Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 284 Hunting


Editor:Akashaythedon and Aerosol

Chapter 284 Hunting
After setting up their plans, Camus and Nikki dived towards the bottom of the sea again. In addition, with exchanging nods as a signal, they headed for the Irobos.h.i.+ sh.e.l.l enclosed by their “Protector”, the Cannibal seaweeds.

As if it had detected his presence, the seaweed expanded in size to stop the invader, but Camus only sliced them with his black sword. However, because of its huge numbers, in addition to being at the bottom of the sea, which had restricted his movements, the expanding seaweeds constricted him quickly.

Camus did not panic and instead, he narrowed his eyes sharply. Suddenly, the ground around the seaweed suddenly rose up.

(The seabed here is made up of sand. Which means...this is also my domain!)

He manipulated the sand at the bottom of the sea floor, trying to keep the seaweed away from the Irobos.h.i.+ Sh.e.l.l.

(Ku……it is……heavy!)

Although he had manipulated sand a lot of times, this is the first time for Camus to manipulate it underwater. So it was out of his expectations that wet sand was so difficult to handle.

Still not giving up despite his situation, Camus tried to lift the sand together with the seaweed. With this, the ident.i.ty of the cannibal seaweed became clear.

(So this is……its body)

What appeared from the sand was a long snake-like demon with seaweed growing on its body. In actuality, the cannibal seaweed was a type of seaweed cobra: a snake burying itself underground, with seaweed growing on its body – the only part visible on the surface.

Feeding by entrapping its prey with its seaweeds, then consuming it with several mouths on the surface of its body, this demon has surrounded the Irobos.h.i.+ sh.e.l.l’s proximity, concealing its long body within, and lying in wait for an unfortunate prey.

However, at this moment, the demon had its camouflage revealed, glaring at Camus while sticking out its snake-like tongue. Then, moving its long body in a zigzag fas.h.i.+on, it rushed forward.

Camus did not move despite seeing its action. It was not because of the seaweed wrapping around its legs, but it was as if he was convinced of something……

Then, a small shadow moved at the corner of his vision.


It was Nikki. She, who appeared suddenly from the unknown, brandished her fist, as if pus.h.i.+ng up the body of the cobra from the bottom.

At that moment, a sound of something similar to an explosion occurred and with it, the body of the cobra rose up. This was Nikki’s signature move – 《Bakuken》(Blast Fist). Focusing mana on the fist, then attacking by triggering a mana explosion as soon as the opponent got hit by the attack.

The power is dependent to the amount of mana being poured in, but seeing the huge body of the seaweed cobra being thrown up by the impact, you can say that it has a considerable amount of power within.

Nikki’s attack caused the seaweed cobra to flinch. In addition, it also caused the seaweeds restraining Camus to loosen, giving him a chance to escape, thus he removed the bindings with his sword.

Camus then quickly filled up the s.p.a.ce between him and the snake, slas.h.i.+ng though the incoming seaweeds in his way, till his blade touched that long body.

Blood oozed out instantly. However, its hardness exceeded his expectations, as the blade did not make it through.

Because of that, the seaweed cobra was now watching Camus’ every move, but Nikki’s attacks continued.

Nikki moved her tiny body dexterously, dodging the seaweeds, and then started to put power in her right fist. In spite of the distance between them, Nikki extended her fist towards the seaweed cobra.

Then, from her fist, a ma.s.s of magic power was discharged, hitting the body of the snake demon.


A ma.s.sive explosion occurred once again. The seaweed cobra, unable to withstand the overwhelming pain, screamed miserably and ran away from the spot.

Upon realizing what happened, they glanced at each other, then gave nods with each other in a.s.sent. Nikki smiled and Camus made a V-sign.

The two were able to remove the nuisance and brought various Irobos.h.i.+ Sh.e.l.ls to the sh.o.r.e. Apart from being colorful, they were sparkling and s.h.i.+ning, like jewels.

“Red, blue, yellow, green, white. Have we got all of them?”


Nikki and Camus nodded in satisfaction upon watching a lot of sh.e.l.ls lined up on the beach.

“Oooh~, with this, master will truly praise us desuzo!”

“……looking forward.”

“Certainly, desuzo!”

The two then made a broad smile on their faces, as if the fact that they would praised became fixed.

