Translator: Sine Nomine


A certain hotel in Axel City.

The caravan leader prepared a room for me as a thank-you gift for defeating the demon.

I dragged my exhausted body and staggered into the room prepared for me, then simply collapsed on the bed.

……So sleepy.

After exhausting my mana, my body felt very tired and I suddenly felt very sleepy.

This tiredness wasn’t merely caused by mana exhaustion.

Thinking back, a lot of things happened after leaving Home of the Crimson Magic.

Where were all the years I spent living in the village?

In the outside world, there were too many “abnormal” events.

In this short time, I experienced a lot of difficulties.

……Even so, they were some pretty good memories. Or should I say, I encountered some strange people—

As I lay on the bed, I felt something stepped onto my back.

It must be my shameless familiar taking advantage of her tired master.

I got up quickly, grabbed Chomsuke from my back, and tugged it under the blanket.

At this time, due to my movements, something fell out of the luggage I dumped on the bed.

It was a familiar picture book. As I lay down, I picked the book up.

—This was a famous legend from a long time ago.

In a certain place, there was once a genius youth.

That youth had an unimaginable talent. He could become stronger with just a little bit of combat.

Adventurers admired and feared that youth.

That youth was always alone.

At that time.

There was a fearless adventuring party which invited him to join.

But that youth said.

“If there is a cheat, there is no need for companions. I can be a solo player and get all the loot. Solo play hurray!” That youth was strong to that extent.

The youth was very strong, defeating the demon king’s army by himself repeatedly.

In desperation, the demon king realized that he was no match for the youth in a direct confrontation. How could he defeat the youth then?

At this time, the demon king noticed that the youth never joined a party.

The leader of the demon king’s army told the youth, “A lonely, loveless hero is a joke! Heroes usually have companions to work hard together and defeat the demon king! You don’t even have companions. For what and for whom are you fighting? Why not join the demon king’s army? We have a lot of benefits.”

The leader of the demon king’s army asked him to return when he had an answer. The youth went back obediently.

In the end, the youth attacked the demon king’s castle again and confronted the leader of the demon king’s army.

“I’m not lonely, but a high and mighty solo player. It isn’t that I can’t make friends, but rather I don’t need them. Because I know companions can become a liability… And what was that about benefits! You think I will be tricked! It never ends well when one makes a deal with the demon king! I fight for humanity and peace!! I won’t talk to you any further. My goal is the demon king’s head! I can let you go, get lost!”

The youth said and pointed at the leader of the demon king’s army.

The leader of the demon king’s army replied, “This would sound so cool if you said it back then.”

—In the end, the leader of the demon king’s army was vanquished as well.

The brave youth charged into the deepest region of the demon king’s castle.

Nothing could stop him. In the end, he came before the demon king—

Since a long time ago, the confrontation between the hero and the demon king was always one-on-one.

But over there…

As if violating the rules, there was a huge group of minions who refused to retreat even when faced with the greatest hero, wis.h.i.+ng only to protect the demon king.

—I closed the picture book and put it carefully into the bag.

Did the genius youth, who always fought alone, forcefully cleared all obstacles like I did?

Did he not have a family member like an arrogant but very cute sister as I did?

—That was a story that everyone knew, a story where the youth became the demon king in the end.

I couldn’t resist the desire to sleep anymore and closed my eyes.

Could I find my excellent companions in this city?

If I did, what were they like?

If it was possible…

I wanted to meet people like the fearless party who talked to the youth—

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