Kokoro Connect

Chapter 3 - That Guy Who Was Interested

Chapter 3 - That Guy Who Was Interested

After arriving at school in the morning, Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi didn"t pa.s.s through the cla.s.sroom, but headed straight to the clubroom on the fourth floor of the recreation building. This was because on the way to school, he received a message from Kiriyama: "After arriving to school, head to the clubroom immediately! (mandatory)".

After all, it would be strange if he had a sense of pleasure after that incident when he exchanged his personality with Nagase.

Just after entering the room, he discovered Nagase Iori, with confused and unfocused eyes, lying on the sofa. The usual overwhelming aura that she spread seemed to have been veiled. He was unsure whether was it because she was too tired or something else, but it just felt like the very existence of Nagase was illusory.

"Good morning. You are Nagase, right?"

Taichi greeted her with a type of question he would normally never ask.

"Morning, Taichi! Taichi is Taichi... right?"

It was a strange conversation.

The other club members arrived at the clubroom around a minute later.

"Morning, Ao..."

Nagase held her words.

That"s because Aoki seemed to fall like an anaemic patient when he entered the clubroom.

It seemed just like a replay of the scene from the day before yesterday.

"Are you ok...?"

Taichi asked with a shudder.

"Ok... fine... How can I be fine?!"

Of course, Aoki (removing his unusual tired expression) looked like a frivolous, tall and thin literature teenager; however, his tone-

"Are you... Yui? How can it be!"

Nagase intentionally asked in a bright voice.

Three days ago, Kiriyama Yui said she exchanged with Aoki.

Is it "soul exchange" again?

"Yeah! I am Kiriyama Yui! Ahah, I"ve had enough of this... I can"t stand this anymore..."

Kiriyama Yui [Aoki] was s.h.i.+vering pa.s.sionately.

No matter how she shouted "I am Kiriyama Yui", since she had the appearance of [Aoki], it was really hard to see her as Kiriyama. It just felt like [Aoki] intentionally speaking like a ladyboy. Nevertheless, her sense of urgency showed that she was by no means joking.

"Please calm down, Kiriyama, we know that you exchanged with Aoki."

It is unknown whether it was because she ran out of patience or because of something else entirely, but Taichi"s consolation was useless and Kiriyama"s [Aoki"s] emotions exploded suddenly.

"What the heck! Why should it be Aoki? Why must I exchange into this [non-cute body]? Why can"t I exchange with Iori?"

"What she complains about is a bit strange..."

Actually, it was... very strange.


The slack greeting tone of the person coming in froze the three club members.

"Arghh, holding such meetings so early, looks like my luck isn"t very good today... Hmm? What? What"s wrong? Why the long face guys?"

Speaking sloppily in a low feminine voice was [Inaba Himeko]. That is, a speaking style belonging to [Aoki] that was unheard of from Inaba, until now.

*Pong*! The last member boomed in with her shoulders s.h.i.+vering while breathing heavily.

After swallowing her saliva, that person with the [appearance of Kiriyama] shouted.

"What you said was true...! I, I have become [Yui] !"


Taichi lifted his head.


Nagase continued.

"Can happen too..."

Taichi ended the sentence.

Seeing the perils of Kiriyama"s personality entering [Aoki"s body], Aoki"s personality entering [Inaba"s body] and Inaba"s personality entering [Kiriyama"s body], the whole Cultural Research Club decided to skip the first lesson together.

That afternoon, Taichi, Nagase, and Inaba were called to the staff room.

The teacher knew that the five club members in the Cultural Research Club skipped the first two lessons and had only come in when the third lesson started.

"Hmm... How do I put it, it"s that... Although I don"t think it"s necessary, I still have to keep my reputation, so let me interrogate you guys while I have my lunch... it"s soba, you know, soba, it will soften if it"s left too long."

The physics teacher of cla.s.s 1C, Gotou Ryuusen (Go for short), let the three students stand around him, and excitedly peeled off the cling film on the lunch box that was delivered from the cafeteria.

"My tummy is also starving..."

Standing next to Taichi, Nagase muttured.

"After all you guys are usually quite serious, so I do care about what happened... Ahha! *Cough, Cough*... Ah~ I choked. Anyway, when you are eating hot stuff, you would choke on the first bite, right? Eh? You guys don"t?"

"Please ask your question now, Gotou."

"Inaba, let me repeat myself. Because I hope to be a casual and friendly teacher, I permit students to call me "Go"; however, I don"t quite remember permitting anyone to call me by my name directly."

Gotou was as he had said, and treated students friendly and thus was quite popular among students. He was just around 25 and had similar tastes with the students, so that must"ve helped.

