Kuro no Senki

Chapter 4

I found a website that can read everything out loud. This helps a lot. All that left is just to make my Engrish grammar sound better lol. Also, I change something keeps on reading and see if it fits.

Author: Saito Ayumu

Episode 4 “Okami and Flower seller”

When Chrono woke up, Leila sleeping peacefully on Chrono’s arm pillow as usual.

Usual … It’s been two weeks after Chrono and Leila have this man and woman relationship. It is becoming an everyday occurrence for Chrono to sleep in the same bed.

Well, it is unpleasant every day for Tyria’s security officer at the house of Marquis Elakis. In spite of being properly guarded, Leila sneaked in night after night.

Thanks to that Tyria and the vice secretary have a “night after night you keep bring a half-elf into your bed, what a pervert!” hostile look.

Also for Tyria’s attendant maids “This guy sleeps with a half-elf every night, but the bed sheet is not even stained. Perhaps, his boy is impotent?” As a man, it is a gaze that makes me lose confidence.

Chrono brings Leila to bed every night, but the frequency of that is not as often. Regard the number of times he did the deed, only twice in two weeks …… is that a lot or is that too few, Chrono doesn’t know.

Chrono turned his body and looked at the chest of Leila which grew a little more than two weeks ago.

Changes are not limited to b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her silver hair becomes glossy, and her brown skin is increasingly l.u.s.trous.

Besides Leila, other soldiers got bigger in size and the hair gloss was getting better.

Probably because of Pics company, Food situation of soldiers improved greatly.

Is it because of Nicolas a capable man or a former purveyor?

Chrono sense tells him it is the latter, but after all, it is a sense of a boy which is less than twenty years old.

“But I think his att.i.tude is good enough to be trusted ”

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

Chrono moves his left arm to Leila’s waist.

“No! I did not try to touch your b.u.t.t”

“Since I am a mistress of Chrono-sama, please do whatever you like.”

while protesting, Chrono can’t resist the desire to touch Leila’s b.u.t.t.

“…… Chrono-sama?”

Leila’s cheek flushed, embarra.s.sed while Chrono let out a dried laugh.

“Of course I love you, but in my own way”

Chrono thinks it’ll be cool by returning a straight pitch here while touching Leila’s hair and ear.

“Is it because you guide my study, why you don’t love me? If so … then …”

Chrono takes a look at sandbox placed on the desk. Besides that, there are also round stones used to count numbers, also books used for reading stories.

At the beginning when I started teaching Leila seems bothered, but recently came to my room and begin to ask. ‘What are you going to teach me today?’

“And studying is fun right?”

When the Chrono asks gently, Leila body shook like she was surprised,

“Yes, it is fun”
was happily answered.

Kan! Kan! the sound of hammer in one corner of Erakis Marquis house … from one of towers surrounding the house of Marquis Erakis… can be heard.

There are a furnace and an anvil, Charcoal are piled up like a mountain, and the dwarfs are hurriedly walking around.

“Captain, there’s something I’d like to ask?”

“Thanks to Chrono-sama, a wonderful workshop was built”

Ha ha ha, Chrono and Dwarf laughed.

“……I got all the materials but to actually build it”

With a harder tone of speaking, Chrono stares intensely at the captain of a hundred people.

“I’m expecting it”

This is not a false a.s.sumption. If we can make weapons and armor in this workshop it will save a lot of money. If we can develop weapons and armor of superior quality than what we have, More subordinates live might be saved.

“Chrono-sama, in reality … there was an idea of armor that I thought about when I was young”

“Yes! I will start right away!”

“Chrono, after not seeing for a while, you’ve become better at handling sub-human”

“What wrong if it’s me!”

“Giving a magic weapon to sub-human. Build a workshop for them. e e e… e every night, you bring that half-elf t.. to bed. Aren’t you spoil them too much?”

By the way, the subordinates of Marquis Erakis … Where did my colleague or human soldier go?

“Sorry, I listen about halfway”

Is she tricked by a half-elf marriage con artist? And Chrono stared at Tyria.

