s.sing.

The feeling of connecting one’s heart to someone’s, it cannot be replaced. Because I have that….. Because I don’t have that? No, is it not necessary to think about temporary arguments? But if there is dating then there is also breaking up. What. Misfortune.

---Do you really like me?

“I see, it’s great right? ……While talking about it, around this time I haven’t talked to Aoki at all.”

In the end, Kiriyama whispered.

Inaba and Fujis.h.i.+ma announcing their hostility to Taichi and directly standing in his way, it was an angle that was unthinkable.

“As promised, in the Tennis club, the disturbed public morals and the decided excess practice, and there there’s also the advisor saying, “I will shorten the practice time!” “I also impose a review!”. A disagreeable practice time, better yet a review, I don’t get the meaning! It seems like that.”

In front of Taichi is a male first year, Kimura, who is making exaggerated gestures as he explained.

“Yeah, and? “ Taichi said and he pressed on.

“Our individual club activities’ activity time, hasn’t it been decided for each club activity? The ones who hold authority is the student council. That student council seemed to have tried to work out a plan to counter students playing until very late in the shopping districts or the disturbed public morals.”


“Well, just great, the Tennis club’s case will be taken up and a debate will be held! The debate will be composed of the Tennis club against the Student Council it seems.”

“Yeah, yeah, and?”

“Yaegas.h.i.+-san! As a person who will help, please join the fight!”

“Why? I’m completely unrelated.”

Even though their school year was different, they came for love counseling, but couldn’t think that this sort of request will be given to him.

“That is probably true but…. If you give magnificent love consultation, then, I beg you Yaegas.h.i.+-san……. No, Taichi-san! In the way Uwa says!”

“Well, really sorry, Taichi-san. This guy wouldn’t let me return with him immediately.”

“Wait, Uwa, Hey!? Don’t drag me! Aren’t you going to give your support!?”

Accompany Kimura was Uwa who was arguing with him. The two are in the same cla.s.s it looks like.

“One of you came to stop me.”

“You two, don’t argue, don’t argue you two small things.”

Furthermore, Enjouji s.h.i.+no, who made her wicked tongue explode, was there.

“Hey, Enjouji. On purposely attaching small thing, what is the meaning behind that?”

“Ah…..So, sorry Chihiro-kun! Well, medium thing….I wonder? It’s because Taichi senpai is a big thing so if I do a comparison, it becomes that, I think…… and”

“……It’s only correct if you only say that was compared.”

“Huh…..That’s great. As I thought, Chihiro is a chicken with a small thing!”

“Don’t say it with a happy face! Your verbal abuse has been increasing!”

“Perhaps I should say, Enjouji is also here?” Taichi asked.

“Ye,….., Yes! Chihiro and Kimura were talking about to go or not to go to Taichi with a favour. ….. And then I should also follow!”

“But the truth?” asked Chihiro.

“I can’t deny the side of coming to listen to Taichi senpai’s wonderful voice! Yes! ….. What did you make me say Chihiro-kun!?”

Their two breaths merged together.

“Anyways I want to show in as a conversationalist. By the way, I’m not good at speaking.”

Taichi said and Enjouji gave a reply.

“Taichi-senpai, aren’t you good at making arguments for argument’s sake? You also gave me memories of, amazingly great words.”

“…..Did that ever happen?”

Taichi tilted his head to the side in confusion but Kimura has back-up and gathered strength.

“See see! Enjouji-san said it! The people from the Tennis club partic.i.p.ating are practically the first years~.”

“How about the second and third years?”

“There are a few second years and they don’t have much ambition for club activities. The third years are retiring.”

“….and, I. Well, as I thought, I don’t understand it well.”

“Well~……That is true. To be honest, the enemy-san recommended it. “This protagonist character Yaegas.h.i.+-kun will not refuse” that person said.”

“What is with that recommendation……Perhaps, the protagonist comment, or……unless I”


Suddenly a someone whispered into Taichi’s ear from the back, without thinking he jumped up.

“That’s a good reaction huh Yaegas.h.i.+-kun?”

“As I expected, it’s you?”

It was Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko who is a part of the Student Counsel Executives club.

“And, why did you recommend me to Kimura?”

“That’ s right, rousing up your surroundings and stir up the love boom. Thanks to that, one part of public moral disorder was standing out and I wanted to know how Yaegas.h.i.+-kun will think about that, I wonder.”

“Huh……Did it turn out to that sort of thing…..?”

His chest surprisingly grew colder. He changed the surroundings and gave a bad influence to the world……

“Sorry, I was only on purposely trying to say that now. The truth, yes. I only want to have a direct confrontation with you.”

She pushed her gla.s.ses up, Fujis.h.i.+ma made a small laugh broadly grinning.


Taichi was evasive and evaded her gaze.

Kimura said “I beg you” and put his hands together praying. His eyes met with Enjouji’s.