"Only after you can actually do what you should be doing, then you can continue with your blabber! I wonder who did all the accounting work for the last cultural festival, Gotou?"

"Ah, thanks for all your help, Inaba-san, hahaha... oh and if you could, please don"t mention that in front of the other teachers."

Although his att.i.tude was quite friendly, he really is problematic as a teacher.

Gotou slurped up a noodle and drank some soup while leaving the noodle in his mouth.

Nagase"s tummy squeaked cutely. Taichi side-eyed her, only to see her playfully sticking her tongue out, though he was unsure if it was to cover her shyness. Her actions were extremely cute; really, no one could withstand her cuteness.

"Then, what do I have to say... Ah, right, what did you guys do while skipping the lessons? Aoki and Kiriyama said they also skipped the first two lessons and returned on the third... all of you are Cultural Research Club members. So, as the CRC advisor, this is an acute situation! Right, I will first speak these knowledgeable words that should be spoken by a teacher."

Gotou was also the Cultural Research Club advisor. In fact, he created the club this year.

"The reason isn"t that big of a deal. Yesterday, the five of us ate some chocolate bread that had gone bad and we were late today due to stomach pains... that"s about it."

Inaba replied distinctly in a formal tone. By the way, she ordered Taichi and Nagase to keep silent and abstain from saying anything ridiculous.

"Will I get the same answer from Aoki and Kiriyama? It seems they are being asked by Hirata(teacher) from cla.s.s 1A."

"Of course."

The Cultural Research Club members had already reached a consensus on this point.


Gotou, still chewing his soba, lifted his vision towards the air as if thinking about something.

"Anyway, there is nothing to prove that this is a fraud, and you"ve said it, so then let"s just pretend that"s just what it is. You can go now!"

Gotou pointed to the exit with his chopsticks in his hand.

"Then we"re leaving. Bye."

Inaba commenced. Taichi and Nagase followed her out after saluting.

Just when they were about to leave, Gotou spoke behind them.

"Don"t make it too obvious when you all are gonna ditch cla.s.s next time, okay?"

"Should that be thought of as considerate or simply just a fudge?" Spectators seemed to have diverse opinions.

Excuse me... Although they weren"t heard, the three of them still excused themselves formally before leaving the staff room.

In the corridor, Nagase quickly commented,

"As expected of Inaba, only you can pull off a lie so boldly."

"The way she lied with a poker face while maintaining that arrogant att.i.tude..."

"It feels like you would be a master swindler in the future or one of those people who would pull off a car crash just to ask for compensation."

"If you two aren"t praising me, stay silent!"

Inaba interrupted and ended Nagase and Taichi"s commentary.

"Eh, we actually want to praise you?"

Nagase replied.

"...Your tone was quite serious, wasn"t it?"

Looking at it this way, the "[body] exchanging and soul shuffling between the three people", if publicised (of course, on the premise that would be willing to believe it), would become a situation that would not end with simply just a big clamour. At least, Taichi and the others did not seem to be experiencing such changes... but explicitly, this was just an immediate perception. Things that cannot be seen on the surface may already be undergoing changes.

Nevertheless, if only real harm would not be induced...

-In the blink of an eye, darkness fell.

When the light came flas.h.i.+ng back, two unfamiliar girls were in front of him. Although he seemed to be sitting, it felt like his level of vision was lower than usual.

"What"s wrong, [Yui]? You just dazed out. Eh, your asparagus fell on the table."

Maybe real harm has already come close.

-"I, I need to use the bathroom."

-"Hmm? What is it? We are still eating. Are you not feeling well?"

-"No... It"s not like that... but..."

-"Let me go with you."

-"I-It"s fine! I"ll go by myself!"

Personality exchange suddenly occurred between Taichi and Kiriyama. Taichi [Kiriyama] avoided the crisis by going to the toilet. Suddenly, Kiriyama"s mobile phone rang. It was Inaba calling. Just when Taichi decided to pick up the phone call, he returned back to his own body.

The duration was around three or so minutes.

Although this time went as fast as the wind... Nope, it should be because this time went was as fast as the wind, it had an overwhelmingly pulverizing power that changed Taichi and the others.

Noon fell and the last lesson had ended.

As simple as it may be-no matter what happened to Taichi and the others, if those problems didn"t affect places outside school, the world would go on as if nothing had happened at all.

While having a chat with nearby friends and preparing to pack up for home, the teacher, Gotou, came in and held a short cla.s.s meeting. After he had given some contact information and confirmed the students on duty for cleaning, the day"s schedule ended.

Today"s regular duties were still normal.

