Kokoro Connect

Chapter 3 - The Cupid of Love

Chapter 3 - The Cupid of Love

The next morning, all five second year members of the Cultural Research Club gathered and conducted a reporting meeting.

All the members have experienced "Dream Perception" at least more than once. The pattern were those from people from the same cla.s.s, people from different school years that they"ve seen before, and people they completely don"t know. Finally Taichi confirmed the number of people the phenomenon included and that the phenomenon was the real deal. And directly said.

"You guys…..the first time it couldn"t be helped. And, how was it? You became feeling awful?"

"Yes, I probably received that. Well, it was to the level of placing both hands on the wall."

"Ah, I was like that too. But it was alright right after, I understand about that much though"

Taichi also continued. The other also had the same or close to the same thoughts.

Aoki says.

"Perhaps, the image of someone I don"t know playing baseball was shown to me and….. somewhat I was bothered by the response. In the future, he wants to somehow be a baseball player? Ahh, but it seemed like it was on the school field so normally he wants to play baseball---"

"Shut up Aoki. The conversation is over." said Inaba as she makes an one sided announcement and stood up.

"Huh? Already? Wasn"t that fast?"

Kiriyama presented a natural question.

"Within the hypothesized area of "Dream Perception", seeing other people"s desires called "dreams" ……it is only that. If that is so, a countermeasure, is not needed at all."

"But just in case" Nagase said but Inaba also intercepted that.

"There is no just in case. You guys yourself don"t have any problems happening am I right? Well, after if we see a "dream" and shut up about it then it will be finished. Aoki, be careful of exposing the content like just now. Because isn"t it to the level of peeking into other people"s privacy so keep it inside you for the rest of your life."

"Heh, heh. Roger…..that but."

"Alright, Well to the cla.s.srooms---Ah"

Inaba"s missed her footing and lost her balance.

"Inaba!" "Inaban!?"

Everyone instantly responded but Inaba without falling used her own power to stand back up.

"Inaban, your body……"

"No, that"s not it. It"s only that d.a.m.n "Dream Perception" happening. Suddenly being thrust with an image, I was surprised…… Well, after two or three times I"ll get use to it."

Haaa, Inaba sighed.

"How should put it, what is that guy thinking in the morning…….and, being instructed to not say it, I seem to have talked about it, haven"t I?"

Inaba laughed at herself and started walking again.

"Wait, wait Inaban, really if you don"t feel well….."

"If it"s the case then I"ll say it! I"m not stupid enough to repeat the same mistake. …..Hey you guys, don"t talk about "Dream Perception" anymore. That"s all."

Walking quickly, Inaba left and Nagase followed behind her. We"ll should leave this to Nagase.

"Ummm, Isn"t there a feeling that Inaba is overdoing it? How about it, Taichi?"

Only three people remained inside the club room. Aoki said.

"……While she"s uneasy, Inaba in her own way is thinking about things. Inaba said, if we do this then there will be no problems. And instructed us that answer."

This time, Inaba"s a.s.serted it was "completely correct" . Certainly the answer was perfect and we can see for sure that it is completely correct.

"Certainly…… This time"s phenomenon, even though it happened, we were whispering inside our hearts "Is this for real!" . If it stops like that, we can see that really nothing will happen it seems."

Well, time for us to go to the cla.s.sroom? said Aoki as he stood up. At the moment, Kiriyama opened her mouth.

"Ah, ummm, Aoki!"

"Hmm? What is it?"

Aoki replied with a question. Kiriyama was fl.u.s.tered.

"Umm,um…..That……are you ok, I wonder? This "phenomenon" happened , and your family also looks like it"s in trouble. Perhaps I should say….. isn"t your cheek somewhat red?"

She tried saying it and it was certainly like that. Only a little but, his right cheek was swollen.

Aoki did not reply to what Kiriyama pointed out. It was a stalemate.


With worried eyes, Kiriyama asked.

"……Geh!? It"s on the level of knowing! You serious~!"

Suddenly looking like he remembered, Aoki excitedly said. It is undeniable that it felt like he was smoothing over the situation. Taichi wavered on whether to accept that but here he will respect Aoki"s intentions and ignore it.

"……well, you red cheek, if it wasn"t said I wouldn"t have known. You noticed it well Kiriyama."

Taichi announced and Kiriyama more fl.u.s.tered than before.

"By, by, by chance by chance! Here, I do Karate so I am sensitive to things like this! Yeah it is like that! ….Did something happen Aoki!? How!?"

"Well….I took a slap from my sister. This morning. Because of the financial situation and continuing education and so forth."

This topic, is it alright to delve into? Taichi became worried and was silent.

However, Aoki fluently continued.

" When "I am fine so Nee-chan should go think about your own happiness" sort of thing was said, "How can I be happy when my little brother sacrifices himself for the older sister, you stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d should only look after your d.a.m.n self!" she said and then I was. .h.i.t……"

"…..You have somewhat of an aggressive older sister there." "Cool but."

