Kokoro Connect

Chapter 8

Kokoro Connect:Volume 6 Chapter 8

The school field trip came close to the end. On the flight of this day’s afternoon, Taichi and the others will return home.

The last day is sightseeing in Otaru. Just like Yamabos.h.i.+ High School to not even have groups decided for the complete free time. There was the incident from yesterday and the restriction on the area of activities were also seemed to be discussed, but in the end, they were able to move forward as planned in a lenient conclusion.

In the activities of the spare time during breakfast, Taichi accepted an apology from the boy who asked him to give authorization for the “Sapporo nighttime free exploration time plan”. It’s my bad for getting you involved he said. Taichi himself thought of himself as an accomplice so he also returned an apology and between the two of them, they decided they won’t bring up this incident.

Again, he felt he was obligated to apologize to the entire cla.s.s of his year that he has caused problems for them buy as he expected, he could not take time now and wants to apologize to the entire cla.s.s when he returns to school, so he went to each cla.s.s representative for a favour.

“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun. Your eyes, aren’t they red? Are you ok?”

He was asked by a boy who looked concerned.

“It’s nothing. I’m alright.”

Last night, he did not get an instant since he thought about various things so he only did not get enough sleep.

Ther were a lot of things he should do. There was apologizing to everyone and following up on the people he gave advice to. His path that he has decided from now on was that.

But, before that, there was a matter that he absolutely must settle.

Running away as he is defeated, he cannot begin afresh.

But conversely, he can begin if he faces his defeat, he thought.

Defeat and fight. Until now, above all else he felt that is cutting into his own heart. Even if he finishes accepting his own faults and cleanses his heart, the failure he has commited in reality, the mistake he has exposed, will continue to remain in that spot as horrible.

He has decided. But there was himself where he is still hesitating and couldn’t decide on a course of action. Aren’t I burden now……he also thought.

Checking the time, Taichi took out his phone and he received one mail.

The sender was Uwa Chihiro. It was an unexpected sender. He looked over the content of the mail.

“Sorry for sending it in the morning. There’s a guy who said I want to confess to someone during study outside of school time, so I want to consult with Taichi-san. Could you listen to only my story? ……That was the mail sent and I was asked for help so I fulfilled my duty. It is alright if you do not reply.”

It was mail that was difficult to deal with. Even now after such a long time. Now after such a long time…..he suddenly remembered.

---Taichi-san, that, frankly speaking is disgusting.

It was the words Chihiro told him in the CD shop. While talking about it, Chihiro also, seemed to have seen through Taichi’s bad points. So it suddenly came to his mind. He will try to phone him. What, why, is he trying to phone Chihiro now, he thought. There is a little time before the gathering time.

In the resting s.p.a.ce on the first floor of the hotel, Taichi pressed to send b.u.t.ton.

A few rings and the other person appeared.

“”……Yes, good morning Taichi-san……Sorry. You’re not pleased with the mail, am I right?”

Commotion from behind can be heard. At this time, he thought it is on the way to school or in the cla.s.sroom before the start of cla.s.ses.

“No, it’s not that. Well, is it ok for a phone call?”

“”Ah--, yes. If it’s for a little while. I’ll leave the cla.s.sroom now.””

Sorry, said Taichi and he waits for a short moment.

“”So, what’s the matter? Is there a point you’re not satisfied in the mail? That or is it some other case?”

“Ahhh…..ummm…..what is it.”

“”…..Even though Taichi-san didn’t need me for anything, you still call me? That is a little, creepy””

“Don’t say it’s creepy. Well, I don’t need anything from you but if I call you, it’s ambiguous but. Only, what is it? Ummm…..that’s it.”

The uncomfortable like a small bone poking the side of his throat finally came loose.

“Ahh, the mail. If it was the Chihiro from before you wouldn’t have done it? Being asked for help by someone so at the very least you fulfilled your duty, saying something like that.”

Taichi entered the battle into a discussion meeting. Chihiro was accompanying Kimura, who came to ask for help. It was Chihiro’s character to say “It’s none of my business” and ignore it.

“”From before…..when are you talking about?”

“ummm, that’s right. More or less, until around June or July……”

“That’s talking about pretty far back.”

Chihiro used to laugh scornfully. Only saying nothing but things that were off the point.

“”Ahh, sorry. well…… I have changed dramatically since that time.””

“……changed huh?”

Certainly after the phenomenon with the appearance of that fake, Chihiro said “thanks to the StuCS, I was able to change.” Similarly, Enjouji also said it.

Change. That’s right change. Taichi was at his limit now, he did not have a proposition.

“Dramatically……change somehow?”

“”I could change. If you try it, it’s surprisingly easy. Whether or not you face it head on is only problem in your mind.””

Whether or not you face it head on is a problem in your mind.

“”How should I put it, am I the one lecturing Taichi-san? Teaching you something you already knew is a good thing.””

“Already knew, you said….. It’s not anything like that you see. I…..I am a person who has somewhat utterly failed, completely defeated.”

The whining that he should be saying to a kouhai early in the morning was not cheerful. But, if noticed, he spoke.

“…..defeated, is that right? Well, are you telling me that? I am also the worst person who was defeated as well. And that, I was defeated by Taichi-san as well.”

“No, I’m not intending to saying anything unpleasant…..but Chihiro, you have gotten over that defeat?”

Until an answer, there was only silence.

“”Gotten over……it isn’t something as cool like that. In my case, the things already lost are not there anymore and well lets do it kind of feel.”

“Even so….. you were defeated so you fight, isn’t is scary?”

Still it was a moment where it looked like he was still thinking a little, choosing his words.

“”In my case, I thought that I was defeated so I must directly fight. But thinking about it now, that time if I could say something, then I wanted to say, “I was defeated so I can only fight now.”.””

---Defeated so I can only fight now.

Ahh, so that’s how it is and Taichi came to agree with it.