Even though Taichi and the members have experienced the strongest storm yet, that in itself will not change the world.

Taichi and his friends, being in the same group, went to clean the bathroom and left the cla.s.sroom together.

Then, a chill came over him.

Just when Taichi was about to leave, he felt like something was undeniably watching him and turned his head towards its source.

What he saw was the cla.s.s president who had observed the personality exchange of Taichi and Nagase yesterday. She was Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko. Nagase was at her side, and had an embarra.s.sed expression and restlessly signalled Taichi to quickly leave with a hand gesture.

Today"s regular duties still haven"t changed any...?

"Sorry, I"m late... Uwaghhh!"

When Taichi arrived at the clubroom and opened the door, Nagase quickly popped out from the side.

"Taichi...! You...I have something to tell you~~!"

Nagase was standing in front of him and was blocking his way. As if repressing her about-to-explode emotions, her body was s.h.i.+vering and she showed an expression filled with confusion, unease and nervousness.

"How, how are you, Nagase?"

"Yesterday, before I rushed into the cla.s.sroom... what happened between you and Fujis.h.i.+ma-san! Ahahaha!"

Should this be expected? The matter seems tricky now.

"Eh, it wasn"t anything serious..."

"I am the one who will decide whether it is serious or not~~!"

It was quite rare that Nagase would get so furious... Aoki"s noise seemed to have spread to Taichi; however, Taichi didn"t have the energy to care about that, because Nagase was aggressively spreading a sense of oppression.

If I were to fudge the matter, it would only aggravate the situation! Taichi decided to spit out everything unreservedly. In other words, he told her that Fujis.h.i.+ma saw him rub his b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Whaaaa~! I"ve been groped~! I can"t marry now~!"

Nagase"s eyes streamed with tears.

"That, that was just for checking my status, it was inevitable! That was only to confirm whether I had become a girl or not-"

"Nope... or to say, those things don"t really matter now... So, so, Fuji, Fuji, Fuji, Fuji, Fuji, Fujis.h.i.+ma-san, she... Ahhhhhh!"

Nagase s.h.i.+vered extraordinarily. Maybe this is what you would call being in a state of panic?

"Are you okay, Nagase? What caused you to be in this condition? And the most important thing is, who and what is Fujis.h.i.+ma?"

Taichi felt a strange fear... it is unbelievable that someone could force Nagase, who would still smirk even after a personality exchange, into such a state.

"Wait! Before that, I have a question for Taichi!"

Aoki said sharply.

"What is the size of Iori"s breast... Uwaghhh!"

Inaba punched Aoki. It felt really sad seeing highschoolers still being punched.

"There"s no time for that nonsense! I"ll tell you if you want to know! Iori is a C-cup, oh and by the way, I"m a B and Yui is an A."

"Why did you say mine along the way!"

Kiriyama stood up and kicked the chair while screaming.

"Sorry, I was just riding the wave."

"Saying Iori"s is fine, but why would you say mine just because you"re riding the wave! This is obviously malicious!"

Kiriyama turned red with embarra.s.sment. She furiously slapped the table complaining. Inaba giggled happily at the furious Kiriyama.

"It"s fine, Yui. Even if you have to accept the fact that your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are not satisfying, you still have your charm!"

Aoki smiled in glee, showing a set of white teeth.

"What do you mean by accepting the fact? What fact is there to accept? Sometimes small and tiny is more valuable!"

"Oh I see. I wasn"t sure how the cup size category worked before. So Inaba is a B and Kiriyama is an A...."

"Taichi~~! How can you still observe so calmly... *cough... cough, cough*"

Kiriyama choked due to excessive roaring.

A lot had happened, and probably much more will happen in the future; however, the fact that the "CRC is boisterous" had not changed yet.

Even though Taichi and the club members played for a while, they started to seriously discuss the matter, as it was too serious for them to stay like this.

"Well, let"s recap what"s been happening now! The first time this occurred was the night three days before... to be accurate, it should have happened two days ago? Yui and Aoki exchanged their personalities while sleeping."

Secretary Inaba spoke while fixing her eyes on the blackboard.

"Then there was the exchange between Iori and Taichi after school yesterday when the club activities had just begun. After that, it was the shuffle this morning where I became [Yui], Yui became [Aoki], and Aoki became [me]. Also, this afternoon there was also an exchange between Yui and Taichi... That"s about it."

"If we reflect like this, we will realize that this is a terrifying situation... exchanging then recovering, then exchanging again... I"m quite paralysed."

Nagase confusedly drooped her head while murmuring.

