Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 303 Miracle of Alliance Army

Chapter 303 Miracle of Alliance Army


Ed: Audreanna

 Teckil and Fara were surprised that they had already met one of the top 2 of the organization    《Peace Drop》.

After hearing Judom’s description of Tendok, Teckil asked again to confirm if it was true, to which Judom replied that there was no doubt about it.

「I have also head of the man named Tendok. If I remember correctly he was called 『Great Pharmacist High Doctor』」

Eveam recounted while turning to Judom.

「Is that so. Judom-dono then Tendok-dono is a friend, right? 」

「Aa, it was the two of us together who started the Rebel Army. Right now, they should be laying low along with the other people in the Humas territory while trying to investigate Avoros for any new developments. 」

「What is the probability of them being found? 」

Eveam was worried that Avoros would to find them since if he did, he would definitely exterminate them.

「It should be fine. Because that old fogey knows how to hide, they should be able to hide.

He is also one of the people that I have admired for quite a long time you know? 」

With those words alone, one could clearly see the level the trust that Judom had in that person.

Since Judom had expressed such confidence, Eveam moved on to the next topic

「Judom-dono, No, everyone present here, please look through this list of the Black-robed. In case you recognize the name and remember anything at all, then please do tell」

As she said requested, the members who were gathered there looked through the list one after another. However, they were unable to get any more information from it,

But Eveam felt that the stories that she heard were quite valuable.

The meeting continued, and soon it entered the phase where they discussed their goal and what moves they would make against Avoros from now on.

「Right now, all the Humas there are slowly being turned into Avoros Subordinates.

If we were to step carelessly then it would be immediately found out. But continuing to only watch from the sidelines could possibly backfire on us as well. That"s why we should organize a corps, and gradually take over the Humas’ continent」

「Umu, it is as the demon lord said. For now, Avoros is silently watching but he will certainly move soon. So, it certainly makes sense for us to make the first move, but we should properly consider everyone"s opinions」

Leowald also agreed with Eveam’s words.

And most of those present did not object.

However, only Aquinas who had a sullen face, and so Eveam asked for his thoughts.

「.......I was thinking about the troops. If we are heading to the Humas Continent, then a unit which is capable of both acting quickly and possessing proficient reconnoitre skills would be preferable. If we think of our troops then we have the Halvrid Corps and Ionis Corps. but if were to misjudge our opponent’s strength, then these two corps will find it hard to handle them」

「What are you trying to say, Aquinas? The two corps are strong, and their corps leaders.h.i.+p is quite good as well」

「I will not deny that. However, the opponent cannot be appraised with common sense.

While we are thinking of invading, we also have to think about the Black-clothed who hold the emblems. In other words, it would be very good if we were to successfully invade and defeat the opponent, but if we lose then the morale of the soldiers will fall and then we also give rise to the enemy"s momentum. This is why we must make sure that the first attack is successful. 」

「Hmm, Then our troops shall move as well. It will be Coalition of the Allied forces. We shall combine our forces and break through together」

To ease Aquinas’s worries, Leowald offered his Beast-men force to move out to a.s.sist in crus.h.i.+ng the opponent.

「The Corps from 【Pa.s.sion】that will lend a hand will be Crouch"s Corps」

「Understood, If it"s them then they have the ability to obtain information while also being able to move quickly」

Barid supplemented Leowald’s suggestion with his thoughts.

Eveam who was heading the discussion also gave a nod showing that she understood.

「Then if it"s this much, the force seems sufficient. Having the strength of one of 《Three Beast Warriors》will be rea.s.suring. Next will be to devise the invasion route......hm? Wait a moment, now that I think about it, if Hiiro were to transfer us to directly to【Victorias】then....... 」

When Eveam suddenly suggested such a plan, everyone suddenly turned impatient.

Once with the help of Hiiro"s magic, in a just a moment they were able to go straight to the Beast continent from the Demon continent, so it should be possible to go to the Humas continent as well.

This would be perfect for a sneak attack.

Eveam was self-convinced of her own idea and smiled, but Aquinas crushed the idea.

「That will be difficult」

「Eh?............why is that? 」

「Actually, I already spoke to Hiiro about that」

「I-is that so? 」

Eveam thought that she was the first to think of that idea, but she felt disappointed now that Aquinas had already asked about it,

「Hiiro said that he would not do such a troublesome task」

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