War for Edea

That day, the sky that was supposed to be before noon, was suddenly wrapped in darkness like the night.

Everyone looked up to the sky for astonishment. Then the sun, which had poured warm light into the earth on that day, turned black as if it had lost its color.

It was a common solar eclipse. But in Edea it is said that the last solar eclipse happened a long, long time ago.

Why did it happen now of all times? All the people felt perplexed with this. And like everyone else, Hiiro who was in [Demon Capital  · Xaos] also turned his eyes towards the sun which turned black.

Eveam, and also those who were in the demon lord’s castle spread out to the field to check for the abnormal events. The "Cruel" division could also be seen beside her.

Everyone was lost for words, staring at the sun, as if they were frozen.

Hiiro who felt a sense of incongruity at that sun gazes his eyes to observe further. Then I found a small point of light in the center of the sun.

(What ... is that thing?)

As they keep watching it, the point gradually spreads. It spreads throughout the sun as though it regained the sun"s light, but it is obvious that the light is not the sun"s light.

Everyone seems to have noticed the spread of that “light”, raising their voices altogether. Then suddenly the light became bigger and more intense, and something like a human face was projected there. In that shadow which gradually keeps becoming clear, Hiiro opens his eyes wide.

(It’s him!)

hiiro saw a familiar face.

『Yo!, People who live in Edea』

It was the demon lord predecessor and now the current King of Victorias, Avoros Grand Early Evening.

Not only Hiiro, but also the demon lord Eveam and the Evila around them, held their breaths as the image of Avoros suddenly appeared in the sky.

『Can you see me?, Eveam』

Eveam scowled at the sudden call of Avoros.

"It seems that the time has come, as I told you when I showed my face to you last time”

Everyone said nothing, as they await for his next words.

We, "Matar Deus" shall conquer the world "

The surroundings began to hustle and bustle. Marione, who stood next to Eveam shouted "Silence!” the soldiers become quiet.

"But if you say that you will not resist, and willingly become my subordinate, I’ll promise you it won’t come down to the point where we will fight"

Hiiro guesses that this image is reaching all over the world. I could easily imagine the appearance of the beast king Leowald raging at those words.

That really selfish tone of his speech, the more I get irritated the more I hear. Approximately one month ago, as Hiiro is made to experience hards.h.i.+ps by one of those Mater Deus, naturally I cannot accept his offer.

And those who are here also ......

“Don’t f.u.c.k with us!”

“As if we’re gonna do that!”

“Our Lord is only Eveam!”

Such a voice of soldiers and citizens comes to be heard. Hiiro looks at the profile of Eveam who can’t bear to smile as she was praised and shown loyalty by everybody.

Then that Eveam looking at the face of everyone, gave a nod,

"We will not yield to anyone! We will protect the country, even if means we have to war!"

Eveam"s declaration makes the surroundings rouse again. Then as if expecting for that answer,

"Ha ha, surely this time Eveam is saying something that pierces my heart"

Although it cannot be determined if it has been received by the other side, it seems that Eveam"s older brother had already been antic.i.p.ated her answer.

“If that’s so, then…”

He suddenly drive out hostility to such an extent that as if it transmitting through the image. His eyes are narrowed down, apparently overlooking everything that is reflected on the world as the light is lost in his eyes.

“Let’s declare the battle that shall involve everything, here. Now.”

Gulp, the sounds of people’s throat could be heard.

"Now then, shall we start? The war for Edea"

Suddenly, the light that was thought to have covered the sun shone red, as though it had burst out at once. And the fragments scattered in countless numbers and fell into the ground with with an urge to kill.

"Protect the citizens!"

Eveam was not upset at all. As if they were expecting Avoros to do something like this, she cried out, and the "Cruel" division scattered from the spot immediately, releasing attacks and magic towards the threats falling from the sky.

"You guys, do not leave this place."

Hiiro also invokes the word "defense" then spoke to Lilyn and the others who were nearby. A large magical wall spreads on a hemisphere about 10 meters in radius around Hiiro.

Though I think this is unnecessary as we have the Cruel division here, but it never hurts to provide an insurance. But as expected of them, the attacks from the sky were dispersed one after another with their attacks.

(Well, its just what I expected for a greeting of a template demon lord)

It is certainly an attack with a lot of bloodthirst, but the power is not so much put in it. Of course the attack range is big and wide, but I think it is also intense and fierce.

If its in this degree, Hiiro judged that Muir and the others who are also in trouble in [beast kingdom · Pasion] would be safe for now.

But all of them didn’t notice. Among the raging violence falling from the sky, from there, was a killing blade that cannot be overlooked.

Countering the attacks from the sky with their own attacks and making them disappear, when the "Cruel" division and the soldiers thought that this level of attack is kind of a letdown, a sudden big red lump fell towards 【the Demon Capital】 came down.

It is Marione who responded to it. He created gigantic clods of earth towards the crimson-dyed attack.

At that moment when the attack touched the clod, it was quickly repelled......

“What the, is that it?”

Marione let out a speech as if it betrayed his expectations. But then, at the next moment the red thing that was supposed to be repelled suddenly converges and turns back to a red lump, then falls to a certain direction.

“Your majesty!!!!!!!!!!!”

Seeing from the scream of Marionne, the attack was heading straight to Eveam. It was a fault of Marione who had never thought that the attack that should have been repelled didn’t lost momentum and turned its fangs again.

No, it is also the fault of Eveam who let down her guard upon seeing it. She could only froze still as she was caught unprepared.

the murderous intent clearly aiming at Eveam changed its appearance from a lump to a heinous figure, then to a single spear.

This way if it crashes to defenseless Eveam, the possibility of penetrating her body is high. It was a sure blade of death.

The red spear approached Eveam, and in that span of breath,


 Everyone could only open their eyes wide about what happened in that moment. Because - a green giant suddenly fell from the sky grabbed the red spear aiming for Iveam.

the giant then throws the red spear back to the sky, but red spear instead moves in an unusual zigzag, then changes its shape to a human form.

Apparently the spear seemed to be a being in itself, spreading large wings and flying in the sky. And that being glares at the giant angrily.

Something was riding on the back of the giant. To the person who appeared, everyone of Evila was stunned as if the time was frozen.

“That’sss no good……”


“the king sssshould not give up”

It was Teckil · Scissor, the "Third Rank" of the Cruel Division.

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