"Then let"s summarise what personality exchange is! Before we start, we must add a premise that our conclusions are made from temporary observations up till now... Well, firstly, it happens suddenly. We have not discovered any conditions that will trigger the event. We won"t know when it will happen. Secondly, the duration of exchange does not follow a pattern. The shortest exchange was at noon today, which lasted for three minutes, and the longest was this morning which lasted for an hour and a half. Summing the four times and getting the average, it should be about forty minutes. Thirdly, the exchange only happened between us five club members... Actually, this is not yet confirmed. After all, it is quite strange that this phenomenon only happens between us. It is very likely it will spread to other people in the future. Moreover, despite that this is an exchange, it will sometimes occur between three people. Let us confirm this again. Any comments?"

"Ah, actually there is something that really bugs me."

Kiriyama spoke with a shudder.

"Anyway, since there is almost no evidence, go ahead."

Inaba pushed her forward, not caring about Kiriyama"s feelings.

"Maybe it"s because of me... I"ve been in this a few times already, so it makes me uncomfortable. When Iori exchanged with Taichi, [Taichi"s body] suddenly fell and he was unconscious for a moment, right? Then the day after, when I exchanged with Inaba and Aoki-that is when I changed into [Aoki]-although I sat down on the floor, my body didn"t fall altogether, then..."

Taichi crossed eyes with Kiriyama before replying,

"That"s right. I fell on the table when I exchanged with Nagase but I still sat comfortably when I exchanged with Kiriyama, and I was even holding the chopsticks... though I dropped the asparagus on the table."

"Right, this time only my legs bent a bit, I didn"t fall to the floor..."

"Does this mean... our bodies are getting used to this?"

Nagase uncertainly proposed.

"I see. Such being the case, it probably is so! Nice, Yui... but should we be glad about being used to this?"

Inaba"s implication fell heavily on Taichi and the members.

How long will this phenomenon continue?

If it stays like this, how will it end?

"Then, if there aren"t any other comments, let"s discuss what we need to do in pragmatic terms."

Though having not been quite comfortable with the phenomenon at first, Inaba had finally started to pick up her own pace.

Grasping the entire situation-this seems to be Inaba"s creed. "Finding the critical information to grasp and a.n.a.lysing the situation" is her raison d"etre.

"The first thing to clarify is "why this has happened". Such an extraordinary phenomenon must be caused by some conceivable reason; otherwise, dealing with this will become tedious. Do you guys have your own explanations already? I don"t remember anything I did that would cause me to be drawn into this supernatural event!"

"By the way, what exactly is causing the soul exchange? If we were to find the cause of this strange phenomenon, then we should have sensed something different when its condition was fulfilled."

"Stupid Taichi! We are discussing this because we don"t know!"

She was right, but still, there was no need to call me stupid, Taichi thought.

"Hmm... Personality exchange in manga usually occur when two people b.u.mp into each other fiercely while running."

"Stupid Aoki-in short, Stoki-what stupid opinions you have... No, this condition itself is already stupid and bizarre enough, so I can"t say your opinion is completely irrelevant..."

In fact, someone had raised relevant opinions but was treated worse.

"Dammit, when you admit to something abnormal, you have to admit other abnormal things."

Irritated, Inaba bit her left index finger"s nail.

"If we look deeper, we should find a reason-"

Just at that moment-

The door was opened from the outside.

Usually, except for the Cultural Research Club members, no one would visit room 401 in the recreation building. There weren"t any particular reasons to go there. Even if there were, up till now, every time, it would be one of the CRC members visiting the others.

At least in Taichi"s memory, only the five members of the CRC visited this room ever since it was allotted to be their clubroom this spring.

To a certain extent, the clubroom was sacred for the five present; however, another person opened the door to the sacred place.

The room was suddenly filled with anxiety.

Some kind of tragedy will befall on them now.

Something "unusual" is going to happen now.

What is going to happen?

The person masked behind the door is-

-the teacher of cla.s.s 1C and the supervisor of the Cultural Research Club, Gotou Ryuzen.

"...Hi~... h.e.l.lo everybody..."

His voice utterly lacked drive.

"I say, Gotou! Don"t just barge in with such strange timing! I almost died of shock!"

The usual confident Inaba also seemed to be bewildered by the situation; however, it was useless to shout at Gotou.

"Ayyygahhh, this is not my business..."

Gotou"s face was a bit strange. He seemed to be lacking in vitality. Even his eyes were only half-open.

"...What is with you? Are you not feeling well?"

Because he looked pale and wan, even Inaba inquired with concern.

"It"s nothing at all, I am very healthy... After all, [this person] is strangely fit... it"s because of me that there is a lack of vitality, drive, confidence, perseverance, etc."