"By the way, thinking carefully about it……being hit for that line is weird am I right!? There should probably be a kinder action!? Mismatch!"

The end changed into a fooling around laugh as expected from Aoki but he seriously told Taichi about the seriousness of the problem. The doubt of whether Aoki is harboring mental stress came up but Taichi was concerned.

"The career survey is making us find reality and becoming depression. Uh, someone like me is the type of person who still has had played around enough, am I right. Yaegas.h.i.+-kun."

It is lunch break in cla.s.s 2-B. The calligraphy club"s Nakayama Mariko while playing with her twin tale round and round said.

"Ah, it is."

"Yeah yeah, haven"t played around enough, haven"t played around enough, Taichi."

Beside Taichi, Nagase showed agreement. The two since first year have gotten along really well.

"Ah, it is"

"The same answer has been copied and pasted with Nakayama-chan !? I am against sloppy service!"

"Against! Against!"

"If I add a difference……in that case there wouldn"t be any complaint?"


Already the pattern can be read. Taichi is made fun of by those two often.

"What is it Yaegas.h.i.+-kun~? Don"t remember the calm replies and play~. The career survey was distributed so don"t be so serious~"

"Playing is good but quickly hand in the career survey."

The cla.s.s representative, Setouchi Kaoru, happened to walk by and gave a warning. She has short cut hair and today her small piercings on her ear s.h.i.+ned.

"Sooo talking about it, what is Setouchi-san"s career path~?"

Nakayama, with a involved feeling, asked.

"I will go to social sciences or education. I"ve been having an interest in those subjects for a long time."

"Serious! I couldn"t think that a small delinquent will do that."

Nagase shouted.

"Enough~ Don"t say that~"

Setouchi made a bitter smile but she didn"t seem to really despise it.

See ya, said Setouchi and she left.

In exchange, Kiriyama and Kurihara just came. If only looking at the stature of the small but full of expression, Kiriyama and the slender and having a colourful personality, Kruihara, there is a difference. Since first year, they are a combo which has gotten along well.

"What are you talking about?"

Kiriyama asked.

"Career sort of thing!" Nagase answered and Kurihara immediately responded.

"Career….. Well, that is an important topic but, I want to think about something fun now…… Let"s talk about the school trip!"

Kurihara grabbed her webbed and brightly dyed hair and stroked it.

"Did something happen?"

Taichi asked Kiriyama in a small voice. "She and her boyfriend-san had a little….."said Kiriyama.

"That"s right, school trip! The biggest going afar event in high school!"

"Nice! This year is Hokaido! Looking forward to the first time on an airplane!"

Nakayama and Nagase unanimously said.

Yamabos.h.i.+ high school"s school trip is in the middle of October of second year for four days and three night.

"I"m happy that we can go as a cla.s.s."

Taichi unintentionally whispered and Nagase, Nakayama, Kiriyama, and Kurihara, all four, simultaneously looked in Taichi"s direction.

"Hey, what"s up?"

"No no Taichi-kun. You said something embarra.s.sing right? Kind of feeling."

"Shame pointed out by Nagase who has little prospect of marriage is a problem and even I don"t get it……"

"But going to a different place with everyone we always see. It makes you excited am I right?"

Kurihara responded to Kiriyama"s cheerful voice.

"Certainly so. Doing that, the distance between girls and boys will shrink in one go. There"s only chances-, ….only, there isn"t anything as important as this right?"

"Yukina-, you"re already thinking about the next thing? Too early, t-o-o e-a-r-l-y."

"You aren"t only stupid. That"s enough, on the school trip, go make a confession!"

"It"s because there isn"t I confession! It"s because I won"t make a confession! Because, because! …. I will respond though."

"Eh, finally!?"

Kurihara became excited.

"You worked hard with Aoki. It"s been a year and a half, a year and half! There isn"t a guy who is that whole-hearted in these days. He has a high degree of feeling for you. Well, he"s not my type though."

"Ah…..but….it"s not good now. That…..yeah, timing."

What is that, said Kurihara and she bent her knee.

Kiriyama laughed looking like she was in trouble. With that look, she whispered “There’s that situation….I can’t decide to…..confess now.” That look happened over and over again.

“Good grief, you’re already in high school second year, so you should have had one or two romances.”

Kiriyama nodded with a “yeah” to Kurihara’s lecture.

Continuing on, Kurihara changed the topic to Nagase and Nakayama.

“That’s right, Iori and Nakayama-chan, how about you? Same as always? There was the cultural festival, what’s more is very soon there is the school trip~. During the free time, everyone is probably going to move as boyfriend girlfriend.”

“I still haven’t had that feeling yet-, it looks like.”

Nagase answered and Kurihara unsatisfied said “Ehh”.

“Iori, you’ve been confessed to by quite a few number of people and you continued to reject them? I can only think that you for sure have a guy you like.”

“No no no, there isn’t anything like that. A somewhat great person hasn’t appeared yet, you see.”