Certainly, the person defeated is helpless and only piling shame on top of shame. If one thinks back, it becomes shame. One becomes waiting for the day where it naturally fades, But if it completely fades, you will lose the chance to be able to fight and only a warped form of a “defeated past” remains.

Only now.

Really, only now.

Even to what extent it is shameful, even to what extent it is painful, even so, I can fight only now.

“”……If you can do that early, it would be to some extent more preferable, I at long last think but it’s that. Already, I hope you can do it.””

I have became irresponsible, he thought. But, it’s different. There were words continuing.

“That’s because, you’re not particularly going to die.””

Not particularly going to die.

“” If compared to death, nothing is as frightening. Oppositely, if you are not going to die then you can already do anything.””

When being told that. When being told to that extent.

Isn’t stopping in my track becoming something stupid?

“”…..Saying that, what am I talking about….. also just before, Yui-san also phned…..”

“You talked with Kiriyama---“

““WAhhhh!? Hey, what the h.e.l.l!?””

Suddenly it became noisy from the direction of the phone.

“”What the h.e.l.l is my line…..Why are you with Taichi-senpai since the morning….. it’s unfair….. voice……the wonderful voice……. Chihiro-kun……. Change with me…… voice…….””

From the sounds he can hear during the interruption, he had a perfect idea of the actual situation.

“”You’re so mean!?”” “”Your over-excitement and going overboard is way worse!”

“……..Hey, what’s the matter Enjouji? You’re there right?”

“”Lend it to me, Chihiro-kun! …..Yes! It’s the Enjouji you called! It’s s.h.i.+no! Good morning Taichi-senpai!””

“……You’re really energetic early in the morning, Enjouji.”

It seemed that he was about to forget about her childlike character. Right now, she seized Chihiro’s cell phone. She’s too active.

“”Yes! Because you’re on the school trip so you currently haven’t been free. When your wonderful voice spread out from the fun suddenly! Anyone would be excited!””

“Well…..sorry about that.”

“”No no! There is no ridiculous bad points about Taichi-senpai…… …..Welll, except for the voice, nothing entered my eye that caught my attention!””

“You’re complementing me with “you’re amazing” because of that reason!?”

It seems like I lost my self-confidence.

“Ah……ummm, Taichi-senpai?”

It seemed like from loudly shouting mode, she has calmed down a little.

“’’A, a little while ago, Chihiro’s words, I arbitrarily listened so I don’t understand it well but……you are in trouble right now……huh?””

“That’s right……I’m probably, in trouble. But Enjouji, you don’t need to worry.”

“”Ye, yes. I understand…..Ah, well, well, please let me say this!””

Oh, said Taichi and he lied in wait. In the direction of the receiver, there were sounds of adjusting one’s breathing.

“”Do your best, Taichi……senpai!””

“……Haha, do your best, huh?”

Anytime, he himself has given to Enjouji this “do your best”, it was at an important scene. When was that? The image he has is a scene on top of the roof, but his memories was murky and couldn’t make clear of it. Certainly, there was that scene.

“”Ummm….. my level of “do your best” could not be of any help and instead has caused trouble for…..””

“No, it’s completely not like that. It’s been a lot of help, thank you.”

Thanks to that, his mind was certain. After is only without being afraid and taking action.

“Could you switch with Chihiro?”

Enjouji with a reply “Yes!” switched with Chihiro.

“The reply to the kid who wants to consult with me is, wait a little bit longer. ……Because I probably can give a proper answer.”

Implicitly, it was full of meaning. Taichi said it. He changed so he wanted to convey that.

“Yes, I understand. …..I’ll look forward to it.”

From the sound of Chihiro’s voice, it seemed he had conveyed that to some extent. A rather sharp guy.

See ya….. with he was about to hangs up and stayed on. While a little confused, Taichi made a fresh resolve to speak. That’s because, right now he wants to convey his feelings now.

“It’s good….. to have you two as undercla.s.smen.”

Towards the receiver earpiece, barely it seemed like a voice from the side from Enjouji shouting “Yes~~~~! So happy~~~~!” can be heard.

Taichi in a hurry returned to his room and headed to the gathering location with Watase and Is.h.i.+kawa who were finis.h.i.+ng up with preparations. Before he came to the parking lot where the bus was waiting, he talked to Kriiyama.

She excused here self from a male friend nearby and distanced a little away from the rest of the group.

“Kiriyama…… those rings under your eyes are horrible”

“Taichi as well, your red eyes.”

The two pointed out to each other and the both of them laughed.

A cool white s.h.i.+rt with beige short pants put together with a mule[1] Kiriyama looked cute but at the same time looking mature.

“So, what’s up?”

“Um, hey listen….that…..”

Kiriyama’s face turned extremely red. Come to think of it, is she embarra.s.sed? She also looks frightened. What’s wrong?

“My, my, my once in a life time battle…..do you want to see? No, as I thought, it’s not particularly a once in a life time! It’s ordinary! It’s common! It’s a normal battle though!”


“Ah~~~~~, I mean…… I’m talking about, to see, me saying various things to Aoki.”

Kiriyama had her face become red and cast her eyes downwards.

“Confession, I can witness it?”

Couldn’t even believe that kind of suggestion will be made even in my dreams.

“Wait, it’s not a confession! No…..not at all…..that kind of thing……”

“But, why me?”

Being able to see it probably won’t be a good feeling. (It’s a talk about the position of peeping from a long time ago)

“…..Until here, you have looked after me in various ways……at the end, I want Taichi to see the way I way I do things. It feels like an obligation, for you taking care of me all the time.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I do mind it. My warrior’s blood is roused up.”

“…..Your body and mind is becoming a warrior huh?”

But for a long time, what has become of watching over each other for a long time? What is Kiriyama’s way of doing things? Saying that I’m not interested is a lie.

“…..And also, I cannot run away any more. When it was nothing, I seem to run away…….”

Is it because she burned her boat, I see.

“Ah, I already told Aoki! I made the promise of calling him and also saying I will probably show it completely to Taichi."