[Gotou"s] way of speech seemed explicitly different from the usual, and what he spoke was also pretty unbelievable.

Unbelievably wild thoughts slowly spread between Taichi and the members.

"Who are you?"

Nagase commenced with an icy and penetrating stare.

No matter how you look at it, the [living thing with the appearance of Gotou Ryuzen] was speaking.

"..It"s very helpful that Nagase-san understood so quickly... this is because explaining everything is too troublesome..."

"Hey, what are you trying to say... Ah?"

Inaba pushed her words as if trying to find any other possibilities.

"Ayyyhh, those aren"t the words that you should be looking for, especially in this bizarre condition..."

"Wait, "Go", what is with you...?"

Not sure whether she was keeping up or not with the situation, Kiriyama asked with a shudder.

"What is with me? This, of course, is for seeing the interesting faces you will have when you become bewildered by the "personality exchange". To be honest, I don"t quite want to be here... Ah, also can you please not call me "Go" or Gotou? After all, I"m not him... Although that doesn"t really annoy me at all."

The words of the [living thing with Gotou"s body] were a declaration, which collapsed the "usual" life of the five club members and left a deep scar on their chest.

Although someone (mainly Inaba) proposed that Gotou pulled off this prank because he was eavesdropping on their conversation, they couldn"t just acknowledge that it was like that. After all, this guy exactly described the actions that Taichi and the club members took during the personality exchange-including the details that the members didn"t discuss. It was just too hard not to believe it was true.

Besides, his personality and his [body] really had been exchanged, so it wouldn"t be irrational to say that it wouldn"t happen to other people.

"...I know "you are abnormal", and "you are not the Gotou that we know of"... Then, who are you?"

[Gotou] lightly pondered Inaba"s inquiry.

"What person...What kind of person should I say... Although I do have a name called «Fuusenkazura»[1]."

"«Fuusenkazura»...Why would you have the name of such a rare plant?"

Inaba murmured with displease.

"...Ah... who knows? Hmm, so in my circ.u.mstance, I am observing your presence... Ah, forget it. Okay, just take me as someone insignificant."

"Observing our presence...? Then... That... What about the real Gotou? Was he sent to [another body]?"

"Ah... It"s really helpful that Yaegas.h.i.+-san is learning so quickly... No, in fact, I didn"t do something as tricky as "personality exchange"... Rather, should I say that I did something similar to "borrowing his body"? But there"s no need for you to understand that... Ah, so why did I say it... can we start the main topic now? Ok. Let me start so I can go home... thanks."

«Fuusenkazura» with [the appearance of Gotou], looked really sluggish. He spoke at his own pace and didn"t care at all of what others thought and felt.

"Eh... does this mean you are willing to explain the situation to us in detail?"

Aoki"s wordings were unexpectedly formal.

"Ah... maybe... but that wouldn"t be what you guys expected... After all, replying to your antic.i.p.ations are meaningless... So... now... Ah, would it really matter if you don"t jot down notes? Yeah, it wouldn"t really matter as long as Inaba, who has that super memory power, is here."

"How do you even know these things..."

«Fuusenkazura» with [the appearance of Gotou], ignored Inaba"s murmur and started to speak.

"Eh... So from now on, and for a long time, between you five... there will be randomly occurring personality exchanges. Firstly, let me express my sympathy for everyone; you guys worked hard... Although personally I don"t think of it that way... Ayyah? Did I just say something superfluous? Ah... I messed it up again; is this because of my usual soliloquy? I really want to change this habit... Nope, in fact, I haven"t really thought of it so deeply, so, just let it be..."

"Are the people and the times chosen for the exchange random?"

Having been silent so far, and still remaining unexpectedly calm, Nagase asked a question. Or let us put it, she remained even more calm than usual, and her voice was icy and cool.

"Ahh... You are right. It certainly is Nagase-san... Then, I will observe your condition during the personality exchange... just that. Ah... Don"t worry, I won"t be invading your privacy all day and night. I will just watch when something special happens... After all, I don"t really want to... Besides, it is quite tedious... So, do you grasp the situation? Even if you say you can"t, I"m not planning to make any more explanations."

"This kind of explanation is not enough..."

Taichi murmured his thoughts.

"Fu... Usually I will shout at you and say, "what kind of nonsense are you talking about?", but we actually did fall into a nonsensical situation, so let me ask you about what you have said. "Why did you choose us?" "Is this situation under your control?" "How do we end it?" "What is your intention?"...Let me ask these questions first, despite that I have even more questions to ask you."

Inaba continued after Taichi. «Fuusenkazura»[Gotou] looked at Inaba blankly and stared at her for a while.