Moving her neck, Nagase caught Taichi in her sights. In this situation, what sort of face should I make, Taichi was still entirely puzzled about that.

“You’re aiming too high. The high school boys are somewhat brats you see-, You won’t compromise.”

“I was told, I was told, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun. “I who have made Inaba fallen for, words are not applicable to that” he a.s.serted with a rough voice, a rough voice!”

“Taking advantage of the moment, you are ignoring my question, Nakayama-chan?”

“Are you suspicious of me…….Yukina-chan. No, well so, I, that’s right. A life without romantic conversations and without profit-. I wonder why, Yukina-chan?”

“I think that Nakayama-chan is cheerful and popular but. Ah, certainly for boys, “Friend!” sort of feeling and getting extremely close as romantic interests is out of place probably.”

“What was that-…….. And I was in the middle of my worrying.”

Nakayama did not talk about her own personal love, as one would think of a girl around that age. Perhaps it is that she won’t say it in front of a guy such as Taichi. In truth Nakayama also unexpectedly has a person she likes---.

His brain shook. His vision. The thing that was caught in Taichi’s eyes was a separate scene.

【Nakayama is there. She looks very happy. Someone is beside her. That person and Nakayama are holding hands. It was a guy. The guy’s figure was able to be clearly seen. Tall and a tough build, shaven head. He is baseball club’s Is.h.i.+kawa. The two were having fun on a date。】

Suddenly Taichi was a little confused about the images that were projected on to the screen inside his head. However very soon after, he swallowed the situation. A day dream ------ “Dream Perception”.

I think Nakayama wants to have a date with Is.h.i.+kawa…….it looks like?”

With “Dream Perception”, you can only see image and it won’t tell you feelings in that scene. There were sounds at times but this time it was the same as a dream when sleeping with no clear lines added in his head. Nevertheless, Taichi thought about it. The image from now, Nakayama looked happy. And with baseball club’s Is.h.i.+kawa they were holding hands, having a date… In other words, Nakayama wants to do just that, I think? Perhaps, Nakayama and Is.h.i.+kawa ----.

The feeling of an image thrust still remained in the sides of his eyes. Taichi blinked two, three times.

And, in front of his eyes, Kiriyama was holding her head and made a really big blink.

Their eyes met. After Kiriyama glance at Taichi’s face steadily, they sneakily got closer together.

“…..Hey, could it be, Taichi also so that?”

“…..Ahh, Nakayama’s, am I right?”

Whisperingly, the two confirmed the situation. It appears that two have seen Nakayama’s dream at the same time.

But, it looked like they did not tell Nagase who was beside them. "It"s unexpected, am I right? By the way, it"s ok to interpret is as "like", am I right?"

Different that the talkative Nakayama, Is.h.i.+kawa is a bulky formal and calm guy.

"Probably right…. and. Let"s stop. Secretly talking about peeking into people"s heads."

That was right. the "dream" Taichi saw now, he kept it inside his mind.

Nevertheless the after lessons went forward and after school approached.

"Ta, Tata Ta, Taichi!

A bizarre excited Kiriyama came up to the table of Taichi"s seat and with a bang she hit it.

"Hey, don"t panic. What"s the matter?"

"Umm ummm you know…… It"s not good here come !"

Being pulled by Kiriyama , Taichi was led to the end of the hall where there was not traffic.

"I….I, saw it….."

Kiriyama trembled. It was not common. What on earth did she saw? She talks about it.

"I now that Is.h.i.+kawa also thinks well about Nakayama-chan too from the "dream"."

"What did you say!? That, that…..especially there"s no problem with that. It"s something good I think"

Mutual love, isn"t it wonderful?

"But you know, Is.h.i.+kawa-kun thought "I want to go out with her" but he wish for it doesn"t feeling taking actual action it seems. Now-

"Do you know to that extent from "Dream Perception"?"

"Well---that is, my prediction was added. "I want to confess" kind of feeling was projected but "When is good?" kind of feeling was there also…… Certainly there isn"t the feeling of "I"ll take action" immediately. I understand, that feeling?"

"I get somehow or other."

The sample is still small but thinking back, Taichi also remembered a similar image.

Unexpectedly, he noticed it here.

""Dream Perception" to utmost shows the desires of "I want this to happen." so it is not a thing that will read the logical thoughts inside someone"s head. ….I suppose. Well conversely, doesn"t it become the thing we can see is "There isn"t the feeling that he wants to take actual action."? …..In other words, we know what the person desires but it"s not a prediction."

"Amazing Taichi. A Inaba-like a.n.a.lysis."

"Well, because we are dating, I guess it became similar, Ha ha."

Trying to say it was embarra.s.sing. A little regretted doing that.

"…..Dating, is important and a wonderful thing, am I right?"

Without laughing courteously to Taichi"s talkativeness, Kiriyama quietly asked.

"I, think so."

"Well then."

Kiriyama said preface and then stopped. She was hesitating.

She blew out a small breath. Kiriyama"s expression was lit with the colours of strong determination.