“Ummm…..Taichi-senpai, has wonderful potential, and for the sake of Kimura-kun also…… could you please try your best for me, I wonder if that’s ok?”

His eyes met Chihiro’s. Chihiro……said nothing. Only not avoiding his eyes.

What can Taichi himself do? He doesn’t understand that himself. But, now, it is confirmed that they are hoping for him for help. That hope, if he doesn’t answer, it is certain that he “won’t become” that----.

“Kimura, I understand. I shall help.”

It’s not something bad. It is because it is something good.

“Ya, Yaegas.h.i.+-san……No, Yaegas.h.i.+-sama! As I thought, you are the best!”

After Kimura, who was running away noisily, announcing “yes!” that to everyone, and greeting everyone, he returned to the cla.s.sroom with Enjouji and Chihiro.

“Perhaps I should say, you have returned as my enemy, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun.”

“It’s not like I want to become your enemy…… However, you look happy, Fujis.h.i.+ma.”

“Hehehe. Let’s have a good fight.”

“---Say, that. Is it ok if I also join this fight?”

Taichi looked over behind towards the appearance of a daredevil provoking tone.

In his sights, Inaba Himeko was there. Since when and from where was she listening to?


Taichi got it. Inaba, who was always beside for him, does not have any intention of being Taichi’s ally now.

“Mmm….Inaba-san….. Is it because you’re his lover that you will help Yaegas.h.i.+-kun? Because it is possible for a person interested to join so I can’t refuse it but if even Inaba-san turns up as an enemy my chances of victory will…..”

“Hey, don’t get it wrong Fujis.h.i.+ma. I am standing by your side. Taichi is the enemy side.”

Inaba was there in order to stand in front of Taichi’s way.

“Eh? …..Heh, I see. I certainly welcome this.”

Fujsihima lifted the sides of hher lips looking happy and Inaba complacently smiled.

“The strongest tag has been made huh? By the way Taichi, how about it , let’s make a wager? If my side wins, you will stop what you’re doing, something like that.”

“No…..That is a completely different talk.”

If thinking whether she intruded meaningless, she was aiming for that.

“d.a.m.n, a conventional answer? You took in a fight that you can’t escape though”

Because it was something Inaba said, it shouldn’t be a boring bluff. What is she planning?

“Ahhh, and then Taichi. I want to ask you though.”

Inaba looked at Taichi. They weren’t hot or old, those eyes were at ease and transparent.

“Do you think that it is correct for you to disturb the public morals and to be against imposing the school’s review session for the guys with club activities that run exceedingly overtime? If I say it contrarily, do you think it is correct to make them have review sessions because there’s a violation?”

Because that is from atmosphere of Inaba so it is a question that should be answered. Think about it, carefully.

“……That cannot be said as a rule. There’s a point in whichever one.”

“Even though, you will be those guy’s allies?”


Why is it, what is it, that there was a feeling of being a fatal blow just now?

But, I don’t understand the reason behind that.

On the weekend, being restless about the event with the debate, Taichi visited the CD shop near the station by himself.

“Huh, isn’t it Taichi-san?”

And, Taichi did not think that Uwa Chihiro will appear there. Chihiro wore pants with a chain attached and a black long sleeve T-s.h.i.+rt for the top.

“Ohh, Chihiro. What’s up……You came here to look for a CD?”

“Well, yeah it looks like it.”

Chihiro was already holding in his hands a CD with a lead that Taichi did not know. Not sure whether it’s good to talk to Chihiro with the two of them alone but splitting from him as it is would be lonely so he talked about music and the likes.

After some talking, he thought whether it was trouble for Chihiro to hold him there too much.

“Well, see you at school…..”

“Ah, Taichi-san. It’s that…..there is something I want to ask though.”

Feeling that he is being humble, Chihiro said.

“Oh, what is it?”

“Why…..did you listen to Kimura’s request?”

It seems like it’s about the debate.

“…..why, you said. Well, I was asked a favour.”

If you were asked a favour then you would listen no matter what?”

“…..There’s no way, but you see.”

For some reason or another, the air became tense and unpleasant. The jazz music flowing in the store which was not at the level that raised his attention before, further stirred up his nervousness.

“Taichi-san, you’re kind.”

More than complementing him, it was cold and simple. It seemed like stating a fact.

Because of that, he couldn’t’ decide on how he should reply.

“Is that, so?”

“You’re extremely kind. It’s already at the level of whether it is apathetic.”

“No……there is a little meaning behind”


Chihiro’s expression, strongly stiffened..

“Taichi-san, You’re not mad huh?”

“……I would brag that I’m not the type to be mad but I have gotten mad like ordinary people.”

“Well, why. …..The phenomenon before, terrible things were done by me, you’re not mad? Didn’t you lose your memory?”

