「This time it’s  soap making? Though gunpowder is still on the way of developing, you think a lot of things.」

When i went to the village office, my story to start making a soap amazed Lyle-sensei.

When i thought of the gun making, various ideas popped out and it doesn’t stop.

When the materials are collected the production is on the way various of problems comes out so i’ll have Lyle-sense help me there.

「I heard that there is a town that uses olive oil and rapeseed oil to make soap. I don’t understand about the alkali that Takeru-dono talks about that but it’s certain that if combine with lime it makes the substance solid 」

「The Olive oil is still not available but the fat of the monster is available.」

The oil extracted from the animal would be free in Ross village, then there’s only the fat of monster.

The main monsters inhabiting around the village are crazy dogs, gray ratman and vampire bats.

When a monster increases too much, a subjugation quest comes out from the guild and that’s where Louise-san goes out to hunt and we can squeeze the oil from fat.

I’ll mix the oil with a strong alkali solution, so far i failed to do it at this point.

Though a soft soap can be made but it would look like a clay and have a bad smell. Even if i make them dry the bad smell wouldn’t decline.

I won’t go for a high quality product with olive oil. If i make a cheap soap that an ordinary people can use, it will certainly sell. Since the basic idea isn’t wrong, what remains is to perform trial and error.

「In other words, Takeru-dono called me to help him with the production of soap.」

「Well, to be honest, please do so.」

Even i establish the manufacturing method, there should be a way for the product to be ma.s.s-produce, as expected i would need the help of an alchemist.

When i sat up straight and put my hands together, Lyle-sensei began to laugh with (Fufufu).

「Even though you still have to collect the materials for compounding a gunpowder, Takeru-dono is quite a hard worker, huh. 」

「I’m sorry, since the production of the Saltpeter is tough.」

Though i also asked her to help me with it, i only caused trouble to Lyle-sensei. The delicate sensei is not used to a hard labor so i must work hard.

「No no, I’m just kidding. If my skill will be useful then i would be very happy. There is no other person who can do alchemy here in the village, Soap and gunpowder, right? I wouldn’t thought of that if Takeru-dono hasn’t come to this village.」

He’s giving me advice with a smile during our discussion, such a good person is here to help me with the production.

It’s difficult not to fall in love.

The proposal to let me wash his back in the hotspring to show my grat.i.tude was immediately rejected.

Because of that joke, Lyle-sensei’s expression turn into a serious one.

For now, the prototype of the dynamite has been completed.

Gunpowder is packed inside of it, it’s a very simple one, connected with a fuse and paper. Dynamite is famous for blasting mines but producing nitroglycerin without any preparation makes the risk high. The black powder should be sufficient for this.

The bomb is finally complete. I’ll leave out the story of my th.o.r.n.y process of hardship because it’s a long story.

Oh, but may i speak one of my difficulties?

Sulfur aside, the creation of saltpeter is very hard. Frankly speaking, the ingredients are dirt and urine of human and animals.

I built a container for the Saltpeter and bury it under the ground with gra.s.s, and picked it up after i waited for a while after the micro organisms was done with their job. Feces and Urine, if i don’t have those then a corpse would also be fine, but anyway it stinks.

It would at least take 2-3 years to refine this method. Because i can’t wait for it, apart from making the container of the Salpeter, I took the dirt of the animal from the Roddo family and extracted the Saltpeter.

I boiled the the feces and soil many times, the smell really stinks……

still, the feces of the animals is still better. I actually took the soil in the toilet and judging the circ.u.mstances of the restroom in this world, it was terrible when i examined it.

If this is j.a.pan in medieval-era, they would use human feces as fertilizers, but for some reason this world doesn’t use human feces as fertilizers.

in other words, i’m criticizing it, when the jar was almost full, i would like to throw it away ……..but i won’t get the Saltpeter.

Oh, i remember it, after coming to this world i can say that the toilet is the most severe. because there is no toilet paper, they use leaves to wipe the a.s.s. leaves! I used to sing mi-chan michi michi when i was a kid, but i never i thought that i would really wipe my a.s.s with a leaf. (TN: It’s this song.  )

I want a toilet paper by all means, i consulted Lyle-sensei about paper making. well, i think that there is a paper manufacturing method in this world. the quality is bad, but the village offices use it.

Because the quality of the paper is bad, they use a preserved animal skin for important contracts.

When i asked why a decent paper isn’t produced, it seems like it’s because the shortage of the wood materials is the main reason.

is it because of the dry atmosphere? In j.a.pan, trees doesn’t grow up again after they were cut down. That’s the reason that the mountains became bald.