"Don"t you think we should give the love of those two a push from behind?"

With a ping, the air froze over. Taichi swallowed a breath in the numbing air.

Let"s give our friends" love a push from behind, is a casual suggestion wherever it happens. But, being the ourselves right now, that "something" carries a very important meaning.

Pa.s.sing through that gate, we are standing at a fork at the level of we cannot return again.

"Timing, isn"t it important?"

Kiriyama combed her rustling flowing long hair.

"I thought we really settled it with Aoki. But there was the dojo and the vacation. It was busy and ended up unable to take time. ….Well, that"s the excuse. I gave an answer once but now trying to say it, I couldn"t bring out the courage."

I"m pathetic-- said Kiriyama and she weakly laughed.

"But, I really think it"s not good as it is. Alright, then my determination was solidified….. But. A while ago, I know about Aoki"s thing with his family. As expected, I can say it now."

Certainly, I feel the timing now is not good. And then there is one thing I remembered.

"…..I too, if the timing was different, then I would probably be going out with Nagase."

That is, the truth.

"That is why"

Kiriyama raised her voice like she could not suppress her excited feelings.

“If they are afraid of the possibility of being rejected in properly liking each other and hesitating, I thought, shall I give them a push from behind? Of course in the end, themselves will be the ones to decide on what to do.”

Because we understand. Because we took a peek at their thoughts with “Dream Perception”.

Is Kiriyama’s way of thinking correct?

Silent and worrying, suddenly made her eyes bigger.

“Ah…. Because we are only talking about our ideas. Actually doing it, Inaba will probably forbid it. ….This conversation, it seems she’ll get angry at us because she won’t consent.”

Kiriyama smiled and placed her index finger in front of her mouth.

As a result of the two talking, Taichi and Kiriyama were late in arriving to the club room.

“Everyone came. Well we’ll start. s.h.i.+no and Chihiro.”

Inaba started talking. The thing we should be doing today, the five second years unanimously decided.

“Getting straight to the point…… Again, has appeared.”

AInaba bccame the focus and explained the Cultural Research Club’s adopted plan.

“Is…..that so? ……. …..has”

Enjouji’s face was pale. Seeming like not looking at her, Nagase said.

“It’s alright, s.h.i.+no-chan. This time, it seems that there will be no harm done to s.h.i.+no-chan.”

“Y…..Yes! It’s seems like that!...... Though I’m not in any trouble, I was depressed…… I am very sorry. Senpai are the ones in trouble……”

“That’s why, s.h.i.+no-chan doesn’t need mind it!”

Again, Nagase pushed her thought.

“Are you alright, Chihiro-kun?”

Kiriyama said to the one more person who has a pale face.

“I am…..alright.”

Being Enjouji as well as Chihiro, the second coming of can only be a nightmare. Taichi also shocked when induced the second phenomenon and dragged us into it.

Inaba cleared her throat.

“None I think but it’s not imposed on you two.”

To the strict tone, the two first years reflected on the error that had made. They made their body smaller.

"Don"t fall for temptations and threats. And so we can forget the reality that the phenomenon happened. You don"t seem to be able to see them so there"s no need to worry. Don"t do unnecessary behaviors."

However it was an intimidating way of saying it. This time is us, said Taichi following up the two withering first years.

"Well, anything that happens, however small a thing it is, tell us."

"That"s right, if everyone works together we will mostly manage one way or another."

Aoki with a cheerful tone continued.

"Ah…..ummm, it is as you said, we will not……get in your way."

Looking downward and not looking like she has self-confidence, Enjouji started talking but.

"But, but if there is one in a thousand chance that I can help out…..no matter what, tell me and I will do my best! …..My amount of help is to be discovered but I want to…..work with everyone, because!"

Do my best, I want to work together. Though it is supposed to be scary and unbearable. Enjouji still said that.

"s.h.i.+no-chan……what a good kid!"

Seemingly overcame with emotion, Kiriyama hugged Enjouji.

"Squeeze~, It hurts Yui-senpai."

"Chihhii, how about you?"

A somewhat aroused Nagase asked.

Chihiro exhaled a large breath. He violently loosened the tie on his uniform and says.

"I also, still haven"t repaid the debt from the trouble I caused I think. ….If there is chance to repay it in "s phenomenon, then certainly I will."

"As I antic.i.p.ated but formal, Chihhii!"

Nagase tossed a fist. Enjouji also placed her hands together in front of her chest and her face brightly sparkled.

"Even though he gets cold feet and is incompetent in some fundamental areas…… If Chihiro-kun is here we have the power of a hundred people!"

"s.h.i.+no-chan!? Before complementing him Chihiro was on the verge of dying from your blunt criticism."

Hmph, Inaba murmured. A kind echo can be felt.

"I"m looking forward to it. I"ll rely on you. And, a different topic but isn"t there some strange behavior in the second year?"

Hee, said Kiriyama and she made a easily understood cringe.

"…..Yui, did you f.u.c.king do something already…..?"