Like a fake appearing and shown by…… Chihiro was talking about the time of the “Illusion Projection”.

“Because I don’t remember……about the incident with losing my memory, it doesn’t seem like I would be angry.”

If Taichi tried it, before one knows, he would have been solving it. Certainly it was a bad topic about forgetting the Culutral Research Club for a few days and going on but, how much he is forgetting how he forgot, the feelings of anger did not arise.

“Inaba-san….. that sort of thing done to her as well.”

It was a story about commanding Inaba and forcing her to take off her clothes.

Ahhh…..certainly there was that. That sort of thing done to his own important girlfriend did made him angry.

Angry, but.

“It’s because you apologized to me. It’s over.”

Answered Taichi. “Ahh, I see.” Chihiro darkly distorted one side of his cheek and sneered.

That meaning behind that expression hidden to Taichi was not understood.

Chihiro stepped out of Taichi’s sight and headed towards a shelf with merchandise. And then says.

“Even though, Inaba-san did, well, scold me at some other things.”

That story, Taichi didn’t know.

“Well….. the thing I say is really that. Even if you ignore me with a feeling like “The small fry is talking bulls.h.i.+t”, it would fine though---“

---Taichi-san, that, saying that directly is unpleasant.

After only a few days of knowing that Inaba and Fujis.h.i.+ma, the two who should be angry, have joined their hands together and turned out to be enemies, Taichi knows the meaning of Inaba’s words “ taking in a fight that he can’t escape”.

“I heard, Yaegas.h.i.+. Are you doing something cool.”

In the cla.s.s room, while with a “Ahaha” cheerful laugh, Kurihara said.

“…..Kurihara also know about it?”

Exhausted, Taichi whispered.

“That’s because I heard it from here and there, the case about the debate. “That genius love consulting master is standing up to protect the rights of the students and is voicing his opposition to the review session order of the school rules.””

“Ah, they stirred it up too much…..”

A complaint was added as if it was a variety show from somewhere.

“Well, I think the debate is being noticed too much though. Originally it was a problem of one club activity?”

It is as Kurihara says, it is only a debate and it shouldn’t suffer that level of publicity. Perhaps, it is generally that a rumor was spread behind his back. That of course…..

“Hey Fujis.h.i.+ma, let’s talk together……”

Noticing Taichi’s gaze, Inaba Himeko turned around.

Inaba got closer to Taichi. Her mouth was right next to Taichi’s ear.

“…..When it becomes so many rumors and they place their hopes with you and you are defeated in the debate, then their confidence in you will probably sink…… The guys who come to consult with you will decrease……of course, it is due to the way the rumor was spread.”

Everything was going according to her plan and is carrying them out. Originally, something that he was not related to but now it became the one certain kill move to hold back Taichi using the phenomenon and taking action.

As I thought, Inaba Himeko is not someone you should turn into an enemy against.

The day of the debate. The location was the student council’s conference room. The room is the size of two cultural research club’s club room larger. On the east and west side, there were two long tables facing each other with chairs lined up and on the south window side, there was a long table and a chair set position there.

The west side is the “Against cutting practice time for review faction” with each one from the Tennis club plus Taichi makes six people sitting and on the east side is the “Support for the review or perhaps it should be said in addition to that there is no way for the other way faction.” with each and everyone from the student council executives and Inaba Himeko making six people sitting there. On the south side, the neutral observer seats are the members of the student council, the newspaper club, and then there was the male teacher and also the advisor for the Tennis club who is imposing the review and one teacher who is in charge of the student council.

Even though it was heard that it will be fairly casual, but there was a heavier atmosphere than he thought.

“With that, let’s begin. Ummm, since we have established the situation, it is not only a separate case, I want the debate about the pros and cons of the review to capture a great deal of the perspectives. And furthermore, it is ok to not have a formal and strict feeling. As there is no winner or losers.”

A student council member took up the role as a secretary and softly spoke. As she said, if the debate finishes, the discussion will be put together and the people in charged will be reported to and a decision will be made once again.

However not even a tiny amount of weak emotions can be seen from the two people who are taking up positions on the opposite side.

They were full of feelings to crus.h.i.+ngly defeat.

Firstly, both sides will exchange their a.s.sertions to each other and after that they will enter a free debate.

If one was to try to begin, then it would be Inaba’s and Fujis.h.i.+ma’s uncontested field.

“The ones who violated the regulations are on that side. Even if they are imposed a penalty, they won’t be able to complain?”

“Even though it is not necessary, the ones who have no choice but to make them is everyone probably?”

“The problem you are putting on the shelf yourselves, “Stop the review”, I think it doesn’t make sense.”

“Ceasing club activities, it won’t become that measure but a warm hearted measure I think though?”

“That is why, that is, your side’s circ.u.mstance?”