"Inaba does know how to pick questions very well... especially by not asking "how did we do it"... even though that is a question that would usually be asked when something unbelievable happens... but if we look deeper, it"s actually not important at all... Ah... my insignificant chatter was too long..."

«Fuusenkazura» still maintained his usual casualness and sluggishness.

"Anyway, you are quite right... Firstly, in regards to the first question, I can only say "by chance". Ah... In fact, it"s because you guys are really interesting."

"What do you mean by "really interesting"..."

Taichi spoke in a low voice.

"Aryyyu, aren"t your lives now more interesting compared to normal people? Nevertheless, there are some people who are aware of this while the others aren"t."

«Fuusenkazura"s» words seemed to be aimed at Taichi, Nagase, Inaba, Kiriyama and Aoki.

What does this imply?

"What were the other questions? Is it under my control, how can it end, and my intention...? Then chronologically... eh? Do I really have to answer these questions? Ah... I completely don"t have to. I almost slipped it out of my mouth... That was close! So, now I can only say that you guys just have to get used to the personality exchange. When I feel that "Ah, this is quite interesting", the exchanges will stop. This duration won"t be very long... Although I don"t know how you will define "long", and I don"t want to know..."

"When you feel "it is interesting"... That is completely from your perspective! This at least means that "when it will end" is at your control... It also means that you started this situation."

Inaba snapped powerfully.

"Ahh... Did I give it away... Or did my question in fact confirm that I did? Anyway, please don"t pay too much attention to it... just live as usual, because being worried about it is pointless. Please think of it as "regardless, everything will be okay in the end, so there"s no need to complain". Don"t worry, this won"t do any harm to your lives... Also, don"t investigate the mechanism behind "the personality exchange"... You won"t understand it anyway... If you really have time to spend, just think of issues concerning yourself. That would be conducive to ending this situation... You will be glad and so will I. Ah... this is really gratifying."

Did he want us to just accept all the events that have occurred?... To accept this strange situation?

"Have I missed anything... Ah, right, please keep the personality exchange phenomenon confidential and prevent outsiders from knowing... you guys should understand. If it slipped out, there would be more trouble for you than me. Let me emphasize this point ."

«Fuusenkazura» scratched his head, as if trying to remember something, and then he let his vision flow up into the air.

"So... I think I"ve said all I should... Besides, I"ve decided to go away pretending that nothing has happened... Work hard! I will support all of you from near the top of my heart... Although, I should say "from the bottom" even when I"m lying."

[Gotou]- «Fuusenkazura» turned his back and slowly approached the door of the clubroom.

He walked away without paying any attention to Taichi and the other club members; He just said his piece and left the way he wanted to.

"Hey, wait a moment."

-Of course, Inaba"s personality prevented her from allowing him to leave so easily.

She swiftly walked to «Fuusenkazura»and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"I"ve quietly listened to what you have said, but I still have a bunch of questions to ask. Besides, you haven"t replied to any of my questions!"

There was no fear in her words.

"How can we, having been dragged into this stupid situation, let you leave so easily?"

Nagase cracked her knuckles behind Inaba.

When the ever-ambitious Inaba and the hot-headed, uncontrollable Nagase join forces, they become unstoppable.

"So... I say, these aren"t the things that you should do... I am not planning to oppose any of you... this is true... but I don"t want to be friends with you either... Oh, it"d be better if I didn"t say that."

«Fuusenkazura», who seemed bothered by Inaba, turned back slightly and plainly said that to her.

"Don"t act like everything will go as you wis.h.!.+"

Inaba used even more strength to try to make «Fuusenkazura» turn back.

«Fuusenkazura"s» eyes flashed sharply in an instant.


Sounds of meat, flesh, and bones crackling altogether whirled around.

At the same time, Inaba"s body went flying through the air.

She bounced off Nagase, who was standing behind her, and even Aoki was caught in her way. It was as if it were a scene from an action movie.

Chairs and tables fell to the floor and were smashed.

Moaning sounds emerged.

The falling Inaba landed on Aoki. Inaba pressed her chest, coughed, and even started to vomit. It seemed she had received an elbow blow near her chest.


Nagase took a pratfall right on the floor. She rubbed her waist to ease the pain. Although what she did was a bit weird, it seemed she was fine after all.

"I didn"t want to do this, even though letting you see my powers could have actually solved the problem much faster... Ah, I don"t want to do this... After all, it"s very troublesome."

The instant «Fuusenkazura» started to speak, the tense atmosphere returned back to normal.

That was an overwhelming shock.