Blurred with anger, Inaba asked and Kiriyama with a sudden shaking, shook her head.

"You"re wrong I tell you! I still haven"t done anything yet! It"s true!"

"……"yet" you said?"

"You"re wrong! That was that…….it"s not wrong, but."


Unable to just watch Taichi cut in to the conversation..

"Kiriyama was talking to me and said something like it became something for the purpose of the other person but is doing it not good."

Inaba"s eyes weakly shook to Taichi"s words. But the tremor, like an illusion, suddenly disappeared.

"I said it right? There won"t be even a discussion."

Her eyes with burning strength caught Taichi.

"Isn"t it better to discuss it?"

"No. It is over with that."

"That"s why don"t make a conclusion so quick."

"Yes, yes, stop stop!"

Nagase cut in. Taichi turned away from the awkward eyes of Inaba. "I understand why Inaba is trying to say but it is certainly extremely overbearing. Because of that, let"s entrust this place to me. That"s because I"m the club president! Everyone remember?"

"Ah! I completely forgot! Iori-senpai is the club president!"

"……You don"t need to specially declare that, s.h.i.+no-chan?"

At long last, behaving like the club president, Nagase, whose start was spoiled, once again started again.

"Inaban"s a.s.sertion will be up to here briefly. Saying that, people who have other opinions lets talk! Inaban be silent and should listen! After, I will give the chance to make counter-arguments."

Well, said Taichi and raised his hand.

"Ignoring the phenomenon, I can think that it certainly seems like the best method. But I think we made a conclusion too fast already. "Be our usual selves as much as possible" but I understand our plan up till there but, this time, the situation is different it seems."

"Hmph, a sound argument. Yui is next right?"

"I, …… ummm….I think, that it"s not something strange, it"s a thing that is very good to be tied together with. If we can protect people from bad things, then we must think of utilize "Dream Perception"."

"Using a "power"…..huh?"

The person who asked was Chihro. Previously, he used a "power" and failed. Kiriyama made a difficult complicated expression to Chihiro"s question.

"It"s not like it"s been decided "to use" it. …..only that, when it really is necessary or a situation where no matter what it is needed, we must think about the possibility of using it, I"m saying."

"Well, any other opinions? If there"s none, Inaba"s reb.u.t.tal ----"

The discussion followed a parallel line with no compromise in sight. Taichi and Yui a.s.serted that “We must think that there is a possibility to use this “power”” , and Inaba was persistent on “it’s not necessary”.

When time came, they were dismissed for the day. They went home on their respective route.

Taichi, Yui, and Aoki were together for until part of the way. They were waiting on the platform of the station.

“I understand that it’s not that simple to have to take action on the basis of “Dream Perception”, but-“

Kiriyama not satisfied whispered and Taichi responded.

“It is entirely not good huh? There will be situations where the person cannot say but we know that the person is in trouble. Certainly the “Dream Perception” that Aoki has experienced has that. “

“Ahh, yeah. Because of privacy I won’t tell you the details though. There was the feeling of that person wis.h.i.+ng for “If that can be solved.”

Hmmm, said Kiriyama and she brought the crease of her eyebrows together.

“If a person in trouble is there, don’t you think that we absolutely should help that person? Even if the power used, is not one that is normal. Aoki what do you think? In the club room, you didn’t say any opinion at all.”

“Even if I make a serious opinion, huh that kind of feeling wasn’t it? But well, what to say.”

After saying that with a light tone, Aoki all of a sudden made a serious face.

“I think it is better to not use it at all. It means I agree with Inaba’s opinion.”

Kiriyama had an extreme surprised expression.

“…..Eh? Inaba’s ally? …..Why, why?”

“That’s because, you said “do good things” and “helping people in trouble”, who’s going to judge that? Seeing the images, so we can do what we like? Isn’t that extremely arrogant? It seems like that. That’s why I won’t do anything.”

Yui with “Mmmm” became openly angry at Aoki’s speech. Aoki was always her own ally and was thinking of that probably.

Aoki was able to steadily stick to his own idea. It seemed like Aoki, Taichi thought. At same time, he has a feeling of being defeated.

“…..As I thought, you’re amazing. You can think about things around you precisely.”

“…..well~, …..I’m not that amazing, I wonder. I don’t like being hated by Yui, so I didn’t say it in the club room…..”

“Well, I’ll ask you.”

Kiriyama said and Aoki kept silent.

“For example….. it’s an example! Aoki’s family…..right now looks like it’s in trouble though. And with “Dream Perception” you can solve it. For arguments sake, even if you know about it……in spite of that…..you will still do nothing?”

That theme is certainly, as a story easy to understand. Is that bring up that topic straight up ok, Taichi shocked inside his heart.

Aoki was silent. The silence is fearful. At last, Aoki spoke.

“…..Ahh, I won’t do anuthing.”

“Eh? Why!? Isn’t that weird!? You’re stubbornly going to let that chance escape…..”