Even if Taichi or Kimura says something, Inaba and Fujis.h.i.+ma will unleash in a rapid succession of counterarguments. Even if the discussion is based on dealing punishment, why is it a review? Even if they move to that said question, the offense from those two would not be stopped.

“Is anything violated in extending the club activities? When I’m thinking about that, the thing that comes to mind is that it is because that is studying time.”

“Originally, shouldn’t it be like that?”

“From a period of time, I heard that their grades have obviously gone down.”

On the way, did Inaba and Fujis.h.i.+ma forced the Tennis club advisor to agree with them? The advisor, who decided to impose the review which he was originally supposed to be present, interjected into the conversation.

“You guys’ grade undoubtedly did go done. Don’t say you don’t agree.”

As if he was confirming the win, he was oppressive.

“……Sensei, for the time being, it’s a student debate…..”

“Uh-oh, excuse me.”

The other teacher who is in charge of the student council softly stopped that.

“Grades going down. There is only that fact and cutting down on the time of the club activity isn’t odd?”

“Both are also important. But, if I have to choose one side, then it would be studying. Can you admit that you are a high school that only does club activities? Study first and you will have the rights to partic.i.p.ate in club activities.”

Overwhelmed, overwhelmed, overwhelmed.

---It’s a defeat. Taichi was surprised. As it is now, they won’t possibly determine that Taichi’s side is correct. They will impose the review. He cannot answer the hope that was placed with him. What’s more is, everyone would be disappointed in Taichi.

Everyone will end up not consulting with him. He will lose the chance of helping someone.

He himself will in some way have a chance to be able to do it. Fate.

The debate continues.

“Well…..well even if it’s only collective responsibility I’ll repeal! It’s weird!? You’re only doing this to one club!”

Kimura said.

“It’s not only you as an individual, we’re treating you as an member of the “Tennis Club”. It’s a problem of the “Tennis Club” so of course it’s obvious the effect will extend to the entire club.”

Inaba fluently stated.

“……Hey, Yaegas.h.i.+-san, you were quiet back there just now. Please.”

“……I understand.”

I get it, but.

But there’s no chance.

I want to do something. It would be great if I have more power. If I have to completely change this situation. I can save someone, and can make this world better---.

【The tennis club male advisor teacher is there. There is sake. It looks like an Izakaya [1] It was the guidance councilor from before. The tennis club advisor handed over a piece of paper with information. “In relation to improving the grades of the students…..” was on it. The guidance councilor broadly grinned and laughed. He drank his sake. They continued their patchy conversation. “I was able to impose the review on the entire tennis club” “Aiming to making it constant……” “If we can expand it to other clubs” “Allotting club activity time for review, the proportions entering university will go up…..” The guidance councilor laughed to the words of the teacher. They drank their sake.】

From “Dream Perception” Taichi returned to focus on reality.

What ever the circ.u.mstance may be, that. The time was extremely good that it was scary. A coincidence? No, a necessity? A necessity guided by fate?”

It was nearing the end of the debate, Inaba is entering a solo performance of the summary. Each and every one sitting in the neutral seat, and also each and everyone in the “Against cutting down practice time and review session faction” were completely listening attentively.

“If everyone is living for the present and living for only themselves, then it is possible to only partic.i.p.ate in club activities I think. But people are not like that. Because there is a future and we must earn money. There is a day when we return the support from our parents because there will be a day where we have to take responsibility for someone else.”

Inaba with a triumphant expression looked towards Taichi. It was not a big deal, said her eyes.

“In order for that, we have a duty to study. The school also has a duty to let everyone stu----“

“May I have a minute?”

Taichi stood up. Everyone, with face looking they were hit by something unexpected, looked at Taichi.

“The truth is……I was unsure of whether…..I should say this.”

His body, his feverish head was drifting. Somewhat, like inside a dream.

“…..What is it Taichi. Cutting in to people’s speech……”

Of course Inaba is feeling angry. But he ignores her and continues. It is for the victory. For the future, for everyone.


Taichi turned towards the tennis club advisor.


“About the review for the tennis club, something like public morals or excess practice time,…..were those the only reason that you thought that you should do that?”

With a wavering voice, Taichi said.

“What do are you talking about?”

“……..From the beginning of thinking that you want to impose a review, is it because you were finding a reason that was just right so you can carry that plan out?”

“What are you…..talking about?”

The teacher’s face had the colours of agitation running down, and with that the guess from the disconnected images changed with confidence.

“……What are you planning with, the guidance councilor?”

“I, I don’t know! That sort of thing!”

Taichi got to the core of the teacher who was trying to play innocent.

“Weren’t you aiming for allotting the club activity time for review and the graduate rates will increase?”

The teacher’s face became pale. He only flapped his mouth open and closed and couldn’t produce a sound. It was obvious that something happened and of course he will be confessing. It.

The re were no sounds from anyone in the room. At long last, Fujis.h.i.+ma says.