“If you understand, Then handover consolation money and drive out that half-elf”

eh? Tyria opened her eyes in surprise.

“isn’t that your imagination ?”
“Yes, maybe, even if Leila cheated on me as Tyria said, I promised to believe in Leila.”

“…… You”

“You are foolish! Stupid, idiots, I thought you were stupid. But you are a stupid idiot!”

“Hands of me!”

Tyria hit him, and Chrono fall on his back.

Turning back on Chrono, Tyria went back to the house of Marquis Erakis with rough footsteps.

“Chrono-sama, are you alright?”

“Your lip is bleeding too”

“Really, Chrono-sama really loves Leila na.”

Chrono wiped blood with the sleeve of the military uniform and stood up.

“Because Tyria wanted to go back to the imperial capital, I thought of going to search for servants.”
It is aimless, Chrono looked up at the sky.

As management is indispensable, just how many people need to manage the marquis house? I tried to remember my adopt father’s house, but I can not recall at all.

“For the time being, Let’s ask Mino-san for a soldier who wants to change job. They’re training outside of town today, will this cloth be alright?

Although he was told to get a servant, Chrono did not think that he could hire a servant easily without any connection.

If so, to inspect the city as well. He changed his clothes from military uniform to casual wear.

Right now he’s wearing a commoner tunic and hemp pants. However, it is too neat for a commoner, so if someone sees him they might have the impression of a rich kid.

After buying dried fruits by a street stall and negotiate with the peddler and get on the carriage.

The commercial district of Marquis Erakis public order is in a good condition as it is, but there are vagrants, orphan, and women who seem like prost.i.tutes.

“Marquis of Erakis has crushed all the poor relief temple, but you don’t need to sympathize them. It’s because they don’t have enough effort.”

(tl: poor relief temple/inst.i.tution sound weird but this will make sense later)

When Chrono murmured, the peddler scorn which did not try to conceal his thoughts.

“I see”

“It seems that the priestess of the earth temple is giving them food them, …. but if you go around the feeding them, they will only get a lazy habit.”

Because I don’t want to be kicked out of the carriage, Chrono talked appropriately.

Earth(Yellow soil) temple … one of the six pillar G.o.d, the temple that devotes to “Yellow mother G.o.ddess who govern abundant harvest.”

Besides the “Crimson G.o.d who governs destruction.” who the commander of Argo Kingdom believed. There’re “Blue G.o.ddess who governs life”, “Green G.o.d who governs vicissitudes.”, the father of G.o.d “While G.o.d who governs order.” and his wife “Black G.o.ddess who governs chaos.”

The reason why we called them with such a long name because it’s said to be taboo to call a name of a G.o.d recklessly. And only those who know real names of G.o.ds are only certain amount of G.o.d’s technique user with strong power.

For that reason. The six-pillar G.o.d which is also believed in the Cepheus Empire, but the political influence of the temple is not so great.

There is the first Emperor of the Empire of Cepheus “The temple is not related to the worldly people!” thoroughly oppressed it.

“here is good.”

When Chrono jumped off near the gate, the peddler gives a farewell word with a rough feeling. (tl: he use ボン which shorten word use to call rich kids)

“Now, the one used for practice…”

Fortunately, a training field …… is just a wasteland, there is only a pile of trees … was found immediately.
today is not long after they discharge from the hospital, So they practicing in a pair in magic and bows for each tribe.

Training actual battle is to organize units of one hundred people, but in this situations where there are neither cavalry nor archers, it will not work.

“Uuu, Amazing strength.” Although the pair of a

I never want to fight a fist fight which uses log like a wooden stick.

They probably noticed Chrono.

“Generals …… your lip is injured.”

“Generals can be careless too na. Did you come to see Leila today?”

fuuuu ~ the adviser breathed out of his nose.

“How many people?”

“I think that the salary will be cheaper than the army but I will hire all of them.”

“I can’t just throw them out isn’t it, what about elves?”

In truth I just want to ask about ration for men and women, Chrono glared at the adjutant.