“The strategy went well.”

“Yes desuzo! This was also thanks to Camus!”

Upon hearing the true ident.i.ty of the cannibal seaweed from Hiiro, in order to pull out the main body beforehand, Camus decided to be the bait. Then, he would manipulate the sand at the bottom of the sea to reveal the seaweed cobra. It was a superb trick done well.

Nikki would be lurking between the rocks at the bottom of the sea, waiting for an opportunity to strike. And thanks to the demon’s cautious and cowardly demeanor, even though they did not defeat it, at least they made it panic and run away.

Of course, Camus swung his sword with the intent of trying to kill the enemy, but as expected of a demon of the Azazel Sea, its defense was not half-baked either.

Still, because the strategy went well, it was a success more or less.

“Even so, that move……amazing.”

“Ehehe~, you’re making me blush desuzo~.”

“No, really amazing. Truly.”

“Thank you desuzo! That was 《Bakuken・Two-style》desuzo!”

Nikki puffed her chest proudly with a smile on her face.

“……only wait for now.”

“That’s right! Uu~ Well, I guess master won’t come back soon, would he?”

Waiting for Hiiro whom they yearned for mutually, they lay with the Irobos.h.i.+ sh.e.l.ls on their backs.


The time when Nikki and Camus had finished their duties, Hiiro had already finished one task. He was now looking down at an octopus demon, the Count Octopus, which was now floating alone at the sea above.

It was obviously dead. Moreover, not just being dead, there was a clean hole in the big head of the Count Octopus. You can see from a glance that this was the cause that had taken its life.

“……Fuu, it went well somehow, but I’m still lacking in concentration.”

With blots of sweat in his forehead, Hiiro gave out a sigh, feeling weak from the exhaustion.

“Well, it was good to have a target to try it out. Furthermore, a big one at that.”

After observing the unmoving Count Octopus for a while, Hiiro headed back to the surface where the Happiness Shark would resurface again.

After waiting for a long while however, there was still no response, so Hiiro decided to dive below the sea for himself.

The bottom of the sea is a place where light couldn’t reach. Jet black darkness spread before one’s eyes, as if it could totally lead you anywhere… even to h.e.l.l itself.

Just how far will this go? Beyond this may be creatures and worlds I haven’t seen before, or perhaps there may be a world where “Spirits” and “Fairies” live.

If so, then it is indeed not so simple to go in and out that easily. The deep sea is difficult for any normal being to live in.

For a being of the deep sea like the Happiness Shark, even Hiiro was moved by its courageous behavior, to the point of wanting to protect it from those who will try to prey on it.

Is the deep sea really a deep sea? Is it somewhat protected by the environment? But to be alive for many years, moreover in a place where one wouldn’t even doubt if there is a ferocious demon in here, the Happiness Shark should have adapted to the environment someway or other.

(There is a theory that eggs cannot tolerate the pressure of the deep sea, so they come up above when they are about to lay their eggs. Then, why does it not come up? Have they become extinct? Or has the environment changed?)

As these unanswered questions remained in his mind while drifting in the sea, he felt a faint presence in the darkness.

There are many of them, Hiiro held his breath and watched attentively.

(…………Here it comes!)

A pinkish element rose out on the surface of the sea, heading towards Hiiro. They said Happiness Sharks act in groups; however, he could see tens of them, even more.

Jade colored horn growing on its heads. Just to make sure, Hiiro wrote 『Spy』 (『隠密』) on himself, then hid behind the rocks. And because it felt painful to breathe because of that, he simultaneously wrote 『Breathable』 (『呼吸可』) after. Then, a bubble was created, covering his entire head. It seems that in this bubble, he was able to breathe freely. With this, it was not necessary for him to resurface just to replenish his oxygen anymore.

Just when he had caught his breath, the school of Happiness Sharks rose all at once to the surface of the sea. One of them was bigger than the rest. According to Musun who was fearing for their extinction because of indiscriminate hunting, he must catch only one – and the biggest of all among them.

There seemed to be no existence unifying them like an alpha of the pack, as everyone acted separately. Among them, the biggest Happiness Shark was just above Hiiro, all alone.