“……Sensei, speaking a little about that, could you explain it in deatail for us?”

Everyone’s gaze was on the male teacher. The teacher who was forced onto a bed of needles looked like he was prepared and nodded.

In the midst of that, only Inaba was continuing to glare at Taichi with an angry look.

Right after climbing the so called path, it was not Taichi’s point which they were concerned of, but somehow or the other one part of the teacher’s plan was exposed in broad day light. It looks like it was to increase the accomplishment of entering university and a plan that is easy to raise the examinee’s scores. Especially even though it was not for a crime, there was no prosecution or demotion. Only as one would expect, the rights of the teacher of concern to speak deteriorated. Of course, with that happening, unable to impose the review on the Tennis Club and unable to give other punishments and a review, it concluded with a warning.

Generally speaking, there was no conclusion that an explanation is given to the students according to the school rules. However, a rumor that leaked from somewhere has spread among the students. And then…..

“Yaegas.h.i.+-san…..No, Yaegas.h.i.+-sama……Perhaps better year Yaegas.h.i.+-G.o.d! Thanks!”

An excited Kimura said to Taichi.

“However, that story, from where did it originated~? Tell me the source of that information please~”

“That’s…..I can’t say. Anyways it was a coincidence.”

“Still being humble~. As I expected, the Star Yaegas.h.i.+-san is different from the rumors~”

“Yaegas.h.i.+?” “Ahh, that person is like that….” “That, you said?” “You don’t know? He uncovered the sensei’s scheme of increasing the review. He protected us all, I’m saying……” “Ah, he’s the guy I heard about! I’m thankful~”

Taichi was instantly set up as the school’s hero.

“No…..It was really amazing.”

With that feeling expressed, he parted with Kimura and headed towards the cla.s.sroom.

And, in front of him, a person he knows showed up. With a clack, she set her sights on Taichi.

“It was a splendid victory, congratulations. Thanks to you, I also didn’t finish with a mistake of lending a hand in the sensei’s plan.”

The very person who drew Taichi into the debate was, Fujihsima Maiko. After the conclusion of the debate, because Fujihsima did not touch on that topic, Taichi was concerned about what to think.

“But, really, I’ve been magnificently defeated. About the results, I am glad that my side has lost.”

“No, the debate itself, it was obliviously your side’s victory.”

“Even if it was a “fight” that was won, if we lose the “match”, then it is a lost.”

“Sounds like Fujis.h.i.+ma.”

“I’ll keep saying words of praise.”

She lost and Fujis.h.i.+ma’s face was calm to the profits of talking and looked like she was satisfied with the result.’

However, Fujihsima,

“---but about the real “match”, I let you win though.”

That tone of voice was odd, the mood she wore was one of an att.i.tude before war.

“What do you…..mean?”

An unpleasant hunch was felt.

“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun, you completely knew about that sort of thing, am I right? One part of sensei’s plan. With normal means, that could not have entered your hands?

“No, that…..”

“Could it be that you really can read people’s minds?”

“That is why.”

“Considering that my strategy was not read…...For some reason or another it is a power that has limits? Yeah, the sensei’s secrets were instantly exposed. On purposely being fl.u.s.tered until the end, it doesn’t seem like Yaegas.h.i.+-kun’s character,:

With the information, and it was a.n.a.lyzed. She a.n.a.lyzed for the answer.

“Hmmm, the reading of other’s minds is random, something like that? Or could it me, that the activation will happen at an extraordinary time in one day and you can’t use it many times, something like that huh?”

Again, she touched on the actual truth. Already, she is touching it?

“You……dragging me into appearing in that situation……was it within your calculations….”

Was that place a fish-tank for the purpose of Fujihsima to observe everyone?

“There was no plan or any intention to do that. Are you thinking that I would something like that?”

Now that you mention it, I can only agree to that.

“Don’t underestimate the renowned detective – Fujsihima Maiko.”

---Yaegas.h.i.+-kun. I will have your head.

Fujis.h.i.+ma threw a signature phrase, that a renowned detective for sure would not say, and laughed with a broad grin.


The cla.s.s representative of cla.s.s 2-B, Setouchi Kaoru, made a large sigh in the cla.s.sroom. Counting the number of papers left on the desk, she sighed again. This time she took another sheet of paper and gazed at it and grabbed her short-cut hair.

Taichi noticed it and talks to her.

“Looks tough.”

“Hmm? Ahh, it’s because it’s almost the school trip. The cla.s.s representative’s jobs are increased like that.”

The school trip on next week is drawing near. Taichi is also at the point of starting to pack his luggage.

“Thanks for your hard work, should I?”

“If we’re talking about tha, isn’t it also for you too, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun? The Love Boom, isn’t the Love Boom amazing?”

The spirit of the Love Boom at school was finally increasing. Above all, the number of love consultation, which Taichi brought in, has increased, especially among the second years.

