Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 287 The World that Began to Move


Chapter 287 The World that Began to Move

There was a Huge Stonewall with an Exotic Blue Gem which shone palely on the wall.

It was surrounded by a rock wall, and the land around was in tatters and a spatial rend which was slowly spreading.

And on the ground was magic formation(Circle), and in the middle of that magic formation was a candle whose light could not go past the magic formation.

The scene looked like a ritual.

And a single person was standing in the darkness as if waiting for something while he stood next to the gem embedded in the wall.

As if noticing something, the person looked in the direction of the gem.


A small crack runs through the Stonewall.

and soon many more cracks ran through the stone.



The Stonewall was crushed into pieces, and the fragments slowly fall onto the magic formation.

But what fell onto the magic formation was not the fragments of the wall.

Something fell exactly onto the middle of the magic formation and stood up, and then started walking in the direction of the person who was looking in its direction.

The figure slowly turned into that of a Person.

「...........Good Morning......Your majesty」

It was a Blonde kid.

The man who spoke to him saw that there was not a single thread on his body and puts something similiar to a robe onto his body.

The boy continues on his way barefoot with a *petapeta*. Following behind was the other person.

On his way was another person fully clothed in black, the boy stops in front of that person, and a puddle suddenly opens up on the ground.

And soon the three people slowly sunk as if they were being sucked into the puddle.

In the Royal Castle of Humans,【Victorias】, a line of people was standing in front of the throne.

Although all of them were dressed in black, their hoods were uncovered, and all their respective faces were visible.

Everyone got down on one knee in salute.

Then suddenly a puddle of water appears in their midst, and slowly three people rise up from it.

The boy who had Blonde hair appeared gently and gracefully, and slowly headed towards the throne, and slowly sat on the throne while raising his mouth slowly.

「Everyone, Good Morning」

The name of the Boy was Avoros Gran Early Evening.

He was the older brother of the Current Demon Lord Eveam, now the King of【Victorias】after he took over.

As he had used the Sword【Sacrifice】to exert his power while using his life force as fuel in order to obtain the 【Heart/Nucleus of the First Demon Lord】that was hidden within the Sanjummon Cave in the Demon Continent, which caused him to suffer a certain amount of Backlash and therefore was under recovery.

「Your Majesty! We were waiting for your Awakening!」

A young girl cries out with a joyful expression on her face who stood among the people who were enclosed in black clothes.

「Hey Kainabi, Sorry to have worried you.But it’s fine now.」

「Eh, your majesty.......」

Avoros smiled at Kainabi, and then looked around at the people who were dressed in black clothes in front of him.

「Then, shall we start?」

One month after Avoros lost consciousness, the world was starting to move again.

Shortly before Avoros Woke up, Hiiro was in the【Raobu Desert】and was currently training with Camus and Nikki.

About a Month ago, Hiiro and Camus came here for train, but after a while returned to the 【Demon Country Xaos】, Nikki who heard the talk about training immediately jumped to train along. Although Liliyn also tags along occasionally to kill time, but since the climate was extremely troublesome along with the location of the desert stopped coming due to her skin.

For approximately One month, the three of them trained together.

「《Explosion Fist》!」

Nikki who was on the sand, thrust her hand from the front.

To which Hiiro turned around slightly and dodged it and immediately caught up behind Nikki, and grabbed her clothes.

「Eh nooooo!?」

And flung her into the distance. However, in the next moment, sands below his feet started to move up and crawl and started covering him from below.

Camus who was in front of Hiiro, moved his hands with dexterity.

That"s right, he was manipulating the sand.

「.....Got you」

Such a murmur of Camus reaches Hiiro"s Ears.

..........but, Hiiro narrowed his eyes, and spread out his arms.

A faint light starts to glow from Hiiro, His right hand radiated with blue while his left hand radiated with yellow.


Using both his hands, he clapped, but the sand which was starting to crawl on his body immediately snapped.

And Hiiro"s body was gradually enveloped in a fierce, red aura.

「.......《Grand Red Deity Aura》!」

Looking at Hiiro"s change in aura, Camus turns the sand around him into a fist and thrusts it towards Hiiro.

And a lump of magic with explosive strength is shot from the opposite side by Nikki,《Explosion Fist: Dual Style》towards Hiiro.

Hiiro covers his hand over the sword 《Katana: Zangeki》on his waist and pulls it out, and the 《Grand Red Aura》slowly envelops it as well.