Its size is about three to four times the size of Hiiro. Because it is a demon that is said to be edible in all corners, teeth and all, just imagining the appearance of the cuisine made him salivate already.

(Sorry bud, allow me to hunt you!)

But as if detecting his killing intent, the Happiness Shark turned his face, even though he still had his 『Spy』 (『隠密』) activated.

Then, it swam back to the deep sea in order to escape immediately. The other Happiness Sharks followed suit, as if becoming aware of the existence of Hiiro, as they swam the same way.

(Tch, its crisis perception ability is far too great!)

The fighting power of the Happiness Sharks are not that great. Nevertheless, what covered this ability is their extraordinary sense of danger, and due to this, they can continue to grow in this sea of peril.

Hiiro tried to approach by installing the word 『Acceleration』 (『加速』), but the Happiness Shark was still faster. Water is its element, after all.

With the way things are going, I will return empty-handed, even though I have come to the point of meeting them with all that effort.

(I will not allow you to escape!)

Hiiro wrote the word 『Swap』 (『交代』), and exchanged positions with the Happiness Shark trying to escape into the deep sea.

Having its scenery suddenly changed, the shark seemed to be confused and stopped moving. It wondered why Hiiro who was supposed to be behind is now in front of it.

(You are certainly fast, but with this……)

As soon as he saw his target stopping its movements, Hiiro moved his index finger. However, the Happiness Shark, upon seeing the situation, shook his body and ran away from the spot in tremendous speed.

Hiiro then launched the words 『Ice Wall』 (『氷壁』) at the Happiness Shark’s destination and activated it. Suddenly, a thick ice wall was created before the opponent’s eyes, and the shark violently crashed into the wall.

Although a considerable amount of water was used to make the wall, seeing the tremendous crack running through it, anyone would know that the rus.h.i.+ng power of the opponent was quite intense.

However, after receiving all that recoil, the happiness shark stopped its movement, then floated to the surface as it was. Right – it had lost consciousness.

(Alright, my work here is done.)

With this, I got what I wanted, as Hiiro loosened his cheeks to follow the resurfacing Happiness Shark.

But as he tried to touch the body of the Happiness Shark which rose up first, he wasn’t able to understand what happened the following instant.

That’s because, all of a sudden, the Happiness Shark which should have been in front of him suddenly disappeared.

(W-what the!?)

Hiiro swam back up the sea in a hurry, causing the bubble covering his head to burst and disappear. Rather than worrying about such things, he desperately looked for his objective. However, the existence of the Happiness Shark was nowhere to be found in the vicinity.

“Where……where could that thing have gone?”

While looking down at the sea from above the sky unable to translate what happened, Hiiro was covered by a shadow. It was not a cloud; Hiiro who judged that something was in the sky, turned his gaze quickly.

From there, sandwiching the Happiness Shark from a while ago in its beak, was an enormous black swan. Moreover, if you look closely from the black swan’s back, a person wearing black clothes was staring down at Hiiro.


Editor: Akshaythedon and Aerosol

Chapter 285: The Black Swan and the Lad

“That black robe…… 《Matar・Deus》?”

Looking at the person in a black robe riding on the back of the black swan, Hiiro brooded over the fact that the black robed guy looked very similar to that Matar・Deus he had seen before.

Even if it was the subordinate of that predecessor demon lord or not, there was one thing for sure: he or she had gotten something he needs to pursue right now.

“Oi, give it back.”

Yes, it was the Happiness Shark sandwiched between the beaks of the black swan. It was the prey that Hiiro had supposedly caught. However, in an instant, when he was about to get it, it was s.n.a.t.c.hed like a hyena.

However, the next moment, the black bird gulped the Happiness Shark in one go, as if it had completely ignored the words of Hiiro.

“Wha-!? How dare you!”

Hiiro drew his sword and flew towards the black swan in reflex. He tried to slash that long neck with his sword, but it only cut through air.

He thought that he got it, but he realized it was only an afterimage. The other party’s speed was more than he expected. Hiiro looked back, and upon seeing the image of the black bird who had turned its back against him as fast as lightning, he then casted 『Acceleration』to enhance his speed dramatically.

 Thus, with that intense speed, he finally caught up to the black swan. The black swan tried to move away, but Hiiro followed suit as well.


Hiiro glanced at the black swan that was surprised by his ability to catch up.