However, it wasn’t because of the circ.u.mstance where the “Dream Perception” has happened often. Inevitably, the cases Taichi was engaged with were continuing to increase. “For the time being, wait longer,” was said and put on hold but for the people who requested a consultation and for Taichi himself, he wants to quickly resolve them as much as possible.

“The Love Boom is OK but you see, before that happened, I was troubled with you properly filling and handing in the career planning survey. This, it seems I will really really strictly enforce the due date.”

The cla.s.s representative is the one who collects the career planning surveys and it seems the collection rate wasn’t great it seems. And like this, Taichi also has not handed it in.

“But when you say that, I think there are many people who hands it right before the due date?”

“Yeah, I get it. But it looks like everyone is not thinking about the career planning survey. …...Before the school trip, I want to be a couple, but I understand the intention of that.”

“Is it that thing, the multiplier effect I wonder? ……Well, anyways, I can also try to hand it in earlier.”

He spent all his time with the consultation with others and was unable to get started on his work.

“I’ll leave it with you. I wonder is it ok for everyone to be completely thinking about romance and neglecting the future? ……Well, but it is something I, who can’t see love around me, would say…..really.”

During the first year, Setouchi lost sight of herself for the person she liked and made a mistake. Taichi was also one of the people who was a victim of that. That was that and he has forgiven her.

Suddenly, Taichi remembered that and then asks.

“Are s.h.i.+royama and you going well?”

“Thanks to you……eh he he.”

Setouchi laughed shyly. She has wandered around various things and made her desire to be fulfilled.

“With the school trip also, we will have a plan where we will make time for the two of us somehow.”

Taichi thought that he wants Setouchi, no, for everyone without limited to only Setouchi to laugh like this.

He didn’t end up only thinking about that. Is this trend correct? Still at the same time he thought. Somehow, only himself judging good or bad, is it ok to change that?

“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun, do you have some kind of plan with Inaba-san? Perhaps, do you have a recommended spot?”

“……eh, well, I still couldn’t think of that, talking about that.”

That sort of conversation, Taichi hasn’t had one with Inaba. But what’s worse is the mood, which that can’t be done.

If it stays as it is now, what will the school trip become for me? I---

“By the way, I’m also going out with the person I like so I wonder if there’s time, what am I saying.”

Setouchi made a cheerful smile.

---Can I take the decision of not protecting that smile, not adding more to that smile?

“Ah, Sone-kun and Miyagami-kun, nice to see you guys. The career planning survey?”

Setouchi turned her attention to Sone and Miyagami, who were happening to pa.s.s by, and called to them.

“Ah….ahhh.” “Oh, ohh.”

Was it because of the suddenness? The two a little timidly gave a response.

A female friend came in front of Setouchi so Taichi with Sone and Miyagami left the scene together.

“Oh, Yaegas.h.i.+, what’s with you and Setouchi being so calm?”

Sone, who directed his voice towards Taichi, with a chubby stature (He himself stubbornly a.s.serts, “Because my height is a bit low and my arms and legs are short, it is that kind of standard body type, which one can only see.”) is a boy who belongs to the manga research club.

Taichi became being in the same cla.s.s as him since the beginning of the second year and they get along quite well.

“What are you calm about?”

“Well, don’t calmly be involved with her, I said. That’s because, that girl, wasn’t she a Yankee in the first year?”

Certainly, the period, when Setouchi had blonde long hair, she had a part where she was more or less tense.

“Yankee……was it to the level you can call it that? Well, she has soften that part , she’s a good girl.”

“It’s that Yaegas.h.i.+. What’s with that guy getting cold feet?”

“Who’s getting cold feet!? I’m not frightened!”

“Aren’t you scared? Wa ha ha” said Miyagami teasing Sone. Miyagami wears a square shaped gla.s.ses and has a hairstyle that is currently popular. He belongs to the photography club and is also a cla.s.s made from second year and Taichi also ended up getting along with him. The reality is that Sone and Miyagami, as well as Is.h.i.+kawa from the baseball club, and Watase s.h.i.+ngo from the soccer club, plus Taichi, the five of them, basically became the group for the school trip. “You’re annoying, Miyagami! You seem popular and wearing gla.s.ses and have a perm……You look perfect as you are imitating the magazine!”

“What…..! It is the number one popular style that comes to mind! Don’t underestimate it!”

“Well, well, calm down. What are you two arguing about?”

Taichi entered as the mediator.

“…… Being mediated by Yaegas.h.i.+ who is a guy popular with the girls.”

“…..Some what feel like we lost and I become wanting to cry.”

Sone and Miyagami said. Well, one thing or another, they got along well with each other.

“This time’s school trip, it looks like there are going to be considerably many guys who will partic.i.p.ate as girlfriend boyfriend pairs-. Ah-. I also have a chance of turning around and not come back, I wonder.” Whispered Miyagami.