There is no person in this world that plants trees, the more the region become crowded more deforestation will happen.

Even if i know the production technique, i can’t do anything about the lack of materials even with my modern knowledge.

As expected, the power of money is needed.

By the way, Lyle-sensei blushed after i asked him how he do it in the toilet and he said 「Water Magic」

He’s tricky. I had Lyle-sensei examine me and it turns out that i have a zero talent for magic, it’s hopeless.

If i use a magic gem acc.u.mulate magic, then even i who has a zero magic power can use magic, but the price as expected is expensive.

As expected even in this world is all about money, money, money.

Getting back to the subject.

…… Therefore, In order to make money Lyle-sensei and I went in to some iron mine in Ross village with the dynamite.

Though it was a state owned mine, it was smaller than i thought. Some part of the caves have became vacant.

In a small tunnel there are some workers who are carrying minerals. All of the workers have chains attached to them and all of them have tattered clothes.

「Are they possibly a」

「Slave mine workers, they’re the ones who work here.」

I’ve finally saw a slave……… After all, this a fantasy world’s medieval era.

Some of the slave miners who have dug minerals were transported by trolley.

A soldier is also observing the slaves who are throwing rocks and sand in the cart.

The chains on their feet are taking their freedom of movement away making it more complicated to escape.


「Because working condition in a mine is server, those who can no longer work will be thrown away. Are there any slaves in Takeru-dono’s country? 」

Lyle-sensei worryingly calls out to me who fell silent. Is he worried because i was making a complex expression?

Their freedom was taken away and they’re working in the worst kind of environment, as a person who witness that, i’m honestly speechless.

The gentle Lyle-sensei calmly accepts slavery, it seems like slavery is common in this world.

In my era the slaves has been liberated a long time ago, it is a very shocking scene that the same human like me was me robbed and abused from their own human rights. Is it because they’re criminals?

According to Lyle-sensei’s explanation, the slaves were not criminals, they fell down because it’s impossible for them to pay their debts.

So when i become penniless and have a debt, then i might also become like them. It gives me shiver when i think about it.

I’m living in a society supported by slave labors.

In order to live, it’s necessary to submit to it.

Therefor, i’ll print this scene into my eyes I’ve been looking at the slaves while Lyle-sensei is waiting for me in silence.

「I’m sorry sensei for taking the time, let’s go.」

「Takeru-dono their is a magistrate in the mine」

Located near the entrance of the mine is like a small village.

A hovel is where the slaves resides and the tenement house is where the soldier and engineer resides, there is also a blacksmith who is processing a metal. The big build is where the magistrate of the mine resides.

Firm wooden building, we were guided by the maid into the guest room.

All the firm furniture are made of wood. Stuff animals with vivid color are lined and displayed.

There is also a decorated knife and a long sword, a halberd and a platemail. Seems like the blacksmith made it. In this world that is what an adventurer need, It is st.u.r.dier than i imagined.

Through technological strength i might have power.

it’s not a very good taste and it’s too rustic as a decoration of the room, I wonder if they’re also a product sample. There are so much item lining up, the magistrate of the mine might be having a lot of profit. It’s because Louise who is a professional Adventurer didn’t have such good equipment. My business partner is h.o.a.rding wealth fairly, as i expected.

Then the door opens, a half-naked muscular man entered.

The man is a middle-age man and his head is getting bald, his body is way larger than Louise. It’s a macho man.

「It seems like i kept you waiting. I’m Nataru Dakuro acting as the Chief Administrator of this mine.」

Eh, This person is the magistrate of the mine? He is half naked and wearing a fustian pants, so i thought he entered the wrong room.

Even so, Nataru is a brawny muscle man. With the muscle of the upper arms and with a bald head, this middle-age man looks lie a character of one of the Hollywood movies.

With admiration i’m looking at the muscles of the upper arm which is swelling, he somehow misunderstood and he lowers his head.

「In front of the guest, i apologize that i appeared with such appearance……..」

「No, It’s because of my sudden visit……Oh, i-i’m I am Sawatari Takeru. I’m glad to meet you. Your Excellency magistrate Nataru.」

I also lowered my head in a hurry and introduced myself.

「Please stop with ” Your Excellency” 」The magistrate seems embarra.s.sed and scratching his head.

The magistrate of the mine Nataru and I both lowered our heads to each other.

A middle-aged mine. I deeply appreciates that even though he’s a man with a high position, he’s polite.

The upper body which is filled with muscle, a good respective att.i.tude with fort.i.tude and vigor. Although he’s a local magistrate, he’s a great person to work with.

Secretary Lyle and Nataru are both government official, so it seems like those two are acquaintance.