“It is because something that is not allowed, is not allowed.”

“I don’t understand your meaning though!?”

“It’s ok….I will manage somehow with my own way.”

“My, My own way you said….!? Generally, that case, what happened!?”

Kiriyama was becoming serious. The same was with Aoki also. There was a feeling that he became a little serious. If I had to say, then it feels like they are getting irritated.

“That is something to talk about but, if you’re in trouble then if you tell me, I will probably give you help! If your father is in trouble at his job, it’s probably not simple but I get introduce him to another one. Come to think about it, you said your father “perpetrated” though, What on earth ---.”

“s.e.xual hara.s.sment”

A Aoki shortly answered. An abrupt, a single word, like a pop it appeared in the situation that in the beginning, he thought that he heard another word. Because it looked like it would develop into a dispute, they decided to enter into a stop. Taichi also, already became unable to do anything.

“s.e.xual ha….ra.s.sment?”

“The other party was a female highs school student……. Well it was a wrongful accusation my father said, and we, our family, believe him though. For now, he hasn’t been held in custody….. . …..Well, what happens from here, I have no idea.”

“That’s because…..but…..that…..”

Suddenly being informed of the truth, Kiriyama was confused. The level of her spirit from before has disappeared and her face looked like she will cry. “…..sorry.”,she apologized.

“No, There’s no need for Yui apologizing. ……Serious, serious!”

From the stiff voice, is it failure that he felt? Aoki unnaturally raised the spirits. But in that case, if Aoki’s emotions are not suppressed, then the thing that cannot be talked about, would be completely understood.

Somehow, Aoki can keep his usual self. But it did not complete come true.

“A female high school student……s.e.xual hara.s.sment…… wrongful accusation.”

I don’t know what would probably be good but with a befuddled voiced, Kiriyama said.

“From what I heard…..There are many wrongful accusation becoming guilty……I’ve heard about that often.”

Taichi responded.

“But, recently because of that, there’s being an increase with sad memories because they’ve been really hara.s.sed and did voice their concern…..Ah, That’s not it. I think Aoki’s father for sure won’t do something like.”

With a confused look, Kiriyama followed.

“……Perhaps I should say, I have actually talked to him before, using “Personality Exchange” exchanging with Aoki…..it was an extra special situation but, He wasn’t a bad person. He really had that impression, yeah.”

“I also, know that Aoki’s father isn’t a bad person. …..I also believe that there was some kind of mistake.”

“…..Thank you. But in the train, there were no other witnesses it seems.”

Aoki quietly said and looked down. His expression was unable to be understood.

Certainly not, I do not think that Aoki’s father is a criminal until the critical moment.

This situation calling it calm is unreasonable.

The announcement sounded and the train slid into the station.

Almost looking like talking to himself, Aoki whispered.

“It’s because helping only someone, becomes unfair. If you are going to do it, you cannot help all. It is either all or zero. It doesn’t feel right……to help all. That’s why I…..”

Aoki strongly clenched his fist.

All or zero.

It is not because that I don’t feel that it is impossible to brace oneself. Taichi overwhelmingly thought about Aoki who even in this situation without being washed away he was still carrying himself.

Even returning home, Taichi’s feeling of his head going round and round did not clear up. He was didn’t concentrate on anything.

The situation with Aoki’s family, even though he has already intruded into it, at the level of a high school student, he was helpless.

“Perhaps….the thing I should thinking is about “Dream Perception”.”

I also understand Inaba’s and Aoki’s opinion. But l can discard all of Kiriyama’s a.s.sertion, is there good points there? Must I abandon someone who I can help?

Already, I know completely. Suddenly.

His faint vision wavered. A image was reflected inside his head, and sounds cut in.

【A girl from a different cla.s.s. In the hallway at school. The sight wandered around looking around restlessly at the ground. Ha, and her eyes stopped at one point. A blue bear cell phone strap. The girl’s face lit up and whispered, “Thank G.o.d! Thank G.o.d!”,】

---It was a “dream perception” relating to a happy girl who found her phone strap in the hallway. She has unfortunately lost her strap and her desire is wanting to find that---.This time lines were clearly heard and it remained inside his head.

It is trivial, but to that kid it probably is an important desire --- “dream”. Tomorrow when I go to school, I will be a little observant of whether something is lost when I walk.

This also, if I am able to tell Inaba, is it “something that is not allowed”?

The correctness of Inaba and Aoki’s a.s.sertion. The correctness of Kiriyama’s a.s.sertion. Thinking about it. He noticed it suddenly there.

In my heart, I stand by Kiriyama’s side. Still particularly, it is not that Taichi is clearly stating his own opinion. Let’s discuss it and you’re making a conclusion too quickly, were only said.

If except for Nagase who functions well as the role of the neutral person, am I the only one in a state of limbo?

---By the way, you really have a blank piece of paper?

---It’s already fall of second year, it would seem good if you have a least that much thought out.

Suddenly, the words from Inaba and the talk about the career survey came to mind.