If someone were to ask what it was that was so shocking, Taichi couldn"t answer, but he definitely reckoned it was so.

Inaba, trying to suppress her pain, squeezed a hoa.r.s.e voice in this calamity.

"All of you...*cough, cough cough*... Don"t let that guy... get away!"

"Inaba, don"t push yourself too far."

Aoki took care of her as he spoke.

"...Although I disagree with using physical violence, I think it"s necessary now."

Taichi said that as he walked forward. «Fuusenkazura» suddenly eyed Taichi and kept perfectly still.

He created a feeling of unease and incomprehensibleness even when having the appearance of [Gotou].

But just like Inaba said, they shouldn"t let «Fuusenkazura» go. He was too deeply involved with the current situation. If they just let him go, they might not see him again. Besides, it seemed that it was impossible to negotiate with him verbally. Physical violence was a must.

- Taichi thought that he should shoulder the sole responsibility of the event.

His [Gotou"s] appearance made it intractable to do this. But however intractable this was, it was crucial.

With this in mind, Taichi stepped forward, but an arm stretched in front of his chest.

"Wait, Taichi, I will handle this."

Stretching her white-clothed arm to stop Taichi was- Kiriyama.

"But, if I don"t do it-"

"Taichi, there is no reason for you to be the one to do it."

Kiriyama tried to smile gently to cover the slight frown of her eyebrows. She was like a stubborn, unreasonable child.

"Besides, I am more powerful than you, right? It"ll be fine, I"ll take care of him right now!"

Taichi, despite wanting to refute her, fell silent and bit his tongue. Kiriyama was indeed more powerful than him. Taichi, as a boy, was stronger than Kiriyama. But in real combat, Kiriyama, the Girls" Full Contact Karate champion, who was even called a prodigy of Karate, would be more powerful.

But her voice was s.h.i.+vering.


"So, let"s do this together..."

"Don"t interfere."

Taichi"s suggestion was turned down before he managed to finish it.

"Yui! Let me support..."


She showed no mercy to Aoki at all times.

Lightly tipping her toe, Kiriyama spread her feet apart, balancing herself. She had a.s.sumed a combat stance. Her chestnut hair flew in the air for a few milliseconds before being attracted by gravity and gradually starting to fall.

The aura Kiriyama let off drastically changed.

With only a height of 150cm or so, Kiriyama, despite being so small, exuded an aura that seemed to say that if anyone were to as much as twitch, she would be upon them at once.

Her posture was like a bull in a china shop.

But «Fuusenkazura» showed no sign of fear and stared blankly at her.

"Sorry for making you wait so long... Or should I say, why were you willing to wait for me? Just then, you didn"t show any signs that you were intending to escape."

Kiriyama gradually narrowed their distance and asked.

"...Ah, really... That would be nice if I did... But I got to see something interesting, so I... But that"s just something as trivial as to make people comment with "Is that it?"..."

"...I will stop you from being so calm and relaxed."

Kiriyama stepped forward at the same time.

Then she kicked the floor hard on her second step and leapt forward.

""Go", sorry-!"

Her flying kick was like an eagle stretching its claws to catch its prey.

Despite that there was over 20cm of height disparity, the flying kick was directly slammed at «Fuusenkazura"s» face- but was stopped by «Fuusenkazura"s» arm just before the kick was about to hit.

Kiriyama had aimed at his face and flying-kicked him with extreme speed.

As if it were meant to be, «Fuusenkazura» effortlessly stopped the kick.

To a normal person like Taichi, what was happening in front of him was shocking enough, but their continued battle was truly beyond his imagination. He wouldn"t have thought that it would continue after she landed on the floor.

Kiriyama swung a low punch at «Fuusenkazura» while landing.

Her graceful flying hair served as as a foil to her beautiful, bird-like posture.


«Fuusenkazura» acted as if nothing had happened and used his other free hand to grip Kiriyama"s right wrist.

Although «Fuusenkazura» did this easily, even Taichi knew that this kind of action was near impossible.

When Kiriyama landed with both of her feet, she sat on the floor helplessly and worn out. It was only her right hand that was caught, but looking at her paleness, she had already lost all her morale.

She drooped her head and started to whimper like a newborn fawn that could do nothing but cry. Her powerful image had vanished instantly.



Nagase and Taichi flew to Kiriyama.

Just at this instant-

- Taichi"s vision twisted and vanished.

In the next moment, he was kneeling down and holding on to Inaba"s body.

He became confused for a moment.

Then he understood what had happened.

If he was holding on to Inaba, does that mean he had changed to [Aoki]?

[Inaba] coughed on the wrists of Taichi [Aoki].

"Hey, are you feeling alright?"