“Getting away, huh.”

Hiiro cut down the distance with his opponent, and then swung his sword. At that moment, only black feathers were cut as they danced the sky.

It has slipped before his eyes again.

(Tch, so fast!)

That movement, it seems that it wasn’t completely serious until now. Making  Hyun Hyun Hyun Hyun sounds as if cutting the wind, it was leaving a lot of afterimages by moving around.

“…making fun of me, eh?”

Hiiro drew a deep breath, then,

『Hyper acceleration』

he wrote and then activated. At that moment, Hiiro disappeared from that spot. Hiiro’s eyes were now quick enough to antic.i.p.ate through the real one among the afterimages. Then towards that real body, with a tremendous speed,


he swung down the 《Absolute Sword・Zangeki》with all his strength. He though he had caught it this time, but



Hiiro’s sword let out a sound as if it had been blocked with something of the same material. It was not the black swan who took the attack, but the black robed person who was riding behind it.

(…that katana!?)

It was the sword the other party had. However, unlike Zangeki with a clear blade, the opponent’s blade was reddish-black in color.


Though Hiiro was surprised at the sword, he was even more so at that person’s att.i.tude. He seemed to have prevented Hiiro’s attack with one hand, but more than that, it seems he was in a drowsy state, seeing by that yawn.

(MY attack...to be blocked like this!?)

Furthermore, he wasn’t even perturbed at all. He felt tremendous power from within.

“……Huh? You……who are you?”

…Huh? What is this fellow saying? Why are you looking at the other party you have clashed face-to-face, and ask questions like you have totally seen someone for the first time?

Judging from the voice, it seems to be a man, then the said man yawned again.

“…Well, never mind. By the way, have you finished eating?”

Apparently, he was asking the black swan, which then replied with a Kiii.

“Is that so? Then let’s go home. Whoopsie daisy.”

Just by waving his arms lightly, Hiiro was out-pushed and was blown off behind.

(t-that guy……what power!?)

Hiiro was amazed by the opponent who threw with ease like a fly being swatted. Moved by curiosity, he tried to examine the opponent’s 《Status》 with 『Pry』(『覗』).

(……it’s similar to that time, huh)


Yes, it was similar to the first time when he encountered Avoros. He also tried to『Pry』at that time, but the effect of 『Pry』did not work at all.


However, unlike the man whom he could not examine his strength, the 《Status》 of the black swan was reflected in Hiiro’s eyes instead.


And after looking at its race, he was stunned wide eyed to see……

(Isn’t this guy……?)

But as he compared the 《Status》of the black swan to what’s in his mind, the said creature started to move.

“Wait, Wait!”


The man, hearing his voice turned around.


“What’s wrong with you? Taking my spoils just like that, You want to get punished?!”

“……Eh? Is that so? Did you really took it?”

The man spoke, as if talking to the black bird. He didn’t seem to grasp the whole story. Was he really sleeping at that time? Hiiro thought.

(That means, he blocked my attack while he was still asleep?)

It was truly an incredible feat. Although Hiiro was not in full power, it is surprising to prevent an attack enhanced with the momentum of 『Hyper acceleration』 (『超加速』), moreover while being asleep, too.

“But, you see, it’s your fault too, being weak enough to be s.n.a.t.c.hed like that.”

“……What did you just say?”

Hiiro felt angry at the words of the man.

“This world follows the law of survival of the fittest, you see, with the weak being the prey for the strong. Which means, if you were deprived of your meal by this child, it is either you are careless, or you are weak.”


“It is the nature of the world to become fatal with every life. So give up. What I can only say is, try your very best next time?”

“You… are you making fun of me?”

“Making fun of you? Uhmm… did I say something wrong?”

Hiiro felt more irritated with the man’s way of talking.

“…You, are you a companion of that Template Demon Lord?”


“《Matar・Deus》, I mean.”

“Un, that’s right. What about it?”

The black swan turned its head, facing the man. Perhaps it understood the conversation as well.

“Hmmm? What’s your name?”

“Not telling you.”

“Ah, is that so? Well, I don’t mind.”

Is he really pa.s.sing it just like that? Hiiro doubted in his mind.

“But this is unusual. It seems this child is interested in you, aren’t you quite popular?”

