Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 304 Tais.h.i.+"s Resolution (part 1 of 2)


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Chapter 304 Tais.h.i.+"s Resolution (part 1 of 2)

It had made been made known to the entire continent that the《Miracle Allied Army》had been formed at the 【Demon Capital Xaos】.

And that same report, had also arrived in 【Victorias】.

Avoros was not surprised by this development at all, rather he welcomed it and actually felt that it would be enjoyable.

「I see, This is certainly quite interesting.

I can"t believe that Judom Lankers was able to get into the demon continent without being noticed」

「As expected, wouldn"t it have been better to have taken care of this problem earlier?」

Valkyria 05, who was standing next to Avoros who was seated on the throne, speaks without any sign of emotion.

「Yeah. This is fine.

It"s better to let the army that they are strong and make them invade us.

After that, i can crush their power completely.

I will change their hopes and miracles, i will change all that into pure despair」

「But, All three races have been gathered together in this.

There is also the Hero who we failed to capture along with them」

「Yeah, looks like it.

Kuku,But it doesn"t matter we have our own pieces.

and about the hero............there is the hero」

Avoros stood up from throne while giggling with a smile.

「The direction of the war is very important.

And as for the hero, i have a mission for the hero.

Where is he right now?」

「Yes, He is currently in that room」

「Is that so, then shall we make a visit.

To tell him what he is supposed to do」

There was a very large room located in the Bas.e.m.e.nt of the Royal Castle of【Victorias】.

The room was similar to room which was in the deepest bas.e.m.e.nt in the ruins of the 『Cupids Race』.

There was a huge number of caskets surrounding a magic circle.

However, what was different compared to the ruins of the 『Cupids Race』, was that there was an ominous statue emitting blue light instead built into the wall instead a giant beat statue.

And in the middle of was something that looked like a human wrapped in bandages, the appearance could not inferred.

The human wrapped in bandages was going *YuraYura* while wiggling up and down while submerged in liquid with bubbles foaming from the mouth area.

There was also a person who was gazing at the statue with extreme sadness.

His name was Aoyama Tais.h.i.+.

Originally a person of Earth, but was brought to another world 【Edea】by the King of Victorias as a Hero.

「You can rest easy, because that won"t die.」

A child like voice could be heard from behind him.

When Tias.h.i.+ looked back, there stood avoros with his usual bold smile on his face without a hint of frustration.

There was also Valkyria 05 was standing next to him.

Tais.h.i.+ glared at them with Hateful eyes.

「Kukuku, Don"t make such a scary face, as i said earlier that will not die」

「Don"t call her "THAT"! 」

Listening to Avoros words, Tais.h.i.+ felt his anger stirring and shouted while making a fist.

But looking at this att.i.tude as if it was interesting was Avoros while floating a smile on his face.

「You did get the explanation right?...That.......Kuku, That child is still alive」

「Ku....d.a.m.n IT」

Tais.h.i.+ was gritting his teeth while trembling in anger.

When Avoros turned his eyes towards the bandaged human.

「It seems to have adapted to it quite a bit」

「......What in the......what is it doing? 」

「Ah, that"s right.

You haven"t heard about it from them.

Well~, since i have come here to talk, i will tell you about it a little」

Tais.h.i.+"s throat gives out a *gokuri* sound, and pays attention to the words of Avoros.

「That child is well, a sacrifice/offering」

「WHAT!? wh-whwhat are you saying!」

He tried to grab Avoros, but 05 stood in front of him obstructing him.

tais.h.i.+ stopped his adavnce with an 「uuu」

「Ahaha, don"t get so angry.

That child is only scheduled to be so」

「Sch-scheduled? Whwhat do you mean?」

「Yeah.Do you understand what kind of a room this is?」


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Chapter 304 Tais.h.i.+"s Resolve (part 2 of 2)

「This place.....?」

The caskets were lined up, A Huge magic circle was laid down at the middle while caskets were orderly arranged around the magic circle.

And on wall was a statue where a crystal was inserted.

The place was extremely ominous yet strangely scenic.

「This place is for holding a resurrection ceremony.

And, i have choosen that child as the sacrifice to revive the thing that i want the most」

「St-stop spouting bulls.h.i.+t! Why is it Chika you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I am, we are not even the original residents if this world in the first place!」

That"s right, the bandaged human being that was inside the huge crystal was Chika suzumiya who was summoned along with tais.h.i.+ to this world.