"What about Aoki?"

"……he"s flexible with an all okay. ….That guy"s generosity is unbelievable….."

Kiriyama held her head and shook her head. That feeling he didn"t understand.

"And then…… this time"s discussion about the problem with Chibbi, we talked about Aoki. And then after, he laughed that hasn"t been seen since a long time ago. That guy. Saying ""I also sulked and was stubborn. Whatever happens here, I thought that I had to be relentless." and apologized to me. Probably, we were in the same boat…… A certain level of the ill-feeling of until today has been cleared."

Taichi saw Kiriyama who was calmly talking. He thought that seeing that look, even if he goes taking a peep at them, it will be probably alright.

“If you two are really fine with it……, then I’ll do it. Of course, I won’t get in the way.”

“Alright, OK! ……Then, I’ll mail you the place a little later.”

At the ca.n.a.l, everyone was dismissed and started their free time in Otaru. The a.s.sembly location was the same place at 1 o’clock.

Because it was completely free time, today will be most likely many couples openly sightseeing.

“Ohh, so that’s a ca.n.a.l huh? In the end it’s a…… ca.n.a.l for sure?”

Miyagami said.

The time limit is three hours. Taichi with Watase, Miyagami, Sone, and Is.h.i.+kawa joined with a number of other boys have decided before hand to go sightseeing together.

Somewhere, the townscape which gave off a nostalgic atmosphere, had beautiful harmony between the historical buildings and the parts that were developed afterwards. Seeing the brick buildings and western stone building made one end up feeling like they are visiting a eastern European country. But, the essence of a j.a.panese style was there and obviously had an atmosphere different from normal cities.

"Say, Is.h.i.+kawa, you"re not going around town with your girlfriend?"

Sone asked.

"At the end, for only a little."

"Absolutely, at that time, show me your girl friend. And, Yaegas.h.i.+, what are you going to do?" Miyagami asked him.

"Actually….. I must go already."

That’s because all sorts of conclusions were waiting for Taichi. Sorry to everyone but.

“Quick! But…… since it’s the last day, it’s better to be with your girlfriend! Hehe!”

When Taichi tried to part away from everyone, Watase seemingly on purposely whispered, “Yeah that’s right”.

“I don’t get it, but do it properly.”

Taichi was thankful from his heart to those warm words that were given to him but his close friend since first year.

“Huff huff……From the lace with the sign with the gla.s.s work shop, the second street, on the right……here?”

Almost looking like he will be late for the specified time, he some how managed to arrive. At the back of what appears to be a two floored, long western styled mansion, were two people already there.

They were standing a few meters distance away. Aoki stared fixedly at Kiriyama and across from him, Kiriyama’s gaze was directed at the ground. It seemed like Taichi leaned against a vending machine that did not seem to enter the two’s field of vision. Taichi was silent and waited.

Already for a really long time, Aoki had continued to say that he likes Kiriyama. When he noticed it, he announced that his love and it was like that from then on. Kiriyama is Kiriyama and while she embraced the wound called androphobia she also overcame that and ended up standing in front of Aoki today.

The two of them were able to speak various stories. All of that, it concludes today.

As an observer, he will witness that.

Whether he wanted to or not, Taichi"s tension increased. Of course, it really did not compare to those two themselves.

"Um, um, Um……To,to,today, th……."

"Hey Yui, calm down, calm down. Because it even can"t be people talk."

Aoki followed up on Kiriyama who was unbelievably incoherent and fumbling on her words on and on.

“Sorry, deep breaths…..”

Huff puff huff puff, and adjusted her breathing, Kiriyama “All right” and nodded.

Better than Kiriyama, but Aoki was obviously nervous that it can be understood from seeing him.

"Alright! I"ll go!" While saying that, Kiriyama crossed her two arms in front of her face and then brought it down and lowers her head exactly.

"I have trouble with men but right now it seems that I became able look at a man normally. And with that, I was thought….., if I was asked "what is the type of guy you like", it can"t be mistaken that it won"t be you."


Aoki raised a shriek and at the same time Taichi also slipped out a "…..eh”

"With nothing holding back, a cool attractive man is my type. Chihiro is probably close."


"…..What"s with you making weird noise?"

"no….that probably came out. That kind of start…..I get worried…..this is bad."

"Shut up and listen! Anyways, I kike a guy that looks like Chihiro."


Aoki, who seemed to have made a sound, forcefully held down his mouth. The feeling, I understood.

"But, you know."

And, right there Kiriyama turned around.

"But….., that sort of a guy, right now, I completely can"t imagine dating him. It doesn"t feel right."

The vast land of the north, the autumn sky. While being embraced by the fresh air and being watched over by it, Kiriyama said.

"The ideal love I think is a sweet and romantic love. That kind of love, I really long wished for it. But that is similar to a "whether a prince on a white horse appearing" kind of desire. It is ideal but not realistic. It is not a fantasy that can become reality."

Gradually Aoki"s expression also started to become tensed.

"Really, realistically, what type of person should be going out with….. when I think about it, probably, a person similar to my friends."

There are many forms of how you date some one I think, said Kiriyama.

"If by humans, one probably can"t see the correct kind of romance. ….It"s not let"s kiss or something like that……Messing up then the extension of friends can be seen, probably."

While Kiriyama embarra.s.singly mumbled saying that, still not once looking down, she raises her face.

"When I tried to think more broadly, …..It seems that isn"t a person, who is fun and you can exchange silly things, good? Because a cheerful and fun family is good."

Taichi also listened quietly. Kiriyama made her thoughts come around, he thought.

"And, in the end. It"s a talk about, what type person that matches me, what kind of way of dating that matches me. And that……, if I don’t try it out, then I wouldn"t know."

Certainly, there are limits when you only simulate it inside your head.

"Probably a romantic love, a romance like friends.h.i.+p, whichever one, I think I will try it. And also, I think, I will go find the love that is for me."