They’re not related. He shook it out of his head.

I have thought about it, about the thing I think is correct.

The true nature of a phenomenon for the sake of everyone was seen through, the first to propose a plan was Inaba.

The argument of the actual leader, Inaba. Cras.h.i.+ng n to her own correctness, Kiriyama.

Even though his opinion is against Kiriyama’s, and persisting with his own, Aoki.

Seeing through the situation and taking up a neutral position, Nagase.

And then, there’s myself -----.

“The people I can help I will help, the things I can do I will do, that’s what I think. Of course it won’t be anything big, it will be inside the area of not impossible.”

The Sat.u.r.day break ended and it is Monday. Taichi suggested that to Kiriyama.


Because she was called out suddenly to talk, Kiriyama was perplexed.

“Ahhh, the talk about “Dream Perception’s”…… power……umm, are you going to use it?”

“I think that is correct.”

Thinking it about myself, I ’’ also’’ came up with the same conclusion.

“Yeah. I was basically thinking like that but…… Merely trying to think about it, and I also felt it was a little dangerous…… What if this course of action is not the one we were made to take, not part of plans, like that.”

Of course, Taichi was also uneasy about that.

“There is a, possibility I think. But, doing it for the sake of someone else is not mistaken.”

During the break, Taichi saw everyone’s desires called “dreams”.

Something becoming for the sake of someone, because of myself, I can do it.

Doing it for someone, isn’t it correct?

“’’For the sake of someone else’’ huh?”

The way Kiriyama was saying it had implication. With her transparent eyes looked at Taichi.

Feeling startled, the inside of his chest became a little painful. Why is it?

“Yeah, you’re right. …..But I’m wondering how you can make Inaba consent to this?”

“No….. Is it necessary for getting permission from Inaba?”

“Getting permission……Ehhh!?”

Kiriyama was surprised and raised her voice.

“Wait, wait a second, Taichi. Doing it without permission is…..”

“Been decided that it is not allowed?”

I really trust Inaba. I also respect her. But Inaba, Inaba , I don’t think I will always cling on to her and should be obeying her.

“……I will make everyone consent to it. I think doing that is better though.”

“But Inaba, doesn’t seem like she’ll bend. No matter what happens.”

“That’s why…..”

“Well, actually, I am hesitating though.”

When thinking of taking part, it is a halfhearted att.i.tude, Taichi is again boiling in a whirlpool of hesitation.

Because of this, it is called indecisiveness.

A power not possible in this world. ‘s final objective is to continue “making things interesting” with this. That guy hinted, there is a different special condition always. Being given a power, Chihiro failed without losing control. It is a thing that intrudes on people’s destiny.

If it is brought up, she won’t be mad and bring up content to deny it.

However, talking about it in the other way, we recognize that we will be in more than enough danger.

Without shouting it loudly around, if it doesn’t become dangerous the number of victims drawn in will be extremely small.

The possibility of obtaining this reward is endlessly great.

“How should I put it, I don’t think we can suddenly decide to do it. That’s why….. The decision will be put off and how about try testing it? Nakayama and Is.h.i.+kawa’s case, we’ll try to help them.”

I will help, even though that was said, there was no way we will do a significant act.

A third person intruding onto other people’s romance is inviting chaos. It is the problem of the people themselves.

That is why, The thing Taichi and Yui will be doing, is letting them bring out their courage, only just one push.

“”Is.h.i.+kawa. I’ve been thinking as a third person, could it be …….that you care about Nakayama?”

During break, Taichi was alone with Is.h.i.+kawa and talked to him. Taichi got along with Is.h.i.+kawa so using that point it was easy to do.

“…..? …..hah!? There, there’s no- nothing like that.”

He has been intensely agitated. His harsh voice turned inside out.

Even though things may appear this way, he is a guy whose calmness is on the level that makes others think he is a trainee monk.

“Calm down, calm down. Some how or another, I only thought about it.”

“You, didn’t tell anyone…..?Besides why did you think that….?”

Perplexed figure of the large statured Is.h.i.+kawa and his usual self has a gap and can be seen as cute.

“I didn’t tell anybody. It was a coincidence; I was watching and then only thought that”

“I have self-confidence which one particle wouldn’t even come out but….. ah, I admitted it huh? Well, Yaegas.h.i.+ and Nakayama do get along it seems…..”

“Is.h.i.+kawa and Nakayama, it was unexpected. You don’t have the image of someone who talks often”

“…..mu,muuh. It’s because I’m not the type to be able to be in high spirits. Like Nakayama……Seeing that girl’s bottomless cheerfulness is fun. ….I probably have misunderstood that. When she talks to me, it feels like Nakayama’s behavior is different other guys.”

“Pulse, doesn’t it seem possible?”

“…..Is that being hated or a different feeling, I don’t know.”

I see, so that’s why he’s here without making his mind.

Already, it can’t be mistaken. If these two only had a chance, then it will be a success. In that case.

“It’s not related to the conversation now. I also thought that when I was seeing it but…..”