「Why......Why dammit! We just......for the sake of『Humas』........but this......」

Tais.h.i.+ felt to his knees while dropping his knees.

Avoros looked down at tais.h.i.+ with calm eyes.


Everyone will get what they want, do you really believe that such a thing would happen?


There was no response, only the cold voice echoed in the room.

「The world you"re from, i don"t know who naive the world you come form is.

and i have no interest to know.

But it"s just that, not only to you, this cruel reality will come to everyone.

This unreasonable reality will come to everyone abruptly.

while facing that unreasonable reality, shouting and doing nothing will not change it,

that is why, to change it one must move.

Do you understand?  Hero-kun who does not know anything?」

「Th-that is........

「If you want to change you"re situation.........if you want to save that child.

if you keep doing nothing, it will be over in a flash ? a life of a person gone in a blink..........」

Feeling the weight those words, tais.h.i.+ felt his body getting heavier as if the gravity had been doubled on him.

Still while gritting his teeth, removing the sweat from his forehead, tais.h.i.+ raised his face.

「........What should i do? what must i do for you to free chika?」

Tais.h.i.+ resolved himself, that this was what he could do. Of course, he still did not completely trust avoros. But even so, if there was even a slightest chance where he could help chika, he would do so.

The corners of avoros mouth change into a crescent,

「From now one war is starting, you know this right?」


「I want you to take part in the war.

I want you to fight against the person that i tell you too.」

「.......Who is the opponent that you will designate?」

「Right now, is it necessary for you to know this ?」


「......kuku,well it"s fine.

I will tell you.

The opponent is.....」

Tais.h.i.+ listens nervously without blinking.

And Avoros gently moves his lips.

「...........The other Heroes」

「........!?......................You are the lowest」

「About that, you know that from quite a long time right? but even so you.......are you not going to refuse?」

For a moment the two people exchanged their gaze.

One"s gaze was filled with murderous intentions, and the others gaze was a playful smile.

However, in the case of tais.h.i.+, if he was to refuse, his position might fall and worse chika might be killed as a result.

This face, the other party knew quite well.

Which is why he was boiling with anger, but he could not vent it out.

「.............I understand.

But, if you break you"re promise, i will make sure to kill you!」

「Kukuku, that is quite funny.

I don"t think that you can do such a thing, but what i said is the truth.

There is no lies within」

「Also, i will not kill shuri and the others.

Along with them, we shall return to our world!」

「Fuu.....well, That is fine.

i don"t intend to kill the heroes in this war in the first place, all i want is for you to capture them」

「if that is so......i understand」

「But, right now they are in the demon army.

therefore, they would be fighting seriously against this side right? can you still fight those girls with you"re full strength?」

「...........That is what you want right? then there is nothing i can do about it.」

The words that he spoke were those that showed that he had made up his mind, but his expression seemed to be the one in which his hear was being crushed by pain.

「Ahaha, i understand.

Then show me your resolve.

In my opinion, the other side should start moving anytime soon.

How they shall move, that is not for you think about.

all you must do is to be prepared to go into battle at anytime.

And that......i also gave that right?」

Tais.h.i.+ answered while gritting his teeth with a *giri*

「Well, It"s upto you if you wish to use it or not, but make sure not to forget, your failure while indirectly lead to the death of that child」

Saying that much, Avoros left that spot while stifling his laughter.

Tais.h.i.+ was left behind who continued to stare at chika who was within the crystal

「I will make sure to save you......no matter what it takes.....definitely」

In the war that will start soon, i will probably meet shuri and s.h.i.+n.o.bu.

.....as an enemy.

It would be nice if they would just listen and follow him but considering the fact that they had joined the army, they must have their own reason for doing so as well right.

Maybe i will really end up fighting them.

If that is the case, it is required to hold myself so as to not hurt them too much.

But, he would be going up against two people, if he was not careful then there was the chance of him getting capture instead.

Which would lead to the failure of this mission and chika dying.

In other, he could not afford to lose.

Tais.h.i.+ puts his hand into chest, and takes out something with a *gosogoso*.

It was a crooked looking bright red coloured crystal.

While gazing strongly at the stone, tais.h.i.+ closed his eyes.

「........I should just do it」

In that quiet room, the resolve of tais.h.i.+ resounded.

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