“I didn’t think that far, it is a totally happy miscalculation.”
If I had a.s.sumed it from the beginning, I would increase the budget.

“General. Don’t you want to see Leila, She stays just over there.”

Rapid succession …… It hit the tens of meters beyond the speed which makes me realize the meaning of such words.
the fact from what I see other elves in view, Leila seems to be an excellent archer.

“Leila is really good at archery.”

because she is a half-elf? Chrono narrowed his eyes.

so that’s why they restrain Leila back then, Chrono was strangely convinced.

“That’s for sure.”
In the end, Chrono left the training ground without meeting with Leila.

Because he was a little hungry, Chrono decided to drop in at the dining room that Leila used for medical treatment.

The dining hall was deserted … … There were no customers other than Chrono, and Okami-san had been wiping the counter with a rag of cloth.

“For inspecting the city incognito.”

“Well, call me Chro-“Young master!””

“There is only bread and soup, will you eat it?”

It is not that I am a sn.o.bbish kid playing inspecting the city ……

“Yes, young master”

I felt that saltiness was a bit insufficient, but Chrono eats the soup without complaining.

“It’s not good, recently … I don’t know, since the replacement of the marquis, the strange tax has increased, such as kitchen hearth taxes, firewood taxes, my place is just a small shop like this really was in the deficit … … Although it was a store that finally set up with a dead husband. if this go on it will be gone with the dept.
It was heavier than I expected, Chrono silently eats bread.

“Because young master is not the bad one, please don’t make that face. Yea, there is also good news. like Erakisu Marquis was arrested on charges of embezzlement and a new lord is coming”

Fu~ and Chrono pretending to be indifferent.
Although there’s a saying that , it seems that some secret is kept.

“Come to think of it, what about that half-elf girl?”

She smiled like a mischievous kid.

“To be frank, she’s my mistress now.”

Okami-san disappointedly said.

“If I’m 10 younger, I’ll also going to apply for your mistress.”

It’s the eyes of a starving beast, Chrono hurriedly drinks the soup.

“Hey, young master”

That sweet voice sounds like a carnivorous beast to him.

I’ve come to a meal Chrono try to take the bread …… and dropped it.

“… Hey, young master?”

She presses Chrono’s hand against her breast.

“Are you trying to embarra.s.s a woman?”

The lady sat on a thigh of Chrono and floated a captivating smile.

When I first met I judged her to be in mid-thirties, looking up close she looks a bit younger.

is it? The landlady was tilted her neck like she can not understand.

Fui ~, She went back to the seat next to him with a disappointed face.

“Well, I might be n.o.ble but..”

To tell the truth, while Chrono receives a salary as an officer, he also receives a remittance from his foster parent, so there are money that he can use freely, but

“I’m telling you I don’t care!”

“When it comes to that kind of relationship, I want to do something terrible.”

“First I’ll lock you in a dungeon”

“wearing a collar like slave and hitting with a whip. Oh, the shackles and the fetters are the default. Eating food in all four Then …… xx and xx to the a.s.s, and I’ll ●● to your △△ too”

“That’s scary! You, what are you thinking? ”

“How much is the debt you own?”

Che…Chrono seriously clicks his tongue.

“…… 100 gold coins”

“What kind of? Ahhh, I don’t accept work in the bas.e.m.e.nt!”

“The cook of the house Marquis Erakris”

“I think that it is safe to protect the store even if you work as a cook and repay your debt.”

ugh, her voice was clogged.

“Fine, but I want a reply by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If the answer is decided, please come to the Marquis of Erakis house  … ask for Chrono Crawford If you say that the gatekeeper will take over. ”
” … understood”

the lady replied in a small voice.

Maybe I was hated by Okami-san, Chrono follows the way back home.
It was her who tempt and tried to take Chrono in s.e.xual and monetary meaning, so I want to forgive that much.

“She should come and the remaining problem is the accounting?”

Given the literacy rate of the Cepheus Empire, it seems difficult to secure talented persons who can take care of them unexpectedly.