As we were together for a very long time, it is not like it will end right here. That"s because this is only the first checkpoint. Because with that, life will continue to go on.

"Sorry, somewhat, this…… kind of feeling I was planning for."

Is she saying it"s planned or is she saying it"s faithful.

"Your feeling of liking someone without any conditions is, wrong. But, must we like someone without any conditions? If I can have a love like from my dream, it would wonderful. But, I can"t me a child seeing dreams all the time."

People see dreams. Continuing seeing dreams is something very important. But that"s why, in the dreamy state of mind, we can"t neglect reality. Where we are living is in reality.

"It can"t be help for me to like you? Normally…..like."

That line, was it in his "dream"? Can"t be? ----No.

"Our two "likes" are different I think."

Once again, Kiriyama made her words clear. That"s right, the ways people think are different.

Aoki, has Aoki"s. Kiriyama, has Kiriyama"s.

Nothing will begin when you think to meet with some else"s.

So, I, that"s why I.

"But, even so I…..even if I"m mistaken, I want to come along. with my situation, with my selfish thinking, …..from my very beginning, I can only think about you."

That is why she said it. Her very own, the wish only she has. "That is why, if it is alright, ------let"s go out."

Kiriyama stopped thinking about her own feelings, exposed everything and announced her conclusion.

Without running away, Kiriyama found an answer. She probably will be criticized as a person. But to Taichi, he thinks it is something that should be faithfully respected.

The Aoki, who is facing her; the Aoki, who says he truly likes her; how will he respond----.

“My answer, has been completely decided you see. Because there were differences, I’ll pull it off. Because differences were mixed in, it became precisely a good feeling. If we’re the same, it would be boring.”

Kiriyama was really embarra.s.sed by Aoki’s expression and scratched her cheeks.

“Well, thinking about it that much, going out, it would be interesting huh? A basic feeling! Isn’t it good because our personalities have continued to be different and we listen to them? …..how should I put it, anyways what’s more important”

Aoki’s words were cut off, once again, he sends words that would become a beginning for the two of them.

“I, love you, Yui.”

Those were words of destiny, words of a beginning.

“…..You’re unbelievably big hearted……”

With that, Kiriyama Yui and Aoki Yos.h.i.+fumi, they have become girlfriend and boyfriend.

Without being noticed, Taichi left the two of them. Being shown Kiriyama’s determination and battle, fighting spirit has been injected into him. Next, is Taichi’s turn.

The time is 10:40. If he doesn’t move soon, he will not make it to meeting with Fujis.h.i.+ma. He thought that being called is an inconvenience on the schools field trip but if thinking about it very carefully, Fujis.h.i.+ma during the trip was intensely attacking him, so telling her, “I have something to talk to you about.”, she said, “When, where, now!?” and showed great interest about it.

The place Fujis.h.i.+ma designated was the port area. Warehouses were lined up on the pier. On foot, it took 20 minutes. Taichi arrived and Fujis.h.i.+ma was standing on the tip with the ocean behind her back.

"Well then, you will explain all the various sort of things for me? At all cost please do. Confess them all! Ummm, and "Dream Perception….."

"W, wait. You"re quick……."

Today, The Renowned Detective Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko, who had her hair bundled together perfectly, was really living recklessly.

"What"s more, why take the trouble to come to this place even……"

Below was gravel and it was far. Somehow, he manage to rely on a map to reach this place. Well, it is a good situation since no one whatsoever around.

"When a criminal confesses his crimes, wasn"t it obvious to speculate that it is at the ocean! Really, a cliff would have been good but, as I thought, instantly…… The sea is calm…. Crash more, waves!"

It seemed that Fujis.h.i.+ma likes being in character.

"…..Well then. First of all, there"s something I want to say but, is that ok?"

This is not a compet.i.tion. if it was a compet.i.tion then I would already have engaged it. It"s Fujis.h.i.+ma"s win, Taichi"s lost. He tried to think that there was no point for a reversal but even how he think hard about it, he was prepared that it was impossible.

That is why, the thing that Taichi will do is nothing but saying rubbish as a defeated warrior.

But to Taichi, escape is not something he will let past and he will fight with his defeat.

Go ahead, I have time, Fujis.h.i.+ma told him that and Taichi starts.

"For about one and a half month……, Fujis.h.i.+ma, you have told me various things. I was criticized, I probably should express that."

"A war between a renowned detective and a suspect, of course."

"I was told things that made me think over various things…… "You are absolutely unable to guide anyone well" or "you don"t have thought""

Even if that was pointed out, I didn"t try to think about them right away. No, I recognized there was an obscured problem. However I did not face it.

The detested part of myself, the part that is no good, finding that, it was scary.

"After a long time, I have finally carefully thought about that."

That was because I slammed into a wall. Because I slammed into it, I was indecisive and threw a tantrum but during yesterday night, I looked directly at it and thought about things thoroughly. Thanks to Nagase, I was able to do that. And after that, after talking to the two kouhai as well, I was thinking in circles on the bus.

With that little time, the thing I thought about was probably nothing important at all.

"Hmm, and…… so for who?"

Ahhh, as I thought, Fujis.h.i.+ma knew everything and with that question I understand that.

The smell of sea water stuck to his chest.

"……for myself."

I can only live for myself. I intended to understand that. But at times when it was convenient, I relied on "it"s for someone else". I was making excuses, that is a way to express it.

""For someone else" is easier huh? That"s because, deciding the most difficult "objective", deciding the direction to move forward in, someone entrusted me with that."

Fujis.h.i.+ma said "yeah", and nodded.

"If you wait for directions, you won"t change right?"

Living by obeying something is easy. It"s alright if you move as you are instructed. That is, an example, you are able to lose "yourself".

And then it is difficult to be criticized as a person obeying.

Being criticized from time to time, you take charge of "yourself" and is someone who have decided on something.

"While saying it"s for someone else, in the end, the thing that was done, ….. was giving up on the things you have chosen yourself. It was something where you couldn"t do anything."

