

chapter 311 The true strength of Rushbelle (Part 1 of 2)

When Ionis defeated Nigg, On the【Bridge of Mutich】, Rushbelle 《Head Commander of the Demon Army 》was facing of against the black clothed Suzof who was the user of unique magic 《Degeneration Magic: Change Magic》, there was sparks in the air.

Suzof"s forte was changing the attribute of magic at will.

Probably because that he was a zombie, he seemed to possess the darkness attribute since any magic cast against him would be changed into darkness attribute. Thereby, increasing his own magic power.

Therefore, no magic could be used against Suzof.

Originally, 『Demon Evila』were people who would fight using magic alone making this an unfavorable fight, but there was smirk at the corner of Rushbelle"s lips while he looked really happy.

「Now then, I did not expect to be showing this off so early as well.」

What was held in Rushbell"s hand was a long stick like object which was completely covered in cloth.

When Rushbelle swung the head of that long stick like object with *Bunbun*, there was *Gakin* sound and then the base of the long stick like object pierced the ground.

「Now, it"s time to rampage------------」

The cloth gradually became undone and the ident.i.ty of the object slowly became apparent.

「-------------《Killer Javelin》」

What he held in his hands was the weapon that he had used when 『Demon Evila』as up against 『beastmen Gabranth』and beastmen Yuhito.

But at that time, it hand ended in a draw with Yuhito and he was robbed of his 《Killer Javelin》while fighting.

He considered himself to immature and therefore hand gave it up to the other person without saying a word.

But, Yuhito promised him that he would return it as soon as he was finished studying it at that time.

Although what he said sounded quite ominous, but in the end, the spear which was an heirloom of his family had been returned.

Formerly it was decorated completely in black with a distinctive ripple like pattern and there was a black blade at the end and the handle was black with a mix of jade and amber. Now, however, it was different.

It had the entire spear based on white, the pattern on the spear was as if the flame was swirling around it.

Moreover, the spear was three p.r.o.nged like a trident, and big jewels were buried on each of he three blades.

Blue on the right, green on the left, and red in the middle.

Obviously, when Rushbelle received a changed spear, he questioned Yuhito.

But he laughed with a smile.

『The spear has evolved desu! I was really interested desu, and I ended power upping it a little! Nyohohooho!』

Although Rushbelle was angry Yuhito for remodelling the spear, when he tested it, Rushbelle was completely tongue tied.

Yuhito said that it had been given a power up.

The surprise that he had previously was now replaced with delight which ran through Rushbelle.

With this spear, he was convinced that he would be able to fight better in the future wars.

「Try and receive my battle spear! Wah!」

Rushbelle wielded the spear and attacked without trying to shorten the distance between Sutof and himself.

The length of the spear was not long enough, the attack would not reach, but a slash came out from the spear.

Suzof jumped towards the side and avoided it, but the slash ended killing a few zombie soldiers who were standing behind Suzof.

The slash had scooped out a hollow region on the ground, the power could clearly be felt from it.

The hood which was covering his face was removed and the face of Suzof had become exposed.

Until now, it was just speculation that the person who was using the unique magic was Suzof, but now looking at the face of the person who was in front of their eyes, the person in front of their eyes had his eyes completely dyed in black with no signs of life. The face of the man of the well known criminal Suzof who had appeared in the past.

Suzof of the『Wota tribe』.

His appearance was characterized by the signature 『Wata tribe』horns that emerged from both sides of the head and their pale skin, but Suzof also had the blood of 『Brunhilde Tribe』flowing in his veins.

Proof a person from the 『Brunhilde Tribe』was the signature Bone shaped blade which protruded from the back of their hand.

It was called the《Secret Bone blade art 》, the bone would grow little by little since their birth and would completely stop growing when one was 20 years old.(TL: Wol~copyright)

If the blade was long then it would be at least the length of an arm.

Moreover, it could be freely elongated and shrunk.

The strength of the 《 Secret Bone Blade 》was tremendous, it had the power to even penetrate rocks.

The reason that Suzof was on the criminal list was because he had a selfish desire of showing of his strength and he had ended up killing his entire family

This was a story from over 300 years ago, but the king from that time had organized a subjugation unit and killed him.

Rushbelle spoke while swinging his spear.

「At that time, It was my grandfather that killed him.Suzof, sorrowful dead.

I will send you back to h.e.l.l again! With this 《Killer Javelin》dena!」

He showed his spear to Suzof a *Kakin * sound could be heard, and the surroundings resounded with glee.

Suzof had also pulled out his 《Secret Bone Blade》and had made a cross by crossing his arms and was ready to accept his spear.

「Not bad, but, muu!」

When Rushbelle swung with his entire body, cracks appear near the feet of Suzof.

It was evidence of the considerable pressure being emitted from the opponent.