I do not have a connection to pull it out from other places, and I do not want to make extra enemies.

“It isn’t also realistic to bring up one by oneself. I don’t want to put myself under a debt, but I should consult with Nicolas.”

When I was thinking about such a thing, I found a girl selling some flowers the other day.

She is trying to sell flowers with a stagger like a feverish walk, but no one seems to care.


He has put in too much fighting spirit Uhya~! disregard what might have become, Chrono diving catch girl on the verge of being run over, and escaped to the safety zone while rolling on the ground.

and greatly hit on his head.

“…e? I Aaah the flowers!”

“Thas is dangerous!”

the flowers selling girls rattling and trembled. Biting her nails like a withdrawal symptom.
It was Andersen ‘s fairy tale “The Little Match Girl” that pa.s.sed the mind of Chrono.

“I will pay for the flowers and baskets.”

The skin peeking from the collar is pathologically white, and the body is thin enough to see the clavicle.

“Oh, Chrono-sama!”

Apparently, the horse carriage that’s almost run over the girl belongs to Pics.

“Oh, I don’t have any major injuries.”

“At least, even with treatment alone …… Lips, as well as on the forehead.”

Nicola looked at the girl and narrowed his eyes sadly.
“Yes, naturally”

There are branch offices throughout the Cepheus Empire, the Erakis Marquis house branch of Pics firm is built in a prime location in the commercial district.

Although the size of the building is inferior to other businesses, the number of employees’ hospitality is one or two steps higher.

Chrono secretly decided, when buying Leila’s clothes and underwear, or underwear, and underwear let’s do it here.

The office of Pics which was guided by Nikolas was very neat.

“If it is about wound treatment, this girl first.”

Ye~s! And Vel jumped into the office with the first-aid kit in one hand.

“Ye~s branch manager!”

Although it is a treatment to the extent that water is spread and a bandage is rolled up.

When Vel wrapped a bandage around the head of Chrono, she quickly returned to work.

“I am sorry, Vel just becoming a commercial member for a short time, and her manners are not perfect. Oh, how about a cup of tea and a sweet?”

Oh. I’m expecting a golden candy, but unfortunately, it was an ordinary tea and confectionery.

“You can eat mine too.”

Now Chrono slowly drinking black tea in his mouth while looking at the girl who eats sweets eagerly.

“…… paper hah.”

“Even it is hard to find at the house of Marquis Erakis, is it that unusual?”

“I wonder if it can be made at the workshop.”

If you can make it in the Cepheus Empire, it will be cheaper at reducing the cost of shipping and the Marquis Erakis territory will be profit.

“Chrono-sama, how is our work?”

Fuu, Nicolas breathed a sigh of relief.
“Right now I’m going to be personal …… territory management problems. Isn’t there a person who can be an accountant?”

“There are educated accounting, and when it comes to a trusted person”

“Sir, If you want one by all means, there is one way.”

Aham Nicolas cleared his throat.

“Is there an educated slave?”
Indeed, educated and slaves are two things Chrono can not connect with.

“Because there are various circ.u.mstances in slavery”

Chrono wasn’t enthusiastic, but maybe Nicolas isn’t that enthusiastic, either.

After finishing the small exchange, when I left Pics firm, the sun was about to fall.


She does not run away from Chrono, maybe because he has not paid money.

“Who do you live with?”

Chrono asked the girl answered briefly.

“Because mommy was sick, I have to work hard. Just enough to eat is the m-, I have to giving it my all just to have something to eat.”
Is she realizing that Chrono is a n.o.ble? The girl hurriedly rephrased.

(tl: 2nd one is more polite. she speaks like a certain . clink that link nano!)

A girl takes Chrono’s hand and went to the outer edge of the city.

“I’m OK with Onii-san(older brother). then, for once, I’m a n.o.ble.”
mu, said the girl. her eyebrows wrinkle and silenced.

“Do you dislike the n.o.bles?”

The girl desperately said Chrono had no choice but to smile bitterly.

“Mama worked at the house of Marquis Erakis, but she got sick and kicked out.”