"But, how is it that you were accomplis.h.i.+ng that?"

"That is---"

By chance, and run away? Deceive her? It was "Dream Perception" and tell her directly…… thinking about Fujis.h.i.+ma"s own danger as well, it was unlikely?

"I can"t say it right away, so wait a little."

Okay, Fujis.h.i.+ma said with her mouth and with her hand made a sign.

"I have a certain meaning for, there was no "me"."

I"ll probably tell her the nuance to this "me"? While thinking about that, Taichi continues.

Even though I was a person who continued to leave it to others and complied with them…… I had "power", and unfortunately became a person who could influence others."

Taichi conveyed the truth. He conveyed what he felt and what he was thinking. He did not lie. He also did not bend the truth. He moves forward believing that only the truth can break through reality.

Is she going to tell her thoughts? Fujis.h.i.+ma"s eyebrow twitched.

"That"s why I was abused and failed. For people around me……but, before one knows, it became looking going along with people around me."

"Going along with people around me."

"I failed and for the first time…… I was destroyed, and my naked self, I saw it myself, and I truly understood the parts of me that was no good."

"……naked self."

Fujis.h.i.+ma whispered. It felt that something, somewhere touched Fujis.h.i.+ma"s harp string

"There was nothing in me, it is like that. But, once again, from here, I am going to pile up. The unimportant pride or everything that is unnecessary, I will abandon them and believe in my true nature."

"……abandon. …..my own true nature."

It feels like she picked up a strange part but……. I’ll add more to it.

“……I hold courage, which I have tossed away parts I clung on more than up until now. I will begin anew.”

“……a courage where you tossed away things you clung on to…..!”

Fujis.h.i.+ma made a startled face and was instantly lost in thought. Catching on to Fujis.h.i.+ma"s weird lines did not seem mistaken. But, there"s was something I don"t understand. Without changing the flow, Taichi moved ahead.

"You listened to my so called decision…. I"ll say it."

Taichi took one breath and relaxed his body.

It"s going, to be alright somehow. Because it’s not particularly that I"m not going to die.

Taichi once again made his body nervous. This is a gamble about to what extent his own sincerity holds true.

“I’ve been dragged into a certain problem. But, why did that happen, I can’t say at this point now. Someday when that ends, if I know that it’s all alright……No.”

He has moved on from the so called att.i.tude where he leaves it to someone else.

“Someday, ‘‘’I ‘’’ will end that problem. And if I end it, I will tell you, Fujis.h.i.+ma, what that was all about.”

I’m not wis.h.i.+ng for it to end for me but with my own will, with my own power, I will end it.

Honestly, a realistic mean to the said goal did not come to mind and perhaps it is probably called a “dream”.

But, adopting a “goal”, people will for the first time begin.

They will walk towards their ideal “dream”.

“That is why, until that time, wait for me.”

In the end, it was a nice way of saying “I’m begging you”. But right now, it was all Taichi could do.

Fujis.h.i.+ma with her mouth closed said nothing. Is her mind unsatisfied? It looked like her eyes gleamed.

"The guarantee of that…..where is it?"

With a quiet voice that seemed to have been swept away by the murmurs of the calm waves, Fujis.h.i.+ma asked.


There isn"t, really. But, right now.

"I want you to believe in me."

"……Even though I will beat the c.r.a.p out of you, if you are pathetic?”

“Even so, I,…… Because I will remain believing in myself, I will begin from that and build up on top of that, and become stronger.”

He made quite a declaration. He raised the hurdle to much. It’ll be alright. He’ll make it alright.

Fujis.h.i.+ma was silent. What was she thinking about? How is she going to take in Taichi’s words? He doesn’t know. Only, it felt like she was deeply impressed by it.

"I also…..noticed it. Listening to Yaegas.h.i.+-kun"s words…… My own….. problem."

Fujis.h.i.+ma trembled with fear and with her right hand held her head.

"I……was an existence with a "t.i.tle"!"

What? What"s going on? What happened?

"Yeah….. That"s right…..that"s me. A bit of a shock……"

In theory, in that spot Fujis.h.i.+ma would go down on one knee and lower her head.

This is bad. He couldn"t understand the meaning of her taking two steps forward.

"Ummmm,….. Fujis.h.i.+ma? Did something happen? Could you explain it for me?"

"……I was called "Love Master"…….I was really happy with that t.i.tle…… Answering to people"s hopes, I did my best. My desire was on the same line as that so I wasn"t discontent."

Anyways, Taichi listens to her story.

"And then, I was called "The Missionary of Love" or "Love G.o.d"…… I was really satisfied. The result of only being suitable for that duty is the remaining result…… But, before I knew, I made being called that by objective”

“I, I see.”

That is just the feeling of being wors.h.i.+p, and it’s not like he doesn’t understand that feeling. Taichi also just experienced exactly the same thing.

“Thinking about it, being the “Cla.s.s President” was the same thing…. Being recognized as “cla.s.s president” was more important…… that being Fujis.h.i.+ma Maiko. That is why when I lost the election, it hit me hard…..”

“Was that…..how it was?”

Fujis.h.i.+ma who I thought was a superwoman, is worrying with childish feelings. The various things up until now was like “I see” and made sense. “It’s guaranteed this time……. I called myself the “renowned detective” who caught Yaegas.h.i.+-kun. When I did that, before I knew, I obsessed with being the “renowned detective”……. Yesterday’s act where everyone did what they liked and their suspicious actions……. I couldn’t stop them.”

“No, that was because it was all my fault.”

She saw him saying that but Fujis.h.i.+ma did not listen.

“Me, being caught as a “renowned detective”…….. I lost sight of something even more important!”

“Oh, ohh. Is that so?”

“And then…… I noticed it. Thank you. Thanks to you Yaegas.h.i.+-kun.”

“I feel like I didn’t do anything though.....”

“You’re wrong.”