“Teach me Yaegas.h.i.+, your secret trick. What am I saying, I sound like a contractor for a love consultation.”

With a fooling around appearance, Sone said. Miyagami also got on board with that.

“Oh, yeah that’s it! I forgot that the person central to the current trend is here with us!”

“Miyagami really likes trends……that ‘s not it. It’s that, what are you going to do about the career planning survey? Just before, Setouchi told us.”

Now wanting to continue the rest, Taichi forcefully changed the pace.

“The career planning survey~? Well, it’s all good because I decided on the humanities and science. The school for my first choice still hasn’t been decided though you see.”

“I’m going with humanities. Humanities. Sciences are impossible for me! I only decided on that!”

Miyagami and Sone separately said.

“…..Isn’t it better if already carefully thought about it a little?”

Miyagami instantly responds to Taichi’s words.

“That’s wrong! It’s fine to worry about the future after the school trip is over! After looking forward to the school trip, the biggest high school event, as much as one wants and there’s a feeling that, “It’s over!”, then I can think about the things after graduating from high school? Ah, after getting a girlfriend.”

“Well, Miyagami, you will graduate before thinking about your future.”

“So-Ne- Shut- Up!”

Taichi cannot think even a little about the direction in his future. Now, in front of his eyes is the school trip, he can’t think to abandon his work as it is now and be able to look forward to it.

Then what am I focusing on myself?

Where am I facing and trying to move forward to now? Without understanding that, Taichi remembered his impatience. Taichi was sent away by the emptiness in his heart.

“As I thought, can Yaegas.h.i.+ introduce me I wonder~” “You and an amazing beauty got together. Inaba-san is a beautiful girl.”

Miyagami and Sone, while laughing, flattered Taichi.

This emptiness in his heart, this hollowness, he thinks that those two for sure don’t want to know about it. Why did it become this emotion? What should be done to be able to solve this? In this way, everyone says “You are amazing” to Taichi, and praise him saying “Thanks to you.” And, at that time, he could hear a girl’s voice from behind his back scolding in a loud voice.

“That is why, I was saying to contact the guys who have a dead line earlier! Gotou!”

“Hee, hee! Sorry Setouchi-s~an! I was busy and forgot~!”

The homeroom teacher, Gotou, seemed to have forgotten to contact the cla.s.s.

“Hey, as expected, Setouchi is scary.”

Taichi responded to what Sone said.

“……If Go-san was the person you are talking to, then generally anyone would become feeling like that?

“Taichi, do you have a little time?”

On that day after school, after the short club activity has finished, an invitation came from Aoki.

“…..Yui too.”

“M…..,me too?”

There has been a feeling that even not being conspicuous, Kiriyama and Aoki has been avoiding each other since the time they had an argument about intervening with Aoki’s father’s incident. In the middle of that, Aoki inviting them surprised Kiriyama.

“Well…., I plan on seriously talking to you once.”

He had a serious tone. It has been a long time since Aoki becoming not showing his cheerfulness as the mood maker to Taichi and Kiriyama. Was Intervening in that problem is sufficient for him to get mad? Otherwise, was it that he is expressing his intention of opposing us? It seems like that in front of other people, he is basically being his usual self. It doesn’t look like that there was any way he would become anxious about that.

“….. Why did we not talk in the club room just before?”

Not planning to refuse, Taichi asked.

“Well, showing that situation to Chihiro and s.h.i.+no-chan is, you see.”

“…..I get it.”

Kiriyama also nodded.

The other members left a message saying they had something to do and only the three of them remained at school. Any place was good so they headed to the courtyard which was close at hand. Benches were installed around and there was no one else.

Aoki said shall we sit, but Taichi as well as Yui did not sit.

Thinking, is this a chance, Taichi tried to ask a question he has always wanted to ask.

“Hey, Aoki. …...How’s your father doing?”

Sealing his foolishly laughing face, Aoki was emotionless and was twitching his eyebrows.

“As you expected, he didn’t get fired and……, so continuing on to post-secondary isn’t a problem it seems. It ended up with no problems…… In my case.”

Indirectly, he suggested that the problem has moved to another family.

“…..Well, if it was someone else, you would expect to immediately change jobs, something like that probably. All the same, you weren’t told up to here. Ah, my father did feel like taking the girl, who has been charged with the wrongful accusation, to court, so after it didn’t become a crime.”

“…..I see.”

Kiriyama made a relieved face. Aoki saw that and it looked like he was hiding his expression and looked downwards.

“That story, Yui’s and Taichi’s part is finished already……What’s after is this problem.”

“Is it ok to say…..that it’s been solved?”

Taichi opened his mouth and Aoki tells Taichi,

“You didn’t. ……It’s not over. If you think about the life of someone else being fired then you made a mess for their entire life.