"*Cough, cough cough*... Inaba-san, this is really painful."

[Inaba] said "Inaba-san". Within the club members... no, in the whole school, the only person who would call Inaba by that name would be Nagase.

Taichi lifted his head to confirm what was going on around him.

At one corner, he could see someone with [the appearance of Taichi] lying impotently on the floor. By putting the events that just happened into consideration, that should be Kiriyama, right?

Being gripped on the wrist by «Fuusenkazura» and still sitting on the floor, was [Kiriyama], who still could not move and thus remained rigid. Taichi saw that her face was as pale as a sheet of paper.

Then, someone with [Nagase"s appearance] crossed her hands and stood sternly.

"Ayyahh, could it be that... personality exchange occurred now? This maybe... is a bit interesting."

«Fuusenkazura» looked down at this chaos and spoke in an opposite, or in a way that didn"t show he was interested at all.

"Ah... Looks like the timing is right, I must go now..."

«Fuusenkazura» let go of [Kiriyama"s] hand and stretched his hands towards the door.

"Hey, at least answer me one question before you leave!"

The person who halted «Fuusenkazura» had .

"We know that we can"t stop you, so I want to ask... can we by any chance meet you... meet «Fuusenkazura» again?"

"...This is hard to say. When this situation ends, we should meet again. But I can"t promise you. Ah, this person is [Mr. Gotou], right? Please don"t be so harsh to him... Besides, I don"t want you guys to waste your time on these things."

"Um... This means that it"ll be hard to strike back... Hmmph! Maybe this actually isn"t the case... «Fuusenkazura», although I want to destroy you completely, I can"t... This is quite lamentable. Can I say what I"ve observed at the end?"

[Nagase] laughed fearlessly and spoke with an attentive tone. The only person whose personality could say such things in this kind of situation was Inaba.

"When you arrived, you said that you came here because the scared expressions we make when our personalities get switched is amusing. In other words, if we weren"t so interesting after we exchanged, you wouldn"t have come. Also, considering that you were pretty impressed by my style of inquiry, this implies that you have already done this a few times, right? On the other hand, if you have a special name called «Fuusenkazura» this implies that there are more people like you out there, right?"

Even when stuck in this mess, Inaba still managed to figured out the opponent"s motive by utilizing these small bits of information. Despite having the plain appearance of [Nagase], her face was still drawn with an evil grin. This was, in fact, quite scary.

"...Who knows?"

Even after hearing Inaba"s words, «Fuusenkazura» had replied simply.

«Fuusenkazura» for the first time, curved up the corners of his mouth. This was a face that never appeared on [Gotou]... A sombre face with a freaky smile.

Invisible threats sparked between Inaba [Nagase] and «Fuusenkazura» [Gotou].

But then «Fuusenkazura» reverted to his usual sluggishness.

"So... I wish you all good luck... Ah... I didn"t have any enthusiasm and didn"t plan to raise your morale, but I said it due to the atmosphere... Maybe I just wanted to say these words."

«Fuusenkazura» dropped these words, left a pile of unreasonable duties to Taichi and the club members, and then just left the clubroom.

By now, Taichi found out that Aoki was the person with the [appearance of Kiriyama] by process of elimination.

On that note-

Later, still curious about the incident in the clubroom, the club members went to the staff room and saw the teacher of cla.s.s 1C and Cultural Research Club advisor Gotou Ryuzen there. When they asked him, "What have you been doing?", he replied, "What? I"ve been trying to complete this doc.u.ment... Strange. Hey, why did time fly by without there being any progress? How mysterious this is! You guys should include this as one of the seven wonders of school and publish it in the next issue of «Bunken News»." Inaba seemed unable to stand him. Then "Hmm? My left hand hurts a little... Oh? It turned red! Wait, if we combine these two elements and make a conclusion... I understand! My pain is from using my left hand as a pillow to sleep! That... that"s what happened! Ayahh... What a headache, what a headache..." These soft words drove Inaba nuts and she, despite being in the staff room, used a headlock on Gotou (25 years old, occupation: teacher) and swirled her fist to push his head down.

"Ou, ou, ou, ou...ouch, Inaba! I am still a teacher, you know!"

"If you really are a teacher, then you should think and act like one! Helping you is a waste of time and effort!"

Taichi seemed to understand why «Fuusenkazura» used [the body of Gotou], although he could only speculate if «Fuusenkazura» had the same thought.

Translation NotesJump up↑ The Fuusenkazura is a climbing plant with circular, balloon-like fruits. The vine also grows small, cl.u.s.tered white flowers. Other names for it include Heartseed or Balloon Vine.

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