Fujis.h.i.+ma refuted extremely clearly.

“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun, you have courage of tossing away various ties of obligation and faced me with your naked self.”

“Telling me that…..it’s embarra.s.sing.”

Being faced with a tender smile, Taichi didn’t know how he should respond to her.

However, it became a really warm feeling. He didn’t try to think that the two of them right here and now, that they could construct a feeling like this.

“Well then, doing that, I have been moved.”

And right there, Fujis.h.i.+ma’s returned to having her calm expression.

“Saying that, whether you answer my question or not doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Gulp……but that…..”

He hoped that the deeply moved Fujis.h.i.+ma would overlook it, but did it go well?”

“Nothing particular, but well, it’s all good.”

“……huh?” said Taichi and was caught on the wrong foot.

“Yaegas.h.i.+, “I” will do somehow do it, “I” will explain each and every thing to you. “I” have been on board with it? Well then, why don’t you try getting on board?”

“I”, “I”, “I”, Fujis.h.i.+ma with that strong pressure said to him.

“Being told that sort of thing and acting all cool, girls would soon want to go after you.”

Being praised, Taichi’s cheeks became hot.

“This player b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Makes me sick!”

When he thought he was praised, he was verbally abused.

“Alright, shall we return soon?” Fujis.h.i.+ma proposed.

“When I lost sight of the important think I can only do now, I wasn’t a kid sine the beginning. That’s because, the school field trip only happens once.”

The speed of switching over, this is also very Fujis.h.i.+ma-like.

As Fujis.h.i.+ma was leaving the pier, it looked like she suddenly thought of something and quietly says.

“Yaegas.h.i.+-kun, you look like the protagonist that would come from a movie with a hero, huh?”

“Not at all, I’m ordinary. I’m the protagonist……of my own ordinary life.”

Because, for human beings, anyone is a protagonist.

“Ah, still being cool.”

“That’s because you were saying it…….”

Taichi showed his dissatisfaction. But, for some reason, the conversations with the recent Fujis.h.i.+ma has become fun.

“Well then, let me also announce something.”

Fujihsima, decided on a pose with her foot on top of a mooring post which was connected to a post with a rope stopping it.

“I, who have noticed the mistakes, have changed my bad points, and polished my very own body. Someday I will appear infront of you as the “New Fujis.h.i.+ma”……No, the “True Fujis.h.i.+ma”!”

“…….You’re the one who’s more like a hero.”

Taichi expended more time than he thought talking with Fujis.h.i.+ma. There is still some extra time till the upcoming final battle but before that, there is something he needs to do. He thought that he couldn’t say that it is wasteful in this situation, so he got on a taxi and let the driver know of his destination.

He reached his destination barely on time. It was a gothic, while simple but beautiful church.

A characteristic of it was a spire positioned at the center and on top of that a cross was placed. The stain gla.s.ses on the surface of the walls were beautiful and the solemness of the ma.s.sive porch at the entrance was to be admired. Outside of the church, one can see sightseers scattered around. A group from Yamabos.h.i.+ High School was there but they were coming out from the building and soon left.

And, at the entrance to the church, a silhouette of a person can be seen.

From the entrance hall, a girl’s figure appeared .


Taichi’s eyes were stolen by the beauty of Inaba, who is standing there, and he became certain.

Wearing a white one-piece with a white cardigan on top, it was a style where it looked like a pure painting was drawn.

Usually, she does not have this said look. Also, on the school field trip, for the entire time, Inaba was wearing nothing but comfortable clothing so he was completely surprised. But, that was unrelated to the Inaba right now who has been awakened and is glimmering. Her white figure s.h.i.+nes onto the church.


The way she spoke was cold. And he realized once again. While being told by Inaba , “I hate you” and then breaking up, he could not follow up. Today, Inaba replying to the phone call for him was close to a miracle.

“Well…….Ummm…… Anyways, really, thank you, for making time for me.”

“……You did say to that. “Give me one last chance”.”

Thinking back at what happened at that time, Taichi became embarra.s.sed. So to speak, isn’t he a man who is desperately unable to give her up and struggling? No, so to speak, it’s not as it is.”

“What’s more, you came to this kind of place of places huh….Like a church.”

“There’s no reason behind it. My friends’ plans…… I went along with them.”

“My bad for interrupting you. ……I heard it on the found, but is it alright? Your other friends…..”

“’Why are you not spending time with your boyfriend on your last day? Why? Why?’ It was getting on my nerves so it actually is perfect. Hmph.”

A small pause and then it fell into a strange silence.

The time with nothing to say to each other to Inaba, who usually doesn’t become in pain, it is nervous and irritating. There is no other way and the two realized themselves that a ditch has formed between them.

“And, for time, what do you want to do?”

Inaba’s expression was grim.

“Ahh….. perhaps, let’s move. Inside, are people there? or is outside…..”

As one would expect, talking at the entrance would get in the way of others.

“……Well, go inside. There’s no one inside and I listened to the explanation on the tour.”

Led by Inaba, who was visiting this place earlier, Taichi entered the insides of the church. What is Inaba thinking right now? Her eyes practically didn"t meet his own so he couldn"t determine that.

Compared to the outside, one could feel history inside the church. The light s.h.i.+ning through the stained gla.s.s made the holy atmosphere hang in the air, but the warmth of the wood produced a familiarity. They moved to the second floor.

“Here’s the sanctuary.”

Taichi pa.s.sed through the wooden door. It was his first experience of entering the actual inside of the church properly. It was a room with high ceilings and surrounded by white walls. The arched windows were coloured gla.s.s here. A wooden chair was lined with works of ornaments. It was chair where many people can sit on. Directly in front of him on the left and right were statues of Maria and Jesus. In the center an altar was installed there.

While the two of them had their eyes on the inner construction, they moved forward. They faced each other.

Is it here where it will become his place of destiny? His feelings of nervousness increased. Adding to that, the solemness of this holy place has an atmosphere where it would not forgive him if he tells a single lie or being egotistical. Taichi begins.