He shook the swords and slashed towards the 《Explosion Fist:Dual style》causing it to split into two and pa.s.s by him.

It broke into two and flew towards his left and right, which flew a little further before exploding.

That"s When a hand made completely out of sand approached him from the back and thrust towards him, Hiiro turned the tip of the sword towards the hand made of sand, with a portion of《Red Aura》covering the tip.

「《Extreme Heat Wave Pierce》!」

The sword soon connects and collides with the hand made of Sand.

The moment the Sword stabbed into it, the sand seemed to look as if it was dyed red with Magma, and soon burst into an explosion.

And before long Hiiro"s aura goes out, and moves from where he stood, he immediately appears behind Nikki and the sword in his hand is a few centimeters away from her Neck muscles and before long her consciousness is taken away.


Camus screams, but Hiiro had already s.h.i.+fted into his next stance before nikki falls to the ground.

Hiiro appeared in front of Camus chest at a speed, which one could not be followed by the naked eye, while swinging his sword 《Zangeki》flipping Camus"s black sword away in the blink of an eye and then continued to swing his sword at Camus splitting him in two.

If it hit him normally blood would have gushed out, but Camus’ body divided into two turning into sand and scatters.

Hiiro breathes out「Fuu」and sheaths his sword.

At the same time, the red aura which covered his body slowly vanishes.

Camus carrying Nikki comes back with a *tokotoko*.

「Good Job.....Hiiro」

「Yeah, You seem to have further polished your sand skills to be able to create a clone」

「is that so?........eh」

Camus smirks into a smile from the praise.

That"s right, the Camus that was slashed was a clone made from sand and was being controlled by Camus.

With this training, The sand clone made by Camus also grew to a certain extent, being able to manipulate sand to quite a degree.


Nikki wakes up and starts to groan「uu~~」.

「I, I was not even able to land a single blow-desuzo.......」

She seemed to be regretting that she could not even land a blow on her master Hiiro. She seemed to be trying really hard so that she could be able to fight with her Master.

「Well, you can try harder next time」

「Yes-desuzo! I will meet the expectations of Master!」

She showed extreme enthusiasm while doing a Guts Pose.

「But still Hiiro, have you gotten better at it?」

「Well, there is still a long way to go, but I did master quite a bit of it」

The training was to practice《Grand Red Aura》.

Since he had learnt how to control it a little bit better from【Beast Country Pa.s.sion 】Rars.h.i.+k,  he had continued to train everyday.

And as a result, Hiiro was able to learn how to use《Grand Red Aura》albeit only for a short amount of time.

It was hard to say that it was perfect, but it has now become possible to handle the《Red Aura》more proficiently.

This time, Hiiro tried to defeat Nikki and Camus without using any magic but only using his《Grand Red Aura》to see if he could defeat them with it.

And as expected Camus was able to further increase his proficiency with his Sand Clone while Nikki helped him from the front, which was helpful as the sand clone needed a partner.

Although Nikki was quite vexed inside, she was still hiding a skill.

As this was a test to determine the power of 《Grand Red Aura》 she did not choose to use it, and the timing was not right either.

「Do you still.....want to continue?」

Camus asked, but today was the third time that he had casted Sand Clone and was exhausted.

「No, let"s return to【Demon Country】.

I had been moving my body quite a while recently, and so I would like to take a rest for a while and more than anything else read more books」

As Hiiro had not touched any books for a while, his withdrawal symptoms seemed to have started to appear.

He immediately wanted to return to the library at once.

The three of them decided to head back to the【Demon Country】and headed back to the Oasis where the『Asura Tribe 』lived, while greeting them a bird seemed to be flying in the air.


Hiiro continued to stare at that bird.

The desert was not a habitat for birds.

Rather than a bird, they felt weird a discomfort coming from that bird.

It did not feel alive, rather its existence seemed to have been formed by magic.

Moreover, it was covered completely in green, and its color was quite concerning.

But there was no hostility or bad vibes coming from the Bird.

Still, they felt wariness for the existence of the bird.

「.... It’s not doing anything? then lets return to『Xaos』」

The other two nod at the words of Hiiro.

However, the bird flew away after having stared at Hiiro for a while.

(what was that about...? The magical power coming from it felt really familiar....)

However, Hiiro could not recall it, and therefore stopped bothering about it and moved forward.

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