Without overdoing it, I’m only giving them a mere chance and the final decision can be made by those two themselves.

“The truth is, Nakayama also…..has occasions where she cares about Is.h.i.+kawa quite a bit?”

Taichi went to Is.h.i.+kawa and with the same approach Kiriyama also met up with Nakayama. This is small “help” from Taichi and Kiriyama.

There was nothing like telling them hurry up and confess. It was not like there were conveying the information of their mutual feelings. That is why we didn’t think of immediately taking action. We think that with their own power, not related with this or that, if they have a really good conclusion, then it would be great.

The time is the next morning.

“Yu, Yu, Yu Yu Yu, Yui-chan! Ya, Ya, YaYaYaYa Yaegas.h.i.+-kun! Come on!”

A super high Nakayama strongly grabbed the two’s arms and dragged them along. Taichi made his eyes black and white and with Kiriyama, they were peacefully led to the end of the hall.

“What’s going on Nakyama-chan?” “Did something happen, Nakayama?

Nakayama lined Taichi and Kiriyama together and she firmly with her left and right hands on both their shoulders, she hugged them.

“I, I, I ….. It’s been decided that I will be dating Is.h.i.+kawa-kun ~! Thank you ~~~~~~”

Nakyama embraced the two all together.

“What, Nakayama-chan!? Upu!”

Kiriyama ejected from Nakayama’s chest and continuing, Taichi also escaped from Nakayama.

“What is it…….you said, dada dating!? Nakayama-chan!? And Is.h.i.+kawa-kun!?”

“That’s right ~~~~!? But keep it quiet~! It will be revealed to everyone ~~~~~~!

“You were saying. Nakayama’s voice itself is really loud, be careful”

But, wait. What did Nakayama say?

“A calm retort thanks, thanks, thaaaanks, Yaegas.h.i.+-kun! Ha~~~~~~ Can I calm down from this~!? It’s impossible~!”

Nakayama looked like she jumped up and starting flapping her body.

“Nakayama-chan, a detailed report, a detailed report.”

“Ah, yeah. After school, I was called out, confessed to, and panicked for a moment but at that time, I gave an OK……It was normal! It was extremely normal! But, that’s good! It was that!”

Dating. Those two will be dating.

“Ohh…., certainly normal. And why me also? I understand Kiriyama though.”

While Taichi was still pouring out his words, the conversation continued anyways.

“That’s because, That’s because, Is.h.i.+kawa-kun was saying “Because of Yasgas.h.i.+’s one word, I can confess.”! Taling about it, yesterday, Yui-chan also told me “Isn’t there good feelings with Is.h.i.+kawa-kun?”, thank you for that! You two have sharp eyes. Love Masters!?”

Thanks to me, the two have been tied together?

Isn’t there anything except for this that is this wonderful?

“There wasn’t anything like that. But reaaally congratulations! Thank goodness!”

Kiriyama with a full smile, looked happy for herself it seems.

Taichi also continued saying, “congratulations.”.

“Thank you, Thank you. Ummm, can’t believe while not knowing Is.h.i.+kawa-kun, he’s been in love with me. “It was well – outside of my expectations!”

“In that case for me, Nakyama liking Is.h.i.+kawa was also outside of expectations though.”

“”Like” is some what embarra.s.sing huh? Enough Yaegas.h.i.+-kun! But, Is.h.i.+kawa-kun you know, he’s refined and has a traditional j.a.panese style, really like a samurai! Yeah, that’s great right? His ancestors are Samurai generals huh?”

“What a doubtful rank choice.”

“Thanks to that, I’m looking forward to the school trip, two times, four time, eight times more! Yahaha! Romantic couple night I wonder…..ha! What am I saying, this me!”

Nakayama’s tension has broken her limits and is completely talking fondly about her partner.

Nakayama found Nagase going to school and told her “I’ll let Iori know. After, the direction of other still consenting to it, please take care of it, please take care of it.” and then she ran away.

Taichi and Kiriyama were left behind alone. The two’s faces met and then puha, and spurted out a laugh.

“Ahahaha, that was us, don’t you agree? But Nakayama-chan being happy, I’m also very happy.”

“I really thought it was great, I’m happy.”

Kiriyama with a cheerful face, slowly only hesitated a little and at the same time opened her mouth.

“…..As I thought, we weren’t mistaken about this huh?”

Taichi did not nod. Kiriyama continued speaking.

“If we have power, we should help someone right? If it isn’t an awkward “dream”……”

What have we mistaken about, what is correct? No one knows.

If I’m not mistaken, the one who decided that, was myself.

That is why, Taichi says.

“We to know other"s “dreams” ……other’s desires, if we can grant them for others, then I want to do what I can. …..No, we should do it.”

And then, at the same time, I noticed it. By knowing the desires called “dreams” inside people’s hearts, only if the influence of them on others are not large, we will grant only the wishes we are able to do.

Doesn"t this perfectly fit the act of G.o.d?

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