But, let’s begin.

Let’s begin the fight of the loser.

There’s nothing I should protect inside myself, it’s not like I’m going to die.

Above all, I want to make this place the place of destiny.

To Inaba, I will confess the answer I was guided to.

“I have many things I want to say….. First of all, it’s about the thing you pointed out to me recently. I was told to fix it. And to that, I will say what the me right now think. Is that ok?”

Inaba nodded to the introduction she heard.

He breathed in slowly and Inaba’s words came to mind.

--You can’t change for me? Can I change you?

“Inaba. I, have changed I think. I decided to change.”

Taichi, without avoiding Inaba’s eyes, looked directly at her. Look. Look carefully at the me, the person in front right now in front of your eyes.


Was it for being too sudden? Inaba’s eyes looked lie she did not understand the meaning and blinked her eyes.

“……change….you said?”

Once he started talking, it became considerably more relaxing. After it’s ok if he can continue on.

And, that’s why a question is always the first step.

“Before, Inaba you said this huh, if everyone said, “it is for someone else”, and the world has no goals, then that kind of world would go to ruins. …… I understand the meaning of that.”

The superficial meaning of that, he understood from when he asked. But right now, it is the true meaning.

“If somebody has to indicate the correct justice and the path that somebody should take, then the world will not move forward. That’s why that somebody, with their own will, must decide on their own goals.”

Somebody must do that. It is necessary for somebody to that. It is the duty that somebody should carry.

That somebody is, myself.

Taichi, with his will, continues on.

“But even if you have a goal, even if you decided on your own that it is correct, whether that is correct or not, you wouldn’t know. …..Well, for sure, it won’t become the justice for all people.”

That’s because, of course, on this world, there are a lot of people and a lot of ways of thinking.

“The justice someone holds on to will probably be injustice for someone else.”

No matter where or how someone looks at it, at some point in time there will probably be justice. But, if you look at it from practically one side, even if it is justice, from seeing it on another side, it might be bad. The situation can easily flip. Because any war, our side is righteous and the enemy are bad. From whichever side, they put up their own “justice” and would regard their opponents as “bad”. This is the kind of world we are in.

Inaba without interposing listened to him. Staring into the side of those eyes, ----probably an illusion but---- he could see colours of antic.i.p.ation.

“What is necessary isn’t right, wrong; good, not good. I seemed to have…..decided selfishly on my own that before.”

Explaining the “Dream Perceptions “on his own.

“But, obviously, no one would have know that. Really what is necessary is---“

----To hold my own beliefs.

----Don’t let someone else make decisions for you.

----Move forward with you own will.

“That is, what is the thing that is necessary for me?”

The thing that was noticed by many peoples, the thing that he doesn’t have enough, the thing he should hold onto himself.

Confused and confused, and finally he caused people trouble and at long last has reached something.

Taichi asked waiting for Inaba’s judgment.

“……ah……what? Are you waiting for me to answer back?”

Inaba looked the other way and was scratching her head, That action was really like a man, especially that neat and clean appearance became somewhat too good for her.

“Yeah……well what,…… that’s what I think too. This high and almighty, a little, maybe it’s too early for us kids.”

“’In our situation, the age for staying as kids is over!’ that thing?”

“Shu, shut up. Because being said again is, embarra.s.sing……Realize it!”

Inaba was embarra.s.sed and made an unpleasant face.

That’s right; it was good while we were kids. As far as that, we have “ourselves” and even if we didn’t express of our opinions and wished we could do that in the future. Being kids is a learning period for that.

That’s why, for Taichi, he originally if it was alright for a little bit longer. Probably, while becoming an adult, he wished he can become that. Of course, when entering the second year of high school, it became “completely a trivial matter” and he probably should have been a little surprised.

But, Taichi, obtained an abnormal “power” and seemed to have become able to cause big influences on people.

Inaba says.

“Well….. it was only related to those weird phenomena. By being able to use “power” on other people, right?”

If “power” enters his hands, then it was a different topic. Similar to an adult, no, more than an adult, because he became able to influence the lives of people.

“I basically wished…… that the people in front of me are smiling. It’s nothing but a childish idea…… But when you have power, that isn’t allowed.”

Having power.

Becoming an adult.

“So in the end it’s about timing, timing. Because the time, it should come, came, we must do that. We were kids of a certain age and then all at once we became adults. Well, it was a little early for us huh?”

If the time it should come it came, for humans, everone has various things to consider, and in the end it is with their own judgment where they must choose the path they think is correct.

It is the wall that should be broken down someday, and right now I broke it now.

“……somehow, when I think about it now…. It seems like Inaba you really knew everything. If I had paid more attention listening to your words and if I obeyed…..”

“No, it’s not like that at all.”

Inaba’s expression became somewhat calmer ,

“Because if you noticed it by thinking by yourself, I think you could understand the true meaning. It’s something someone else can’t point out to you…… Well, in anyhow, if I did a better job, then the problems would have been cleaned up quickly.”

But, I could do better….. Inaba adjusted to looking downwards.

“Basically, my thinking itself, thinks I’m “right”, but to Taichi, it would be confuse you…… there are parts in the way I do things, well…..there are parts that are no good…… So, what’s more……is …… that…..I …… that.”

She began to fiddle with her hands. The confident Inaba fell into silence, the confident Inaba let him peek at her face.

“It’s alright, Inaba. I ----“

Taichi opened his mouth and Inaba with a “tsk” glared at him.

“It’s because of that good nature of yours when you see someone in trouble, you instantly go help! You……that, I…. said I like you…… so, you instinctively returned the favour…..kind of feeling. I thought you were like that ……but……hey, why am I the only talk here!?”

Inaba shouted by herself, and was fl.u.s.tered by herself.

“……d.a.m.n, what is this……? Even though I thought it was already no good so I pushed you away, we can quickly come back d.a.m.n together…..?”