A problem with the entire life. Those words weighed heavily for Taichi.

“Aoki, that way of saying it” said Kiriyama but immediately “As expected, it’s ok” and kept silent.

The autumn wind blew and the three entrusted their body to the heavy silence.

At last, Aoki broke the silence.

“…....What am I doing, I get it that I’m not the type to have a serious conversation. It looked like Inaba-chan wouldn’t attack the direct line.”

Aoki with Inaba were trying to start on Aoki’s different offensive move. Inaba and Fujihsima caught attention of then but it was Aoki who is the person opposing them now.

“What are you saying, a direct line?”

“You two, you see, trying to intervene in everyone now, trying to make people date each other, how is it? Is it fun?”

“Fun, you said, what the?”

“Yeah, that’s why is doing that fun? That’s the meaning as it is.”

“We, fun? We don’t have that vague emotion.”

Looking filled with intensity, Kiriyama harshly said.

“Well then, what kind of emotions?”

“Of course, I feel that “I want someone to become happy and I want to support that”. That is absolutely not self-a.s.sertive and we did not forcefully do anything in the end.”

That is wonderful, something we should be doing, Taichi thought.

“Well, that is very good I think though.”

See, didn’t Aoki also acknowledge that?


“Isn’t doing that unnecessary for us?”

Aoki, asked that.

“Unnecessary? What are, what do you mean? Isn’t the reality, it is something we can do?

“Very soon, wouldn’t it become out of hand?”

“…..huh, becoming out of hand…..”

“Not really, we will have it all under control, It won’t be the case.”

In the place of the speechless Kiriyama Taichi answered.

“You won’t take responsibility and leave it alone?”

Aoki attacked. He blamed Taichi and Kiriyama.

“It, it isn’t something bad.”

“Good or bad, it is not something we are allowed to decide.”

As if warning them, Aoki said.

“~~~What, what!? A lecture!? If you were planning on that, stop it!?”

Kiriyama lost her patience and yelled.

“A lecture? Carefully think about it, what I said.”

“What!? I did think it!”

“Not about people around you, about yourself. Are you saying that you have carefully thought about it?”

“I, I did think about it---

The furious Kiriyama was startled and made a sudden stop.

“Your own problem?”

“…..I have thought about my own future, and that…..and that.”

While whispering, Kiriyama looked at her feet. And then raised her face up and watched Aoki. Again looked downwards.

“……You…..About you also…..”

Kiriyama weakly dropped those words.

“Really…..enough…..enough…..I thought. Even so, you ended up in a serious problem. The phenomenon occurred…… I don’t understand the meaning behind it too much.”

“That’s why for that situation, did you have extra time to think about other people’s problems?”


Even seeing Kiriyama holding her tongue, This time Taichi also didn’t intervene.

Aoki looked at Taichi. Somewhere, it seemed like his own void was being peeked at. He felt terribly embarra.s.sed.

Absolutely not having arguments though, studying is not his strong point but, Aoki understand the truth about everything but being questioned by him is scary. That truth, Taichi now understands.

“Well, that part of the talk I get it but, the way of thinking about is reasonably good, that is what I think! With that feeling, my talk is finished!”

In the end, he closed with a joke like the usual Aoki.

Seeing the usual Aoki, they really feel that this is not the usual Aoki.

Feeling that, Taichi was surprised. Kiriyama is probably feeling that as well.

“Well, I have somewhere to stop by for a little.”


Aoki, who was trying to leave, was stopped by Kiriyama’s voice.

Aoki looked over his shoulder. Calling him to stop, it looked Kiriyama has decided to say something. Kiriyama, while being fl.u.s.tered and eager, says.

“Ummm…..that…..yeah! Do you still like me……..what wait wait! That came out wrong! That didn’t count just now! What do you think…..about me?”

Seeing that Kiriyama, Aoki said one word.

“I like you”

In one moment, Kiriyama cheeks were dyed with a bright red.

But Aoki adds to that.

“That’s why, I don’t agree with what Yui is doing now.”

Aoki clearly said.

“Ah- furthermore, if various things don’t conclude quickly, wouldn’t the school trip become a serious problem?”

Leaving that advice, this time Aoki left that place.

Even if we don’t have our own way, is helping others unnecessary? No, helping other is for sure not having our own way?

If it is, our situation now, is it the price for helping someone?

Even though it is not like our flesh is being shaven off, the body is in pain with a terrible feeling of loss.

Us who are being gnawed at .

Us who are being driven on by Inaba and Fujis.h.i.+ma.

Us who are trying to walk on the correct path despite all that.

Saving someone.

Our own compensation.

Our own life?

The career planning survey is still blank as it is. Being engaged with the problems of others as it is.

Taichi met, the school trip.

Translation NotesJump up↑ A j.a.panese drinking establishment that also serves food.

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