Nataru was informed beforehand that I have come to sell a dynamite. We’re interacting each other with unnatural politeness, Possibly it may be a trick which is going to push forward a good business talk.

Even if that’s the case, i can’t help but have a good impression of his gentle att.i.tude. Moreover, his beautiful bald head resembles Bruce Willis.

I am weak to a beautiful woman, but I am also quite weak to a cool adult.

「Then, can you immediately show the bomb?」

In order to demonstrate it to Nataru, the new tunnel will be excavated, I moved at the edge of a tree.

The long fused is prepared, i light it up and left, then an intense explosive sound hit my eardrum from the side like breaking it, i’ve created a frightening thing

When i look at it a big hole can be seen. I found out that the black powder was enough as i expected. It is possible to calculate the force by looking at the place where the explosion occurred.

Nataru got excited from witnessing an explosion for the first time, he raised a 「Wooooo!」cry while waving both his arm in excitement.

It seems like i pleased him, I’m honored. it appears that i made a good demonstration to my business partner.

「How is it?」

「Takeru-dono you made something wonderful! If we use the bomb then it will quickly save us a lot of time.」

A large hole was created after the explosion, i picked up the ores that flew away due to the blast and check it one by one.

Nataru likes it i hope he’ll set a high price to it.

「1 silver coin per bomb……No, one gold each. 」


I hold my breath. The value of one piece of gold coin is approximately 10,000 Yen. If the dynamite sells one a gold a piece, then this would be a splendid profit.

i didn’t think that it would sell this high.

No no, i don’t need to sell it at that amount, because gun powder and dynamites are rare in this world, i could possibly raise the price more………

「Don’t increase the price any further, This way we can have a good faith between us who serve the same country , that is the limit of the amount we can give.」

「Haha, by all means……. One piece of gold coin.」

I broke out a cold sweat while laughing, my thoughts was seen through by him.

As expected of a veteran magistrate, he’s good at negotiation.

「I want you to make it a deferred payment with the condition of 1 gold a piece. 」(TN: A deferred payment is having a debt which has been incurred and will be paid back at some point in the future.)

「Err, what’s that supposed to mean」

「I’ll be troubled if you deliver product are defective. I’ll pay the amount after you deliver the goods properly. The reason is that because there’s a rumor in the village that the you fairly failed in your experiments.」

「Ah, well, yes, that’s true.」

Lyle-sensei smiled wryly when is i looked at him.

Certainly before we succeed there were a lot of failures, even though the smoke goes up it didn’t explode. 70% saltpeter and 10% charcoal, i intended to compound 10% sulfur, there is a chance for it to misfire. After all it was made by an amateur.

Because i am now used to compounding. I should think about the possible reason of the misfire.

Because I’m not going to sell someone a defective product, there is no problem with deferred payment.

「There is one condition.」


I wanted to complain, but the person is my business partner that’ll buy the dynamite by 1 gold per piece so i endure it.

「The Ross mine owned by the country is small. To sell us the bomb……. I don’t understand it.」

「Well, err……」

I don’t know even if you ask me with suggestive voice.

Being unable to stay indifference, Lyle-sense whispered in my ear.

「You’ll have the monopoly of contracts with the Shirejie kingdom it. I don’t mind since there is no other place where to sell the bomb.」

Umm, I see, it’s as Lyle-sensei said. Lyle-sensei is a national secretary, I decided to accept the contract by thinking about the situation.

「A condition that will make you monopolize the contract other national mines, we’ll sell it to the place where the bomb is necessary for public projects. There is no loss to that」

「Well then, i’ll look forwards working with you.」

While bowing, I reflect on myself for being careless.

I’ll do my best to make the gunpowder product, I never thought the market channels would broaden.

Because this is a rural area, they won’t miss the chance to sell it to the other areas of the kingdom.

On the other hand, should i have an independent store, because i won’t be able to sell consumer products if I’m under the monopolization of the country.

Is there any other method? Let’s consult Lyle-sensei later.

I should’ve said this by now.

「You might get involved in an accident, please be careful because there’s a possibility that the cave might collapse due to the explosion.」

「Haha, to say something like that. I’m a mining expert, a careless mistake won’t happen, but certainly i’ll be careful in handling it. I’m thankful for your advice」

Even if it’s neglected by Nataru, it’s still necessary to give that advice.

In modern j.a.pan which I lived in, a person buried alive due to mining accident and dies are a lot.

I have been involved in a bomb making, i’ll feel guilty if the miners i saw a while ago will die.

the safety degree of a gunpowder when blasted is low. It is necessary to give caution to Nataru.

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