“Quite… you say? Then why don’t you try it for yourself!”

With the 『Hyper acceleration』still in effect, Hiiro tried his extreme-speed slash with Zangeki for the second time. The other party, however, parried every hit with his dark red blade without any difficulty.

“…Heee, Quite a good sword you have here. Kinda feels the same as mine?”

Hiiro quickly disappeared from his spot, then appeared behind the man. But as he tried his chance to pierce his sword in that gap,

“That s.h.i.+eld, repel all creation of the Five Blues.”

Hiiro surely heard the man saying something at that time. The next moment, Hiiro, who was in the rear, blew away as if something repelled him.


Still a.n.a.lyzing what happened to him, Hiiro fixed his gaze upon the man. Around him, a blue barrier similar to Hiiro’s when he used the character 『Defense』, which created a magical wall, covered his surroundings.

“Un, as this child has said, huh. Let me try for a moment.”

After confirming something, that man gave a glare.

“Uhm, I was thinking, how are you flying? Humans can fly now?”

The man gave off an unique atmosphere, but Hiiro of course didn’t answer the question.

“Though humans can use magic to fly too…… hn? Perhaps, is it that type of magic?”

The man observed Hiiro further. However, he drooped down his shoulders, as if he was disappointed.

“Well, whatever. Well then……”

He then put his hand at his bosom, as if searching for something in his clothes. Hiiro, unknown what he would do, remained cautious. The next thing, the man took out a red ball about the size of a Ping-Pong ball.

(What is……?)

Hiiro took a stance, suspicious at the object.

“It’s time to go home.”

After that, the man threw the ball high in the sky. Then, as if it had activated, the ball dispersed, and red particles poured down like rain.

Suddenly, Hiiro noticed that the magical power released by his body had disappeared. At the same time, the sensation of floating from him disappeared, and Hiiro fell on to the sea.

“What the-!?”

And when he saw the man, he was waving his hands, making a bye-bye gesture.

(T-this is the same as the Magic Nullifying Existence!)

As he thought so, he fell into the sea, making a large splash.


As soon as he came to the surface, fl.u.s.tered, he scowled at the black swan still in the sky above. He tried to fly again using magic, but then again, he was unable to use it at all.

Looking closely at the surroundings, red particles were still all over the place. Despite feeling bitter about it, Hiiro who lost his means to chance could only glare at the direction where the figure of the black swan flew.

Suddenly, the black bird stopped its movements, then turned back, heading towards the place where Hiiro was.

(……What the?)

Holding his sword tightly, Hiiro thought he came to administer the coup de grace onto him. However, the black bird stopped at a certain distance away from Hiiro.

“You. You’re quite an interesting one.”

The man then took off his hood. Then, there stood a face of a boy with droopy eyes, matching with his unkempt gray hair. He was about the same age as Hiiro.

“I am Noah, Noah Black. This child is Sue. Well, remembering it or not is up to you.”

Then why did you bother for a self-introduction in the first place?

“Though I wish I could get along well with people having the same kind of sword, well, that was unreasonable of me……”

“What did you just say?”

“Nn? Uhmm, What are we talking about again?”

“Don’t return my question!”

“Ah! Right, right. I was just a little bit interested in you so I said my name. You don’t have to worry about it.”

 iro felt that his words were just pa.s.sing through his ears. However, one thing is for sure – he robbed Hiiro of his pleasure. Giving off a sharp look, he replied,

“Hiiro. Hiiro Okamura.”

“Well, even if you tell me, I have no confidence to remember it.”

“You’d better. For this guy will be the one who will deprive you of your pleasure by all means.”

However, Noah, on the other hand, could only stare blankly and yawn as if it was not his business.

“Then amuse me more on our next meeting. It’s too boring if you cannot use magic from the get-go.”

As he floated in the sea, Hiiro grinded his teeth tightly. It is true that now there is no way he could defeat opponents floating in the sky in the state where magic became unusable.

“Now then, I am already shleepy……*Fuaaaah~, let’s go.”

The black swan soared upwards, carrying the sleeping Noah on its back. And just like that, they left Hiiro at the speed of a breeze.

(……《Matar・Deus》……what a clown.)

The voltage of Hiiro’s anger obviously increased that day.

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