But Suzof, wasn’t only going to defend, he turned his body around and pointed his 《Secret Bone Blade》and stabbed towards the chest of Rushbelle.



chapter 311 The true strength of Rushbelle (Part 2 of 2)

*Bushu* and his body was stabbed..........but, suddenly the body of Rushbelle turns into water and the attack was negated.

「Too bad, right?」

The body of water was made by magic that Rushbelle had created.

It was a sophisticated magic that even Suzof couldn’t notice.

From behind, Rushbelle swings his spear with side ways sweep,

*baki* A crack resounded when Suzof received the attack with a poor posture and《Secret Bone blade》cracked.

But, looking at Suzof there was not grief or regret within him.

「Such a sorrowful die, and to still have their pride damaged.

If so, with this next blow you shall be freed!」

When Rushbelle readies his spear, pale magic overflows from his body and converges into the spear.


When Rushbelle murmured, a green blade extended from the green stone embedded on the left blade of the trident spear.


Blue blade rises from the right,


A red blade stretches from the middle.

It was blade comprised of magic power of different attributes.

The blades overlapped with each other and into one and changed into a spear with a large blade. (TLN: Trident spear becomes a spear with a blade at the end)

「This is the new power born from the killer javelin, and its name 《Force Lancer》mode!」

Suzof stretches his hand towards the spear, but Rushbelle who saw this laughs with a *kukuku*.

「It"s of no use.This power is not only magic.Let me give you a souvenir for you take to h.e.l.l.

This is what that dubious researcher made with that 《Fancy chemistry equipment》of his, you cannot change the attribute of this magic power! Prepare yourself Suzof!」

Rushbelle holds his spear with both of his hands and rushes.

Suzof also stretches out his 《Secret Bone Blade》to elongate it even longer and charges Rushbelle head on.

The distance between the two was low, and soon the two people were almost at each other.

A momentary noise of rus.h.i.+ng wind could be heard and then the sound of breathing stops.

The ground is stepped on, the depressions in the ground could be seen, and blades dancing at each other"s vitals.

A black line which elongated arrives at the throat of the opponent. (TL: Imagine those samurai fights with white and black backdrop with a one blade arriving at someone"s throat without being able to tell who is who)

*Goron* A head falls to the ground.

Standing on the ground was the body of Rushbelle with a spear, and Suzof who had lost something that he should not have.

「........It is my win」

It was Rushbelle who had gained victory in the fight against Rushbelle VS Suzof.

The confrontation that began on both bridges ended, with both of them being won by the 《Miracle allied army》without any danger to them.

In the Victorias army that received the report.

「Hee, the enemy is not bad.

Well, this was also the result expect by his majesty.」

Kainabi who was on the 【Bridge of Dohas】, had no impatience written on her face.

Se had already heard from Avoros that he would lose.

It was but a chess piece that was thrown to see the enemies fighting potential.

Therefore there was no reason to be that bothered by it.

More than that, what was really hurting his head was.....

「Ahahaha! Look everyone! Like this! Look look! It"s like this, you touch your forehead gently by using your right index finger, and then you push your chest outwards! Like this yo! That"s right, and this is the most important part! With your left hand you point it towards the sky and incline it subtly! and then give a seductive, bea~utiful....what a beautiful *pose* it is~」(TL: Miss me with that gay stuff)

The zombie which was being lectured by Bijohhny Urban to do this could only be called pitiful who could not reply at all.

This was causing Kainabi to become angry to the point of losing her mind.

The two people had black patterned clothes, Kainabi had the silhouette of a rose, while Bijohnny carried a patterned black star on his back.

「Oi you s.h.i.+tty men! We are going to be doing the next performance you idiots! Get here quickly!」

「Ahahahaa! As usual your womanly characters is nowhere to be seen, just an ugly idiot with a hoa.r.s.e voice~! Then I shall teach you! To get a beautiful voice to come out, you have to first practice abdominal breathing!」

Kainabi could not hold hold her irritation and make her irritation vocalized.

「Wh-who are you calling ugly! Aaa come on! This is why I didn"t want to be put together with this guy!」

「It"s not like that Kainabi~! Ah, maybe is it that? You are one of those people who are cold to those you care about?」

「There are a lot of other thing that I could be doing and that is too troublesome!」

「Ahahaha! take it easy already Kainabi~」

Bijohnny lifted one of his feet and hand started to do the bale turns with a *Kurukukru*, while Kainabi said that he should get his act together already and raised his finger to point at one side of the bridge.

「Listen here now! As his majesty had said, the trap is set, and it will done in one shot! I want to look at eyes of those fellow when it happens!」

「Nn~ That is very wonderful idea~! then, how about a song to celebrate the success of the plan?」


Kainabi completely ignored him and moved her legs to do what she must do.

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