“Well, because Inaba you pushed me away…… I had the feeling to be able to do that.”

“…..Right? As I thought, maybe giving a little distance is….”

Inaba lowered her eyes and made face looking like she gave up on something.

Why is Inaba making that face ---- Is it my fault? Well then, I’ll hurry up and make her smile ---- Is that what I should try doing reflexively?

No that’s not it. I can’t stop thinking right now. I’ll move forward, one more step.

Inaba and I, what should we do? I, Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi, what should I be thinking?

I’ll pa.s.s over the one mountain.

I knew what I should be doing. That is easy that is easy to understand. I realized myself what I don’t have enough and now there’s nothing but announcing the thing I should be doing and the way to do it.

Through that and then what should I do? Without leaving the decision with anyone, I will hold my own beliefs and with my own will continue on with that way.

“I have something to tell you. Would you listen to me?”

Taichi made his request and after moments of stubbornness, Inaba nodded.

In that moment, Inaba looked like a powerless girl.

Here in this sanctuary, there is only one boy and only one girl.

“I think there are different kinds of forms of love.”

For Inaba Himeko, he cannot be indecisive. I must confess my own feelings properly. That"s what I think from watching Aoki and Kiriyama.

"There are many forms of love. It is completely wrong to consider that each and every one will be ideal. That"s what I think, in the case of Inaba and me."

People as people have various ways of thinking.

That is it is impossible in this world where it can completely match someone else"s.

For example, even if it is between two people.

"But, in the middle of that, you see….. People, are connected."

People and people get close to each other and live by interfering with each other.

"I thought about why are we able to do that sort of thing? But when I think about it, the reason is with someone like friends, one doesn"t think about that sort of thing and it"s natural. I thought, maybe love, is like that sort as well."

Because the world has all sorts of currents, big and small, even if you are absent-mindedly get drifted away, coincidently you will join up with someone else. With that, it could probably work out well.

"But, the probability of attaining real happiness…..isn"t for certain."

It"s alright to leave luck to the heavens.

But is that really ok?

Even though, you living is the life you only have yourself.

"That is why, I must wish for myself."

Taichi spoke. Inaba listened.

The sanctuary was as if it was waiting for the two of them but no one enters.

"I think that there are a lot of considerations that I must take into account about deciding something. Things around me, and things about the other person."

When thinking about the position of the other person, it was obvious that it would no go well but there is no way I could completely ignore it.

"But, in the end, I can only decide by myself."

Things like decisions, I must not have a narrow way of thinking. I"ll think about it in a broader sense.

From this chaotic world, I don"t know if it"s the correct answer. It"s my responsibility to choose.

I will have a clear view of my heart, express my own opinion, and everything will start from here.

"I thought so, the thing I thought about as myself…… I think I want to tell you Inaba."

The preface became long. But thanks to that, it seems l conveyed the things I seriously thought about to some extent. Inaba gulped and swallowed some saliva. He knew that she was nervous.

Taichi regrettably remembered about the nervousness he has forgotten.

It"s not like I have never confessed before.

But only this confession where I racked my head over, was the first time.

Well then, this a fight with myself.

This is Yaegas.h.i.+ Taichi"s fight, facing Inaba Himeko, in this world.

"Because Inaba, you told me that you like me, I also had to become liking you as well. If I can say that there was no occasion that I thought about that…… then it"s a lie. …….I"m very sorry."

Inaba"s eyes for a moment wavered to him straightforwardly saying that. But she answers calmly.

"If you tell me never, then it would be a stupid lie huh? I don"t think that is a completely bad thing."

"But right now, because I thought that feeling was in the way, I lost and tried thinking from scratch."

This time for sure, she closed her lips and bracing herself.

Facing that Inaba, Taichi says.

"Inaba, you"re cute, beautiful, smart, kind, and you taught me a lot of things."

A little, Inaba"s cheeks became red.

"That side of Inaba, is what I desire."

Even with only that, it probably became the reason he wants to be with Inaba. But to the Taichi right now, he feels that that wasn"t enough.

"But, I wonder….. Amazing, it"s probably an personal comment but. I want to from now on to discover more. I want to learn more."

Those words were from his own wish.

"And then I want to protect many people, not because of my ego, but with true intentions to protect them."

For what, for people to move forward?

"In order for me to do that, I thought, I need your strength."

For what, for someone to move forward?

"……No, that"s not it. I thought, I, want Inaba to see me becoming that."

Pitiful parts have been pointed out many times. And thanks to that, I have changed. Inaba also, thanks to me, she said to me that she has also changed as well.

The two of them, if they are ablet to change.

And, if the "dreams" from the two of them came true.

I think that it is I want to be together.

Is this love, I wonder? If it"s normal, it probably is different. But what is "normal"? There isn"t anything like that. Inside myself, it is "normal".

All of the definitions, I decide myself. I decide with my own will. I don"t know whether I rearrange as I like. But because I think that I want her to be beside me. That feeling I have ----- Let"s call it "love".

I will convey that word.

"I like you, Inaba. That"s why, I want you to be my girlfriend."

----Holding my beliefs.

----Not leaving the decision to someone else.

----Moving forward with my own will.

Hearing Taichi"s confession, Inaba was silent for a while.

Not showing any emotions, she stood still.

"Taichi…..likes me, is that so?"

Inaba slowly asked.

Taichi answers.

"Ah, I like you."

"Well……you love….me?"

Asking once again.

Taichi answers.

"I love you."

"I see, I also love you."

Being told that took him by surprise and was shaking violently.

Is this the thing called going with your heart?

Then, in the next moment, tears leaked out of her eyes in drops.

"Haha…..huh? What’s with this? Even though I"m happy….why….."

The tears do not stop. Drop by drop.

Inaba rubbed her tears off with both her hands.

Together with her flowing tears, the inside of Inaba"s hidden heart has been exposed.

"I thought whether only I liked you that much…..I was worried, since the beginning&hel

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