“I also dislike soldiers, but I like dog soldiers, they are white and fluffy and they always help us”
Great job, my men! And Chrono praised his men in his heart.

After the sun set, Chrono finally reached the girl’s house.
It is a poor house suitable for calling shacks, and the houses around it are also similar.

“… … The security seems to be bad”

With less than three seconds the anxiety hit home.

A hoodlum uncle caught a voice.

“What’s this, you brat!”

A dull shock strikes the chest.
It seems likely that he can put down this degree of an opponent with bare hands, but it is impossible while protecting the girl.

“Oiii, anyone around?”

While hiding the girl, Chrono chewed on the difficulty of using the only magic skill he knows.

The next moment uncle swung up his arms, an arrow shoot at his feet and a white wind pa.s.sed through right beside Chrono.

A wolf centurion captain wields the uncle in a blink of an eye and intimidates the men who came out of the dark.

“General, is it okay to kill them all?”

With the word exchange between him and his aide huge figure, they ran.

“Laila, I was saved”
While wary of the surroundings, Leila gathered up so as to shield Chrono.

“Chrono-sama, this neighborhood is a particularly bad area in

“I experienced it first-hand”

“Mino-san, Leila … … Because there is a business, will you wait a while?”

“I will secure a withdrawal at the risk of my life”

“Would you let me meet your mother?”
“Fine, how come?”

The girl’s mother was doing sewing work on the bed but jumped from the bed as she saw the bandage wrapped around the girl.

“I was going to be run over by a carriage and Onii-san helped me.”

“I don’t know who you are, thank you very much for helping my daughter.”

Chrono caught his eyes as he ceased conversation.

Fatherless family …… Even though the mother who supports household is sick, no one delivers a helping hand.

“I am looking for servants now”

Alison to tightly clinging to her mother.
“Treatment expenses …… I’ll pay in advance. When the disease is cured, is fine if it is possible to repay at a reasonable pace. If possible ….. It feels intimidated for the work the children, such as Alison chan but, both of you would like to work in my mansion.”

Allison’s mother seems to be confused at exceptional treatment, but there are no ways but to believe in Chrono.

“… I understand ”
after a while, Alison’s mother accepted Chrono’s proposal.

Immediately packing up, Chrono took an adjutant, Leila, a centurion captain wolf demi-human, Allison and her mother, Then head to marquis house.

Chrono holds Alison’s hands, His aide lifts Alison’s mother.

It was Leila who first noticed the commotion at Erakis Marquis House.

“was it Okami-san?.”

Okami and the gatekeeper were having a dispute at the gate of Erakis Marquis house.

“Don’t lie! The Crawford Baron will not call a woman like you! Go back at once !”

Okami-san was quite an aggressive person na, Chrono made a major revision of the first impression including today’s case.

“Ah, you guys”

*Kishing* the gatekeeper, straighten his back.

“That’s why I said that I was called by Chrono-sama!”

“Hah? can’t even say one word of apologies. what’s your problem!”

“Okami-san, what’s your reply?”

While calming the excited gatekeeper, Chrono sighed in his mind.
Well, what the heck … This seems to be a long way to go.

Hoo, boy. That’s 5.2k words chapter. Some place may sound a bit weird since my chrome froze because of the amount of word and chrome protest to spell-checks for me. About the 6th times, I just type from my memories.

I change from Owner to Okami to get the feel of later on. since she is not the owner anymore. right now she’s a cook at the maquis house. Image down below! with spoilers free mosaic.

and NO I won’t change the suffix and Onii-san things. THIS is a power of translator muahahaha.

that’s it. 4.5 will be Leila’s POV. This is the end of arc 1 first half. Glossary. and then Arc 1 latter half.

PS. I can’t believe I was so engrossed in translated that I miss the notification about Tales of Berseria 40% sale. And why would you make it on sale just one night hah? Mr. Bandai Numco. Let’s wish it will be on Humble monthly pack today.

Tyria / Okami / Kurono
From Vol2 I think?

look at those bewbs

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